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275 · May 2017
Take Me
Styles 12 May 2017
Curious constant scent
beneath the language of the street
this black whip sliced in half
unable to strike you.

Rain dressed
chains bleed silver.

I run a crescent maze of moon shine. Every direction, shadows,
and soft rooms of purest violet.

I stop to be reclaimed.

The branch staring at another angle
dripping grace onto shadow.

The closer you delve into belief
the louder the wind storm
speaks moving an entire desert.

I am rising on your voice.
Take me.
I am so small I can barely be seen.
How can this great love be inside me?

Look at your eyes. They are small,
but they see enormous things.

267 · Jul 2017
Styles 12 Jul 2017
I brought humility to your gracious doorstep, but I cannot shake off the place you showed me that still burns behind Lion eyes.

What was that place with rainbow winds beneath a pure waterfall that magically danced with my being for days and endless hours?

A place away where we all have sprung.

Majestic voice of my only dream.

To be whole in the wonderful place of your full presence.

Let us flame again, and without hesitation bolt directly to the center.
263 · Oct 2017
Rainforest Mist
Styles 12 Oct 2017
Seeping up
moving through

serpentine slick
wordless glow

drop for drop
out of time

beat upon beat
marching fire

blasting on horizon
  curling like her eyelash

writing secret whispers
  for invisible suns

burning faintly
through leaf
and  thickest canopy

her body wrapped up in
a blanket of crowded stars

rainforest eyes
covering her dreams

in illuminated mist.
251 · May 2017
Desire Of Discovery
Styles 12 May 2017
Desire is a hidden waterfall gushing
in secret silence pouring on aching stones for the quest of an unknown Sun to reveal itself.

Desire is the carnival of colors on a night when you first discover the smile of love and how it dissolves walls in your room as wings brush a fascinated frontier with the new possibility of anything.

Desire is a clan of warriors at Dawn
armed with spears of magenta
smearing clouds, stabbing sky spectacles as your eyes blast off
somewhere far away.

Vigorous is the voice speaking from
Evergreen Palace, extravagant as the precious place we all come from but have forgotten.

Firefall abducting your wounds into absolute convergence inside the Nameless Place of All.

Discovery is the realization that what lies inside you is the golden cup that completes every broken aspect you identified yourself to be.

Drink long and deep, this golden liquid can heal anything.
251 · Jul 2017
Carousel Of Wonder
Styles 12 Jul 2017
Carousel of wonder
  remembering how Sun
    blocked by darkest cloud

managed to still metamorphosis  
  vivid blooms inside
     after the shock of
         trauma blew away.

Facing this tenacious wind
  crumbling peaceful meadow
   falling limbs on perfect faith.

Now, after the green carousel of  
  wonder spun its forgiving
    mercy on my
       battered Mountain-

Nothing but sweet jasmine on my
lips and friendly, cooling winds
   at my back.

I must repay you with what your
  generosity has given me
247 · May 2017
Iron Covers
Styles 12 May 2017
Razor blades stuck
in the back
of your throat
peeling through
long moonlight letters
written by an angel
in sacred dreams
capture the essence
of why silence pries
up iron covers
to penned in tears
you kept safe for God.
244 · May 2017
I Stood On The Shore
Styles 12 May 2017
I stood on the shore. A great ocean called out to me. At first the fear gripped me. But then I decided to Sprint towards it. **** it, I thought. It's too beautiful not to swim out there.

I got lost in the waves, body surfing for years, lost in the roar and crash of it all. But as time passed something else beckoned me. I wanted to go past the waves to see what else was out there but I couldn't make it past the tremendous breakers.

I waited. I almost drowned. Pulled and dragged by rip tides, I  was tossed around like a wounded puppy, I suffered and failed time and time again until one day the waves turned to glass and I made a break for it. I swam out there, headed for mystery and depth, I was tired but I kept at it.

The burning curiosity driving me.

What lies beyond the struggle?

When I went far enough
Way Way out
Hitting all the silence where words seemed unable to follow.

Submerged there, almost helpless in great depths I began to listen.

A great connection began to build.

It was there in the quaking waters of my heart I saw myself sparkling in every drop of water. Every single heart was connected too. No greater,  no less than any other drop.

I realized I had to swim back to help the other shore dwellers realize this, only hoping they'd believe me. It was a grand idea, after all to believe in when one was raised in hell that was over run by vicious wolves teaching that hatred was strength, and love was weak. But I had to try even if only one person believed it.
238 · Apr 2017
Sun Fist
Styles 12 Apr 2017
When you get haymakered by the Sun it will come on a day that doesn't matter. Everything negative you've ever thought about will instantly change. Time will not exist. Everything you've known about yourself will expand.

If you hear a whisper that tells you
"You know you may require more healing."

I suggest you allow it.  Follow it.
Lie back. Relax. Think of somewhere safe. Close your eyes. When the Sun Fist comes it will strike with invincible power. Oceanic waves of divine love will take you out beyond time and space. Rainbow flashes will pierce the yurt.

A magical sway will lull you as if you are 5 years old on a swing set being swung by your young healthy Dad.

Telepathic ripples of overwhelming feeling will float you toward True Home.

Gentle as butterfly wings traveling through a vortex, unscathed. You will lift off. Angels will dash through your inhuman heart. They will plow every pain away as if nothing ever occurred. Dark Rage will be silenced, dropped, and forgotten.  

When tall indigo Guardians come they will fill you with a fierce surge of warrior light.

A waterfall of Moon Beams will soak you. When you rise it will be the best drunk you've ever felt. The best high that's possible will soar you to a cloud we all have known before.

When you get there tell it Hi for me and thank you.

You will sway, heavy legs contemplating ground. Lie back down. Days and nights will pass like nothing. Invigorating gusts will clean everything away. Some magic wand voice will speak profound, perfect poetry that you only wish you could remember. It leaves you trashed on rocks that speak sea.

A Sun will scream through your shore and connect you to sub atomic particles and the entire Universe will rise up in One Song, snaking delicious through high walls of every illusion teaching separation.

Glittering scree will find you help less as they land inside you. Colorful marbles, each one a universe unto itself will flash and slash your spirit with New vitality.

Heaven will be a waterfall, you will be its pool. Perfect shiny spheres will reflect only wonder, appreciation, gratitude, and endless love. A Love so vast it ties up logic and kicks it out. A Love so fierce nobody who feels this can ever doubt again.

It will come like a invisible thief
and plant you with rosy elegance in a garden that deflates time.

Your body will light up like a river of fire, a light in your center will begin to pulsate something so new it escapes all languages.  Steadily warmer. Hot. Hotter. Searing.

Scorching flames will increase and a sword of invincible light will activate your chakras.

You will laugh at Death, truly knowing that it's impossible to die.

You will feel Knighted by Ancient Knights. They will sing you praise.

After one week, you will rise completely different. You try to explain it to anybody and they label you On Drugs. Silence will befall you. New wonder glistens on everything you've already stared at a thousand times but not like this. Every word that once was a prisoner in a World of Broken is released forever.

