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May 2013 · 549
Change of Heart
My notebook is the canvas my writings are the art
If you didn't want to finish explain why'd you even start.
First you were blowing kisses now you're throwing darts.
We were solid like a glacier then we slowly broke apart.
My notebook is the canvas, my writings are the art
We set out to change the world
but all we left was a change of heart.
© 2013
May 2013 · 431
Freedom is a word
"It was my mind they chose,
programmed to stay close."
Writing these rhymes in my mind
I feel free. If we could climb the highest
tree and look around what would we see?
A nation of adolescents and grown ups glued
to a t.v. Watching fabricating lights and sets for
thirty minutes leaving our brain with a mystery
Tuning in next week like our favorite show making history
Only to find out the next one only adds to the mystery
I put it out its misery I don't watch t.v. and Life's no longer
a mystery I've seen real lights real sets they don't want us to see
You wont find it on your t.v. or even in those books they label history
so often the truth is belittled as a conspiracy
If we Learn from the past we can prevent future *catastrophe's *.
May 2013 · 5.0k
21st Century Propaganda
****** and chaos
Screams and shouts
Blood and bodies
Scattered about

Torn Families
Bomb buildings
Husband less wives
and Fatherless Children

Sworn enemies
Causing killings
corporate media
changing feelings

Citizens unsure what to believe
The government always deceives.
May 2013 · 774
Woman, You are Rich!
I'm intoxicated by your lips,
infatuated with your hips,
and mesmerized by all your gifts,
Woman, You are Rich!

Your smile is like a solar eclipse
bright enough to interrupt light from the sun,
Your mind is like the universe, going far and beyond,
Woman, You are Rich!

In the face of great danger
you have the strength of a lioness
When it comes to feeding your tribe
All you need is your chest.
Woman, You are Rich!

I know your true worth
I know you are divine
From you we're all birthed
and we're forever intertwined.
Woman, You are Rich!
© 2013
"I bow before women and stand before men all is well word is bond from my beginning to end.."
May 2013 · 2.0k
Innocent Bloodshed
What more can be said
before a guns put to the head.
Innocent bloodshed.
Rights were there wrongs
and now the lifeless bodies of loved ones
lay face flat on the earth, DEAD!
Millions watch in horror as they bled
out like mammals with a limb cut off and see how fast
The light of life quickly shifts from green to red
and their dreams shut off!
Red light, Green light.
Lives gone in a blink of an eye
What more can be read
before one realizes
they're being watched by the feds
there was truth in these last words I said
Ashes to Ashes
Life and Death
Mankind will clash
Until no one is left.
Innocent Bloodshed.
© 2013
May 2013 · 3.6k
New World Order out of Chaos
Your county, your city, your state.
War is a  foolish way to  obtain peace.
Forty-eight months after what survivors are the calling
the 'Nuclear Big Bang', Our Sun has still been unable to pierce the debris
in the Earths atmosphere, scientist and the rest of mankind fear the worst.
Religious folk pray to Jesus, Allah, Ganesh. Is this the end?

With foundations and institutions of once thought great nations lying in ruins
the oppressed are free from the tyranny and injustice
that have plagued their people for hundreds of years,
and are left to survive with next to no knowledge of
self preservation from being breast fed by the global monopolies
of the world.
Millions die of thirst and hunger in the blink of an eye.
Prominent elected officials, and elites
Pack up and leave their caves in crafts designed to orbit around the Earth
until conditions are stable for their pampered lifestyles.
That day still hasn't come and it doesn't seem like it ever will.
As we had ships leaving there were ships arriving by the tens of thousands,
Mankind would not be alone in the rebuilding of humanity....
© 2013
The start of my new book. Copyrighted by Smith and Wesson
May 2013 · 1.6k
Single Ladies
Red bone
Yellow bone
Light skin
vanilla cone

I lick, I pull
Top notch women
ladies with some class
Call her Robin Givens

That girl is poison
if you talk to Michael Bivins
Her tongue out like Jordan
Clutch like Scottie Pippen

