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I was wayworn,
The fiber, bone, and marrow of my entity pined
To be quenched, to be drenched
In the ardent streams of
Esprit d’ amour
(All we need is love).

The crossroads I’d encountered
Brought my vagrant soul to this place
Every onerous weight
Was worth it, I’ve ascended;
Where does etherealization lead?

Someday, I will effloresce,
Bloom in reminiscence
From seeds of grace,
Aromatic petals of heartsease;
O, within the fertile soil of fidelity, I will fully fathom
The perfume of Life’s Tapestry.

A martyred past can be tortuous;
Yes, salvation can seem scant, and our future dubious;
But, transcendence is harmonious
With believing, an
Adamantine heart, and
A luminous soul.

Therefore, open your symphonic heart,
Let the reverberations roam freely, uninhibitedly,
Like a harmony, your thoughts and consciousness will overlap,
All will flow through you abundantly.
Clairvoyant Bravebird unfurl thy wings
You sacral, divine, susurrant song-weaving dream.

(Se’ lah)
Excelsior Forevermore,

Sanders Maurice Foulke III


— The End —