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Shaun Yee Apr 2021
They come out in the night,
The darkness is where you find,
Black thoughts, dark thoughts,
They crawl into your mind.

When the night is long,
When all seems very ugly,
Dark thoughts sap your strength
And leave you sad and lonely.

So that’s the time to think,
Of joys and happiness you’ve had,
All the good friends in your life,
Then things won’t seem so bad.
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
They come out in the night,
The darkness is where you find,
Black thoughts, dark thoughts,
They crawl into your mind.

When the night is long,
When all seems very ugly,
Dark thoughts sap your strength
And leave you sad and lonely.

So that’s the time to think,
Of joys and happiness you’ve had,
All the good friends in your life,
Then things won’t seem so bad.
Shaun Yee May 2022
When many truths are known
Horrors sometimes abound
To avoid the unpleasant
Lies become seemingly sound
The need for some order
To soothe the fearful mind
Blind belief is often called
To leave the unknown behind
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
Books with paper and printed pages,  
Even without the Web we can access,  
At home, at work, in travels, anywhere,  
Without  physical and mental stress,  
With no glaring screen the eyes to strain,  
No radiation to damage the brain.  

For though electronic books are here  
With ample topics of every kind,  
They have too many optical faults,    
And often a nuisance too I find,  
So for myself, I know exactly why,  
My books with paper will never die.
this is an abridged version of my poem of Books With Paper
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
It's such a shame that the human brain
is often used every day in vain
while other creatures much less smarter
utilise what they have much better

Animals don't torture, maim or ****
for greed, egoism, lust or thrill
they have respect for the enemy
while man lacks a sense of decency

So it's really time for man to stop
praising himself and time to adopt
a change in attitude and thinking
and align his brain to reasoning

The world cannot be a lovely place
so long as around there is disgrace
Shaun Yee Feb 2022
Subtle washing of the brain,
unlike its laundry counterpart,
does proceed with patience and slowness,
to invisibly change the mind and heart;
In minutes or an hour,
The laundromat will be all done,
but sophisticated brain washing,
takes a longer time to finish its run.
most of us are brainwashed one way or other
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Never was it this way before,
Spreading news in daily’s store,
Telling the truth was duty’s call,
News were gladly shared by all.

Today the scene is very changed,
Many news are now deranged,
For lies have joined the info game,
News reports are not the same.

All the news that are fed to us,
We just cannot fully trust,
The breaking news for goodness’ sake,
We don’t know if true or fake.
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Just a gentle breeze
But so delightfully cool
Flower stalks dancing
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
I watch the softly shimmering flame,
feeling its soothing charm transport me,
into the subconscious of myself,
where my thoughts and I become the same;

Then I analyse my wrongs and rights,
all the faults encountered in past days,
when sanity and reasons don't lie,
to raise my thoughts to healthier heights;

Alone I sit, no one calls my name,
in the latest hour of the night,
to watch my friendly candid candle,
and to bond with its flickering flame.
a meditation technique
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
I love to catch a falling star,
From the heavens up above,
Then I can carry it with me,
And always treasure it with love.

I know the star be magic,
Or else how can it fly,
So very high above,
Shooting through the sky?

So I will look up every night,
And wait until I see,
A star that falls that I can catch,
So I can carry it with me.
When I was a kid, I had always dreamed of catching a falling star (child's fantasy!!) Till today, sun, moon and stars always fascinate me :-)
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
When I was six or seven or eight,  
I loved to see full moon shining bright,  
Sometimes went to sleep a bit too late,  
Staying up watching its brilliant light .  

Then I wondered often how it was,    
Wherever I went,  it I could see,  
Finally I  knew that was because,  
The moon was always following me.
my childish fantasy
Shaun Yee Feb 2022
No matter from where he falls,
From the cupboard or the door,
He will always land feet first,
Soon as he reaches the floor,
Acrobatic is the cat,
Small and light, springy is he,
Sometimes when he can't be found,
Look for him up in the tree.
this is a fun animal poem :-)
Shaun Yee Dec 2023
Climbing stairs was so much fun,
When I was six, seven, eight plus one,
I was full of energy on the run;

After fifty, sixty, seventy one,
Climbing stairs is no more fun,
So I use the lift like everyone.
fun poem
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
Pretty clouds up high
So soft and white and fluffy
Birds are still flying
Shaun Yee Jan 2023
Who rode the ****-horse to Banbury Cross,
Didn't see the fine lady and white horse,
For she had just fallen on hard times and …

the finger rings and toe bells from her feet
had been sold to everyone she could meet,
And it also happened during this time …

The two dozen black birds baked in a pie,
Had all survived and none of them did die;
So then when it was quite near dinner time …

When the pie was opened before the king,
The birds flew away, none wanted to sing,
And the king disgusted, then decided  …

To go to the house and count  his money
But had  heart attack from stress and worry,
In the meantime in the royal kitchen …

While eating her bread and honey the queen,
Ate too much and has never more been seen;
So does this tale have a decent ending …

Well, the sixpence song has a happy turn,
Because the queen's maid in the king's garden,
Who had finished hanging out all the clothes …

Did have the last laugh and the final word,
When she got her nose back from old black bird.
children's poem gone haywire ..... fun poem
Shaun Yee Feb 2022
Each of us is wrapped up snugly like a cocoon,
Living in our own world of security,
And any excursion into the outside world,
Is a threat to our fragile tranquility.

