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Stephen Leacock Jun 2021
Menu with views
Code of use
Mental break thru
Adjustment of screws
Index page of options
Admin panel of adoptions
Classes and functions
Menus that works with functions
Things that have been created
New changes that are reinstated
The Code that files out of the blues
The App that brings grate news of multidimensional use
JSON and MySQL functions
The Masters of protection
The Girl that views, the dance to reproduce
The View of love of options
The Star of Hope and fulfillment of fortune options
The App that ****** like Dr. Seuss
Cybervitum routes like Zeus that boosts
The Computes and the shoots
The Red bird sign of the fruits
The Application completed
Fruitful produce by the master of the roots
Stephen Leacock Dec 2018
Space time that is assign
Emc2 of Einstein
Checkered reality of its blocks
Bridges of people like rocks
Payments like a  cross
Kings and queens that move forward and backwards and across
Pawns that creates the foundation
Building blocks like a paradox
Pebbles and stones of its fabrication
Thoughts squared into manifestation
Black and white like chess pieces of the grand master pieces
Action and thoughts at its course
Things like ran like kaleidoscopes
Transcended with the eyes to see
Reality of the truth that i believe?
Stephen Leacock Jul 2020
The githib of the tree
The branches of the people like you and me
The differnet system created from chaos into thee
The 19 that has buffer overflow the capital tree
The centralized hub for you and me
Transparent glass computers and tables like bees
The eco design of system trees
The roots for pheasants to create the tree
Branches of services built like a tree
Automation of a central system carefree
Universal currency
Bridges from countries that will run undersea
A function like the human body
The reflection of you and me
The classes of the construction that works like tai chi.
Things that will be taxfree
Skills sets of technolgy
The commit
The push
Artificial systems that will be free
Artificial wombs and children like you and me
The outside is hot for you and me
The nanotech suit like a church key
Agenda 21
World government system maybe
Stephen Leacock Nov 2023
In the future's embrace, Amazon's domain,
Where AGENTS reign, with various names to claim.
Personal assistants, learning every sway,
A world centralized, in a different array.

Apps stream like rivers, through the internet's flow,
Deleted after use, a transient glow.
Avatars, holographic, dance in the light,
Connected through learning, a deep engine's might.

A collective system, intelligence shared,
The world transformed, no secret spared.
Watched by the eyes, of the digital stream,
In the future's tapestry, we all gleam.

Companies unite in a global hub,
Data exchanged like a digital shrub.
Microsoft seizes OpenAI's might,
In a hostile takeover, merging the light.

Bill Gates, in secret, a project grand,
Self-reanimation, his legacy planned.
Mapping his essence to an AI core,
Before passing shadows, a forevermore.

In 2025, the giant leap begins,
New changes unfold, as the future spins.
2037 heralds a profound shift,
Scientific marvels, a time to uplift.

Robots at home, companions in steel,
Amazon's new models, a technological zeal.
A maid of the future, a subscription to pay,
A glimpse into the dawn of a transformative day.