I'm the hero
but she settles for the villain
She's the common cold and
I am her penicillin.
© 2013
May 2013 · 415
Hey, Hello and Hi!
There's good and there's bad
there's happy and sad
Hey, Hello, and Hi!
I'll see you again
In the form of a friend
until then this is goodbye.
  © 2013
May 2013 · 456
Star Gazer
At night I Gaze at the stars
I open up the doors
Oh how they shine through
the darkness like
...rain when it pours.
But there light is dim
I believe that
it is why I gaze
upon them, Hoping to feel
some rays of its heat
on my frigged skin.
The Sun provides energy for nearly
every living thing on Earth. It also
warms our planet's surface to create a virtual oasis
"in the coldness of space." The biggest star around,
The only one true Light, and when it comes in sight
the darkness is frightened, only
then we are truly enlightened.
© 2013
May 2013 · 904
Life Is Precious
One Life To Live, One day I'll die,
open your eyes and Look to the sky,
now that's a high, I could never reach even
if I hit my peak, some people want us dead
we a last of a dying breed, L.A.D.B,
my future was looking bleak,
but I got down my knees
and prayed to G.O.D,
Father forgive me
I'm repenting for the selfish deeds
of my past and present,
chasing freaks and rolling trees,
only sixteen,
popping bottles of the Hennessy,
exposed to the fast life fueled by ecstasy,
I never planned to quit my school and earn a G.E.D,
growing up I had goals and I had dreams,
then life slowed down all my friends were dope fiends,
some are locked up and some jammed in between,
rehabilitation over incarceration,
now I live sober a life, my wife's my motivation, my inspiration and every day's a celebration,
GOD grants second chances if you dedicated,
1life 2live bless the mic, while the earth shaking,
the past repeats itself, I hope you learned
something from me, I hope you learn something from me.
Life Is Precious.
© 2013
May 2013 · 582
Metamorphosis I break my life down in stages,
cause I'm changing, feel like I'm going through some phases,
My inner rage, just wants to be let out its cage, The
Last 20 years of my life has been a daze,
Trapped in maze, don't know the hour or the day,
right now I wanna smoke some herb but instead I pray,
I'm not stressing petty things I will be okay
I'm a Last of A Dying Breed
to the grave.
© 2013
May 2013 · 2.8k
Pain is inevitable,
Suffering is optional.
Change is great,
But growth is awesome.
Crying means cleansing,
Believing is your decision.
We are all spiritual beings,
Having a human experience.
You can have fun in society,
just focus on what you need to do.
We all came here in great numbers
but when you leave it'll just be you.
So Remember PAIN is INEVITABLE and
© 2013
May 2013 · 1.0k
The Recession
You know we tired of the hard times
My mind is like a gold mine
Knowledge of the good and evil
God help us lead the blind, down the righteous path,
because I know sometimes it's hard to find
and if we starting to backslide then please show us a sign
before we get consumed into Lucy grapevine
they said to us in 2012 some planets will align
but the show goes on like everything is fine
Some of us are blind slavery changes with time
Men, Women lie listen close you'll ear the sign
Bonnie kept it one hundred Barbie tell she a dime
See a lot of barbies now but Bonnie is one of a kind
When I find mine I'm holding on till the end of times....
© 2013
May 2013 · 1.2k
Childhood Memories & Lessons
When I was 14 in 04
it was the first time I touched dope
had a ****
it made me choke
next thing you know
I was blowing O's
Like Cheech and Chong's "Up In Smoke"
I made friends and I met foes
learn the hard way that's how the game goes
I cuff women and I pass hoes
stay with a cigar like I'm Castro
thinking bout moving where the grass grow
so I can be part of the cash flow
life aint nothing but a gamble
don't try things that you can't handle
you get ran up and dismantled
I seen life blow out like a candle
All My soldiers strapped up like Rambo
while they wasting money on Lambos
We buying ammo
and more camo
I've seen people flip flop like a sandal
why my neighbors looking at me like a vandal
I'm so handsome where's my damsel
I hope I find her for my life is canceled
I want a queen that's worth a king's ransom
Not another girl just to say we ran some.
© 2013
May 2013 · 1.2k
Gold Diamonds
I just couldn't walk away and think what if
I had to have you in my life as my Mrs. and
I don't need any presents on Christmas
cause you're A dream come true, the top of my wishlist
your body's like a gift, and underneath my tree you sit
your body like a gift, and I'm just being modest,
and to be honest with you girl I think you are the finest
I don't need a lot of jewelry you're my only diamond
when you lay out in the sun girl your skin blind me.
I'll forever be your king if you're my royal highness
Every Lion needs a queen to be his loyal Lioness,
We met before the millions so I know your love is priceless
and I won't love you till I die because my love is timeless
girl you know my love is timeless
the stars are aligning
and like the sun you're shining
brighter than a diamond.

