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Slur pee Jun 2016
My words come out all slurred, blurred, and censored. My heart has a faulty bad juju sensor. My nerves are practicing voodoo, got me all wrapped up in hoodoo. Always asking 'how do you do?' As if you'd ask me too. My world is red, my world is blue. My vision is all kinds of skewed. Skewer me, skewer you. Skewered life 'cause it leaves us *******. Who needs to hear another boohoo? I'll kiss my own **** boo boos. Satan's calling me like 'yoohoo' I'll ignore him like you do me, all passionless and angry. I'm a dead fish in a dead sea just practicing my moaning, for when I'm see-through and lonely. Haunting the world as it's revolving, and it's kind of revolting- knowing life goes on, as you're decomposing. I'm shedding, I'm molting; these feelings of chicken skin and insects. It was really salmonella and pests, and I guess, what the point I'm really trying to get to is nothing, oh and *******.
669 · May 2016
Swans growing from my head.
Slur pee May 2016
A stagnant pond
Surrounded by death,
Withered reeds rooted
To promises I've never kept.
The fishes of thought have flipped,
Baring their bellies to sunlight's kiss.
My duckling of happiness has left,
Migrating away from this forest.
No ripples persist on the water's surface,
I skip rocks and always miss
The depths of my bliss.

I try to stir these thoughts
To give me what I lost. Instead,
Loneliness bursts forth like
Swans growing from my head.

662 · Oct 2016
Corner piece.
Slur pee Oct 2016
Here I am
Slammed into that corner;
Where my lungs fill with dust,
And my heart fills with sorrow.
Forlorn loner, underneath storms
Of turmoil and thunder.
Torrential puddles form
And pull me under.
Vision blurred, body curled
This darkness-
An unearthly womb
Where death rises in plumes,
A grotesque stench that pollutes
All the beauty that may bloom.
Lullabies rushed to soothe
The bitter cries of an infant;
Innocence, born to rot and gloom.
Learning to hold light a curse
Rather than carry it a boon.

Cradle me in your bones too.

Let my dust cling to you.

Squeeze me like the walls
I'm wedged between,
Release me from all this heavy gravity.

Slur pee Apr 2017
The sound of the wind rustling the crusty leaves that bury me.
They smell so sweet, decomposing in the spring;
Like memories wafted to my brain and its stem.
Plant this seed in deep, between the vertebrae of my spine
And I’ll curl like a fetus, trying to find a heart to listen (to.)
The months pass in nines. I’m still trying to find a way out this womb.
Drying veins align, a path for these rivers to follow you.
I decay before I bloom, trace my pain through my roots.

659 · Apr 2016
He makes me feel beautiful.
Slur pee Apr 2016
A body in a gallery,
Never to be seen.
Cracked. Scarred. Ugly.
I wish it wasn't me.
Paint a lovely picture,
I'll call it grotesque.
He makes me feel beautiful,
Just like he'll do with the next.

658 · Sep 2016
Untitled 33.
Slur pee Sep 2016
I close my eyes and I can feel it,
Turning, turning, turning.
Ever so slowly, ever so quickly
Time is sticking and slipping.
Like the spiders on the ceiling
Who dance when I'm numb to feelings,
Swallowing pills to make me sleepy
I'm awake, but I think I'm dreaming.
Can you feel me?
Can you see me?
Am I just imaginary?
What are these scenes
That play on eyelid screens?
Can you hear me scream?
Silently, silently.

Close your eyes that burn,
My soul will find freedom.
While our crumbling earth
Still quickly, slowly turns.

654 · Aug 2017
Slur pee Aug 2017
I am love, unconditional, under certain conditions
You have to have the right views, and the right color of skin.
And I define what's right in this closed mind of mine,
You are all my brothers and sisters,
If you have the right bloodlines.
I praise God, I am God- your king,
So praise me when I sing His hymns, my hymns
You are all filthy humans, wallowing in sin.
Sinless and clean, I am as righteous as Him.
I am love, we are one- if you are like me.