I watch them playing out there in tall green mountains. They flirt and tease my pen but I cannot even lift it. I care not to define it. It stays with me. We are thoroughly engaged with a thousand secrets that burn words away with dreams.

These words can't even begin to touch it.

I will have to start again.
This is something I truly experienced but I have a feeling I will be searching the rest of my life for words that can even begin to explain how it felt to be lifted out of my body and healed for a week by God.

I was in the mountains when it happened. I have never known a love like it. Nothing in this world compares to it. *** with the hottest babe in the universe. Chop suey.

I have dedicated my life to try and articulate it in a way where it can help people. This whole entire world needs to heal, I know that. I only hope I can help.
236 · Apr 2017
Emerald Meadow Eyes
Styles 12 Apr 2017
I could not measure you by drops
  even though I felt them soften
    every thistle threatening
          to over take the meadow
              of my humanity.

The only way back to YOU
    relied on

putting out the deep seeded violence of the fire
mowing through grass
destroying everything

I held sacred, or so I thought.

      The only way back to YOU
             relied on rainfall

I had to generate
from deep within.

My meadow no longer burns
but grows with what I saw
    smile at me
       in her emerald enchanted eyes
            on a day when happiness
                never ends.
230 · May 2017
Don't Erase Me
Styles 12 May 2017
Don't erase me
My Shell shock shaking rattled blue into black.

No time wasted for one who knows that popular opinions are nothing more than a false headline.

Bury your head in books
hoping to raise mystery sails that push you somewhere only feeling can take you.

Beyond status quo.
Behind invisible lines.

Meet me there.
We'll grow a silent sun in a petal that got carved out by whoever tried to **** us.

An outside consultant to every world will speak board walk dreams in our ache and float us back to grace.

Don't erase me.

I am that word you've been seeking.

I am a cloaked mystery speaking quiet in a crowd of uproar.

I am echoes of a place you dream for.

I am that friend you still think about but you don't like to admit it.

I skim through dreams,
you wake up knowing you can fly.

Thunder left traces of yourself
behind dark clouds that confused you.

Determined to understand it
You burrowed through pages

Got ruined by lovers

turned bitter
threw fury back up at the sky

A tornado hunted you down
from your own mind.

Something spoke wonderful in a dream you had when you needed to hear that message you forgot.

I watched you come back
with New eyes

that completely
changed Everything.
Styles 12 May 2017

nothing burns like your narcotic touch
scrambling me up on a black cast iron pan

nobody seems to see
how I chase pages through chaos

see them swirl and turn
and bleed and burn

I can't ever get it right.


who is behind the foggy mirror
looking at me with indifferent eyes?

who paints the horizon with invisible hands touching hearts like a master?

who still breathes eternity after unjust, and mangled crucifixions?

what glows in the haunted sky of your mind besides a great light that nobody can quite define?

I have put my surreal hand in the colors of your canvas just for a taste of rainbows.

I have caught whispers in my silent web that I still eat from time to time.

I am chasing pages through a broken window, my ghost follows but is too slow to catch them.

Hellish hounds barking through Texas winds snapping at my words.

How did they find my heart so quickly?

I am forced inside
book covers
smuggle me off between your arm I have forgotten the way you walk.
it's been too long.

how am I to live like this?

I have been disconnected from
the colors.

The multicolored fire spoke like a raging Dragon birthing its cruel babies in my thoughts.

Nobody is here to listen.

Phantoms of creation
screaming red reason at black injustice.

When will a truce be made?
integrate me now

I am full of midnight cemeteries and there is a stranger walking through me,
kicking over head stones, ******* on my manicured lawn, dishonoring saints with black enchantment.


I watch dawn lick the trees with a perfect tongue

no words needed

to invoke a mystery

no pages fluttering through a broken window.

Trees line the sky
like frizzy punk rock hair
ready to jam and mosh
as your light combs and sweeps through the morning
burning me with softly lit reason.
229 · Apr 2017
Sleepless Tornado
Styles 12 Apr 2017
Spinning defiant on plain
motivated by fierce performance
we desire explosive Evergreens erupted in trance through churlish gusts.

Sleepless still by anxious chills,
carousel ancient texts round my curiosity until I'm quenched,
fill my open **** with lead-

dynamic to core you have cleaned away forlorn stains of lovers.

No longer conflicted, belligerent, or hostile I circle cordial giants in hopes to spread a torch.

Running below, this chorus hides in underground river where only the inquisitive explorer will find secret decorations, unfurling flexible flow.

Set fire to covers and toss your indigo stars into her fabled wishes
hoping she transcends defeat.

Keen to mammoth masters and ascending ladders in which love has already conquered evil, if you reject compassion you run endangered risk of ruin.

Bottled up in diligent fiery crackle
these embers are not human.

Old antagonistic teachers coveting remnants of smoky dreams, may the new loyal scent of kindred rain wash away your jaundiced collection of brainwashed lessons.

Keep my perspective wide open,
don't forget to breathe in this place where humility is viewed as weakness.

They keep thinking I have not known horror, if I was to spill my past they might appreciate my fibrous connection to old growth forest and every storm unable to knock me down.

This cruel person who wished to destroy you only makes roots grow stronger.

No longer discreet in my old hideout hut of intentions I am well aware of who I am and what innovative wisdom I now dub my new cosmic colonel.

I have been digested into cynical intestines, yes I too ran the risk of complete and utter ruin, never certain if my convoluted confusion could spin again in heaven.

May your dreams all find The Evergreens and your spirit find The Master.
226 · May 2017
Styles 12 May 2017
Antagonistic mouth
  full of opinionated threats,

nefarious eyes, vigilant to judge,
her toxic mind needing something to jail or step on.

I felt her hectic whirlwind
try to lure me into submission.

Fierce nails shot out fiery steel
from my eyes in total silence.

My tenacious wilderness hinting
at riven mammoth survival,
how they knuckled down,
as the violent Ice Age-

Taught them complete stillness.
226 · May 2017
Skin Mask
Styles 12 May 2017
One could sink in here
surrender to such vast space

melt inbetween billions of stars
get tickled by such inviting
eclectic twinkle,

learn to meditate
focus the fire inside you

dip in
get washed

dig in
  learn to gut every regret

season the forest
with shimmering needles
of Pine,

each one its own Sun
radiant enough for a galaxy of ants to bathe in.

Focus through,
  drive away from the busy highway
   of limiting thoughts where bent steel tries to tell you who you are.

Silence the unnecessary chatter,
  empty yourself,

for the Universe to shine through you like a river of starlight reaching
  to tell you,

the skin mask you wear is just a disguise for the infinity awaiting to
surprise you.
224 · Apr 2017
Skyline Tightrope
Styles 12 Apr 2017
She walks skyline tightrope stretched from east to west.

Her fuschia blaze at dawn plucks your eyes, makes them ache to sing.

She steamrolls out through every shade of blue, knowing who is watching.

