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Styles 12 Aug 2017
her voice won't stop dancing
between my days

she brings clarity
like a library to the homeless

on a sweltering August day when
cops are trigger happy and water fountains out of order.

I want to pull behind her eyes
and float her hidden dreams.

feather bound on sovereign wind,
gusted up out of cynical cracks
cities wear like so many scabs.

erase the gang signs carved on every window, bridge, wall,

her clean eyes will tell them
how we're all the same thing
at the core.

Soul is colorless.

No red, no blue about it.

I want to sing inside her covers

Autumn splashes
  electric air

deer leaping over cruel distances

click mute all the impossibility of
can't from her busy schedule.

I am driving inside her Pacific ocean eyes and they crash my stillness
with blue bliss mystery.

her voice like a sun flare curling
a dragon's nail across a merciless city.

I am just an ember being dragged beneath her scrape leaping up sparks in extraordinary electric air.
Styles 12 Apr 2017
I could not measure you by drops
  even though I felt them soften
    every thistle threatening
          to over take the meadow
              of my humanity.

The only way back to YOU
    relied on

putting out the deep seeded violence of the fire
mowing through grass
destroying everything

I held sacred, or so I thought.

      The only way back to YOU
             relied on rainfall

I had to generate
from deep within.

My meadow no longer burns
but grows with what I saw
    smile at me
       in her emerald enchanted eyes
            on a day when happiness
                never ends.
Styles 12 Apr 2017
After she broke through the gates she said her prayers were trapped behind enemy lines. Her Fukishima tears crashed poisonous waves to foreign shores.

I knew how it felt to be thrown in a hole left with vipers.

They still hiss at me in nightmares except now I confront them, unafraid of their venom.

My first dream paddled me through a lush heavenly river, a beautiful angel rowed, I sat at the bow facing her.

She told me long stories I cannot remember. I never felt so safe as when I spent time with her.

Time spent in a fallen world made pure waters metamorphosis to chemical troubles.

My prayers joined all the others
and sailed the jail free sky of hope.

I left her memory in a place my voice cannot travel into. Or maybe it can.

I wonder if she knows her stories paddle through my veins struggling for remembrance.

They say empathy is a wounded healer, I wonder if they know I have felt them in the distance.

Cries so intense my sensitivity got scarred on a tree engraved with the whole world's initials.

Never the same again, I understand how consciousness is a wide forever river pressing closer to empathetic ocean.

I once tried to protect myself from everything by forgetting her elegant lotus petals. Spikes in my eyes taught me invaluable lessons.

Some say empathy is a weakness.

I know now that it leads to our strongest miracle.

Who are we without compassion?

A blinded monster killing everything.

Empathy is a wounded healer.

Forgive yourself and remember your lotus petals so you can help others open up their own gardens.

We can only hope they all remember.
Styles 12 Apr 2017
End of day.
Sunset sinks into you,
smears edges of yourself
into the glow where more of you
Is gathered.

They say nothing is there
but I know better.

I felt you lift me up
the brightest love I've ever known.

The angels speaking, sweetest words I can't remember.

You are gone now.

Caked with your residue,
my fuse still lit
sizzling for your explosions.

Expansion is where we all are headed.

Be ready to explode out of yourself.
You are free.
Glowing the edges of things not seen.
Styles 12 Jul 2017
What I wanted to say escaped
into thunderstorm
  blending into puzzles of Grey.

What I wanted to say struggled to breathe, broke out of strait jacket
helped me to burn free.

What I wanted to tell you lunged
   for  depths I could not reach
      wrapping aches with
          scarlet mist.

Blocking my way
through thunderous gates,

I whispered to railroad tracks
  watched a disfigured mutt
    run away with my moan.

Locomotive eyes, its coat, black as coal mine night as if moonless waters rippled longingly for light in an unseen pocket,

where words
  fall apart in somebody
    else's mouth after visiting with

I heard it all take my ink
as your invisible hand
  drained it dry,

a disemodied voice
  in my ear
    calmly telling me
      to breathe
         deep waters

  and just be.
Styles 12 May 2017
Blaze a desert into me
  carve a flood of words
in this dry terrain
where any flood is welcomed.

Evaporate into me
I remember when we
soared together
high in this misted utopia.

It seems cruel to
remember us
like that,
after burning alive
in unforgiving sand,

suddenly forgetting
what a river feels like.
Styles 12 Apr 2017
Ever since the miracle happened I've hardly been able to talk to people.

I use to be charismatic.
I'm not sure what happened.
Silence is my new language
I used as a child.

My eyes stare out the windows at work, drifting far off, tugging on ideas for a sunken continent I'm trying to make rise.

All I see are pages blowing, belittled in a snowy meadow breeze, stripped out from a notebook-
angels write on in my dreams.

All day long
a key to a door
taken back by the unfair storm.

Ever since the miracle happened I have been mopping up spilt awe with words that don't sound right.

I can't get my pen around it.

This hidden continent is too gigantic.

It lies buried under gallons of black and cerulean sea.

Day or night.
It doesn't matter.

Something strange is happening to me.

I've never felt any metamorphosis like it.