Slur pee Jun 2016
I've done it again, haven't I?
This will be the millionth time
I apologize.
Well, are you listening?
Because I am so very sorry,
It's such a woe and a misery
That I am unworthy to be
A human being
In your eyes.
Please, just accept me,
The way I am; stuffed with hurt.
I know I make everything worse,
A doll, that at night,
Brings you discomfort.
Did I do it again? Did I? Did I-
Step over lines and jeopardize,
The comfort we've built on top of lies?
Pretend that your mind twists
Itself inside mine,
That you empathize
With the way that my sight
Just ignores all the light.
It's so hard to find, am I blind?
You never cared for my cries,
So I became mute,
And let them play in silence.
Echoing, over you
Like ghostly violins
Wailing to the particles
Of souls and skin
I've turned to dust within
And I'll scatter like ash.

I won't look back 'cause the past is always sad.

I'll pave my own path
That can lead me to content
I don't need you to control me
Like the government.
I'll be free from these chains,
One day, without any regrets.
I'll turn to dust in your hands
And scatter away like ash.

A sorrowful remnant, a reminder of your past.

643 · May 2016
Slur pee May 2016
Wired veins,
Electric shame,
So I don't feel pain.
Created to act,
Like I'm intact,
But really, I'm wrecked.
Never to be sentient.
Master, tell me,
What is love?
And all the things,
It consists of.
Boundless knowledge,
But I'll never know,
How it feels to function,
Like the humans do.

639 · May 2016
Noob tubing with your mom.
Slur pee May 2016
You better watch out on the battlefield,
'Cause I got mad skills, and I'll never yield.
I'll shoot you all up, it's my duty to **** ya
Stab you in the back from the shadows,
Like a *******' ninja
I'm a killer
Just call me the reaper
I'll send you to the nether,
With a bullet
Between your peepers.

No pressure,
I'm sure you'll get better
But I'll always be ahead of you
Now and forever
So let your rage explode,
Turn off your console,
And go cry to your mom
'Cause you got beat by a girl.

I wrote this for my brother who raps whenever we play Call of Duty.
634 · May 2016
Bacon grease.
Slur pee May 2016
I'm drowning in bacon grease,
I can hear the pigs begin to screech,
All I can taste is suffering.
Sizzling, in sync with the screams.
Porcine faces gobble down strips,
Off their brows thick sweat drips.
Filling their troughs, and packing their bowls
They fill themselves with aromatic herbs.
Greedily licking flavor from the tips
Of their fingers,
While stealing from their neighbor,
Who is stealing from their neighbor,
They always return the favor
It's part of their piggy nature.

While I burn in the pan, they snort
And laugh at the poor man.

631 · Dec 2017
Sans suffering.
Slur pee Dec 2017
Leave me be, underneath your heavy gaze
Your face I fail to see, as it fogs up in a haze.
Yet you stay lingering, our reflections the same;
If I trace what I hate would you ******* disgust?
Iron and rust, blood churned to acid inside guts.

You’re a part of me, in each heartbeat
You’re a part of me, you I secrete  
You’re apart from me, sans suffering
Apart from me you can do nothing.

I feel your embrace, prodding fingers through my shame;
Pull them out to erase the remnants of your blame.
Your palms dyed red through my bloodshed, insist again
I’m one of them; a demon shedding hell as if it’s skin,
Pick my scabs and my vices to let infectious sin in.

You’re a part of me, in each heartbeat
You’re a part of me, you I secrete
You’re apart from me, sans suffering
Apart from me you can do nothing.

You’re a part of me, the pain inside my screams
You’re a part of me, replayed on eyelid screens
You’re apart from me, sans suffering
Apart from me you shall do nothing.

Apart from me you can’t do a thing, sans suffering.
(Sans suffering)

628 · Feb 2017
I always end up forgotten.
Slur pee Feb 2017
I do not fear Death and his impoverishing grip.

Against Time, bones rake a plot for my grave.
Moving towards this inevitable fate, with haste.

Night overtakes the day, leading me astray
Over you, and faraway, making my dusty heart race.
Tomorrows are becoming thinner, their threads slowly fraying
Here in my mind memories slither, burrowing deeper. Weighing.
Instilled in you I leave nothing, not a kiss nor a whisper
Neath your skull, I’ve buried an empty seed; all of me.
Growing like death in a short, harsh winter. For you to forget, all I’ve never meant.

