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The Darkness Sep 2012
Smoking pipe resin
Is much better than smoking
Nothing at all.
The Darkness Sep 2012
Primative man, pre written word had it easy,
When it came to wooing a woman,
It was as easy as
Lugging a 150 lb log
A few miles,
Fending off a pack of wolves with a stick and a torch,
All so your Cro-Magnon flower could have something to sit on,
To keep off the cold cave floor,
While she weaves baskets, and cures skins.
The simple song,
Or the rabbit pelt and the shiny stone
Have devalued, since the arrival of currency.
But a poem,
Masterfully crafted,
Is a currency all its own.
The value of which is determined,
Not by the poet...
But by the reader.
The Darkness Sep 2012
Looking like a *******,
And repeating these same words everyday
Was not enough.
It was never enough.
I am not enough.
I will never be enough.
Hurting others
To try and put a smile on your face.
Rejecting all else...
Not enough...
My style of worship isn't appreciated..
Not enough.
Never enough.
Ever enough?
Never enough
The Darkness Aug 2012
Has anyone ever actually eaten a desiccant packet.
I mean, has anyone picked a packet from a bag of jerky
And said "This doesn't look like jerky, and it doesn't feel like jerky,
Let me eat it anyway"
And, even if someone did eat one,
And they died..
Would it really be a bad thing to get rid of someone that stupid?
The Darkness Aug 2012
I've heard people say love doesn't exist,
And by some definitions, maybe it doesn't exist.
But seriously, if you look at it this way,
People take pleasure in making other people happy.
Not all people sure. Some people are wired wrong,
Sadists and homicidal obsessives, actively serve
What I would call hate. Yet they do so with seeming indifference.
But, on average, the joy of giving joy exists, on some form.
Even ego-centric actors and politicians,
Who seem to be driven by selfish goals,
But even they take a measure of pleasure,
When a fan says "Hey I saw you guys in the Meadowlands,
And you rocked, best concert of my life!"
"Senator Williams, I just wanted to thank you personally
For the kind words you said about my son,
It brought some closure to our loss."
When you have a particular person who you enjoy pleasing,
And who you know enjoys pleasing you,
Well , what do you call that?
Take it a step further, and add the fact, that when that person is hurting
You hurt. Their pain
Becomes yours.
Now, occasional petty jealousy aside,
Isn't it fair to call that feeling something?
Call it love, call it Love, call it Tigger Yum Yum,
But don't deny it exists.
Because I've seen it with my own eyes.
And I believe them before I believe silly lies.

If a monster like me could find that feeling,
And live inside of it...
Anyfuckingbody can.
The Darkness Aug 2012
Did you hear the news?
Someone hijacked HP.
The Darkness Aug 2012
They say
that the real forbidden fruit in the bible,
wasn't actually an apple,
but a pomegranate...
which I can believe.
I takes an hour and twenty five minutes to eat one,
and they leave your mouth and fingers
all red and sticky.
Apples are a pretty tame snack in comparison,
makes you wonder what the moral of any story really is.
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