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Shadow Wolf Dec 2015
I am nothing more but an empty vessel roaming the earth
Trapped behind a broken frame
Surrounded by broken memories
That has and hasn't happened yet.
By myself but not alone i am also surrounded...
Surrounded by the ones who know my name but not my story.
Even the ones i am close to Are still confused
And trying to figure out who i am completely.
I feel no heart beat in my chest( not that i want to)
I guess my question is, why do i even exist..?
Am i just an empty vessel roaming the earth?
Shadow Wolf Apr 2015
He's been heartbroken for so long his heart couldnt handle it..
Instead of his heart giving up and changes...
It changes his heart from red to black ...
It changes him from having love to being emotionless..complete heartless..
No feelings..
He dropped his trust for everyone he knows..everything into nothing
His name changed from Donnell into Shadow Wolf...his soul reborn into the darkness...
Only one thing change everything except the darkness and that is yet..a mystery...
He will always feel the heart broken pain with every breath he takes...
All he know is that sooner or later he..will die
And he is waiting for that moment
For The Scared
You Can Find The Light
When You Close Your Eyes
And Surrender..To The Sound..Of The Darkness...
Shadow Wolf Jan 2015
He looks at the moon everytime its out
doesnt matter if its full or if its about to become a new moon.
The Shadow Wolf howls at the moon night sky...
hoping that his heart will be healed like the way it was before...
His soulmate, Shade, the rare wolf who was exatly like him but in a female form
was killed by the heartless humans...
Human by Human he takes them all out...
And even though it wont bring back his soulmate
he doesnt it anyways to avenge his love
But also day by day the wolf slowly dies inside...
Day by day he can feel his heart break more and more into little pieces
and soon enough he will perish and his spirit united with the moon...
And with...his love...that has been patiently waiting for him...
All this time...
Shadow Wolf Oct 2014
What's going on with me??
Where am I??
I barley know who I am anymore...
I told myself I would be distant from everyone.
This wasn't suppose to happen, not even close.
Why is this happening??
What am I suppose to do??
I'm lost...completely lost.
I've lost the way I suppose to be...
I am not on my nature.
I'm being held back by something...but what
Shadow Wolf May 2014
So you're trying to shut me out? Go ahead
So you're trying to make me feel like ****? And act like everything we've ever done never happened? Fine by me.
But know this, I can shut myself out faster than you ever can with or without you even recognizing it. I can smile big in your face but if you test me it'll be the last thing you'll want to do. **** me off and I'll shut you out, basically spitting in your face and saying we never happened with no emotion. You have too many feelings to even try, you're too emotional, you're weak. We may have a few things in common on dark sides but my heart will always be darker than yours. Last Question
Do you really want to test me?
Shadow Wolf Mar 2014
I can see it, the fear in your eyes
afraid of death, afraid to die
I promise you, I'll let you survive...
What are you kidding me? It was obvious a lie
go run, you think the darkness can protect you?
Well think again my tasteful friend.
My eyes are glowing red with hunger
from tree to tree I jump, smiling while you...
Run, trip, and fall in fear.
Shh it's ok my dear, you should of known this day would come...
Now you run run run
Is that blood I smell? Is this blood I taste?
Here I come, pick up your paste...
Deeply clawing your back, you scream and cry in pain
I love this game...
Disappearing into the shadows
you're looking around as tears run down your face.
Cut the back of your leg, get up run
You're not dead.
"I'm coming, it's about to end" I softly say
now you know there's no turning back now.
In the distance, in front of you, my razor sharp claws
covered in blood with your friends throat in my hand.
Walking towards you, flashing my fangs, you turn and fall
as what all humans so, you attempt to run...oops!
My Shadow Queen shoves her claws inside you
ripping out your intestines and wrap them around your neck
Hanging you like a rope.
Our hand intertwine while blood drips from inside you and your heart falls out.
Slowly beating its last beats...the pleasure is ours...our ****** desires increases...
you're dead...your blood all over us...and we're all over each other
Oh The Lovely Blood!
Shadow Wolf Mar 2014
I see him... staring directly at me
moving the same as me in every direction
smiling when I smile, anger when I show anger.
It's not me, only a look alike...
look really close... look directly in the eyes...
they're black, completely black.
He's waiting for me, he's waiting to come out...
the dark anger building up inside me.
The wolf looking directly at me...
howling in my sleep, waiting for March 16, 2014
when the full moon rises.
He's rested for so long calm, steady, in patients...
to once again come forth to feed on these humans.
I can hear him now... my Shadow Wolf...
ready to come out to once...before.
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