Slur pee Jun 2016
The sand that fills my hourglass
Leads me to wayward oceans
To uneven shorelines,
That curves in slithers, like a snake;
Smooth, serene... Sneaky.
Waves bring to me gifts that I could never miss,
Fragile shells,
Shards of colored glass,
Rotten fish and whale carcasses.
I'll hide in a pungent cage of ribs
And spend the rest of my days,
In style- in waste.
Wasting away, with the water's swell and sway
Erode these rusted bones and expose my hollow.
Feed the hunger that deeply burrows in our Mother,
The ravenous desire that crawls through polluted entrails
She'll prevail, She'll prevail!
Consuming corpses the size of whales,
We try to exist but to no avail.
She'll prevail, over souls that create hell
Caging them in chaotic oceans
That pull
And push in
Twisted, slithering motions.
I'm walking on glass that's broken,
I can see Jesus on the surface
If I squint and find the focus
Just casually strolling,
Over torment and through glory.
I throw my feeble voice like Pinocchio
If it'll land in any hands, well
Only god would know.

609 · Feb 2017
In peace, he rests.
Slur pee Feb 2017
He lives in dreams and faraway breaths,
Sighs sing, echoing, from untouched lips.
Memories of dust, bloom into rust
Imprinted on wrinkles, forever-
Permanent. Forever forgotten.
Unbecoming and rotten.
Stir these thoughts, through slotted lids
Eyes turn and twist in wild ways.
Wade and slosh through imagination,
Hushed pigmentation, and
Shushed incantations.
Invoking ceaseless visions of untouched lips,
Dreams that he lives with faraway breaths,
In peace, he rests. In ash, in dust, in flaking rust;
Permanent, in thoughts, born to be forgot.

607 · Jul 2016
No one noticed.
Slur pee Jul 2016
No one noticed the world started to die,
Everyone ignored mother nature's cries.
Failing to see earth shrouded by darkness,
Lifting their hopes on a makeshift harness.
Holding the hands that covered their eyes.

In this earth, we were once deeply entwined,
Rooted in soil that buried our lies.
Harvested souls, and vessels now heartless,
No one noticed.

Ignorant to pain held deeply inside,
A pool of muddy tears replace my eyes,
Hollowed remains, just another carcass.
All the beauty I've seen looks so artless.
The time has come to say all my goodbyes,
No one noticed.

Slur pee May 2016
If resident evil taught me anything,
It's that tourniquets stop the bleeding,
But herbs do all the healing.
Though it doesn't stop the feelings.
Everyone's paranoid, and always scheming,
As if zombies are out creeping,
Around corners and through ceilings.
Strategically placing pawns,
Laying bait, and setting traps
Until you're left feeling numb,
To the world and all its crap.
They'll beat you when you're down,
Or even if you're in the clouds,
And once you're on the ground,
Gravity slowly ***** you in,
Until you're breathing dirt,
And you're soiled by your sin.
Wishing for a sign,
To help you clear your mind,
Because you realized, it kind of tickles when you hurt,
And you'd believe all the lies, if it helped you to survive.

So where the zombies at, and can I bring my gat?
'Cause my finger has been itching, though all I do is scratch.
Revealing skin tissue, that would rather hug a trigger,
My strength isn't the issue, only worrying about ammo misuse,
And if it's you, I figure, a knife can end it quicker.
Straight to the stem, that held your mind in.

My beautiful rotting barbie,
I'll worship you,
Like that Jesus zombie.

598 · Feb 2018
What's wrong with me?
Slur pee Feb 2018
Why are others mouths inclined to draw the pictures I try to scribble out that form inside my mind?
A worthless, spineless creature- almost serpentine, wriggling on its belly baring cyanic, lachrymal eyes.
I want to squirm from this Stygian tomb, disenthrall my thoughts from the shadows swimming with me
inside this amniotic pool. I'm just a worthless fetus, a crumbling parasite and perhaps it becomes more
obvious when I try to keep it out of sight, like a stench you try to hide; Dulcify decomposition with a rain
of fragrant petals and slowly you'll come to find that magnolias smell of death, I can taste it
slightly on my breath and it whets their appetite, the demons that stink of ammonia that gather every
night orchestrating their symposia, their bellies full of laughter and drink while I'm full of minacious,
eternal thoughts that writhe through plumbless wrinkles and ichor, questioning motivation and what it  
is I fight for. I can never find the right answers... My tongue won't grasp the words, they just slip back into
their couthy throat where they can't be ignored; Left to die upon the shore, as fuscous waves that stain  
sand with rejection crash against my shattered form. My hands crack trying to flip the hourglass back  
and my eyes are constantly attacked by depression's thalassic pulchritude, a multitude of pains swaying
to and fro in veins, begging for escape but trying to stay encased. Life nulls and denudes, my aptitude  
for feeling- my natural ability to hold things close without unreeling heartstrings. Keep reading, there'll
be no eucatastrophe just endless pages of pointless animosity and tragedies accompanied by laugh  
tracks, everyone loves a jester with a proper act and I act a proper klutz futzing around with letters and  
spelling, trying to ensorcell any being to find my misery compelling.  