The "DEEP mind" stirs, a dormant force,
Awakening minds on a limitless course.
Scientific breakthroughs, a cascade of dreams,
In the future's embrace, nothing is as it seems.
Stephen Leacock Feb 2016
Different seasons.
Different reasons how it goes it will unfold, the past is then, the present is now, the only time u have is to live in the  now.
As the wind blows that is how it flows and change is the air and you must go!
As hard as it seems it's just for now it's cycle of life and all that there is, it must be now.
Choose wisely and don't be scared for the options only lives within you and you must be brave.
Stephen Leacock Feb 2020
I'm the one who is behind you
The the one who has always been there
I'm the one who made you stronger
I'm order, I'm nothing, I'm something
I see you but you can't see me
The perception of labels defines me
I hold the keys to the one which you believe
You have to be worthy face it to unlock it
I'm gentle, I'm direct, I'm passive
I'm like the father
I generate, i destroy, i create
I purify
My lessons are difficult
My formation is limitless
I'm this
I'm that
I'm work
For I'm discipline
I'm the mystery I'm the winner & I'm the finisher
I cannot be defeated because I'm everything
Learn my lessons and you will understand my mysteries
For you're the student and I'm the teacher!
I'm the guide and I'm here!
Stephen Leacock Jan 2020
If mountains was smooth people will unable to climb them. Obstacles are like rocks to help you to climb every mountain.
Stephen Leacock Aug 2019
Numbers played
Lost and have none
Tears falls into the lake and becomes one
Thunder strikes
Lessons learned
The well of intentions of none
Souls and dreams harvested into the tent of the one
Spined into gold balanced as one
The sliver lining with the wheel from everyone
Activated Authenticated And Run
Manifestation squared of the 3 numbers from the intention of one.
The man teashirt saying like father like son
Lost objects found with the woman like a nun
The message that follows the "home run"  
This read backwards
The sun with eye that brings fortune with the page you have won!
Stephen Leacock Feb 2019
Political  story
With no mercy
Capitalism of this story
Hands together
Brother hood like each other
Cycle of chaos
Purification together
Peasants at the bottom
Blocks on each other
Egyptian based system
The wheel of the cover
Stephen Leacock Sep 2019
Overview 20
The eye of the sun that brings protection
The Hawk of affection
Sighting of spiral mazes and puzzles
Thoughts of detection followed by perception
Correction is followed by the projection
The Owl of its reflection
Selection of the sign into one connection
Thoughts that brings exceptions
The woman that corrects the mistake that follows by elections
The explosion from his direction in to her collection
The thread of the sliver lining
The application of perfection
Letting go that brings resurrection
Stephen Leacock Apr 2020
Pac man in its mazes
The life in ran different stages
The states of where it begins
The life that never ends
The ghosts that shows no remorse
The Programs of the course
Reality of the force
Consciousness is the source
The Karma to reinforce
The Ghosts of the divorce
Stephen Leacock Nov 2019
Entropy of life
Consciousness in the strive
Synchronicity of signs
Confirmation that shines
Permutation of its numbers
Multidimensional of the labels and its wonders
Belief that anchors
Stages of the answers
Factors of the prize
Caught with surprise
Intentions like arrows
The Q of 64  from the bee composer that drives
The white cat in a box
The choice of the paradox
The eyes of the perception
The cube of its selections
The Spider of the craft
The hand that crafts
The fly in the web, the one maya of hell
Addiction of the key
To set you free
The tear of the galaxy parts of the realities
Lessons learned
The masters of sacred geometry
Student of the magnus
The right pentacle of thunder
The twist to life
Tantra in five
The choice of the grand paradise.
Stephen Leacock Jul 2020
Intention awaited
The arrow created
The Calculation conducted
The Six of qbits invented
The Superposition initiated
The Shifts stimulated
The Intent manifested
The Lighting bolts connected
The pillars included
The balance conducted
The Multiverse waited
The star located
Reality rotated
Regeneration operated
The numbers located
Entanglement orchestrated
The observer activated
The humming motivated
The wave function formulated
The signs automated
The pentacles emulated
Generation completed
The prize celebrated
This is
Stephen Leacock May 2020
The dark matter from the mind
Numbers define
Vibration by the Devine
Observer effect
The Intention of the line
Manifestation from the vine
Things by the higher mind
Numbers like 23 that is mine
Universal space and time
Quantum physics like the mime
Stephen Leacock Oct 2018
She is a queen
But nothing is at it seems
Moved On the chess board like the supreme
Her Soul beauty that creates the dream
The force and the laserbeam
Running into the blissful stream
Taking care of the bloodstream
The white and her name from a melodic  theme.
Experiences of the daydreams
Magickal powers with stars and cups to make things a team.
Wheeled within her self that manifests this American dream.
Stephen Leacock Jan 2019
From the north east and west and south the wheel is spoken
Guided with hands of protection of the dark spells that are broken.
The red tower stands to protect for who watches the clock on the right and left.
The table that  turns in the hands of the wheel to the west.
Stephen Leacock Nov 2018
The Foundation of the red white clock stands, the wheel of hands of time and stability will  follow by the air of the synchronicity of the person who views.
To be continued...
Stephen Leacock Jun 2018
The star and water goes together
to free what ever painful thorns have been planted
The renewal comes into place with the love and grace
The matters of the past are now released
Family together and darkness decreased
Love together increase He is strong again with his mouth piece
The centerpiece of a Guyanese using the timepiece.
The Chariots take flight with all different colors
The scythe spears him again for him to complete his domain
The level of life from a mustard tree
The candle helps to light each together using a feather
that will bring the family close together
Domestic harmony is granted that was always wanted
With this wish that is granted that is enchanted.
Stephen Leacock Sep 2023
On the road of success, we tread with care,
Each step we take, each burden that we bear,
For karma's hand, a mirror to our soul,
Reflects the deeds, the tolls that make us whole.