She calls to you.

Untamed delicious feelings breaking every rule of conformity.

She lives in your pen.

Scatters the colors in your mind like abstract paintings you stare at for days.

She will visit you, a child's knock at the window.

Rising to see, she will show you how her dew landed in the grass.

Her light will sparkle shredded rainbow points into your eyes, marking them all day.

She will follow you,
her stellar reach knows no bounds.

Silently stepping, her sterling silver smoke wraps itself under the moon
at the tip of dawn, a rainbow march of gigantic proportions.

When you understand her
you can connect to her.

She will dazzle your eyes on both sides.

Color flash.
Deep orange.
Pineapple crush.
Crimson slashes.
Apricot orchards.

Violet bruise floats.

She bursts through enthusiastic sky
like a reigning champion.

My ink spellbound as she crosses over me.

She will tap dance in your dreams,
words slicking over ice
   skating ripples of moonlight
     through everything,

        bringing your ink to
             lustful explosions.
224 · May 2017
Verse Slide
Styles 12 May 2017
I admire the weight you shoulder when the verse slide crashes wild.

How you endure the broken heaviness of the world.

I admire your courage to slide beneath waves and reveal riptides.

I am familiar with ruptures and how volcanoes spill.

I trust you, only you.

These brave beautiful Knights slinging verse down moonlight wooded hallways, listening for sparks to catch whirlwind glaze through a tunnel of ignited frost.

This valiant act of confronting anything.

This silent ocean spitting gleam or mad rocky bashing.

Turbulent restless insight.
Perceptions unhinged.
Inspiration unleashed.

I am writing to you.

My pocket pals and troubadours.
My fellow warriors of mystery.

I am pulled through wild glen by methodical mission mist- bound to digest every color.

I am a quicksilver super train vanishing down your slippery tracks.

Captivated by every thought-provoking bounce of playpen boulder dash.

You keep pushing my boundaries,
my expressive hunger never satisfied.

My words beg to dance through your pens, I am pacing enflamed decks, my ship is bursting in your poetic sea and I feel completely free staring lost into your bold horizon.

I see your eyes staring at me from the invisible plane of all creation.

I bleed in your tears.
I eat your fiery solitary words like buttered up raisin bread.
I am a scrap of dead raccoon hanging from your wild animus.

Digest me.
Compress me.

Send me East of Eden with nothing to eat wearing only a fig leaf.

Fill me with meadows hammered in full moonlight, just before the unknown flashes from the deeps.

Seize me with scaling emotions too tremendous to break free from.

Hold me captive.

Find my center, make it spin.

Fill my house with fire.
Make me find an exit for you to pass through.

I am choking on bracken takeover.
My eyes full of comforting solace.

No more brainwashing T.V.

If I see another pill commercial featuring suicidal thoughts and ****** bleeding I'm going to flip my ****.

Give me your cursive loops and well trained hawk eyes.

I need to cruise another sunset
free from this dried up perspective.

I am dying without your words,
my own words keep fighting with each other, you should see them out there in the mist running ragged.

They're a ****** Brooklyn rumblefish during a 3 day blackout.
Son of Sam is on a rampage killing
anything I scribble.

Every street on fire.
Every window broken.
The city is left to smoke.

I am turning to you.
My friends I've never met but feel like I've always known.

Your delicious pages keep turning in my heart and your truthful spirit is my company.

I am home.
223 · May 2017
Golden Key
Styles 12 May 2017
Explosive as light grenades bombarding forest lanes,
the scent of heaven
wishing you well
green towers shaking
the free spirit of You lives.

Careening out from lush blue
teasing my memories,
ripping open my eyes
wide enough to spark
this sea gleaming inferno
into the blinding rush of your crash.

Shredding through, an unstoppable
blade of truth burning in my being
like  a friend you haven't seen since God knows when.

If only words could speak the justice of your love,

every prisoner chained to darkness
would know You are the golden key
to Master Room.
223 · Feb 2019
Falling Under Tigers
Styles 12 Feb 2019


is like
being held prisoner
brave gaze

black stripes


Autumn Orange Moons


222 · Apr 2017
Cloaked, I
Styles 12 Apr 2017
Cloaked, I chaperone moonlight to wooded alleyways

hungry for canyon width
  marching through sleeping deer.

Cloaked, I chase the deepened shadows, use prayer to build the lake of light.

Cloaked, I cast out all fear with  righteous weapon.

Thread my light at the rim of dreams.

Marvel at how it all echoes forever.

I pour my verse to the unseen presence.

I razor cut shadows with tears of light.

I draw forth power from the cloaked One who I vowed to help before I hid myself in flesh.
221 · Apr 2017
Styles 12 Apr 2017
Going blank is to suffer an army of sharpened nails clawing in skin without sound.

Small grooves,
yet, make no mistake-

A collection of oceans pass in this narrow place.

Silent uproar.
Calm trickles.
Minerals from hidden rocks.

Secrets leaked beneath the buried
  wound where angels and demons-
        Rage their wars.
221 · Aug 2017
Styles 12 Aug 2017
Talk of night.

Speak in starlight
listen closer,

while the moon keeps
changing faces
dancing around
the earth.

Higher than eagles.

Waiting for the sun
to tommy gun it all.

Bullets of scattering
slicing away words
branching down
livid leader of flames

Toast me
golden brown.

Talk of Sky.

Cursive feathers
white ink performing introspection.

Ear on fire
eating Psalms
at night and for breakfast.

Tongue of clarity
water so clean
I can't stop crying.

Sparrows flying across white ink
wing bars trap me to the promise
of her freedom,

eagles soaring  above them
calling them higher.
219 · Apr 2017
Marilyn Monroe
Styles 12 Apr 2017
More than a *** symbol
You race the World's imagination
as You
hang on over a million walls
in bars

You name it
You made it.

Big talk of the World.

Fame's comet hurled You,
bright fire through Night Sky

crashed YOU
on a Heart shaped bed
body full of drugs,
by whose hand?

Yours or them?

Gangsters, celebrities, and politicians passed thru your swinging door,
wire taps, satin sheets and hidden traps,
covering secrets of an Empire.

Affairs in high places may have been your downfall.

If your tasty lips could speak what secrets would You share?

I imagine you
near a cliff
ribbons of sunlight
flood down between fir branches
a river of Gold
splashes your hair
golden-red flashes blind me
nobody is safe from dropping dead
in the natural light of your splendid beauty.

If I could infiltrate your silence
what would it feel like
would I be entangled in silky visions?

I want to hear your secret language written behind voluptuous lips.

What would They say?

A book of poems that rampage the soul?

Tell me your story
lose me in obsession.

Lost in a river of Gold
flowing under Casino's secret tunnels,
for a trace of truth behind the mystery of your life and death.

Worshipped by men, a hero for women.

Immortalized by posters and movies
there's something contagious in your personality that attracts Everyone to YOU.

Soft seduction in star-light
You dance with violet moon beams at your feet.