Killer pitbulls don't bark at me even though they bark at everyone else.

All my old problems are evaporated
like nothing ever happened.

I met a man who told me
"You look so clear."

People don't know what to make of me, they just stare and smile through me like I have big white wings.

Ever since the miracle happened it feels like I've been walking around in a dream.

My dreams feel more real than the unreal of this place.

My friend told me
"There is nobody like you."
Maybe little Jazzy is right.
I don't know.

Her statement keeps pacing back and forth on my front porch like

I don't feel lost anymore.

I need a master to help me with how to tame this ocean of light streaming incredibly through me from another place I can't see.

This miraculous initiation threw red carpet down for my feet to glide across.

This unnamed feeling sitting inside me like a hidden continent dreaming to break free.

Ever since the miracle happened
All I want to do is sing.
Styles 12 May 2017
It hits
knuckle flamed
on a street
that took your fascination
gave it wheels
a blurred rush
testing speed
squealing tires
craving to scar road
smoke lingered
processed itself through trees.

Red iron eyes absorbing
It Spoke desire
lit up dark corners
opened up stalls to wonders
grew outside of time
became more
than just a feeling
knocking away sleep
stalking dream.

It left signs
guided your blindness
left unexplained footprints
on a snowy trail
leading you to what lies behind
rainbow promise.

It spoke calmly
wished itself upon you
begged me to hear
wanted to be known
a invisible magician
speaking gold rush scripture
fluid and loose
pages torn loose
from a safe in spirit room.

It engraved you
with its miracle
whispered I Love You
when everybody hated You.

It grew lush
flew crisp
a new leaf
defying all logic
tapping at doors
that left you wondering
about empty spaces
this life
crinkled hope
before skin
when everything
circled perfect
the best
Father lived in every house.
Styles 12 Aug 2017
Every step is hushed between tall hedges as if your whisper intertwined morning dew onto every green leaf spoken into me.

Every step wished for her hand on my August Face hoping to cool a brutal burn as I scaled twelve thousand rungs

in two months thinking her name and every day

persistent drops pooling as puddle transformed to lake,

no telling her depth
no longer knowing certainty
only mystery marked as X.

Every step sliding with full moonlight lips daring to kiss an ache for full stretched wings.

Every pane of glass relecting calm sea as Seagulls floating free
let wind do its

perfect gliding thing.

If it were up to me
I would make her my ocean front property,

not owning anything

she is a feather writing hidden
poems to under currents,

her blast swirling gracefully around Iron,

steel men imprisoned on rooftops
every inferno step
driving nomadic thoughts
closer to Sea.

Every step branding their sweat to red clay tiles, arms bulging through iron.

Every thought holding flames
stronger than what
anyone can lift

except a feather driven from wing

gloating to steel
how easy it is
to let go

and fly

standing out

to callous eyes

what a solemn heart
burns to describe
when it's finally lifted above itself

understanding it is more
than all of this.
Styles 12 Dec 2017
Everything silence
morning light greets you
tap my temples
wish me real
my eyes closing
in your covers
warm words rising
on grey rain clouds
birds sing her thoughts
she dances inside wet leaves
wonders bled out of her cage
her flight went mystical dance
spun circles round the Sun.

The Sun smiled graciously
every day waiting for her passage.

I live to shine on you.

Everything silence.
When I close my eyes
You streak me inside.

I have zero proof
You landed here
but my evidence doesn't matter.

As long as we know.

Who cares what the heartless say?
Styles 12 May 2017
Flames of ghost
  behind inner eyes
dancing there
on Caribbean sand.

Majestic satin maroon
playing genius on a skyline
quiet eyes prying into velvet sheen
melting for your touch before birth.

One cosmic being
before split
Your ghost flickering my frame
scalping my words with
Invisible blade.

Dawn and moon
possessed her eyes
made her morning sing alive
while night still brooded over leaving.

Contrast and comparison
dropping off Spring and Fall
on your immaculate, trashed lawn.

Your eyes drawn in by
flawless colors.

Flames of ghost
manifested in both outer and inner.

Fascination bleeding everywhere.
Styles 12 Apr 2018
Stretching out
  chopping across air
stealth mode on

logic executed
  down on knees
shot 3 times, point blank range.

I left it bleeding
  to peek beneath your velvet covers
hoping to understand
our connection.

I dropped my shield

hoped at least
  for one glimmer of insight
before you threw me

out amongst
  the bloodthirsty wolves
good thing I kept my blade.
Styles 12 Feb 2019

Part of the shape you hold
hidden deep in pine grain

split open by an axe of light
reveals intricate textures

a secret color
whispering to dawn
choose me.

Stealing into woods
an exiled poem
unable to write

a stealthy dynamite light speaks
without words

there is depth unsung

a bruised peach leaked to faraway sunsets
if buckets or ropes could reach
a silent explosion

how this small mouth
downpoured secret rain.


Ripe enough to remember
pearls hidden in clover

nameless as the feeling
when someone you love
swallows suicide

only to come back to tell you
how to cultivate explosions of frequency
planted deep in rich patterns.