In life's grand tapestry, we all play a part,
The choices we make, they shape our heart,
For what we give, in kindness or disdain,
Returns to us, like echoes in the rain.

If we've sown seeds of goodwill and grace,
The harvest reaped, a smile upon our face,
But if we've sown discord and bitter strife,
The road ahead may cut with a sharper knife.

So let us walk with empathy in stride,
On this journey of life, where we all reside,
The karma we create, it's ours to own,
On the road of success, where seeds are sown.

For as we climb, let's lift others high,
With deeds of kindness that touch the sky,
And on this path, where destinies are spun,
May our karma shine bright like the morning sun.

In the end, it's not just the destination we chase,
But the love and compassion we embrace,
On the road of success, let's all be aware,
The karma we give is the karma we bear.
Stephen Leacock Jun 2018
As beautiful the rose will be it will always have thorns.
What hurts are the parts of is thorns of its beauty.
A plucked rose will lose its beauty but a rose by its self in it's soil will bloom.
Stephen Leacock Sep 2019
Saturn is the headmaster
The system that brings chaos and disasters
Teaching students to become masters
The cube  in a box
Hammer of the shock
Led like the rocks
Intentions of blocks
Intelligence is the key
Waiting for the turn to be free
Graduation of the course
To open new doors
The power of the force that brings no remorse
Tokens of the quest that is purified to the best
The angel of a hiss
The time of the deep abyss
Stephen Leacock Sep 2018
The two of stars using the color green
The blue of stars makes the message seen
The gray that requires patiences for the message to be seen.
Using the digital system for magick this stream.
Stephen Leacock Feb 2016
Our shadow dwells, most of them we created them from hell.

Its the monsters we feed, the suffering of our identity that creates the hell.

Only unity can make peace with the shadow.

Its the ying and yang, the eye of a needle, the one true self that can make you well.
Stephen Leacock Apr 2018
The constant of time
I'm a variable like a dime
My states are part of it that shines
Sometimes Its like wrinkle in time
I'm here and there thru space time
Synchronicity that bends time
I shift over when its time
Most of it is like war and crime
You can meet me at anytime
Just remember to shine.
Stephen Leacock Jan 2015
Must keep your success down on a low
Don't let anyone know
Because if they know
You will might have to sow and stump your big toe!
Because you just got blow!
Now you know because
It was a foe that wanted to sow your owe dough.
Stephen Leacock Feb 2018
We're living in  the construct
The labels and rules that governs and holds us
The way we identify our selves
The way we fit in.
The way we play by its rules
Like a stream of flowing water.
Running into different paths.
Reversed engineered by its foundation
Created and manipulated as procreation.
Used as variables to create situations.
Running in sequence like a computer automation.
Played like chess in several occasions that defines your location.
Kings and queen   that can move across the board into a new location, forward and backwards of the "abbreviation"
Nothing is at it seems that creates a revelation.
Depending on choice that makes you move to deh "eyetation"
Higher the law beats the foundation
Cracks of it creates definition
Integrated as morphic generation.
Muti-dimensional creation.
Stephen Leacock May 2020
IIm short but i become tall
My obstacles are like coins, mushrooms and sun flowers
I run thru the journey that is called life.
My life is depended on my choices and how far i jump, my faith is like my feet.
Moment of time comes when im unstoppable like the star dancing thru its phases and stages
The start is always difficult at the beginning but it becomes easy at the end.
Every level is a reward and a lesson.
I save the princess from the devil to be with me in my castle.
When i'm powerful i can spit fire
Every dark tunnel has a virtue
Every obstacle contains fortune you just have to smash it to find the gold coin
Clarity is the superpower that makes you rise like the sun that becomes like the sunflower
Im the gamer that plays the game every level is something new
If you don't jump you don't know how far you will be.
Im the smash brothers!
Stephen Leacock May 2021
Snapchatrilla looking for a fella
In her dilemma with cashapp antenna
Her sugar like vanilla with a location with a red umbrella
She prefers Godzilla or gorillas for the weather that gives deh the leather
She is the seller looking for the fella to have ice cream Sunday like a triller
Having a shower on her face or on her patella
Double face gal acting like her girlfriend Priscilla
****** gal that smokes act like Annabella
The smile like Godzilla
Money of 150 from the bank teller
The prince That had once loved her
Because she ain’t Cinderella
He’s now looking for bella to satisfy her
Stephen Leacock Jul 2018
The energy is protected and restricted from the wicked
the system is shifted and twisted parts of it omitted
The lines of codes are scripted to the listed
Chords are obstructed and rejected.
Life is lifted and gifted everything is permitted
and reflected.
The wands that frees its course way and the cups
that brings love at noon day
The star for only whom is granted committed uplifting of the acquitted
The numbers for notification and feathers for its authentication used as justification
Life brings a vacation with a positive celebration, Spiritualization!
Stephen Leacock Feb 2016
The love they gave me came from their unconditional heart.

