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487 · Mar 2012
A Friend of the Night
It was unexpected in every capacity!
In the middle of the night with such audacity!
Not a soul to witness this grand catastrophe:
When she sprouted wings--at last! To be
A restless night owl flying fast and free.
Now my stars will never be the same to me,
Now that I - the night - have company.
486 · Jan 2011
The Moon
You are shining for us on the other side.
So I'll be Your moon; I will reflect Your light.

Oh, how You saved me from the Lion's Den.
Oh, how You've loved me time and time again.

So Lord, I am praying that I could shine as thee.
Because my Lord was willing to give His all for me.
465 · Mar 2012
When my mind goes quiet
I've been keeping myself busy these days
Because when my mind goes quiet
All I can think of is you.

And thoughts of you
Just overwhelm me.

They cloud my vision
So that all I can do is miss you.

No matter the amount of people around to distract me
From my disorienting thoughts of you
You are the only person I want to see.

In that moment of distress
All I want is to tell you I'm sorry
And that I can fix our broken pieces.

I can do it with my bare hands.

But when I really, truly see you
All I can do is think of how
You don't feel the same.

And then my mind won't stop racing.
So I don't tell you.
I miss you.
452 · Nov 2012
What mattered most
You used to fit just like a glove.

That was when you held my heart
And every day was paradise in your arms,
A lullaby to my soul by night
With you standing over me.

But sometime in between a first kiss
And a last glance came a day
When you lost your grip
On what mattered most
In unknown ways -- and I grew scared.

Now your hands are empty
And my heart's turned to ice
And when I see you I can't help
Wondering what mattered most.
450 · Jan 2013
Free of you
My care for you
is no justification
to torture myself.
You cannot wrong me
and keep me still.

I am my own,
I am not yours  -- which seems to be how you wanted this.

My concern is not if you win, however
but whether I choose to lose.
I will be free of you, in every sense free.
411 · Jun 2012
I can, for you.
I can bring you down:
Down until you're numb.
Like the burn in your throat,
I'm the whiskey on your tongue.

I can lift you up high:
Until you're feeling a rush.
Like I'm running through your veins,
Like you've had more than enough.

I can give you everything that you need.
Tell me what you want me to be.
I can be anything I need to be
For you.
385 · Mar 2013
We said maybe.
Well, maybe I reminded you of her.
Maybe you were a dog returning to his *****.
Maybe I was the closest one to give myself away.
Maybe there's no use in maybe.
383 · Sep 2012
Haiku 9.9.12.
Crowded as the stars
Yet I am insatiable
As longing sets in
375 · Dec 2012
One day at a time?
When I tell you
“I don’t know”
it’s because my thoughts will not stop racing
and the fog in my head will not recede.

All I really know is I want you now
Even if I shouldn’t
And I’m not good at taking things
One day at a time.
349 · Nov 2012
On the wrong tracks
Could I spend some time with you,
Would that be okay?

Even if we both know that
You'll have to go away?

Because I'm lonely and you've missed me and I need a way to feel.
Just know that it's all personal and you're not my plan to heal.
I wrote this while I was on a train ride - hence the "wrong tracks" title, which also applies to the motivation behind the poetic voice's words. But don't worry, I WAS  actually on the correct train ;).
343 · Jul 2012
By day, my thoughts
cultivate in a
makeshift cocoon.

By night, my thoughts
burst into life, take
flight in the form
of words
and leave me
behind, empty --
yet filled with
a sense of sweet

— The End —