"All you have to do is let light axe you wide open and surrender to gravity."
If you have been brutally boken from the world and still have the courage to be gentle to others, then you deserve a love deeper than the ocean itself."

-I forget who wrote this but man it got me good. Blew my head clean off. Boom!
Styles 12 Apr 2017
Walking out from the protection of egg shell, your wings exploded on a red-orange horizon.

When the cage came down, your snagged wings bled out sunset fire.

Addictions hung you out to dry.

Slowly over years the noose of their lies scarred the scattered truth and flung it beyond darkening hills.

Monsters kept rising up from the scar that never healed and blasted contempt for All.

Pieces of egg shell glinting on your feet from the bright dream you emerged from.

Nothing makes sense down here until you start to investigate.

When the sunset fire starts to reach out with its long coloured tendrils and the smashed wings begin to repair itself after years of search.

When the insatiable ache for truth starts tapping the distances with its telepathic antenna and the ghost of heaven comes down to heal you.

As the clear path in your heart is pruned and the resurrected star of truth explodes inside your space-

When you leave your body
  and your best friend whispers your name in heaven,

maybe then you'll finally wake up.

My eyes and heart are open.
How bout you?
Styles 12 Sep 2017
Never softest as dropping down, seeping in, mingling in quiet dust, knowing wind will make it all rise.

Never softest as her smile after crying,
stilling hummingbird
in eye of storm.

Only God's love can heal the world.
Styles 12 Apr 2017
rippling toward shore
tiny suns and wind
flood waves with a
faceless author,
leaving the dazzling white crowd sizzling on
as they bite their pens for a autograph they'll never get until they die.
Styles 12 Apr 2018

Fall to me wraithlike
  adorned in crowns of underbrush

pick up my shattered vertebrae
  in the hollows.

I already died.
Nothing ends.

Meet me at wood's edge.

In potent corridors rich and alive
with tall towering greenery.

Explain this blossom to us.

In due time.

Accept our flickering Spring flashes
  gushing piping hot within us.


I bear your hunger
curled in crest
when lightning flared me.

Never let me
forget again.

Remember children,  
  this is where a fallen star lives.


Fear raised me.
I bore its fangs.

Darkness I became.

Pulsing out big bangs  
nothing shattered like us before.

Wrath of fallen angels scorn.


My empathy for you stretches through time.

Smouldering ruins of your house infected mine.

Shall we not return as brothers
  stronger now
brighter than before?


I left my letter on your broken doorstep.

I will be waiting for your response.

It is my advice for you to accept the path of least resistance.
Styles 12 Feb 2019


is like
being held prisoner
brave gaze

black stripes


Autumn Orange Moons


Styles 12 May 2017
Far away I thought You were-
for so long now my heart's been fighting
all this darkness
all around me, inside me
like a broken sword I could not fix alone......

Far away I thought you were
my face smashed cruel in darkness,
my hands bound tight with steel,
my mind trapped low in cages- my prayers on fire- dying....
so much love kept hidden-
every word was lost.

Far away I thought you were,
no kind justice on my side,
no fair game that i could see.

Rage burns hot enough to fester,
sorrow became a planet,
mercy a hanging dead man,
Europa became a home and all the ice a familiar story integrated in every bone.

Far away I thought you were...

Every country an enormous lie
Every Army a blind massacre
Every TV a space invader
with strings that play the puppets.

A mass invasion on common sense and Good will.

A mass invasion on my soul.

What a hard game to learn to play.
What a cruel deal to have to watch.

All this pointless death in the name of Power and Religion,
so many threats to life
running blindly to freely execute....

How can they not know what they are doing?
Have they cremated Care?
How many lies can one man take?
How many dark roads along this stretch?

Far away I thought You were
left abandoned and impaled

I could not hear you from such distance
I did not see any goodness left to cradle.

I banished myself from the kingdom- turned rogue
and left myself to torture.

Far away i thought you were, no reason left to live.

All my love and hopes were shattered until sunlight came sneaking in.
Insightful whispers draping down like rainfall to mountain peak.

Please turn it green again.

A powerful love from a boundless world not far away at all. who knew you could fit inside the heart? who knew your promise to be real? how bright is your spirit light tonight?

I gazed inside for you from some perfect rooftop I thought as dream- a golden city blinded me like a wish that boomeranged back belief, and restored my faith and love.

Far away I thought you were until a friendly knock came tapping at my door and I realized that you were the one wanting to be found.

Please connect me back to you.

I could not see your light from so far below the ground.

Far away i thought you were- my heart was a sail in a tumultuous storm flapping lonely with no sight of friend nor shore.

Far away I thought You were with only a vague sense of You on the other side of some incredible, invisible door.

Please Connect me back to You and turn it green again.

© 2014 Scott Lee
Styles 12 Jul 2017
Wordless, she sat
thinking of her murdered son
as she watched the black and white cruiser go by.

No Protect and Serve about it.

A black crow flies above good and evil, impervious to it all.

The words of the master like an echo in her mind whispering across space and time.

"Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do."

Meanwhile, she could not keep her hand from caressing the hand cannon sitting like a black shark on her dining room table.