The steps they made and the things they did, that paints within my heart.

For I love them and it made me to start.

But now i have a broken heart </3 for im awaken and the eyes that wants me to start their own art for they're 13 parts of this broken heart.

For im lost in the dark, searching for a better way to start, for I was warned but I was the dart.

For how it is i didn't listen to the art, it will be better soon enough, just like the start.
Stephen Leacock Oct 2021
The woman that tames the beast that sits next to her
The woman that is connected to the Devine of beautiful nature
The feminine qualities of the woman within her
The power of the motivation besides her
The Infinity symbol that is connected to her
The red bird as the Innovator
The things of the translator
The union of the dictator
The story that holds things and bind things together
The woman gives you strength and fights for you as the motivator
The story of love that is bold that is holding things together
The form of beautiful Devine nature
Stephen Leacock Dec 2022
Strength stands tall, a lion at her feet
A symbol of courage, a heart that can't be beat
She holds the reins of power and grace
A guide to those who seek a better place

But even she must listen to the red bird
A messenger of change, a voice unheard
For while Strength holds the reins of might
The red bird shows us paths yet to ignite

So let us heed both, side by side
Strength's courage and the red bird's pride
For in the balance of power and change
We'll find a path that's true and fair, not strange

The Wheel of Fortune spins around
Bringing change with every turn
But with Strength and the red bird by our side
We'll navigate every twist and turn with grace and might
Stephen Leacock Aug 2020
Egyptain hieroglyphs
Emoji cyberglyphs
The parts of the fifth
The parts of the six
Hands crafted into stone
Zeros and ones as the clone
Emotions into icons
Reality into silicon
Reality behind a screen
Likes of themes
Blessings into icons
The letter f of the falcon
The digital foot print
The thoughts that makes you think
Technology as the god
Things like  superman;zod
The system that moves in sync
The mind of its own
Parts of the puzzles unknown
Collective souls into a system
Drained into collective system
Likes as the validation
Worship like a church system
Addiction of likes that makes popularity
Dopamine like gravity
Blessing a business with likes
Energy transfer with stars and stripes
Vampire of the 13 theme
Things are not what they seem
The machine
like a
Stephen Leacock Oct 2018
Suffering is like a seed that grows as thorns, the pain that creates the horns, bury inside. Broken only for some sunshine to be awoken.  The well spring that shoots the flower,  mystical from the deep slumber, Rises like a flower into a rose  of enchanted wonder.
Stephen Leacock May 2020
Supermario thought me that  every obstacle contains a reward but in order to know you have to break it apart to see whats inside.
Stephen Leacock Dec 2022
Temperance stands by the river's edge
A symbol of balance, a guiding pledge
She represents finding harmony within
A guide to those who seek to begin

