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Justin Case May 2018
Don't trust me just because others do,
Trust me because you do.
Justin Case May 2018
Do I love you?

Some say that love is when you give someone the power to destroy you and trust they won't use it. You could destroy me ten times over if you wanted to.

Do I love you?

"No one has greater love than this, to lay down his life for his friends." I would die for you.

Do I love you?

Love is caring more for the well being of another more than yourself. I would do anything for you.

So yes, I think I love you.
Justin Case Apr 2018
I love you.
Don't mourn my death,
I'm not worthy of your tears.
Justin Case Mar 2018
You are precious to me.
Much like that fateful ring though, you bring me much pain.

How can someone that brings so much joy into my life bring me so much pain?
The same way the ring does of course.
Being with you is such a high
That being without you is worse than death.
I would do anything to keep you.

Not only that, but the ring desires its true owner,
All others are simply a temporary placeholder.
The trouble is, I know I'm not the final destination,
Which means it is only a matter of time until you will be gone forever, never to return.

Still, I would travel through Mordor for you,
Although I fear I won't be as fortunate as Frodo.
I would risk my life, go through all the pain.
All you have to do is ask.

The chance of me making it through this journey is probably about the same of Frodo succeeding without Sam's help;
It just ain't gonna happen.
Justin Case Feb 2018
I don't usually push this hard.
In fact, I'm almost scared that I'll push you away.
But I don't have time for this waiting game.
I can't play hard to get.
I'm running out of time.
I must fight for every second I can get.

In a few weeks I'll be gone,
Never to see you again.
Can you blame me for trying?
Is it possible to fit a lifetime in such a short period of time?

I don't mean to push you away,
I just want to spend time with you.
You're the sun to my flower.
Without you I cannot exist.

I'm a battery that can only be charged by you,
And I'm headed to a place without any power sources.
I shall soon be no more.
Please allow me to live while I still have the means.
Justin Case Jan 2018
How can I tell you I can't live without you?
Justin Case Jan 2018
I don't take compliments well, and unless I know beyond a doubt that it's true, I won't even believe you actually meant it.

I overthink things, and even after something happens, I will continue to run through everything that could have been done differently.

I don't do emotions, and the more you try to get me to share, the more I start to believe that I don't even have them.

I'm not good socially, and the more I like you, the worse I am. I may seem dull or uninteresting, but I just don't want to mess up.

I know I'm not perfect, or even anywhere close, but thank you for being you and accepting me the way I am.
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