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Disciple of Scatman John
True Follower of the Scatman
Scattonia    Awake, Scattonians Arise! Like the Pheonix's last Look to the Rise of Scattonia! And First days will be Glorious How we will Scat for him!


Jimmy Peep Meme May 2015
Scatman John is our one true god
Look at him show off his **** hat.
His big giant Donger gets me wet.
All hail the Scatman.
arson farson
larson? pio
leo trio el feo
angle fangle
his mite
is frite
scrap flap
trap slap hlap,
harun al rash
enter trash, mash
grate great
***** sheikh
eel feel meal really real
aeal steel molecular
trust bust, shrekular
even bush
shrugs off
the north tower.
ishaan khandpur May 2019
Dearest mother,
I have a complaint,
You've ruined me forever,
With your decadent trends.

While I was a child,
I wanted what others got,
A cacophony of words,
In the form of popular songs.

Instead I got tunes,
Which I hated quite a bit,
Like some guy named Cohen,
Singing about a coat.

You gave me the Beatles,
And the moody blues,
When all I wanted then,
Were Vengaboy's tunes.

I suffered through a myriad,
Of nonsensical words,
Sung by some fellow,
Who called himself Scatman John.

It was truly awful mother,
Having to hear,
Some old country blues,
Through the mouth of Kenny Rogers.

You gave me a group of guys,
Who called themselves Queen,
What a weird thing to do,
When all I wanted was Emenem.

I heard of starry nights,
In the tune of Don McLean,
You even gave odd sounds,
Through some group call Floyd.

Now look what you've done,
Through this selfish act,
You made me fall in love with words,
And inspired me to write.

Dearest mother,
I have a complaint,
You've ruined me forever,
With your elegant trends.