Lift the sad stone dropped in your heart,
pull it out crying from bottom-less depths.

Rampage me with your song
meet me there
below fir branches,

ribbons of moonlight
crashing kisses on your angelic face
heated lips travel down your neck
roses rise from your hair.

Tell me your favorite flower?
I'll plant them in your heart.

I want to rip down cliches about you
from Judgmental circles,
lift all 118 pounds of You against the wall,
explore the soft valley along your back with determined lips and hands,
write ten thousand love poems,
attach them to a tumbleweed
and send it zipping across Death Valley's floor.

If anybody finds them
they'll sit and cry alone for a week straight with a gun to their temple.

I want to watch conifers take graceful bows in strong Coastal winds,
let's drop off maple leaves and sad stones from high cliffs and make a wish:

We'll eat at Romanoffs, your favorite restaurant,
sip on Dom Perignon 1953 to celebrate,
hang out with Charlie Chaplin.

Hear your laugh shatter a million walls.

More than an object of ***
I want to know YOU intimately
without the make-up,
plant blue delphiniums in your dreams,

give You back your soul,
throw back the 50 cents they paid for it in Hollywood's star dazzled face,
keep the thousands for the kisses,

flip them the bird,
spray them with rounds from a Tommy Gun,
peel out in a silvery Porsche Spyder
head for the hills,
music cranked,
play it Loud for all the misplaced wild child's of the World.

Sea-wind blowing back your hair
will drive every man insane
enough to die for
enough to **** You for
enough to pull a Romeo and Juliet
over a cliff,  

James Dean waiting in Heaven to greet us with a sly knife smile and a beer,
a sea of
blue delphiniums in your last glance
one last song to rampage our souls.

If your dresser could speak it would tell me Everything,
before we crash our blood into rocks
one last time to kiss the haunted sun
and tell them All
to ******* **** IT!!!
Yes, I too became haunted by her.
218 · Apr 2017
End Of Day
Styles 12 Apr 2017
End of day.
Sunset sinks into you,
smears edges of yourself
into the glow where more of you
Is gathered.

They say nothing is there
but I know better.

I felt you lift me up
the brightest love I've ever known.

The angels speaking, sweetest words I can't remember.

You are gone now.

Caked with your residue,
my fuse still lit
sizzling for your explosions.

Expansion is where we all are headed.

Be ready to explode out of yourself.
You are free.
Glowing the edges of things not seen.
217 · Oct 2017
Drowning me in Oceans
Styles 12 Oct 2017
I felt you falling all around me
in sheets of illuminated ice.

I close my eyes but I cannot sleep.

I pull you into my sacred room
the lightning rod in my spine
begins to sparkle again.

Up and down.

This hidden storm speaks in angelic languages my mouth cannot speak.

Waves at sunset roll me up on elevated sand.

My heart breaks a thousand times
repairs itself by magic.

The elusive genie is at work again.

Living on the wind, eating my love
makes him stronger. No shards can harm this one.

I believe in her.

She is the falling star following me in another sky where all my dreams
are free.

The genie blows by, whispers his message.

"I will not be satisfied until everyone is healed."

My eyes flash out.
Her name riptides my emotions.
The One from Heaven is crying.
Drowning me in oceans.
217 · May 2017
Violet Window
Styles 12 May 2017
Violet window
studying silently
Heaven's moonlight.

Direct hit
sing the glass
drop a sunset
into warm eyes.

Remember the shore
where you and I
are no more.

Gather deep green star dust,
watch her cherry chapstick lips
drown you.

Listen to an inner Colossal Gust
impact every grain of sand.

Watch your whole life gleam
in a violet window burning through the ragged sweater of what you've
been through.

Learn to control the tenacious spectrum of light coursing along your entire body.

Feel the violet moonlight paint
your resurrection.

Seek the eternal mystery of yourself.
Everything I write lately feels like garbage. Maybe I need a break until a real masterpiece emerges.
216 · May 2017
Sunrise Road
Styles 12 May 2017
Bleed me in the night
I feel tears remember the unborn place,

coming back to listen
on Sunrise Road

nothing but light
peaking cold stone

where your ghost
sneaks out of a window memory

your infinite face
caressing glass

in the most
  brightest place

You can imagine.
216 · May 2017
Wildflowers in the Wind
Styles 12 May 2017
She told me not to forget
about wild flowers in the wind

Her voice trailed my dreams
followed me across country
remembered my name
when I could not.

Her mysterious face
hidden by dream fog.

What did she mean?

Purple hills grow strong
when ravaged?

Bruised until strength holds them so still they bleed out beauty?

How do you view a wind trying to shake out color from its core?

Whispering voices
Don't forget
Wildflowers in wind
strength of mountain
providing room for roots
cut it in
hidden zigzag patterns
mind boggling designs
your pen aches to trace them
follow until they
tilt off earth
eyes seek
for pure luminescence
aching to touch
desiring to merge
burning to paint.

Leave behind judgment
roll in
the maddening roar of truth
spiked down
in the ground
purple gladiators
when land is combed
by a blasting Gale
your shine stems from.
215 · May 2017
Marble Angel
Styles 12 May 2017
She waits in stone for you,
hears you chipping and cursing,
knows how your introverted eyes drip weather and war.

She tingles in anticipation, cheering you on inside her captive prison waiting for your hands to find her.

She is smiling at your frustrations, lending out silent encouragement for your chisel determined hands, flamingo inflamed with sunset; beckoning you from another place,  your steel will to understand how magic flows between you and her.

Intrigue drives a midnight blue Mustang leaping across canyon gaps that only tease with rain scented whisper.

Her voice is registered as proof she exists.

Any trace of violence only distances your chances on ever finding her golden form.

The jet black stone taunts you
it bleeds Egyptian sand from Cleopatra's hair, glitters in moon
like violet creatures who beg to be seen and appreciated by a Prince who wears the desert in his eyes and carries April orchards in his heart.

A Ripe golden harvester
who has the key but doesn't quite understand where the doors located at.

May be it's beneath a sky island oasis whose realm is always watching?

Maybe your hard breathing body is a open receiver for love's undeniable signal.

Your breath brings her closer.
Strung out heart beats sound to her a moving symphony.

Your helplessness and hopes
string a chord she's never known but is engaged by your digging ache to find her.

She drinks in the callous sweat of May, hears the voiceless, muffled cry struggling in strait jackets ******* in your heart.

She feels for the spotted leopard who left footprints in your heart glade, she wants to tame claws and paint your visions with the inspiration that's killing you softly as you try to unlock a door you can't see but only feel.

You may feel a slight brush on your fingers as you hang defeated in the disaster zone of prosecution's room wondering if perfect Hawaiian breezes will include your name in its sweep.

She may zap your will back to life with her warm bon fire hands around your ankles as she tries to pull you back from a dark ledge.

Her ladder defying time and space. Every rung of light is a hidden dimension she hides in.

Your heart quickens in the fierce fiery flash of attainment.

