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Thomas Kay Sep 2012
Down the street
With empty feet
They walk from A to B
Without even moving
Without even knowing
Not a care in the world
No plan to change the world
They don't even know they have a purpose and they don't know where to go

Down the road
With heavy load
They carry all the weight
Of everything they hate
They take off the glove
To feel that which they have lost
To feel that which they love when they don't even know what love is

Not even seeing the road marked salvation
They trudge through their lives without rhyme or reason
They pass through the seasons as they come around again
And they miss the sign they've been led to their whole life

Or is it easier
To go with the flow
Staying faceless in a faceless world
Alone and unknown
To follow your eyes
Because God's been outgrown
To put down the rose and fold the flag
Because it's just not your thing

Down the street
With empty feet
They make their way from A to B
With not even so much as a foot in the door…
Thomas Kay Sep 2012
To France, Germany, Italy, Spain
I can't run away from life and its pain
I hit the trail, I hop the freight train
And so does my dearest, my lovely Jane
She died back in Abilene and was buried alone
And now I know, she's not the only one
She haunts me night, she haunts me day
My feet drag behind me, they beg me to stay
This sorrow has me by the ankles and is ripping me down
And I'm stuck at the bottom of the ocean, unable to drown
I travel the deserts, starving and thirsty
And the heat and sand are my only friends
I'll never see her again, yes, this I know
And so I'm doomed to this life of woe
Thomas Kay Sep 2012
I don't know what this is
I don't know why it is

All I know is I love her
All I know is I hate her

I go around at day
Blindly following her away

But during the night
I see it's just that way

She tells me that she loves me
But I don't think that she knows

She's blindly tearing me
Tearing me apart

I wake up in the morning
And forget all that night knows

I blindly follow her at day
As she's blindly tearing me apart
Thomas Kay Sep 2012
Baby, don't trust you
You'll always let you down
I know from experience
I'm what I fear most

Take my word for it
You're the worst thing around
There's nothing worse for you than you

All my life, I've been breaking myself
Taking myself
Hating myself
I'm the only one to blame
Everything's the same
When the needle breaks into your vein

I wish it weren't so
My fear of myself
But I've always been my own worst enemy
I've left all the scars
And locked up in bars
Everything that I've ever felt
Thomas Kay Sep 2012
Throw out a book
Open to an ink-blotted page
Looks like a bird;
A butterfly;
A man with a screwdriver fixing a hole where the rain gets in.
Where will it go?
Red carpet rolling out of a scaly green mouth. The chameleon steals it away and slips away to his tree to find it cut down by an axe with a man.
Where will it go?
A white feather is all that remains as the scales are swept away by an agent of the wind.
Where does it all go?
To the ground?
To the sky?
Greed has come and gone; taking with him all that is left.
Thomas Kay Sep 2012
Visions of the end swallow my mind
I see a man.
A man standing there.
Standing there with his hands in his pockets.
He’s talking to me. Speaking in my mind.
Crushing me with his words.
He’s stepping on the fingers that desperately hold on.
All I want is to know.
I fall into the nothingness
Everything becomes obvious.
I see how it began.
I see how it ends.
I see how I end, with only the birds as my friends.
They’re all gone.
I’m all alone with only the birds as my friends.
They all left me because I couldn’t stop knowing.
I’m ripped apart as the birds carry me away like bread crumbs in Central Park.
They bicker and fight as they fly.
Snatching me away from each other's beaks and claws.
I wonder if they know that I’ve died.
I wonder if they care that they’re the only ones left.
Thomas Kay Sep 2012
The size, do you see it?
That nefarious beast overwhelming
But suddenly the beast is overwhelmingly gone
It's absence, it confounds me to the very bitter end
I search and I search
Till my fingers fall away
Then inside of me, the final searching place
And there, as I peer inside, lurks the hideous beast intrinsic
Desecrating the make-shift temple of my unclean heart
But then, a fulminating voice from above:
Reach inside and pluck him out from your unclean heart
Snarling, the beast lands on the leaves, and cries out as he falls
Through the earth and through the fire as he is finally ruined
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