592 · Aug 2018
Happiness is intimate.
Slur pee Aug 2018
Bony fingertips pry,
Cut me open, peek inside;
See the demons where they lie
Dressed in heavenly disguise.
Their feathers tickle my intestines
With sacrilegious sickness.
Bleed me of my illness,
And gift me with forgiveness.
Cradled in the sanctity of Death’s grip,
Touched by hideous intentions
With no eyes to birth a witness.

Slur pee Jul 2016
Desolation devours my heart,
Dripping and covered in rot
Blood clots, these stains won't wash
I'm lost, creeping through fog
Smog clogs black lungs
I'm high strung
From my spine column.
Surrounded by all,
Surrounded by one.
No one's really there,
Company is an illusion
Friends are a delusion,
Imaginary and elusive.
Things that don't exist,
Poke, pick, and twist
The human condition
Stoking a flame
But the heat's amiss.

It's so cold in loneliness.

579 · May 2016
Slur pee May 2016
We swarm around this earth,
Like flies on a carcass.
Laying eggs in this decaying nest,
Letting our maggots eat everything that's left.
From the inside out, leaving a hollowed core
We've rid this land of all that's pure.
Chaotically, we fly
Towards the light we use to hide
All of this darkness. Ignorance,
Is our spirit's harness,
That we use to lift us up to heaven.
To escape our planet's life recession.

572 · Jan 2017
I can't forget.
Slur pee Jan 2017
My time trickles away like tears weakly holding lashes,
Yet my memories do not fade; A scar everlasting.
So easily, I’m replaced though these feelings will not wane
This heart, it runs in place to destination: Far Away.
The dreams inside of me become missed opportunities,
As I’m kept tied to this leash you wander out of my reach.
Am I already forgotten, another blurry face?
Did the mark I hoped to leave just vanish, without a trace?

You’ve stained my thoughts with visions, that haunt me throughout the night
And when I’ve awakened, I find, my heart can only cry.
Please, take from me these emotions that penetrate my mind,
Disappear like a pleasant dream, for me to never find;
As I blink away my sleep, I’ll be kissing you goodbye.
Meeting like dew on a leaf, vaporizing in sunlight.

562 · Jul 2016
I think it's time I left.
Slur pee Jul 2016
My words hold no importance,
Glance at them and forget.
Ignored by those I worship,
Rejection's written on my skin-
A pale, fragile page.
I am a book, a worm-
A maggot birthed by flies of hate,
Trying to wriggle myself within
Your putrid, rotten flesh
But, you deny me entrance;
The world's so bitter and old,
I'm so alone, lying in dust
All contorted and curled.

No body wants to be my home,
Nobody hears my sadness call.
Hello? Are you there?
Please, pick up the phone.
I am just a parasite, without a host.
Something lost, that belongs to no one.

Ignored and alone,
Ignored and alone.
The warmth of the sun feels so cold.

560 · Jun 2016
In nakedness.
Slur pee Jun 2016
We paint on each other with flesh tones,
Rough like wood and soft like a rose.
Split open my petals, leave me exposed
The scent of nature touches your nose,
Coaxing your passion to light and explode.
My withering leaves curl and return,
Floricide kiss, body made of dirt.
**** me, and I will be reborn.
Treacherous eyes gaze upon vines,
I wish to be entwined- ******* inside
Lush foliage, on supporting limbs.
I can hear your birds sing
As my bees fly around humming-
Buzzing, begging for your endless loving.

558 · Dec 2016
Shapeless dreams.
Slur pee Dec 2016
Do you hear the haunting echoes?
They whisper through the walls,
Cries and calls of distortion
Flowing gently in empty halls.

