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Johannesburg    Like poetry


Filomena  Mar 2023
Filomena Mar 2023
jan wan li toki e ni: sona li wawa.
jan ante li toki e ni: mani li wawa.
jan seme li toki pona?

sona li pana e wawa lawa sijelo.
mani li pana e wawa lawa jan.
wawa seme li suli?
ni li sona mani.

Some say that knowledge is power.
Others say that money is power.
Who is right?

Knowledge grants power over the self.
Money grants power over others.
But which power is greatest?
Knowledge of Money.
Entering a world composed of surreal images
My mind must twist itself into difficult yoga poses
Attempting comprehension of the madness
Black aprons meander in rhythmic gyrations
Under harsh soul stealing luminescence
Lubricated with coffee to perform
Menial machinations miserably
I am but a tourist
On their macabre island full
With nightmarish denizens
Of this local purgatory
The poet dreamt of no circle
As dreadfully inhabited as this sinister strata
Easily a septante of sins sordidly succumbed to by soulless citizens
Apathetic arrogance masquerading as hospitality
While decency and morality are assaulted
According to the overlords abusive schedule
I am struck mute with paralytic paranoia
As I hurriedly set my offering upon the altar
And search for exact change
Wawa is a convenience store located primarily in the Northeast, mostly New Jersey and Pennsylvania. It is simultaneously the worst and greatest thing about living in New Jersey.
Robin Carretti Apr 2018
What a face
Abruptly she yells
Matte burning dry
Just try
Too moisten her lips
She's the Red devil
From hell why does her
orange face peel sell?
The right color
a psychic won't tell

Wishing well drenched
He touched my orange juice
"All Frenched"
She loves to slice and
he peels what appeal
orange saffron sauce
One last juicy squirt

It's time for fresh squeeze
Too frozen concentrate

The happy hour "Orange" feel
  no other place like fate
Ten times real
"One" face peel has been
love absorbed
Like lemon meringue

Bitter grind soft butter glove
Do you mind orange flame
(The Spa) sells to be loved
Tra la so kind all Grunge
Going "Wawa" coffee cruel
Other colors haha
Movie set Orange payroll
lounge tease squirt

But destroyed by the evil
spell curse
Summoned on sunburst
But we need the Orange
before the sun comes

Like clones orange, you glad
we have "Green Apple"
One step beyond orange
I don't want to burst your
orange sauce
Grand Marnier starry twist
of orange
Two timing orange yogurt
Taste to tangy it hurt
Hey Yo Orange peel Spa
Still sticks Orange Julius

O outrageous P pick
What turns us on and gets us sick
Plan your work and work your plan
Never offend her
Let's see the chef make you love her
Creamified dreamlike Whip free
The orange mousse pie
Let me hear it yummy to lie
I was in an orange mood since the weather is getting nicer it is orange juice wake up call