My love can
move a mountain
Have you wetter
than a fountain
Never drowning...
We be going for some hours
I lost time but
who's counting.
© 2012
May 2013 · 1.1k
This One is About You
All my rhymes tell a story this one is about you...
I just wanna hold you close and never lose you..
You say the last one abused you but I appreciate ya
All white Armani suit with some aviators
Ever since I got this paper,
Girl My life has been greater.
Expensive restaurants in Italy
and you was the waiter
Now I'm retired from the game
I'm no longer a player,
I bought her finger diamonds
and shut up all her haters.
© 2013
May 2013 · 530
Go Get Her (Go Getta)
Aye Reke, do you see that girl over there?
With the beautiful eyes and long curly hair.
(Yea) she looking good so try not to stare.
("She prolly gotta man, Sean,")
Well I don't f__king care.
("I'm just saying do your thing, but beware.")
You know I will I just found the answer to my prayers
and so what we already know that life aint fair.
If I don't do this now I might not see her anywhere
You got yours, now let me get mine,
("Sean, she's coming over here")
now's the perfect time
Girl I only have 1Life 2Live I see the signs,
Read in between the lines,
I want to see inside and
Know whats on your mind
Cause beauties only skin deep
personalities unique
I love the way that you speak
you feeling me
I'm the last of dying breed
and we only have 1Life2Live
Let's L eye V E.
© 2013
This was written while listening to Lil Wayne - She Will
May 2013 · 403
It's one of the most powerful creations that resides on this Earth,
So powerful it can destroy life and give birth,
Some will sell it for price and some feel it has no worth,
it can train to save of life or be trained to ****** a purse,
one will say the others blessed when they feel the others cursed,
as I finish up this verse someone is lowered in the dirt,
the ones that are lost are found by those who search, its our
soul and
that we
© 2013
May 2013 · 1.6k
My minds filled with word banks
the ink spills, the words paint
a collage of love and hate,
Do you believe that destiny is the same as fate?
I write because something inside of me wants to escape.
Confiding in writing my thoughts often keep me awake.
                       Wake and bake.
Underneath you right now the earth shakes.
Time will tell if I will float or if I'll sank.
I use to meditate with Swisher's filled with Mary Jane.
Temporarily paralyzing the thoughts I think.
Leaving my dreams suspended we in a police state.
They're slowly building a fence around and locking the gate.
A fish in these waters I seen so many take the bait.
We all replaceable babies born to take our place.
Stay confident like Babe when I step up to the plate.
I'm freeing my people from mental slavery everyday.
I know Harriet and Sojourner would be proud of Me
I'm risking my freedom for people that I aint' even met
My mother would like me to join forces and become a vet
But I'm expressing thoughts that have the FEDS coming at your neck.
Like Martin, Malcolm, and Johnny was all put in check,
At times I wonder who is next?
For the three men above all I have is respect. They showed
Courage Peace and Love feelings I can emulate, reflect
cause in the face of Fear you have to learn and adapt.
Expect the unexpected and maintain aware developed minds
avoiding traps and filthy raps slowing down the hands of time
My brain starts to tingle I can feel it calculating rhymes
like news producers silence the truth and
constantly turning up the lies.
Dying is inevitable, Lives flash before our eyes.
Her skins as dark as the universe and her eyes as blue as the sky.
I've been through the lowest of lows that's why I'm constantly getting high
to ease the pain and break the chains I spread my wings to fly
to an eminent death when there's nothing left I love ones start to cry
and the only thing we can do about it is ask the Lord Whyyy?
"Yea, my country tis of thee, Sweet land of **** em all and let em die.
God Bless America"- Lil Wayne
Inspired by Lil Wayne - God Bless America Last line Lil Wayne's
May 2013 · 451
My name is Sean Tyson
and I’m here to liberate the minds
remember that name I’m running in two thousand twenty five
I lived in the war and we all have to choose sides
I'm a Last of a dying breed help me theorize
I'm not a violent person but a heart is what I don't lack
I want be gone long L A D B yes we coming back
Last of a Dying Breed look the future in my eyes
Last four hundred years some of us been struggling to survive
Looking at my friends today they always looking tranquilized
My generations music has a lot of people hypnotized
Better guard your kids cause the T.V. has them mesmerized
they pulling down veils soon they're plan to act is in disguise
Last of A Dying Breed We coming better recognize
Rest in peace to those who died
One day we’ll all reach the sky
we were living out a lie
man they took us for ride
I will leave you with this line
when the bombs fall they all hide.
© 2013
May 2013 · 532
I Will Make It...Someday
When I see a pretty lady,
I want her to have my baby,
but she **** the whole team,
all my brothers say I’m crazy
cause I’m looking for true love
in a world that’s meant for Satan,
smoking, drinking, popping pills,
having fun getting faded,
Fornicating no relations.
I’m writing pages,
I remember them on stages
but can’t take them to my grave
We are born and
raised to slave
for every dollar
that we made
I’m a spend it while
it last laugh now and cry late
staring at my hour glass
waiting for my exit date
Peter open up the gate
Jesus please show me the way
to my destiny I hope
that it is not too far away
if it is it don’t matter I will
make it someday
If it is it don’t matter I will make it someday.
© 2013
May 2013 · 474
From The Ashes...
Most High
give me
the Power
to Devour
this evil inside
of me that also
help take down
the towers in NYC
Demons around me
Angels surround me
Evil found me,
drowned me,
confound me.