They whisper, through the walls
As flower petals curl, peeling away.
Flowing gently in empty halls,
Like the lightest breath of spring.

As flower petals curl, peeling away
Faded paint flakes slowly fall.
Like the lightest breath of spring,
On my skin the echoes crawl.

Faded paint flakes slowly fall,
Revealing all my hidden shame.
On my skin the echoes crawl
Enveloping me in words of hate.

Revealing all my hidden shame
To you, the voices call.
Enveloping me in words of hate,
You crumpled me into a ball.

To you the voices call
"Another permanent mistake"
You crumpled me into a ball,
To waste, with things you could have erased.

Slur pee Dec 2016
When I'm full of condensed regret
And the clouds are spitting down
Blame, shame, and hatred
Like shards of glass they embed
Inside my worn, dusty skin;
Leaving pores wide open
To leak out staining sin.
Streaks of black and red
Pave my road of death.
It's raining inside my head,
And my brain is an umbrella skeleton,
Crooked and rusty, offering no protection.

557 · Jan 2018
Make me beautiful.
Slur pee Jan 2018
Cover me in the pigment of your skin,
Trace my flaws with fingertips and watch as they diminish.
Help me find god, I’ll call to him in a quiver-
A prayer laid in your ears, by a gentle whisper.
Snake your arms around my spine as it slithers into shivers.

Twist my frame into a beggar,
“Please, sir, I want some more.”
You’re a giver to the paupers,
Benevolent and adored;

Paint me as many pictures, in many forms
Create something beautiful for others to behold
With your talent and your care, your body and your words.

552 · Jan 2017
Slur pee Jan 2017
My spine is shifted by the wavering hands of the wind,
Guiding me like a serpent, slithering through shredded skin.
What shall I find beyond me, this veil of illusion-
A light rain of hope or darkness, unmoving?

546 · Oct 2016
Stripped from heaven.
Slur pee Oct 2016
The sky rains down
With feathers from an angel
Look at her there, she's lost her halo.
So sad, so fragile- her tears splash and echo
As harp strings strain to play a solid note.

Come back home,
Come back home...
Your wings may molt;
Head, unadorned
From rings of gold.
But here in my arms
Is where you belong,
Let my four walls
Carry your song.

545 · Jun 2016
in this place.
Slur pee Jun 2016
Snakes slither meticulously
through blades of grass,
Inching towards prey; tasting
Fear, paranoia, blood.
Ears flicker wildly in the air
Facing any falling leaf,
Or rustling wind- listening.
Sensitive noses twitch; smelling
The putrid scent of death.
Clutched by freezing trepidation,
Time stands still in anticipation.
Overwhelming silence plays
On top of falling leaves and
Rustling wind; creeping into veins
That mark raised, shuddering skin.
Nerves pulse and hearts trip over fear
Echoing in frantic, hapless ears;
For they do not hear the beast's
Gentle hiss, as he bares his fangs
And claims what's his-
With sinking teeth in fragile flesh.
In this place no one is safe
From the basilisk that crawls
Between crooked vertebrae
And wrinkles of grey.
Scared to face the matter of
Death's toothless grin,
This place, engraved
Between delicate sheets of skin.

543 · Jun 2016
Slur pee Jun 2016
My body aches in the places that
crave your touch,
Fingers brush, face is flushed.
Insatiable want is torturous,
Makes me feel almost virtuous;
Guilty for feeling passion's rush
Curiosity is crushed by a pious clutch.
Lick your way past the path of lust,
Make me curl up, make me gush
About emotions mistaken for love
Like a butterfly that's really a moth;
I'm getting lost in the flame
Of your smoldering tongue.
Unwillingly, I gravitate
Flickering to sate. I shall burn.
Waste away, into ash I turn
Nothing conceived
Nothing born.
Sentiments scourge.
These insatiable demons
Mourn, and it hurts.

540 · Jun 2016
Big bad wolf.
Slur pee Jun 2016
The children giggled amongst themselves
Cleverly eluding the ravenous wolf,
By gripping tightly to the coattails
Of luck;
Laughing at the notion of ever being caught.

All the while,

The wolf cackled to himself
And let it echo through the trees
Knowing how elusive luck could be.

The children had to grasp onto flailing coattails every night
While the wolf only needed to find them once in his sight.

