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Apr 21 · 44
when you say gray, do you mean grey, as in lady jane or earl as in tea. when you say grey, do you mean gray, as in mary, my friend? do you mean that we all come from different countries.
Apr 20 · 58
.best eleven.
we named it best eleven.        dark the day,          we are survived.

light came, we saw the green ness of it all.                          we live in the country.
Apr 19 · 80
pool of fear,
the fright of interrogation,
i hear.
from where comes the mourning,
late afternoon,
and evening…
Apr 18 · 192
goes where it leads me, a kind of conversation between me and the work, but drawing on what is in mind.

“kind of a diary?”
Apr 17 · 49
things come awry and we leave it so
the random nature of things
faintly corrupted
Apr 16 · 49
saw you fallen
photographed you

yet could not save you
any of them

you are a metaphor
Apr 15 · 79
comes a wider space, with mistakes and misgivings.
nothing in this world is perfect. it is raining today.
Apr 14 · 69
save old card for drawing on and bending about all messy

charcoal gets everywhere and causes coughing
so have been neater recently and careful
Apr 13 · 56
.rural living.
fortunate to live in this place where no bombs will take us.
Apr 12 · 54
"Is art a box that you climb into?”

“Well, yes, I guess it is. I never thought of it like that”

“Are you compartmentalizing?”
Apr 11 · 50
.like in a circus.
like in a circus those days
now there are no animals
mainly clever folk being smart
or funny
Apr 10 · 64
find pieces of jigsaw
everywhere here,
and they
don’t fit

if i try
they make
the wrong picture
Apr 9 · 49
quiet slow and uneventful
it left lasting impressions
a simple drawing out
Apr 7 · 172
some doubt climate change
despite the science
she says we shall have sunny spells
Apr 6 · 38
.that crayon.
that crayon is broke
beyond all hope
Apr 5 · 77
looking up
see rainbows

the small plane still flies over
most days
Apr 4 · 46
.who knows.
who knows what lies underneath
here the land goes up and down
water drains
into rivers
Apr 3 · 95
yes i am inclined to agree; it will be an uphill journey
for us both.
to learn, to grow
Apr 2 · 137
we shall have more drawings
i can see the marks & lines
pushing through
despite the weather
Apr 1 · 76
..rainbow child..
yet i will rather say that all things are
on a spectrum
of colours & ideas

nothing is one colour only,      as decided
in invented rules.  for we are all different
Mar 31 · 62
.the same paper.
on the same paper
as before
i understand
Mar 30 · 226
.blue sky.
do not know everything
only my version

a fraction of the whole
blue sky thinking
Mar 29 · 30
now i remember that you saw the night
while here we wondered, got lost in our
looked up and found the morning had
come pink again
scattered light in particular places
the other in shade
Mar 28 · 74
.the mass, the cloud.
the clouds hang heavy

the mass, the clouds lay heavy, rain that came, that blinded again. blinded those that could not see the love and idle artefacts, each one a statement of nothing in particular.
Mar 27 · 44
.the capital.
some make mistakes
i do and avoid the capitals

main thing is to weather the storms
and visit daily
i too lean slightly
Mar 26 · 56
tell you it is a full and complicated story
that may upset.
i wrote it quickly using shape,colour,
metaphor and symbol.
Mar 25 · 124
the pattern remains the same,
the sentences longer. this is not an issue, and is
accepted gratefully.

they say that the latter will bring immense relief,
to try it consciously.
Mar 24 · 76
.darkness descending.
darkness descends
with out the need for words. pray for
forgiveness if you are so inclined.
Mar 23 · 52
.island monkeys.
island monkeys could not
go abroad
no boat
no plane no nothing
sadly they read books on other countries
with adventures, himalayas & ranuph fiennes
Mar 22 · 77
..bone house..
no words to describe the mass,
the danger of it all, the hate  that
the parallel,

power house.
bone house.
Mar 21 · 88
. high.
high, mountain track,
scattered trees, country
spend the day , waterlogged
moor, black rooted, bring it home.
Mar 20 · 79
tides are higher now, flooding the paths. he walked the mud, bringing the footsteps back to us
the wood louse died and feel it was natural not ****** or an accident

a lot of this event here

an old house

feeling sad about it we remembered reading that the energy does not disappear

that it changes form

we smiled when we knew that and placed the tiny body in the compost

later that day we saw art from materials placed in compost

and smiled
Mar 18 · 124
.lower field.
we watched it come down over the mountain spreading
as the cloud passed by the sun
after cooling indoors we went to see
the maker in the lower field
Mar 17 · 74
feeling my way
through the history of this place
Mar 16 · 69
we should look after things
better. i wrote a thing a while
back. it filled my head with
Mar 15 · 178
will watch the film on perception tomorrow alongside
another. red & white.  they say it will change my life.

meanwhile i **** boxes.
Mar 14 · 132
said old people fold notes
i felt insulted.

she said it bothered her a lot
when she counted them.

we should keep them flat
others may agree
Mar 13 · 86
who defines the different
level of thought
is there a manual
with charts and graphs
a litmus test to testify
that the thought got tangled
Mar 12 · 94
some things fade with time,
with sun and washings.
this one remained bright,
even glaring
Mar 11 · 148
..pretty thing..
is a pretty thing especially today with the backdrop being darker
Mar 10 · 93
seems there may be some connection
some call it a trigger
some things leave us cold and wondering
hope to revert to an earlier
idea of smudge and carbonate
you see
there is no control
only that we think we have
which is probably all imagined
Mar 8 · 149
hesitate again
look down

regret my first sentence

maybe will say it some other time
Mar 7 · 36
pinky glow

she said that it was the coldest night for years

and I forget how many
Mar 6 · 106
..the bungalows..
were built where the chickens did live

where the old cottages were and some time back a photo occurred to remind.


seemed modern to me, then the Shirley’s came, Mr and Mrs, with two boys in short trousers.

brian and the other one

they had wallpaper with galleons on while we had distemper  that was best not to lean on

my mum looked after those boys and once took them to grans

think it was Brian who slipped on the glass roof he climbed and split his leg open

next to them were a lady who had a baby born and showed me how to breastfeed with a rubber **** and me a child under 8

i think there were three bungalows in all

them days mother did not shop at coop,  nor did her mother  either, something regarding dividends
Mar 5 · 82
storm came yesterday dark and loud  the landscape veiled
awash a while
black things fade and all is grey

win or lose hedge your edge
write of parlay
Mar 4 · 59
there is not much more to add, it is lighter
now.                                       birds sing early.

once again we come back to ourselves.

Mar 3 · 40
..chicken farm..
which previously i called a small holding

provided us with murdered birds

heads bitten off

saved mum a job there

and when they sold it along with the old cottages set back

the bricklayers came and while  low down in their building

i ran round the back of our house despite her warning


broke my head open

those brick layers took me to the hospital in their van

a towel wrapped round

two stitches

i bear the scar still

and they built bungalows
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