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She’s brewing like rich wine
the older she gets
her each added faceline
my eyes satiates.

She’s huing like violets
purpling is her soul
tho older she gets
she's never too ole.

She’s frothing like nectar
honeying in core
feels endless this affair

I’m loving her more.
Seychung Namgyal Dec 2014
I have mastered the art of life
That I need no instructions or manual to live my life!!!

I wish I had…….
Why do I think of the best poem ideas
When I can't write them down?
Repost if you think of those amazing poem ideas of yours when there's no pen or paper around or when you're in the shower or you should be sleeping or just when you can't write them down. Thanks! ^.^
Seychung Namgyal Dec 2014
An incongruous effect when upset
Creates a huge distance between two hearts
Even screaming doesn't relay the message.
That’s why people just whisper when they are in love.
Seychung Namgyal Dec 2014
I found this book "anonymous"
Which shed a light on peace
My understanding became clearer  
It put my mind at ease
Seychung Namgyal Dec 2014
Underneath all the facade.......
Masked private despair
It is the art of our mind
Which has the ability to cognize
Yet confuse us at times
To be happy.....
To find peace is within
The obstacles are self-created
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