Her skin leaking out a hidden volcano pouring on the steps of injustice.

The friendly hand of mercy arm wrestling with another kind of hand.

Every breath she drew in shook  because she didn't know which hand
would win.

Fire or water.
Which one do you choose?
The Warrior of the Light never forgets the old saying:
The good little goat doesn't bleat.

Injustices happen. Everyone finds themselves in situations they do not deserve, usually when they are unable to defend themselves. Defeat often knocks at the warrior's door.

At such times, he remains silent. He does not waste energy on words, because they can do nothing. He knows it is best to use his strength to resist and have patience, knowing that Someone is watching. Someone who saw the unnecessary suffering and will not accept it.

That someone gives him what he needs most: time. Sooner or later, everything will once work more in his favor.

A Warrior of the Light is wise; he does not talk about his defeats.

-Paulo Coelho
Styles 12 Apr 2017
Five minutes away from snowing
invigorating perfumed winds
dance the solitary trees.

Battleship clouds move in.
Crisp goes the air.
Light flakes swirling to the beat of their own drum.

Heavenly white I almost can
hear an angelic band play electric on their castle of smoothness.

Hands numb.
Mind blank.
Heart washed.
Soul clear.

I think of you and I picture the entire
Light of the Universe showering us
as we dance on a tropical shore.

Our hearbeats collected in a treasured book stored beneath the arm of God.

Soft waves crash.
The curtain lifts.
We see each other as we truly are as if we never knew judgment at all.
Styles 12 Aug 2017
Using broken nails to build my armor in order to protect myself against anything.

Gathering pieces of 2x4
to survive you.

Rebuilding a shattered tower.

A magic door awaits inside it.

The Magician is behind it, patiently waiting, eternity on its side,

holding secrets of a billion galaxies in its inhuman eyes.

The One residing in All things yet greater than all its parts.

I am reaching my hand through the portal, your golden healing elixir smoothing my broken nails, turning crumble into resurrection.

One eye.
Seeing through everything.

My trench of piles
anticipating more flow,

an ocean of clouds waiting to flood my prepared channel for the
masterpiece  of  Falling Rain.
Styles 12 Apr 2017
Following the fracture, I closed two eyes and opened up my 3rd one.

You fashioned me to the oceans elastic patience.

Aching for the masters haven I bled out wind to sing for you.

Following the fracture I dipped down below the surface to surrender to the undertow of Faith.

My one wish returned in the aftermath of break.

Risen up, You enhanced me.
Swelling blooms upon every hill verified what I always knew.

How light infiltrates beneath the skin once you forgive the mangled wounds.

Infiltrate me again.
I have never tasted a sweeter scent than You.
Styles 12 Jul 2017
I saw marks where the beast left its claw tracks in her vengeful eyes.

Heavy traffic filling her lanes, left hand holding her tired, sweaty head.

I felt gracious fingers graze outside her walls in which tenderness was denied access.

Follow the claw,
watch it divide.

Dollar signs in her eyes made her Insanely blind.

She broke free, a mechanic bull when day closed his burning eyes letting the lead foot do its speedy dance.

I felt the ****** fingers of compassion cruising down her rough exterior never giving up.

I witnessed the wide pool of love
quaking outside her gates.

I dove in and prayed for everyone.
Styles 12 Jun 2017
Leave my eyes
  walking through a solo
    forest alleyway

elegant fire
  zooming in your
    Hot white spotlight,

Leave me flapping
  on her gentle take off-
     plastered delicately
         on feathered flight-

cool night breeze
  mingling with awestruck limbs-

Needle's eye shedding experience
  from a wizard
    growing stronger and brighter
      Inside You.

Leave my jaw
   walking away
     bolting for a intuitive sunset

where your hand holds all the colors
  my mortality has forgotten.
Styles 12 May 2017
When I found myself frozen in that **** Hole place,
wishing only for music
I drifted down to find quiet waters.

Leaves rustled
birds glided
Perfect Sun
broke through miles and miles
of stone cold grey.

Something wonderful still engaged with fire, roasted me within my lonely hut and my eyes wanted to finally see it.

I knew if I couldn't free her from my heart she would lay me down face first,

my blood all running out
she would wear an icy smirk
walking away dropping me off
from that abandoned ledge.

I knew I had to climb out of the bottle and go find that misunderstood Legend responsible for Every Magic
trick that saved my life from myself.

I knew I had to climb far.

Who knows how long it would take on a shadowy street
where Truth is a dangerous commodity in a world soaked with lies?

No matter

At least now
I could follow the music
Of my Soul
and wipe that ***** smirk
right off her cold cold face.
Styles 12 Aug 2017
They say hell is a moonless night
with ferocious gusts breaking boughs off a gentle man's good nature.

Snapping blooms off tenderness
crushing down what God has given to shine.

I say love is a mysterious master
magnetically bound to follow his light encoded heart.

Thrown into fire, he comes out clean,  intact,  standing true in
violet fields of heaven.

They spread rumours like a vicious record, spinning around broken leaves on a hurricane of crown and power.