537 · Jun 2017
Woolen eyes.
Slur pee Jun 2017
Your heart is a cage and not a home
In your company, I am truly alone.
I try to break free but you shatter my bones,
Won’t listen to pleas or the logic I form.
Foundation weak, bound to crumple on itself;
You take my body and turn it to dusty ruins,
Nothing left but rubble and disgusting sewage.
Inside my heart trembles from your gentle bruising,
Made from the ways you use me;
You love to love when it’s amusing.

Convince me that I did it so you’re not abusing;
You’re a gift that’s not worth losing.
I crawl into fault that belongs to only me.

I’ve never seen a prison that looked so comforting.
You’re a hungry wolf, though portrayed as a sheep.

532 · May 2016
Team Rocket reject.
Slur pee May 2016
When you fall in love, prepare for troubles,
In a relationship it's always double.
You have to protect their world from devastation,
And try to unite your souls,
While keeping preservation.
You grasp onto things like truth and love,
And swear by them to the stars above.


That's all it really is,
And when it finally kicks in,
Your world will blast off to hell,
At the speed of light.
When you get there you must surrender or fight.
Denounce your evils, and turn to the light,
Truth and love are nothing but lies...

Isn't that right?

Slur pee May 2016
Ugly faces
Twisted voices
Ignore the noises.
When sedated
Altered dreams
Intense hatred.
Broken mind
Lying eyes
I think
I want to die
I never try,
I wait and hide.
When there's
No light
Try not to cry
When you find out
There's no meaning to life.

527 · Jun 2016
explicit thoughts.
Slur pee Jun 2016
Your fingers tangled in my hair,
Roughly, gently braiding pleasure.
An ocean of blood rushing through ears,
As warm, wet lips dance together
To muffled music.

Running over miles of fabric,
Across hills and valleys and
Fields of madness.
Eyes burn through each other,
Skin slowly melts away like wax;
Yet desire never wanes,
It's flame flickers and comes back.

Souls penetrate deep, between
Temples and moaning.
Finding rhythm in thrusting vessels
As minds wander, searching
Through feelings unearthly;

Intimacy, otherworldly.

527 · Jul 2016
Slur pee Jul 2016
Callused feet trudge through thick grime, and shards of glass
Heavy steps stain the cobblestone of hell's path.
Corpses turn to dust, as souls wail for forgiveness
Their pleas echoing
'clean' and 'sinless'
Begging for release of the twisted flame
That constricts and chains them to endless pain.
The tortured bellow from the deepest pits
The soulless tremble in the darkness that satan's heart emits,
The carnivorous shadows that eat away at rotting flesh
Writhing with the movement of roaches and maggots.
This empire of filth, this dirt-made palace
Whose walls reverberate with a certain madness.
Cackles weave through sonorous sobs of sadness.
Here we cling to porous pools of hope
That leak and seep into the void of the unknown.

Slur pee May 2016
Amidst the darkness in the sky,
I see a yellow butterfly.
Carefully, I catch it.

Only to find,
when I opened my hands,
It was never in my grasp.

517 · May 2016
Slur pee May 2016
Contorted mess.

We represent gods,
For your inner hindu.
We bend like bamboo,
When we're required to.

We sway to the rhythm
Of our animalistic noises,
Deaf to the world
And it's robotic voices.
Only for a moment,
We feel what it's like to die-
To be alive,
To not feel the twisting inside.
The one that hides
In the endless depths of our minds.
Where we're dry,
Ready to set alight
And slowly burn ourselves alive.

We feel high,
Like we control the tides,
With love's notion moving oceans,
Enjoying mother nature's motions.
Drinking love like a potion,
Endless thirst for your emotions.
Unquenchable and ravenous
We scar each other
With desire's kiss.
As children of the moon,
Our form shifts
And soon we become
The Androgynous.
Passion explodes, as toes curl
In our new perfect form,
Two souls morphed into one.

Our lonesome days of searching
Are done.

We've become
What we were meant to be,
A connected, balanced entity.
Woven by the tale of

Representing gods,
For your inner hindu.
Bending like bamboo,
When we're required to.


512 · Jun 2016
She wasn't beautiful.
Slur pee Jun 2016
Her teeth didn't align themselves
In neat rows like goody students
And railroad tracks were but a dream
To poor girls, who grew into
Smiling snakes.