All childhood events and parental upbringing.
Have determined our daily thoughts and actions.
It will require an extremely open mind.
And courage to manage our variations.
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
A simple nod with the head,  
And a slight wave of the hand,
Add a gentle, sincere smile,
And I will understand.
Shaun Yee Jan 2022
The thought drifted slowly to my mind,
Still dull and woozy in my head,
That surely must be coffee I thought,
While lolling in my bed.

I waited for my sleepy head to clear,
For my senses to gather there,
Such a fragrant feeling waking up,
With the scent of coffee in the air!
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
On this cold, silent winter’s night,
I looked and saw a lonely star,
Shining fiercely with all its might,
It seemed to call to me from far.

It seemed to read my inmost thoughts,
I wished that it would help me find,
All the answers to the problems,
So vexing in my troubled mind.

Then reality beckoned me,
And the star that was shining bright,
For all its celestial beauty,
Could not care was I wrong or right.
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
The cold wind is here
Blowing strongly north to south
Hats pulled down tightly
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Sadness, happiness, loneliness, joy,
I felt colours when I was a boy,  
Tinted lights and flashes, rainbow shades,
My youthful fantasy never fades;
For each time when I see coloured lights,
Or each time I dwell on starlit nights,  
A peace and calmness I always find,  
And empty moments I leave behind,
If you feel the lights and colours too,
Then I will share my colours with you.
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
The saddest thing in Life,
Is unable to communicate
With friends and loved ones;
Words and feelings come too late.

We think, we feel, we love,
But if somehow we can’t transmit,
Then all the actions that we have,
We will lose them surely bit by bit.
Shaun Yee Apr 2022
If only you could understand
Whatever I have to say
I'm sure that you could see
Many things my way

And if only I could understand
Whatever you have to say
I'm sure that I could see
Many things your way
Shaun Yee May 2022
Desktop and laptop
Filing, networking, designs
Technology here
Shaun Yee Feb 2022
Covid-19 has changed our lives
Our usual way of living is no more
for the deathly virus has firmly kicked
normalcy outside the door

We have to get used for now
to change our lifestyle and to try
adjusting daily as much as we can
stubbornness will lead to simple live or die
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
It is always disconcerting,
when one hears a person,
who is finding fault with another,
has the very same fault too,
like the cliché of the ***
calling the kettle black.
somehow one can notice others
but not notice oneself;
So before we criticise,
it is wiser to first take stock
of ourselves, and see if we have
the same falling block.
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
He was perched high up in the air,
Sitting on an antenna there,
Amidst a soothing summer's breeze,
Distant from future winter's freeze;

He was cleaning himself calmly,
With half-spread wings uncaringly,
Then smoothing all his feathers down,
Looked around with a birdie frown;

I wondered what his thoughts were,
Was he scanning the scene for her?
Outlined he was in bright sunlight,
And then - he flew away from sight.
a bird poem
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
I saw you in a crystal ball
Watching me with a winsome smile
And I wondered if you my love
Were truly happy all this while
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
Be kind to everyone, be fair to all,
This should be our simple daily call,
If wiser in thinking we really are,
More understanding we should be by far,
Many people don't have a lucky star.
Shaun Yee Jun 2022
They were tiny bright lanterns,
Looking  like some fairy lights,
Dancing around the tree tops,
Appearing on summer nights;

They chased each other around,
But they didn't stay too long,
Then they switched off all their lights,
And they were finally gone;

They put on a lovely show,
Most enchanting for the eyes,
They will come out now and then,
The night's dancing fireflies.
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Dark clouds gathering
The sky slowly turning black
Picnics are cancelled
Shaun Yee Apr 2022
Darkness lends a helping hand
To ease the mind to rest
It can erase distractions
So night’s sleep will be the best
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
The night is moonless
The usual stars are on strike
Homes look much safer
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
It is not really pointless,
To daydream now and then,
For daydreams at times awake,
The creative mind of man.
Shaun Yee Feb 2021
At four-thirty this afternoon,
In the sky I saw a bright full moon,
There were no stars around,
no clouds,
no sun -
Day moon was the only one.