The only way to change it all
is to change yourself,


burrow deep into God's love
for sword of truth and
spirit power.
Styles 12 Apr 2017
Somebody aims a crossbow in your face but you do not flinch now that death's secrets has revealed itself to you.

Dead of night is a hangman creaking from a ceiling, stealing words.

His swaying motion distracting flow into stagnation.

Blizzard at the window capturing a white wizard of song.

Nothing can shut him up lately.
He mocks you through glass.
You feel with your fist,
lick the jagged crimson from every knuckle.

Slow to die,

this night freeze
stake in the bones
aching to flame
Nile flow into Red.

The ghostly arrival
speaks your name
crisp as the friend
you thought left you,

  so cold the entire country of hell
blindly shivered on your floor.

When you wake up:
Darkness is a rope around
your neck telling you
it ******* hates you
as it scars your breath
with memory.
Styles 12 Sep 2017
Always in the back of my mind
she sits there waiting, drinking whiskey
  counting stars, thinks of horses,
    packs her wonder on invisible stallions
lets them trot from gleam to nova,

on the back porch, feet kicked up,
sometimes smiles dress her with wedding gown memories
  before all her wonder is rounded up
    penned up in lonely stables

All I want to do
   is go inside
   speak to them
tell them
Everything will be alright.

Soothe all those memories of storm
  when fire too wild to capture
    broke loose
   and every single beautiful creature

harmed by broken boards and flames.
Styles 12 Apr 2017
Her smile is a book written by Glade
  showered by May Sun
investigating deep Spring Green
my eyes rolled over in
glimmering glow,

butterflies hovered in trance
even they didn't know what to do.

She peeled back the cover
  and the first line dipped into
every place you ached to be
  all at once.

She was Fire in every Maple
deciding to run through our eyes
and permanently scald us when the wind took it all away.

Her departure twisted nights into
Dracula's twin blades
and our favorite book,   erased.

How long did it take for you to recover?

It took me forever and a day.
Styles 12 Apr 2017
Walls tumbling as I tunneled
inch by gruelling inch
drinking dust.

Walls tumbling as I tunneled
day after day
eating dust.

Walls tumbling as I tunneled
month by month
wearing garments of dust.

Walls tumbling as I tunneled
year by year,
no love.


finally out
and this grey black dust
taken off by sweet silver God rain.
Styles 12 Apr 2017
You will go in blind
without tools
and be forced to dig in
with bare hands
nothing will be easy
there will be extreme obstacles in front of You.

A black death hatred will be surrounding YOU, change will be compounded into You.

You may go mad.

You will go in with a burning ache to change things
and to help people even if they betray You.

You will have my heart
and spirit with You
but sometimes You may not feel it or even know I am there but I will be, You may not even believe in Me but that does not matter either.

I believe in You.

Doubt will wrestle with your mind like a swamp full of crocodiles and You will question: Is this Real?

You will walk the heartbreaking alleyways and low valleys of the world and grow cynical and bitter.

You will be abused and may want to give up.

You will see senseless killing done in the name of freedom and all kinds of justification for ******.

You will see through this and it will not be easy.

You may feel a million miles away from home.

There's No distance I can't find You from.

I will be a silent stone
sitting in your heart
whispering echoes from an eternal Ocean that You came from too.

We are the same but You don't remember anything.

You will go in blind
without guidance
You will be hated and condemned.

Some people will damage You so bad that You will walk to the edge of hopelessness and ponder Your Demise.

You will lose friends and family.

You will endure chains of torment and
claws of
suffering to the point of absolute agony.

You will forget I am You,
but I will leave an indigo star in your heart and when the time is right a certain rising feeling will ignite it and You will know the truth of Me.

There will be lots of talk about Me but pay it no mind. It is only a box. I do not live there. I am free.

People will worship Me but I do not require Worship.

People will start Wars in my Name but I detest War because Everyone is Me too but they have also forgotten.

You will feel abandoned but it will pass.

You will face a mountain full of hard climbing and lots of blood loss.

Storms will try to **** You.

I will send You signs and many Angels.

If You cry out to Me
I will answer.

IF YOU hold steadfast and become resilient
everything will make sense later
when wisdom trickles down the rocks I will be whispering to You-
connecting puzzle pieces in your heart.

You will Love so deeply
that the whole Cosmos will feel it.

You will be opened up
and we will start to sing to You.

Your star glowing cosmic
inside You.

You will shine it
in the darkness
some may see
and some will not.

Some will berate and talk down to You and make You feel small, they will plague You so much that You will learn to
talk down to Yourself.

A General will spring up in Your mind and tell You awful things about yourself.

It is up to You to silence Him.
He will give You strength later on in Your life but it will be a personal boot camp so that people won't be able to hurt You as You travel down dark corridors of Life.

Please Do Not Give Up.
The world needs our Love, desperately.

You will go in blind
but one day You'll remember Everything.

Remember Your heart is a Star that can connect You to a wealth beyond the riches of the world.

Learn to silence Your busy mind. There is no judgment.

You are loved beyond measure.

Go and resurrect magic.

Remember Your soul is Me.
I am always with You and I will always Love You.