Your mind clicks off.
All focus becomes a rain fall river taking over roads.

You become flow.
Dance through anything.
Move 5 ton steel with thought.
Levitate despair over the candle of her sky.

Marble dust litters your arms.
Blood and obsession throb in the pulse of her creation.

You stare at her, gawking like a child at a unicorn flying over a double rainbow.

Her June smile becomes Hercules and lifts the continental divide from off your shoulders, drop the chisel, let it damage maple floor, who cares?

Here she is. alive and well.

The Marble Angel who speaks and knows your tears to find her were always cobblestones leading to her Palace.
212 · Apr 2017
Cold Devil
Styles 12 Apr 2017
Cold devil shivering
late at night
across the tundra.

distinctive buried cry
beneath black ice
far away but growing-

a deep repentance
at first break
of moon rise.

remembering what it was like
not to be haunted,

around the rainbow edge of cloud
kissing moonlight-

peaks his first tear drop in two millennia.

209 · Apr 2017
She Dismantles Rainbows
Styles 12 Apr 2017
She comes from everywhere delivering fat snowflakes.

enthralled, I stare out.

Is this what hope looks like?

She comes from everywhere delivering me from stifle.

She knows me.

Her voice landed like this.

A vast white knowing, a delicious dish of eternity seeking you.

Turn the world off.
Calm your mind.
Amputate whatever fights you.

She comes from everywhere,
suddenly strikes with long awaited snows I haven't seen for 5 years.

She makes me appreciate my overgrown beard, a scraggly scrub of black and red as I walk 6 a.m. roads, almost too dark to gamble your life on.

She dismantles rainbows
scatters it out into snow,

my eyes are transfixed in her scope
everywhere she flashes, her masterpiece guns me down like a piece of writing finding your secret love.

She lifts me from self imposed entrapment, she knows my true identity completely, better than me.

She is a manifestation of our dreams.

I grew wise by reacting too much to darkness.

If you want to **** a beast don't feed it.

She dismantles rainbows
scatters it out into snow, her message of love couldn't be clearer.

she drips from heights
be a empty vessel to contain her.
You hide me in your cloak of Nothingness
Reflect my ghost in your glass of Being
I am nothing, yet appear; transparent dream
Where your Eternity briefly trembles.

Reconciled to myself, I emerge into the world
Bare of all thought, clear love in which
The sun on my doorstep dances to your drum.
The ant walking into it is no less than You.

Wild, peaceful days where the slightest wind
Soars perfumed with your traces...
I am in a heaven of One.
Unable to talk, not to talk

No-one will know me until they climb
Where I and they are no more.
Final Mountain where mind goes white
To melt in garden after garden.

No heaven or earth, just this mysterious place
We walk in dazedly, where being here or there, in time, or not, are only
Two motions of the same ecstatic breathing.

The image in the mirror seems different
But sublime days arrive when you know
Viewer, image, and mirror are one: the same
Silent Calm Eternal Shimmering.

One Moon blossoming in a thousand bowls
One water laughing in a thousand thousand fields
One Sun with a million electric shadows
One Silence with these love-cries for children.

207 · Sep 2017
I Am Angel
Styles 12 Sep 2017
I am violet shade
on summer night

rattling curiosity
when armor is pulled off


weapons set down.

I am running water
beneath the ground.

You sense me but cannot see me.

I circle in your dreams
never leaving your side,
waiting for you to invoke me.

I am invisible diamonds
blossoming in a spacious place
inside you.

I am unobtainable verse
speaking in waves of light.

I am bolts from a storm cloud
passing through you.

I am Angel.
I come from mystery Sun.

I caress your tears.
I celebrate you every day.

I smile at you through invisible windows.

I never go away.
207 · Aug 2017
Every Step
Styles 12 Aug 2017
Every step is hushed between tall hedges as if your whisper intertwined morning dew onto every green leaf spoken into me.

Every step wished for her hand on my August Face hoping to cool a brutal burn as I scaled twelve thousand rungs

in two months thinking her name and every day

persistent drops pooling as puddle transformed to lake,

no telling her depth
no longer knowing certainty
only mystery marked as X.

Every step sliding with full moonlight lips daring to kiss an ache for full stretched wings.

Every pane of glass relecting calm sea as Seagulls floating free
let wind do its

perfect gliding thing.

If it were up to me
I would make her my ocean front property,

not owning anything

she is a feather writing hidden
poems to under currents,

her blast swirling gracefully around Iron,

steel men imprisoned on rooftops
every inferno step
driving nomadic thoughts
closer to Sea.

Every step branding their sweat to red clay tiles, arms bulging through iron.

Every thought holding flames
stronger than what
anyone can lift

except a feather driven from wing

gloating to steel
how easy it is
to let go

and fly

standing out

to callous eyes

what a solemn heart
burns to describe
when it's finally lifted above itself

understanding it is more
than all of this.
206 · May 2017
Styles 12 May 2017
Blaze a desert into me
  carve a flood of words
in this dry terrain
where any flood is welcomed.

Evaporate into me
I remember when we
soared together
high in this misted utopia.

It seems cruel to
remember us
like that,
after burning alive
in unforgiving sand,

suddenly forgetting
what a river feels like.
205 · Apr 2017
Echoes Slash The Void
Styles 12 Apr 2017
Don't think of good advice for me, I've tasted the worst that can happen." -Rumi

Lying here
           hands on chest

a warm dark before sleep
       chipping through me
like slaves with shovels
    tearing through granite  crunching bites out of earth

A warm dark
has me cocooned
I can hear
  muffled leaves in wind
      lost without their tree
    scraping at Windows
like escapees wandering
daring to float free.

  A violet lake of moonlight
  erupts as passing cloud
   moves away,
  to illuminate fallen drifters
   yellow and red companions glow like  incandescent stars
    before they turn Brown and crumble away to mulch the           ground.

  A warm dark silence sparks
   inside a tightly woven
silky  bed
my hands transmitting      
    my own personal  
              underground Sun
a fast river does not apologize for almost drowning anyone.

Echoes of crows helps me to forgive their black oil stains
  left flapping long ago
    trying to get off ground
unable to fly with broken wings caged in prison mind
chewing on pomegranate  scars

   her fallen screams responsible for strength
still to come
  echoes slash the void
  his giant figure in the street
  savagely thrashing her in the distance
  roasting my young innocence in raging fires soon to come

       but after this
I will erupt from a dark warm silence inside this silk formed weave
my slow crawl to this branch
turns Monarch.

yellow-red-black wings
climbing past
  chains that should have killed me-

now I see
my mom rising from a psychopathic beating
running back into house
he grabs her by the head,
puts it through the wall
she rises again
  but how?