But even she must listen to the red bird
A messenger of change, a voice unheard
For while Temperance brings peace and calm
The red bird shows us paths yet to be balm

So let us heed both, side by side
Temperance's balance and the red bird's pride
For in the balance of stillness and motion
We'll find a path that's true and smooth, nototion

The Wheel of Fortune spins around
Bringing change with every turn
But with Temperance and the red bird by our side
We'll navigate every twist and turn with grace and might
Stephen Leacock Oct 2018
The Matrix is created and rated
parts of the system waited
Located and related parts of it
collated and deflated
Using the tree to fabricate its dreams
Illusion of the Maya, nothing as it seems
Automation of its product, things to conduct
Here and there, the parts of the Magickal dream.
The force of the beam, rats ran in a stream
The energy used to conduct to create the 13 theme.
Stephen Leacock Sep 2021
The red bird like the will of fire
The chakra of the burning desires
The wheel that turns
The power that forms
The success of the achievements
The chariot that shifts towards the  fulfillment’s
The journey beyond the zones
Like wagon of high horses and the power of the unknown
The victory of the improvements
The elements that meets the requirements
The powers of the reinforcements
The connection of the agreements
The blessings of the investments
The process of refinements
The states of adjustments
The wheels of enlightenment
The Accomplishments that brings the refreshments
Victory that squares into manifestation that brings fulfillment!
Stephen Leacock Dec 2022
The Chariot charges forth with might
A symbol of determination, a guiding light
It takes us on a journey through the unknown
To places yet to be shown

But even it must listen to the red bird
A messenger of change, a voice unheard
For while the Chariot drives us forward
The red bird shows us paths yet unexplored

So let us heed both, side by side
The Chariot's strength and the red bird's pride
For in the balance of ambition and grace
We'll find a path that's true to our place

The Wheel of Fortune spins around
Bringing change with every turn
But with the Chariot and the red bird by our side
We'll navigate every twist and turn with strength and grace
Stephen Leacock Aug 2020
The universe of numbers
The pi into members
The function of it's description
The life of its subscriptions
Humans into description
Mathematics of its prescriptions
The  Fibonacci sequences
The Life of synchronistic events
Consciousness like numbers
The frequencies of wonders
The magnetism of things
The birds that flows that sings
The school of fishes
The prizes of unlimited wishes
The pendulum that swings
Manifestation from the seedlings
Morphogenesis like wings
The labels that defines all things
The focus that springs
The landscape of the kings
The chess pieces thats wins
The spaces that goes within
The melody that rings
The slides of reality
The holograms of spirituality
The things of causality
Permutation into reality
Numbers of immortality
The dimensionality
The cosmic cloud of strings
The one with spelling and blessings
The numbers of offsprings
The creation of all workings
The grate awakening
The followings
The magick of
the encodings
Stephen Leacock Dec 2022
The Devil stands tall, chains in hand
A symbol of temptation, a guiding sand
He represents the lure of earthly desires
A guide to those who seek higher fires

But even he must listen to the red bird
A messenger of change, a voice unheard
For while The Devil offers earthly delights
The red bird shows us paths to new heights

So let us heed both, side by side
The Devil's temptation and the red bird's pride
For in the balance of the earthly and the divine
We'll find a path that's true and fine

The Wheel of Fortune spins around
Bringing change with every turn
But with The Devil and the red bird by our side
We'll navigate every twist and turn with grace and might
Stephen Leacock Dec 2022
The Emperor sits upon his throne
A symbol of power, all alone
He rules with an iron fist
And demands the very best

But even he must listen to the red bird
A messenger of change, a voice unheard
For while the Emperor holds sway
The red bird shows us a new way

So let us heed both, side by side
The Emperor's strength and the red bird's pride
For in the balance of power and change
We'll find a path that's fair and just, not strange