Remember There is no distance I can't find You from.

Go now but bring it all back to Me.
Styles 12 May 2017
Explosive as light grenades bombarding forest lanes,
the scent of heaven
wishing you well
green towers shaking
the free spirit of You lives.

Careening out from lush blue
teasing my memories,
ripping open my eyes
wide enough to spark
this sea gleaming inferno
into the blinding rush of your crash.

Shredding through, an unstoppable
blade of truth burning in my being
like  a friend you haven't seen since God knows when.

If only words could speak the justice of your love,

every prisoner chained to darkness
would know You are the golden key
to Master Room.
Styles 12 Aug 2017
I am building you back
piece by piece
my granite child

who ran below fire

to feel

a slow
of minerals embed you.

I am going deep down
to tame your fire.

I will speak to you calmly now
since nobody else would.

I am circling your rage
water flowing from my hand.

I do not expect you to trust anything.

Your crucified eyes scream nails.

I will catch them with my heart.

I will not run away.

I am here to let your fury put their deeds on trial until you are ready to **** or cry.

I am building you back
piece by piece

after this sentence
we will walk down
the street
free of everyone
who told us who we are.

We will know
on our own,

finally calm.
Styles 12 Jul 2017
City wind gusts
stir pockets of night

when moon reflections
off tow away zone signs

start to speak loneliness
as if light is searching for voice

in the bedroom parking lot
of a sad but beautiful story,

waiting for mellow gusts to turn
into storms,

an entire city howling for
another Tennyson resurrection
turning waste land into Eden.
Styles 12 Jul 2017
When you find the master key in a secret hideaway make sure to polish it.

After awe is done drying on your cheeks and faith has repaired the sword of truth, hold heaven's love in silence for at least 6 months.

Get to know it.
Remember everything you can.
Learn every trick of the key.
Forgiveness is the answer,
harsh Judgment, a limiting beast.

Every path is unique.
Everyone secretly connected.

**** all selfish agenda's.
Take the over pouring trash cans filled with negativity to the curb and feel only strength bless you.

Walk down the street.
Hear silent sirens erupting from
the voice of darkness.

Dispel it by using kindness.
If rage confronts you, walk away with prayers hoping it transforms.

If an enemy disguised as a friend comes to break your windows
go to the silent key,
tell it everything,
listen to its soft turning.

Magic shine of a million hideaways,
opening inside,
tell the windows not to worry-

the master key
can fix it all.
Styles 12 May 2017
Coyotes up here sound like
ravers high on ecstasy.

Maybe they ground scored some out there.

Prowling woods
massaging themselves against Pine.

They are asking the marvelous moon to turn the music up.

Dub step metal

Mosh pit circles form.

They invite the Bears to join.

All of a sudden it's on like Donkey Kong.

Curious Cougars peek in, decide to let loose and go for it.

Conifer wizards patient as dirt smile and sway.

Neighborhood dogs go *******. Jealous canines start bolting.

Forest party extravaganza.

Yellow eyed owls swoop in and spy like voyeurs.

Wild coyotes share their find with anyone who wants some.

Come and get it.

Slam pit dancing turns to howling.

Bears start rubbing on Cougars
Coyotes start rubbing on Bears

Glazed eyes rolling hard.
Stars leak brighter
Milky way runs together
perfectly placed and forever brilliant.

Hilltop winds originating in Pacific continue their one message, cooling off doubts like a whispering champion.

Before you know it
the whole forest kingdom is ******* and you have to lay there and listen to it all ******* night while you try to hopelessly fall asleep.

Thanks for inviting me
Styles 12 Aug 2017
Talk of night.

Speak in starlight
listen closer,

while the moon keeps
changing faces
dancing around
the earth.

Higher than eagles.

Waiting for the sun
to tommy gun it all.

Bullets of scattering
slicing away words
branching down
livid leader of flames

Toast me
golden brown.

Talk of Sky.

Cursive feathers
white ink performing introspection.

Ear on fire
eating Psalms
at night and for breakfast.

Tongue of clarity
water so clean
I can't stop crying.

Sparrows flying across white ink
wing bars trap me to the promise
of her freedom,

eagles soaring  above them
calling them higher.
Styles 12 Apr 2017
Hijacked by shivers
  flurry of snow
swirling me behind the store window.

Stolen by the twist and curl
my pen dreams for flight,

  how it dances by your eyes
white flakes engineered
in a place I seek.

Hijacked by a spirit
integrating wind for playful purposes,

why do you cut my ***** with the fascinating glimpse of your miracle?

Drain my ink
  head cracked by echoes.

Thunder left my tree trunk hollow
  for you to tease me
with your bolt.

Inside my chamber
  you flash indigo
and flurry fascination
into airy, funneled dance.

I am ******* into trance
completely speechless,

wondering how to make my ink dance like that.
Styles 12 May 2017
dark horizon

blew in


and down
came the rooftops







bleed into

the floor

flooded rooms

became the norm

we swim in blood

Icy water


the soul

we burn in tears

I moved slowly into the open

ran blind into the briar

I bled forth across the trail

and was punished in the storm

your abuse made me collect rain drops

I tried to study their design

I tortured myself

rammed my ******* head into it all!!!

told myself every horrible thing you could possibly imagine

I put my fury in a box

sealed it up and buried it.