Now I see
  New leaves
    from a distance
shining on top of a river
   finally free to slash their way  inside a moonlit sea
glimmering behind
      fallen trees
crunched by old footsteps
    thanks for leaving Thunder                                                          
now I see
old slaves set free
their broken shovels
  lying by heaps of granite

his criminal echoes
    slash the void
  teaching fire
giving strength

now I see
   wings alight
                 effecting sky

         your sunset philosophy
burns eclectic
          behind closed eyes
  thanks for leaving Thunder.
205 · May 2017
Hit So Hard
Styles 12 May 2017
dark horizon

blew in


and down
came the rooftops







bleed into

the floor

flooded rooms

became the norm

we swim in blood

Icy water


the soul

we burn in tears

I moved slowly into the open

ran blind into the briar

I bled forth across the trail

and was punished in the storm

your abuse made me collect rain drops

I tried to study their design

I tortured myself

rammed my ******* head into it all!!!

told myself every horrible thing you could possibly imagine

I put my fury in a box

sealed it up and buried it.

Later on I went back and dug it up

when I opened it up

I felt it nuke my ******* face off

I ran around lost in notebooks

my skeleton laid bare....

I tried to overcome my defeat with words

soft heart gets hit so hard

my hostility could have blown the world apart

a thousand times over












I struggled to maintain it
found outlets
for brutality

I reasoned through the madness






light horizon opened up





found strength




drew steel

from yesterday's tears

and leaned them around my heart

protect and fortify the palace

There's no way you can hurt me now
place your hand upon a friend,
pick your broken heart up off the floor,

   trace your deepest scars with a finger in the dark- remember what it gave you?

  iron strength to face the world.
solid courage to endure it all.

go ahead and attack me with your ****** up words

and I'll head ****

  you back to God.
203 · Sep 2017
Gleam To Nova
Styles 12 Sep 2017
Always in the back of my mind
she sits there waiting, drinking whiskey
  counting stars, thinks of horses,
    packs her wonder on invisible stallions
lets them trot from gleam to nova,

on the back porch, feet kicked up,
sometimes smiles dress her with wedding gown memories
  before all her wonder is rounded up
    penned up in lonely stables

All I want to do
   is go inside
   speak to them
tell them
Everything will be alright.

Soothe all those memories of storm
  when fire too wild to capture
    broke loose
   and every single beautiful creature

harmed by broken boards and flames.
201 · May 2017
Rising Ivy
Styles 12 May 2017
Rising ivy crawling up
castle wall,

surreal in night sun-

I recognized my love for you
no rhyme or reason to it,
just resilient green storming in
violet shades,

unstoppable climbers


in hopes to reach the highest window of mysterious eyes,

enflamed in a Palace gleam  
torching through humanity's
secret night,

praying they remember You in themselves.
201 · Apr 2017
Going In Blind
Styles 12 Apr 2017
You will go in blind
without tools
and be forced to dig in
with bare hands
nothing will be easy
there will be extreme obstacles in front of You.

A black death hatred will be surrounding YOU, change will be compounded into You.

You may go mad.

You will go in with a burning ache to change things
and to help people even if they betray You.

You will have my heart
and spirit with You
but sometimes You may not feel it or even know I am there but I will be, You may not even believe in Me but that does not matter either.

I believe in You.

Doubt will wrestle with your mind like a swamp full of crocodiles and You will question: Is this Real?

You will walk the heartbreaking alleyways and low valleys of the world and grow cynical and bitter.

You will be abused and may want to give up.

You will see senseless killing done in the name of freedom and all kinds of justification for ******.

You will see through this and it will not be easy.

You may feel a million miles away from home.

There's No distance I can't find You from.

I will be a silent stone
sitting in your heart
whispering echoes from an eternal Ocean that You came from too.

We are the same but You don't remember anything.

You will go in blind
without guidance
You will be hated and condemned.

Some people will damage You so bad that You will walk to the edge of hopelessness and ponder Your Demise.

You will lose friends and family.

You will endure chains of torment and
claws of
suffering to the point of absolute agony.

You will forget I am You,
but I will leave an indigo star in your heart and when the time is right a certain rising feeling will ignite it and You will know the truth of Me.

There will be lots of talk about Me but pay it no mind. It is only a box. I do not live there. I am free.

People will worship Me but I do not require Worship.

People will start Wars in my Name but I detest War because Everyone is Me too but they have also forgotten.

You will feel abandoned but it will pass.

You will face a mountain full of hard climbing and lots of blood loss.

Storms will try to **** You.

I will send You signs and many Angels.

If You cry out to Me
I will answer.

IF YOU hold steadfast and become resilient
everything will make sense later
when wisdom trickles down the rocks I will be whispering to You-
connecting puzzle pieces in your heart.

You will Love so deeply
that the whole Cosmos will feel it.

You will be opened up
and we will start to sing to You.

Your star glowing cosmic
inside You.

You will shine it
in the darkness
some may see
and some will not.

Some will berate and talk down to You and make You feel small, they will plague You so much that You will learn to
talk down to Yourself.

A General will spring up in Your mind and tell You awful things about yourself.

It is up to You to silence Him.
He will give You strength later on in Your life but it will be a personal boot camp so that people won't be able to hurt You as You travel down dark corridors of Life.

Please Do Not Give Up.
The world needs our Love, desperately.

You will go in blind
but one day You'll remember Everything.

Remember Your heart is a Star that can connect You to a wealth beyond the riches of the world.

Learn to silence Your busy mind. There is no judgment.

You are loved beyond measure.

Go and resurrect magic.

Remember Your soul is Me.
I am always with You and I will always Love You.

Remember There is no distance I can't find You from.

Go now but bring it all back to Me.
201 · Apr 2017
Air Born Sea
Styles 12 Apr 2017
The power of the sea is air born,
its force snapping in my face.

Invisible waves whipping through 4 layers of clothes.

Thrashing Pines.
Shearing limbs.
Natural pruning.

Solitary phantom bashing cliffsides,
spinning leaves, contagious dervish dances overtaking the mountain.

A thousand Rumi letters taken flight
burning atoms, spilling longing.

Moaning captains, ship less,
praying for strength,
fighting night swells,

the power of the sea is swirling sky
kidnapping forest litter
no ransom
an icy thief
cracking lips
piercing skin

howling like the ache
of 80 million prisoners
who wish to be as free
as it sounds.

The endless flying whooshing
happening beyond walls,
sloping through the curiosity of
an entire world,

penetrating dreams like a cosmic ghost.
199 · May 2017
Styles 12 May 2017
Blood beats loud
hammers night
into another eternity

Your mind has a way to claw down walls

Juicy jumping lines
Leaves puddles
They ripple


wishes fall from every star our people put there

Where I wish you could
see them
glistening back
all the love
they brought me
when I was rotting away in that cold cell

thinking of all the ways
your friendship lured me
to the promise they snatched away from me
but you returned
prophecy and rainbows

I tried to keep my hands from sweating
I paced back and forth
Left a trail on South Dakota plains,
I tried to keep my heart from
leaping from here to the edge of the universe
in order to find them

I felt your warmth
in a blizzard

I tried to give voice
to every good feeling
brewing in all those quiet talks
when the Milky Way smiled down upon us.