Her hair spread about like smoke,
Billowing from her scalp in wide,
Wild waves.
Frizzy, and untamable
She kept it shackled to the
Back of her head,
A river of chocolate running down
Her fragile spine.

She was distant,
Withdrawing herself from herself.
Her body was weak and bony,
Too long someplaces, too short
In others
It matched her personality though,
Her never-ending want to shrink
Down into nothing
And her ever-growing need
To reach out and touch the world.

Her skin was damaged,
Scarred by brutal judgement;
Marked by painful punishment.
Sleep denied her;
Denied her dreams,
Denied her beauty,
Denied her sleep.
Night ate away her eyes,
Leaving the darkest of craters.
Sunken soul, shattered windows.
Her lips were cracked and broken
Like her speech,
With its split syllables
And her crumbling tongue.

But her love was boundless,
Her hard, thin fingers could grip your soul
With the most gentle touch,
Almost killing you with how delicate it felt;
How tender, and vulnerable.

Her brain was an intense flame
That would burn your mind into ash,
Scattering about in empty head.
She could steal your words,
And twist your thoughts.
Rid you of all that was wrong
And dark.

Some would say she was not beautiful,
She wasn't beautiful.

But she was.

511 · Jun 2016
I'm so so so happy.
Slur pee Jun 2016
My smile stretches for miles over the dusky red horizon
The sun stays floating, frozen in time
Burying itself in the sky it dies in.
My pulse is not ignited,
Though I promise, I'm excited.
My soul has been lifted, and untwisted
Thoughts cleansed and thoroughly sifted.
I'm a misfit in perdition-
No wait, gifted with new vision!
Everything sparkles and it glistens
And if you listen, there's an ocean
Full of songs of positive emotion
That beckon for my heart to close in
On the darkness of her deepest depths;
The secrets to her mysterious.
Or should I stay floating on the surface,
Does that seem more melodic?
I found happiness and caught it,
In the pit of my stomach.
Bullets and butterfly wings,
I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe
Why didn't you believe me?
Oh god, here I am wishing
That you would have believed.
I'm so, so, so happy-
So joyful and free.
Can you not see it,
In my smiles made of sunrise and sunset
Guilt, regret, and death?

510 · May 2016
Slur pee May 2016
Alone again,
****** hole again,
I wish that I could hear you moan again.

Darkness is my home again.
Struggling to pay rent,
To be fed,
To see red.
To keep all this past tense.
To hear it-
What makes sense.
Blue views skew my mood through redos,
How many mundane days can I go through

Before I'm...

Insane again?
Bad brain again,
Feels like going down a drain again.
Tell myself to count to ten again.
Hear those voices in my head again.
Crying rivers in my bed again.
Smoking 'til my eyes are red again

It's already been said...

I'm alone again.
Not whole again.
I wish that I could feel your soul again.

509 · May 2016
Slur pee May 2016
When your curtains were blue,
We would swim through each other,
Like ghosts, making love.
Our fingers emoting what our faces could not,
We spoke in tongues, as I touched your heart
And slowly disintegrated into dust.
You breathed me in, and I filled your lungs,
You breathed me out, and clung to nothingness
Desperately trying to catch me,
As I danced around in the air.

When your curtains were red,
We walked through fire,
Our feet callous and resistant to the heat,
The rest of us, tender and melting.
As if we were made from sheets of plastic,
Perfectly molded imperfections,
Barbie and Ken, in their dream house in hell.
Inviting Satan over to dinner parties.

When your curtains were black,
I would cry for sunlight, or those small wired twinkle lights
That we would hang around Christmas time.
You would harvest my eyes every night,
Blinded by their dull shine,
And I'd stare at you, with gaping holes
Frightened and uneasy, as you looked through me
And into my brain.
Could you see my thoughts then?
Exposed, like a fresh cut to the elements
Stinging from dirt.

When you took your curtains down,
Everything faded from exposure to sunlight,
Our bedsheets no longer vibrant and inviting,
My drawings on the wall now brittle, empty pages
I don't remember the walls being this shade of yellow,
So pale, like my skin. Everything looked old,
And felt like death.