Later on I went back and dug it up

when I opened it up

I felt it nuke my ******* face off

I ran around lost in notebooks

my skeleton laid bare....

I tried to overcome my defeat with words

soft heart gets hit so hard

my hostility could have blown the world apart

a thousand times over












I struggled to maintain it
found outlets
for brutality

I reasoned through the madness






light horizon opened up





found strength




drew steel

from yesterday's tears

and leaned them around my heart

protect and fortify the palace

There's no way you can hurt me now
place your hand upon a friend,
pick your broken heart up off the floor,

   trace your deepest scars with a finger in the dark- remember what it gave you?

  iron strength to face the world.
solid courage to endure it all.

go ahead and attack me with your ****** up words

and I'll head ****

  you back to God.
Styles 12 May 2017
The moonlight has ears that can hear me speak.

Every time my summer silence quakes, my mind rolls out in waves of awe.

Sometimes moonlight cuts me off, steals my lane and drips silver links to my window.

I am guilty of poking my finger through your dreams as if you were paper.

Cats roam and reflect your sheen on their black sleek coats.

Steal my heart
make waves shiver
crash me like a ship stranded in paradise, destroy me like the Berlin wall.

The coins in my pocket rattle and jingle together like pieces of pipes fighting ruthless in a gang war. I am blowing through forlorn streets with a restless burn to prowl and graze through fascination.

I see you come shining down
your light shrieks at cars and plants a bomb.

They explode together like a duet singing a chorus of battered flames inside a incredible, human heart ache.

Bring me closer.

I am listening.

Bruise the high hills
sparkle trees
bloom through cities
dance with windshields
cruise alleyways and splash your light across it all.

I am entranced by cat coats gleaming my eyes like an answer to a difficult question
that is so profound I have no reply but to bless you.

You watch lovers confess to each other, their secrets hang like an anchor down your face.

I have kept a close eye on you.
all my life
you follow me
driving a crisp, white
Hennessey Venom GT
1.1 million dollars flying out careless rolled down Windows.

Hit the throttle
threaten me with warp speed.
Let's aim for a tree and turn leaves into illuminated rain drops sprinkling down insights from the heavens.

Let's pick up your favorite friend and hit the town.

We could travel down to New Orleans where
Night life is a Mardi Gras extravaganza screaming riots
on streets and balconies,
bras and ******* gleaming from the light posts.

We could traverse rooftops and blind the owls.

We could slip between the perfect cleavage and live right there, perfectly lit and completely absurd licking tanned girls with waxing brilliance.

Do not wane yet.

We are not done.

We cannot crumble here.
We fly on
entranced by the entire planet
in all its terrible and fantastic beauty.

You spell reflections
with delicious rhythm

You sing on hoods like a Hill Billy gangster spitting out lines that only mesmerize.

Hit the throttle.
I'm down to shine.
Styles 12 Apr 2017
How they danced
behind tall walls of Pine,
dripped in clear blue
wishing to be seen
like children
pent up in a cage
their eager eyes drooling for sky
small fingers clasped around

their throats held rivers of song
behind steel-

it grew out, touched the invisible compassionate ocean of being,

crying for release
all these bright words
jumping up and down
behind the great wall of Silence.

I looked everywhere for the gatekeeper to free them
but only the blank page laughed
cruelly in my face.
Styles 12 Oct 2017
always easy to hydroplane
the back roads

hungry for anything
hunted by the one assassin

torturing you
with illuminated leaves

every glow
  a haunted
sneeze away

from lift off.

Rainbow rain
  splattering lawn

jump into the pile
  of your best memory,

laugh it off

before the fury
  steals in


fists fly hard


cries go wild.
Styles 12 Sep 2017
I am violet shade
on summer night

rattling curiosity
when armor is pulled off


weapons set down.

I am running water
beneath the ground.

You sense me but cannot see me.

I circle in your dreams
never leaving your side,
waiting for you to invoke me.

I am invisible diamonds
blossoming in a spacious place
inside you.

I am unobtainable verse
speaking in waves of light.

I am bolts from a storm cloud
passing through you.

I am Angel.
I come from mystery Sun.

I caress your tears.
I celebrate you every day.

I smile at you through invisible windows.

I never go away.
Styles 12 Oct 2019
She may look at you in mid sip from her morning coffee.

A sparkling city of Emerald stained in her eyes, she scrolls over you as if browsing library books.

A pulse of fantasy seeking distractions to direct her own noisy traffic jam mind.

Her slender fingers gripping you in urgency. Words you can't stop reading smacking under sheets eventually lie carelessly twisted on floor.

Her sensual looks flying through pages.

Autumn breeze blowing through bedroom window.

White excited curtains rising up like a ghost leaving the body.

Intense concentration. Deep moans. Light awes. Luscious surprises hiding in unexpected corners.

A gentle folk band gone ******* metal. There is throbbing and thrashing, tearing and smashing.