Release me
untie me
give me
wings let me fly free.
with Immortality.
© 2013
May 2013 · 507
Say It Loud!
We all have our ups and downs
smiles and frowns
I’m on the up and up now
I survived underground

I know this not chi town
but crime still goes down
Drugs not going out of style
Its a party over here

turned to *******
Can I kick a freestyle
no this aint 8 mile
I’m just a man in a crowd

but my voice real loud
while my body's from the earth
know my mind is like cloud
Moving all around

Full of color and I'm proud
I'm black and I'm brown
Reclaiming our lost Crown.
and If you can't take it do us a favor and drown.
May 2013 · 2.2k
Rave and Rant
“My MAMA is the REASON
why I haven’t moved the chopper, filled
a couple of GRAVES and sent some off to the DOCTOR.
When her TIME comes to pass my HEART may be a lot DARKER,
no MORE, Mr. Nice Guy,MILITANT like HAMAS.
Going with the flow like the TROOPS in IRAQ.
Dismantling a constitution HISTORY says THAT,
we in a SITUATION moving forward going BACK,
and IT'LL never be the SAME
WE will see some go INSANE.
DID someone CONTROL their brain?…QUESTIONS still REMAIN,
while CIVILIANS grow UNTAMED…maybe Martial Laws DECLARED,
They practice WAR GAMES, and all my WRITINGS are PROLIFIC.
I’m lyrically GIFTED, TWISTING MEDICAL strands with a doctors PRESCRIPTION,
POLAR CAPS THINNING, the Earth is constantly SPINNING,
while MANKIND steady SINNING, No one is REPENTING,
Hope is ABANDONED, arrest are COMMON, but JUSTICE is RANDOM.
I’m a shy guy in the SHADOWS like a PHANTOM held for RANSOM, Sweet and Handsome,
my hands ARE the ARTIST and your BODY is the CANVAS,
into all that ROMANCING.
My HANDS make a MASTER piece, my TONGUE have a MASSIVE
feast, that’ll have ME on YOUR MIND when you lie down & go to SLEEP, I Never been a SHALLOW guy cause
- Sean Antonio Tyson/follow me
May 2013 · 786
Madness to the Method
It's 'unexplainable', No matter Good or bad someone can still shoot a bullet in your head ya know....Bye bye....Doesn't matter either you're dying to live or living to a lie....more of us working a nine to five to get by buying junk from another guy so they ride and fly while the Majority of us praying to Krishna, Jesus or Allah to take down a machine that we help build and fund not the Father maybe we'll get lucky and survive the storm of the century that will give humanity a mulligan on how to live in harmony with the earth by crumbling the powers that be, until then I'm afraid we'll see more of what we've been seeing lately. War, Crime, Bombings, shootings, shortages, you know real events not this entertainment they use to numb our senses. Clean your lenses. Prepare yourselves, people. I know some of you saying I'm going to Heaven so let them do what they want on Earth, My God is gonna save me!.... but what are you doing to fight for you, and your family. Jesus, Krishna and Allah did not stop the holocaust and they won't stop the next. Death is Peace. Life is War. One life to live over and out. Bless!
© 2013
Spoken Word
May 2013 · 326
Living Poet
In my writings I am free.
Only these pages know
the real me.
Blindsides of myself
no naked eye will ever see.
My gift to thee.
© 2013
May 2013 · 1.0k
Street Poetry (Step 1)
I go deep you may need a man that scratch the surface
I seek the truth if you don't then to me your worthless
for Christ sake I speak verses that life curses
I once was submersed about to join the armed forces
now I'm in the trenches hello poets new menace
y'all are my witnesses I am here to replenish
and if they ****** me it's more waiting on the benches
I'll rest in peace
the truth quenches
The truth cleanses
My message to the masses
I'm just expressing strong unwillingness
in the hopes of improving conditions
where taking lives and getting money aint the mission
I use my intuition first confession
then repentance and your blessing is forgiveness.