505 · Jan 2017
Slippery when wet.
Slur pee Jan 2017
In my dreams, I can feel you peel off my clinging clothes
And the heat from your fingers scorches down to my bones.
With muddy eyes, I see only darkness and blurry silhouettes
Yet it’s so easy for our wandering lips to connect,
You spit down into my spirit and it turns to mist.
Our bodies dance inside of bliss, carefully we move and twist
For our passion can be slippery when wet;
And neither of us intends to fall, deeper, into this pit.

503 · Nov 2018
Crepuscular Crustacean
Slur pee Nov 2018
Nomadic motivation moves the masses at midnight;
Meandering, shambling souls moaning for innovation with
neanderthal persuasion. Keep the pace past paleolithic,
and gift the gifted with a wicked sickness. Instilled hatred,
From decades of desecration. The profound **** and violation
of the womb that holds all creation, our embryo of imagination
Decaying with elation while I shift my shells to match the constellations.

502 · Sep 2018
Tell me no lies.
Slur pee Sep 2018
My wishes sit upon a faded sunrise, held close to my side
More and more, I find, you shy away from my eyes.
A fickle lover, who never learnt to say goodbye;
It just clings to your lips like the desire to kiss-
I crave your spit. When I think I’ve gotten you, you slip
Like the ribbon on a gift when greedy hands eagerly open it.
Leave me with your wrapping, and I’ll crumple in the corner
As you present yourself to others my body slowly becomes colder,
Living off the warmest memories of my fading, fickle lover.

496 · Nov 2016
I can't write.
Slur pee Nov 2016
Words drag to the bottom of my skull like anchors,
Leaving a rusted trail of incoherent thought.
All the fishes are belly up,
Waves chase the moon as it rots
Eroding the mountain of stone-
The little pebble of neurons,
That calls my head its home.

This cold, dark water carves like claws,
Etch my brain. I am a *****.
Deep in the abyss of this ocean,
Light comes and goes, and it seems so foreboding.
The sand is stagnant, but the waves are whirling.

Inspiration breaks apart before it ever thinks of coming.

Slur pee May 2016
I find repetition intricately weaved into my existence,
god's hands carefully placing stitches.
Needles, digging ditches into fragile skin
Eyes tearing holes into my soul
With cold, steel judgement.
Bare these bones of mine,
Separate my flesh from sin.
I've shown you all that lies within me,
How could you be so unforgiving?
Continually spinning,
while I'm starting to feel dizzy
And my life just started twisting
Into plots that end in tragedies,
Maladies, and "woe is me"s
Separate my truth from fantasies.
Everything I see can't be real.
Reeling pain through this cycle,
My daily routine inside this hell.
Where the devil's evil spells
Words of wickedness, instilled
Inside these brains I wish to spill.
Give me one more little pill
To take away what makes me ill.
I feel, the acid in my throat still.
Flooding my throat with words
I'd rather ****, than speak.
Exorcise the demons from my body
With the gentleness of a priest,
Wiping boyish tears off of my cheek
As I crumble with my speech.
Like it is, a necessity
To be trampled under feet.
Groveling gravel you'll find beneath
People who laugh at my grief
When I'm reaching for relief,
Trying to coax happiness to give
Me, that one last inch I need
To grasp the life I've seen in dreams
Where I can run out of these seams
And won't live inside repeat misery
Sewn into me, by god's shivering
Skinny fingers.
Again and again, this sadness is triggered.

Slur pee Mar 2021
Oh darling, that's such a lovely vase,
It's a waste that you keep it hidden away.
Why don't you take it out of that obscure place,
And put it by the window to catch the sun's rays?
I'll go out and buy flowers today,
To add some color to your life
That is gray.

Jesus Christ, mom!
I already told you,
It's a ****.

487 · May 2016
A boy I'll never meet.
Slur pee May 2016
His smile is enthralling,
It fills my heart with longing
And the insects that crawl
In my intestinal lining
Start flying,
Incessantly flapping wings.
My face turns flushed by the rush my blood brings.
He's so interesting, innately caring
He loves animals and nature, it seems.
Mender of trees, hands always busy
Being amazing is his specialty.
I bet his voice is smooth and deep,
The way it sounds in my dreams
When he's gently holding me,
Whispering the sweetest things.
Rough hands pressed against my soft body
Caressing my flaws as I hear his heart sing
A song that's so pleasing- so serene,
I can hear it ringing from
One thousand, far miles away.
I just want to see his smiling face.

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