Midnight blue pulsing between reader and writer. Secret lovers meeting somewhere in foggy distance waiting one clear breeze to lift them both up from long brooding silences.

Silence. Bare. Bright. Thick enough to break or free you. Swift voice riding in between dream and awake.

Hold steady. Shake. Find its channel before it vanishes between slippery blinks. Mysterious as deja Vu before meeting someone you dreamed of ten years prior.

Words cut like an ice storm. Dreamy mountains glitter. Both our eyes transfixed on the same mingled breath listening for truth to clear away brutal traffic.

Seeking peace in total madness.

The deeper the break the greater the bliss.

Make room for us there.

We started innocent and fragile, returned stunned and ravaged
holding onto family barbarians as if their axes were our own.

Stare into her cup.

Lakeside birds darting from tree branches leaving you hungry to sing something brutal and fragile.

Close your eyes.
Disappear like ripples on the calm surface of her face. Clean thoughts jet ski under vast indigo sky.

Nothing matters.
Everything matters.
All is matter.

One stare above her coffee cup sip leading up to the library of treasure.
Stories stockpiling up. Words rose like thirsty dreams from somewhere else we can't explain.

Whispers interlaced with curtains, snowflakes melted into coarse fabric. A lamb stares out like a fierce lion catches iron maiden in its teeth, rips it apart.

A deep desire to remember Love's undying fire, crackling flame possessed on oak timber.

Let it be me discovering you as if my pen knows every spontaneous word written on your secret page.

She is just a phantom skulking through treachery hoping to be found in your tossed up mind.

Manifest her dripping misty mountains. Let it tenderly stroll ancient forest branches.

She is a white moon lit up in chrome fractals.

Look up from the last page of her betraying kiss. Fully complete.

Study a desert voice carrying spring water. Drink it. How do you feel?

Icy brilliance mingled in midnight blue. All the cracked edges stocked with luminescent sky. Smile. Cry. Scream.

Stare into her distant eyes.
We are Home again.
Styles 12 Aug 2017
I thought I felt you
smile through me
as if I am
made from sunset.

A stare so intense
I felt your waters change
as my thought provoking glow infiltrated every drop.

For a moment,
I swear
we were
the same person.
Styles 12 Aug 2017
If every word
from all the stars
fell down all at once
it still would not be enough
to show you
how I feel.

If all the words
that ever moved us
began to speak
from four directions
they still would not capture
what it is I need to say.

If all the gold from heaven's domain began to melt in my eyes when you said what you said I would not have the ability to show you what I mean.

If all the yellow grass is hungry to stay green and all the captive elephants break their cruel and inhumane chains I still could not tell you how freedom sings.

If the cricket chorus lays me down to sleep and the heart is opening again for God with a light so bright
all my secrets sneak away from me,

then maybe you would know this is what I mean when I tell you that I love you.
Styles 12 May 2017
Infatuated melt
gracious bones
liquid rush

alphabet drained
  spinning letters
washbowl twirl

take my unsaid stanzas
down into stone
emblazon them

I am hungry eyes
in desperate need
to be consumed
in hidden blaze
of everything I do not know
how to say.

Find me
before I fall demolished
in  silent well

trapped in depth
with no voice to articulate
her awe inspired rays

stuck inside
my motionless hand
burning to cursive desire
waiting on her return-

void of flow
thirsty to speak
intricate nautilius
echoing ocean.
Styles 12 Feb 2018
Drifting long scents
fierce delicious sugar maples
quake to powdery snow echoes.

Inside no time zone
my thunder eye awe.

Razor feelings
lit electric,

intense nails
slicing up old disgusting letters.

"Breathe easy."
My dead friend says.

"The Canyon Palace is no longer Frozen."

All I know are hungry screams
  begging for
another angelic visitation.

Emerald streams into vast pools.
Her dreams swim there.
Mine are reborn.

Let us touch at least once
  before we turn back into stars.

I never felt compassion like you before, until your breeze swept it back into my pages.

All words died.

One Golden tear from your eyes
blazed my name with yours.

My quaking meadow scream
mellowed into pure
moonlight silence.

Everything I knew
throw it away.

Bring to me
  clean wonder,

oceans full of violet knives
  stabbing my haunted head.

How did I ever doubt it?

Grow more shores.
Talk clouds.
Scream rain.

Blaze into One Final Ripple
where a million frantic words

rise up
at once,

not to be written
but known and felt
in radiant light,

when alignment hits
  and thunder awes
into whispers.
Styles 12 Jul 2017
At the core of you is Iron
lifting up scars
day by day
struggles bringing future gifts,

keep lifting
the dry intense voice
of desolation,

scabs ripped off by
the curiosity for blood,

keep on it
work in the temple
a long awaited gust
taking away 4 decades of dust.

Long overdue for cleaning
all the black marks
trying to stamp you out,

remember this
my brother
you are stronger
and more loved
by Everything than you currently understand.

Think of your heart
as a gateway
to the brightest dream
delivering you
from the tyrannical warden ruling in your mind.

Go inside,
ask for help
learn to silence chatter
there is a hidden Kingdom
waiting to answer.
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