I choked on red sand
Mars tasted like curious questions they will never answer for anyone,
I thought of your smile
And assorted roses burned and bloomed in a surreal horizon
where I thought I heard Benevolence whisper our names with the most delicious
voice I ever heard.

I tried

I put my hands in the rippling puddle of memories and was determined to give your gifts flight in dark solitary confinement.

You have to believe me
when I tell you I felt
my blood beating so loud
I thought every star dead and watched them fall
and land in the center of that puddle that quakes continents
in my shuddering spirit
every time they club me

I never never cry.

O' Lord

I tried to save my overpowering silence from deep within
to show you
the silky design you build when you're not here,

I say your name inside my tortured head and my tiny cell expands out
toward the forever that you bring to me
and all the condensed dreams of my every thought I could never tell you eclipses my Jupiter swell

Until explosion

I drift
You circle
interstellar whispers
to our souls

Blood beats loud
hammers night

into multidimensional realms
But I can never find the right ******* words to tell you about
but you have to believe me when I tell you I really tried to find them,

I am sorry
this is what I brought you.
198 · May 2017
Styles 12 May 2017
Coyotes up here sound like
ravers high on ecstasy.

Maybe they ground scored some out there.

Prowling woods
massaging themselves against Pine.

They are asking the marvelous moon to turn the music up.

Dub step metal

Mosh pit circles form.

They invite the Bears to join.

All of a sudden it's on like Donkey Kong.

Curious Cougars peek in, decide to let loose and go for it.

Conifer wizards patient as dirt smile and sway.

Neighborhood dogs go *******. Jealous canines start bolting.

Forest party extravaganza.

Yellow eyed owls swoop in and spy like voyeurs.

Wild coyotes share their find with anyone who wants some.

Come and get it.

Slam pit dancing turns to howling.

Bears start rubbing on Cougars
Coyotes start rubbing on Bears

Glazed eyes rolling hard.
Stars leak brighter
Milky way runs together
perfectly placed and forever brilliant.

Hilltop winds originating in Pacific continue their one message, cooling off doubts like a whispering champion.

Before you know it
the whole forest kingdom is ******* and you have to lay there and listen to it all ******* night while you try to hopelessly fall asleep.

Thanks for inviting me
196 · Jul 2017
Styles 12 Jul 2017
What I wanted to say escaped
into thunderstorm
  blending into puzzles of Grey.

What I wanted to say struggled to breathe, broke out of strait jacket
helped me to burn free.

What I wanted to tell you lunged
   for  depths I could not reach
      wrapping aches with
          scarlet mist.

Blocking my way
through thunderous gates,

I whispered to railroad tracks
  watched a disfigured mutt
    run away with my moan.

Locomotive eyes, its coat, black as coal mine night as if moonless waters rippled longingly for light in an unseen pocket,

where words
  fall apart in somebody
    else's mouth after visiting with

I heard it all take my ink
as your invisible hand
  drained it dry,

a disemodied voice
  in my ear
    calmly telling me
      to breathe
         deep waters

  and just be.
196 · Apr 2017
Styles 12 Apr 2017
Transparent sky
tickling clouds
laughing light

angelic angles
mysterious views
  once dark, now bright

sliding clarity
ladder of hope
strength of twilight

blending the blessing
of gentle blue stretching
through black,

blizzard in Spring

two world's meet
  snow falling in Pure Sunlight

meet me out back
of the store
where entanglement

unlocks the golden door
  with hidden keys
from God's tears

sliding unbelievably
  down my face.
194 · Aug 2017
The Devil's Dick
Styles 12 Aug 2017
For Don Juan aka Ocho
A Great friend of mine
and amazing person.
This is for You Bud!!

It's got us climbing up the ******* walls driving us insane, turning millions into homeless vagabonds.

Sleeping in cars, working two jobs, trying to build credit on the devil's ****.

It's got us wringing our hands in a concrete cell wishing we bought Armageddon Ammo.

It's got us staring at walls thinking about where the **** is Batman and Robin?

It drives intimidating cars that lie saying To Protect And Serve.

Huge guys who dead lift trains driving them, throwing homeless vagabonds in jail for sleeping on concrete.

They intimidate.
Condemn and ******.

Telling you "I am doing my job."

You work for the devil's ****.
Spouting off dark **** in our face.

It owns the media.
Runs for office.
Confuses you.

Drives you to whistleblower books, free thinking outlets, criminal injustice petitions covering ***** deeds exposed *******.

It slams down on your life
King Kongs fist railroading you
now you have to climb
out of the devils ****.

Good luck friend.

Nasty uphill battles
where nothing makes sense
follow me upside down
trying to hold on to nothing.

A long journey into darkness,
fog swallows you like you're a grain of sand burning to find your back to the ocean.

It sells weapons to other nation's
then wages war for profits.

It promotes terrorism trying to get you to **** your neighbours.

It divides and conquers.
It isn't ******* human.

It gets real hard
promises you
Peace and Heaven
then gives you A.I.D.S.
and kills you.

It looks to blame any one
it can find.

It stalked The Christ
crucified Him for Miracles.

It creeps through shadows.
Uses Fear and lust to grow bigger.

What the **** is it?
It's Everywhere.


It's the devils ******* ****.

Everywhere I go
It's ******* everyone.
193 · Apr 2018
Turn back to Mist
Styles 12 Apr 2018
I know secret air
your wild ocean winds
  stabbing angels
pretending to be people.

I see stars dripping outside
every lonely window,

turn over my spirit
to soft whispers.

Darkness sings
stars fly falling
   still you ask me
to master white storm.

This part of me no longer craves bodies,

my walls begin rising
  nobody has time to undersand   what we all go through.

It's fine.
I'll keep it to myself.

My hard burn cry bolting for the galloping  green pastures.

Hoping to tune back in
to a station playing for
love and children.

My dust ghost space knows how to power ache flow hoping to find
  your running rainbow lips

promising eternal sunshine
for quiet pen minds.

Melt my waves
piece by piece.

Are there any eyes who love
my silent sun inside?

Nobody sees us when we turn back to mist,

fearless to remember
  the path of totality

when my solitary roots
slip down to be counseled
  by pure water

trembling still
  from underground sun

injected by honeycombs
  lying still in floating pools

I turn to you forgetting how to speak.

Vast sea taking my edge,

your calm waters making me forget

  I ever bled.
Styles 12 Mar 2019


a drowned mockingbird
perched in shrouded branches
pecking in your head

He carries
weeping willow

burnt to stub
lanes of forest trees
curiously inflamed in sun


violet waves
frosting leaves

His ethereal trill

tiptoes frigid air

both wings fractured
in maze of mirrors

now he serenades night
silencing crickets
full moon inspired

24 hours a day
spring to summer
clarifying his voice

He remembers being tested
by demonic shrieks

each black shrill
holding him underwater

a delicate noun
forced to eat verbs

nobody knew
what he survived

He returned years later
after silence stole his voice

perched half slain
on a broken oak branch

his frail voice
full of gurgling river water
broken stones

He never knew if his song
could escape the cage-


inspiration hunted

frosting hope
back into


fractures of shadow
lingering for wise reminders.
192 · May 2017
Styles 12 May 2017
You started out a trickle
Ran down
Turned dirt into mud
played in shadow
warmed in Sun

You gathered speed downhill
eager to see further
dying to know
what strummed hidden strings
inside to make music in silence.