I’m sure she came out this early,
To see what the world was really like,
she couldn’t see so well,
with stars
at night -
Despite shining all her light.
Shaun Yee Dec 2023
The cell phone was on the table,
Then it was sitting by the bed,
It wandered into the bathroom
Then It was in the store instead,
It went about everywhere,
And then its battery went dead.
fun poem
Shaun Yee Sep 2021
In summer when the sun burns hotter
Than flames in the fireplace,
Do you feel the blazing heat?

And when winter snow bites colder
Than ice cubes in the fridge,
Do you shiver and turn blue?

Do you feel the heat and cold
Strong and steady that you are,
With your leaves so bright and bold?
Shaun Yee Jan 2022
Most people follow blindly like goats do,
Never really think hard of things right through,
So easy are the ways to just follow,
Even if everything is plain shallow;

This is all that's right and all that is wrong,
Speak the same words, also sing the same song,
Enjoy the smiles and nods of knowing folks,
Follow them, eat egg whites, throw out the yolks;

All go to bed at ten and wake at six,
That's the way to get daily healthy fix,
So see if you can really, really dare,
Turn away from the usual here and there;

And do your own thing different from all,
Root yourself firmly, don't follow the fall,
To be different will take a lot of nerve,
To follow your own path, to never swerve.

And then,

Sneers and looks and glances many unkind
You may get from the herd you left behind.
Shaun Yee Apr 2021
When depressing thoughts strike us,
Pulling us in a downward spiral,
The whirlpool of sadness engulfs all,
And unless we start to fight back,
We will slowly but surely fall.

So we have to switch our minds,
From negative to positive,
Think of happy moments we've had in life,
Focus fully on all the good events,
whether they be one, or three or five;

Think of all the poor out there,
Those without families, without work,
without future, without love,
without  a cent in pocket,
then thank our lucky stars above.
Shaun Yee May 9
The laughter, smiles, are all gone,
No exit, from dusk till dawn,
Rainstorms, mist, fog, fill the mind,
Clear skies, flowers, left behind,
The slide into depression,
Logic into regression,
Mental state wavers in gloom,
Brink of destruction and doom.
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
If in the stars we are destined in life,
Which means our fate is already sealed,  
Do you think you can really be happy,  
If all your life’s events were then revealed?  

Good events more than welcome they would be,  
But all those other situations bad,  
The ones that you would now constantly see,  
These would truly, cruelly make you sad;  

Since our destinies we cannot turn,
Then it’s better that we don’t want to know,
All the things that are fated to happen,
So knowledge will not deal a deadly blow.
Slight variation on my other poem The Doubt :-)
Shaun Yee Mar 2021
Glistening pearls of water drops,
Gathered early hours at dawn,
Perkily perched on flowers and leaves,
And like a damp blanket on the lawn,
Freshness fills the morning air,
Which will fade with the rising sun,
For when heat rays are razing on,
The fragile dewdrops’ lives are done.
Shaun Yee May 2021
Doing what we like,
does not make us as happy,
as liking what we do,
Though the first thought seems important,
The second thought is much more true.
Shaun Yee May 2023
Life is too short for discrimination
We have grown up not too cleverly
Human mentality has not been that great
The fault lies in norms set by society
Shaun Yee Dec 2022
Life is too short for discrimination
We have grown up not too cleverly
Human mentality has not been that great
The fault lies in norms set for society
Shaun Yee Mar 2022
Faithful, playful dog
Barking, jumping, running round
Long wet tongue hangs out
Shaun Yee Jan 2021
I woke up in the middle of the night,  
Lay motionless and wondered was I right,  
That my name I had heard you faintly call,
But all I heard was the ticking on the wall.  
Alas, it was maybe a dream I had,  
And I was happy and then I was sad,
But your voice so loving for me to keep,  
Lingered in my mind as I drifted back to sleep.
one of my nicer dreams in place of my nightmnares :-)
Shaun Yee Sep 2021
It is a blend of here and there,
Nowhere and everywhere,
People, events and places,
A merger of familiar and strange faces,
A world distinct from the one we're in,
No heaven or hell, purity or sin,
Facts are distorted into fantasy,
A combination of myth and reality,
Where death does not exist,
A surreal kind of life will persist,
And the dream world will then be gone,
When we wake from sleep at dawn.
Shaun Yee Jan 2022
It is a blend of here and there,
Nowhere and everywhere,
People, events and places,
A merger of familiar and strange faces,
A world distinct from the one we're in,
No heaven or hell, purity or sin,
Facts are distorted into fantasy,
A combination of myth and reality,
Where death does not exist,
A surreal kind of life will persist
And the dream world will then be gone,
When we wake from sleep at dawn.
Shaun Yee Jan 2022
A dozen dull things he has to do
A dozen dull decisions he has to make
A dozen dull hours are all he has
For the dull actions he has to take

That is his daily dull routine
Working from nine to five
A dozen dull months each year
That is the dull story of his life

Now he is just weary of it all
And he deeply yearns to find a way
To climb out from the timeless trap
To free himself from dullness one fine day
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