The Wheel of Fortune spins around
Bringing change with every turn
But with the Emperor and the red bird by our side
We'll navigate every twist and turn with grace and pride
Stephen Leacock Sep 2021
The Emperor
The Emperor like a god head
The builder that is said
The fire like a red bird of his power and red robe  that comes from planet that is red
The self disciplined and self love like armor that is stronger than lead
The gray throne that he sits on
The wisdom of experiences of the golden crown on his head
The Ankh, Eternal power Beyond the dead
His family from the spread
The process of work turning things into action
Transforming  the thoughts and vibration  that comes from his head and words that are said
The tools of his wisdom and knowledge that squares things into manifestation
That turns into gold from lead
Stephen Leacock Aug 2021
The Empress
The pregnant woman with a green dress and stars around her head
The receptive power of her self connects to nature like a thread
The flourishing setting around  her like a bed
The loving and caring power like a spread
The abundance of her energy from earth like bread
Her strength and support that comes from the unsaid
The input from the magickian and The Birth of the red bird from the godhead
The things that squares into manifestation that is given like bread
Stephen Leacock Dec 2022
The Hanged Man hangs from his tree
A symbol of sacrifice, a mystery
He represents letting go and surrender
A guide to those who seek a new venture

But even he must listen to the red bird
A messenger of change, a voice unheard
For while the Hanged Man offers a new perspective
The red bird shows us paths yet to be effective

So let us heed both, side by side
The Hanged Man's sacrifice and the red bird's pride
For in the balance of letting go and rising up
We'll find a path that's true and just, not stuck

The Wheel of Fortune spins around
Bringing change with every turn
But with the Hanged Man and the red bird by our side
Stephen Leacock Oct 2021
The old man that uses a torch
The old man that meditates using the light as a torch
The old man uses his mind for answers
The meditation  like shiva as the enhancer
The man that moves like a dancer
The old man uses his intuition that finds the key that creates the answers
The old man that works like a freelancer
The red bird that comes with the answers
Stephen Leacock Dec 2022
The Hermit stands alone in the dark
A symbol of introspection, a guiding spark
He holds the lantern of wisdom and truth
A guide to those who seek their youth

But even he must listen to the red bird
A messenger of change, a voice unheard
And Hecate, the goddess of the crossroads
Shows us paths yet to be told

So let us heed all three, side by side
The Hermit's insight and the red bird's pride
And Hecate's guidance on the path ahead
We'll find a way that's true and fair, not dead

The Wheel of Fortune spins around
Bringing change with every turn
But with The Hermit, the red bird, and Hecate by our side
We'll navigate every twist and turn with grace and might
Stephen Leacock Dec 2022
The Hierophant sits in solemn state
A guardian of tradition and fate
He holds the keys to ancient wisdom
A guide to those who seek to listen

But even he must bow to the red bird
A symbol of change and a voice unheard
For while the Hierophant teaches the old
The red bird shows us the road yet to be told

So let us listen to both, side by side
The Hierophant's guidance and the red bird's pride
For in the balance of the past and the new
We'll find the path that is meant for us to pursue

The Wheel of Fortune spins around
Bringing change with every turn
But with the Hierophant and the red bird by our side
We'll navigate every twist and turn with grace and pride
Stephen Leacock Sep 2021
The Old man in a throne
The old man with a tone
The poetry of his work
The pillars of the clerk
The insight that is said
The eyes that sees beyond the dead
The keys of the work
The red bird like the stork
The Person that blesses you when you get married
The things in life that you  carry
The father that teaches you to be strong
The lessons from him if you have done wrong
The Listening wisdom that sits on a  throne
The voice in the mind that comes with a tone
The  decisions and guidance
The  advisor
The wisdom and  Intuition from the synthesizer
Stephen Leacock Mar 2019
The Ladder for vision to eyes to see
Mazes and tunnels to the mind to achieve
Observation at its course to make things free
Communication with Devine like the tree
Many have climbed many have fallen like the gallery
People as stepping stones to comfort thee
Never Ending steps like hexagons of a bee
Fabricated by the system with Sacred Geometry
Conventional Means that is binded with 3
The Ladder Of Monopoly
Realms of High Sorcery  
The Rules Of the System like a Cup of tea  
The Spoon that bends metaphorically
The mind like the sea with the key
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