A burn to know
why fires raged the world

A burn to know
what lie hidden behind it all

You traveled
met other trickling streams

joined together
shared a course
became pathways
turned corners
sprinted free
fell from heights
exhilarated drops
falling from peaks

something inside echoed to you

words dashed and skated from trees

glanced through tiger stripes
danced free in meadow
you strained to catch as many as you could flow out

intuition glistened
you learned a lot every time you didn't listen to it.

Something always seemed to try and interrupt your flow

Continuing down you heard a mighty rush.

Exploration carving mountain veins in something bigger than yourself.

When you merged in river
you were astounded by its width, marveled at its sheer power, respected its speed, drop by drop you grew.

Beneath a canyon
moonlight draped its magic
upon everything.

Sizzling violet freeze
sneaking through yourself

Indestructible light
hitting you
shuttering thought
opening knowing

lit up and transfixed
you ran

gathering momentum
you knew this body as one vessel

leaves drifted down
you floated them
to where they wanted to go.

Salmon flew up from below
trying to spawn
bruised and thrashed
they kept going

Resilience against the stream
crept into you, beckoned, turned a string, made a different sound, grew loud with change, something wild clawed your shine, drew you in, reversed the course, another tunnel underground opened up, you dove down, lost control, grew savage, turned hostile, lost speed, sat stagnant, began to stink, begged to feel light.

You ached to get back.
Searching for escape you evaporated.

Dissolved in air.

Dreams carried you high
white cloud absorption
floating through blue
waiting to cry

grey stained you
left you stranded
sky drift
years passed
lies became truth
questions exploded
wild wonder lost
hope for river
burning golden ropes
through your heart

Dreams smashed October
left it fluttering in bright annihilation.

Different strings played
other tunes surprisingly rash and full of contempt,
mashed you down.

A thousand feet of trample.

Distrust turned the world upside down

The moon disappeared
left you incomplete and full of absence.

Melancholy meltdown

Wars raged within
Love turned to hate
spikes grew and twisted cold metal reflecting everything back to you

Mean chill bite
crimson boiling
scarred visions
Lost friends


One night an angel came to you
Spoke softly in a dream
her radiated voice
cradling your hope
for what lie beyond

A flash of remembrance
cuts shadows off your night
full moon returns
captures the sky
You remember
how to cry
You fall

Knowing the river waits your return. One body moving fresh.

Pure shine of power
Is yours again
she will float you down
the brilliant expanse of ocean
patiently waiting to embrace you.
191 · Sep 2017
Styles 12 Sep 2017
When we were starlight tap dancing
on a roof in the country,

knowing more
than now.

Seeing further then,
able to shine anywhere we wanted.

Now we are bottled in skin
   searching for the opening

I have felt it blast inside me,
  keeping me starving,

threading its magic
  drops from Oceania
   moonlight drip my haunted eyes.

I have glimpsed your
  Majestic Kingdom
King of Kings.

I am only one of many openings
when I empty my trench
   You pass through.

When sorrows become
too heavy
my back is cracked
in half.

Now I know
to give it all to You

even when all I want
is to go back
and never return again.
191 · Apr 2017
This Is How I Dream
Styles 12 Apr 2017
This is the blinding steam squall spray of a fractured heart shattering perfect glass
no more feelings flowing
I'm putting on the STEEL HEART caused by a ruthless reckless life crash

Disintegration Completion
Alienation transformation
Satisfaction Cancellation

December froze my wish
I rode the edge of ****** and danced under a cascade of forgiveness

I dwelled in dreams and forgot to live


I'm the survivor of Isolation
the survivor of intimidation
I crossed the roads of indignation
and like Fire it left me with scarring skin.

My child was hunted by Reptillain Kings
seduced by the lust of thieves
but both claws made my soul scream
both claws made my soul scream
4 claws scratched my Heart's dream

Submerged in a midnight madness pool gene'
when words gave birth to Rising Dreams
Life Gives Death to Rising Dreams

my heart still forms my dreams
my heart still forms my dreams

help me to break open
so the truth can release my heart for free
truth can set me free
love can give me peace.

Let me ride the jet stream carefree on a cloud's sleeve

this is a half crescent moon slammed beneath the mean reef
living with the Sea's GRIEF
snowflakes melt on Autumn Leaves
and this is how my heart bleeds
this is how my soul screams
caught on Sorrow's wings

when the fire shapes the violet ring
this fire is my hornet sting
riding in the jet stream

this is how the halos ski
this is how the halos ski
and this is how I dream.

This is where fear or love is made by Everything
rejection helped turn the key
Destruction turns the key
to another world inside me.

Indigo sprays the mountain peak
alone the incline seems so steep
but this is what the cold brings
this is what the cold brings
this is what my heart sings when poems cross the sun.

Hard Winds take my leaves
I'm soul stripped of every color and roaming lost again
I'm scraping through the thick reef with new claws made for me
reaching for a Haven where Despair is not the SEA

somebody should have warned me before I sunk the moon
that life is harsh and bitter when you stumble through the gloom.

There is no refuge from the pain but where the skyline meets the waters edge
Twilight softly rains
In the searing distant glow, I flow my silent love to YOU.

December's slowly waking, gasping for a breath
living on the ridgid side of an Ancient MOUNTAIN CREST...

This is the blinding steam squall spray of a fractured heart
I'm starving for the sun rays to shine back on my leaves

There's a storm around every corner
but this is what the cold brings
when your captured in a jet stream
December turns crimson on a cloud's sleeve
Snowflakes melt on Autumn leaves
and this is how my heart bleeds
when I'm caught on broken wings
the steam is all I breathe
falling from a jet stream
this is how a comet skis
this is how a poem sings trailblazing across the sun
feelings flow Salvation's dust right into a rapid stream
cascade into my thoughts again so I can drink you in
I'm breathing out the steam
forming icy halo rings
this is how the fire skis
this is how the fire skis
along my hidden track of tears
this is how I dream
this is how I dream...

© 2012 Scott Lee
Styles 12 Apr 2017
Five minutes away from snowing
invigorating perfumed winds
dance the solitary trees.

Battleship clouds move in.
Crisp goes the air.
Light flakes swirling to the beat of their own drum.

Heavenly white I almost can
hear an angelic band play electric on their castle of smoothness.

Hands numb.
Mind blank.
Heart washed.
Soul clear.

I think of you and I picture the entire
Light of the Universe showering us
as we dance on a tropical shore.

Our hearbeats collected in a treasured book stored beneath the arm of God.

Soft waves crash.
The curtain lifts.
We see each other as we truly are as if we never knew judgment at all.
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