On the road to riches
I will always clinch
if they back us in the corner
then we all put up a fist.
© 2013
We're tired of the constant noise
everyday is typical
Get me behind a microphone
and I become political.
Poised like the Last Poets
I know every rhyme is critical
The power of one line in one mind
can be biblical.
Intellectual, elemental parts and
Principles -
Analytical Beings
trapped in scenes
of three dimensional
dreams. We're
spiritually seeking peace
from our spiritual iniquities.
Intuitive abilities the God Instinct
Latest headlines for mankind
We're going extinct.
A difficult Problem to solve -
May 2013 · 631
Know Thyself, Poem Saved
Any knowledge of self
is not encouraged to the slave
because it's dangerous to Master's
Wealth and Ways.
Know Thyself
Be Thyself.
© 2013
Lessons Taught.
© 2013
Apr 2013 · 2.2k
Element 115
Full Moon Clear Skies
Stars all in the Sky
Night Time Good Nights
Black Holes Nova's Bright
Supreme Beings pull
the Fabric of Space faster than time
moving Beyond the Acceleration of Light
in the Blink of An Eye,
Man tries to replicate the technology They Fly
but Rely on Precious Oil
for old Machines they Designed.
Apr 2013 · 661
Love and Lust
We've all had someone we loved and had some one love us.
The hard thing is for that to be the same person.
In my teenage years
I met the Angel of Love.
and the Demon of Lust.
It was a beautiful day
Love flew down
Glowing like the Sun
with wings that roared louder
than all the planets oceans at once.
Leaving the Grass greener
the Trees taller, the Inhabitants calmer
where ever Love spread them.
Love flew down
and said...
"Love my name alone can end all
of your brother and sisters religious wars,
Love is what keeps families together
whose sons and daughters are in war
Love is what cannot be taken from the poor
and opens closed doors
releasing hate lust and envy
so they don't live inside of us no more."
"Yes!" I shouted in tears of joy and pain.
"I once felt loved but I was completely blind
cause if I knew what Love was then you would still be mine."
The sky darkened.
Thunder and lightning
flashed and exploded,
From a space of dark smoke
flew up
the Demon of Lust
drooling with a devilish smirk that could turn mean old Grinch
into Santa Claus.
Looking around to see the weak
shaking at the knees
itching for a fix.
Lust says,
My presence alone will make a hundred of you bow down to me.
One thought is all it takes and I control your mind.
Penetrating your dreams even in the daytime.
I've turned husband and wives and into adulterers
and desperate souls the culprits.
Families broken.
Connections forgotten.
I'm responsible for ALL of the illegitimate children.
the Demon of Lust
then Paused
and grabbed the Angel of Love's hand
and said,
"I too
once felt loved but I was completely blind
cause if I knew what Love was then you would still be mine."
Apr 2013 · 389
Only You, I Miss. Love Lost
I miss the way you look at me
I miss the times we kissed
I missed the stars we shared
Now my hearts a deep abyss.
I miss your eyes, I miss your lips
I miss your hair blowing in the wind
I miss you so much I never want my dreams to end
Only you can make me feels this way
Only God can heal my wounds
Only you are on my mind
when I hear those sweet tunes
Only You.
© 2013
Apr 2013 · 493
Alone in this World
Alone in this world I'm just a mind with a pen.
My rhymes become friends that are with me till the end.
Alone in this world I'm just a body with a pen
when I run out of ink I feel the walls closing in.
Thoughts of suicide running rampant through my mind
religious leaders think that we're living in the time.
Open up your eyes and you see what I see
Alone in this world It's just my pen and me
How could this be?
They told us we were free.
They're writing more laws and building penitentiaries.
Out of marriage *** leads to broken families.
I feel alone in this world but not necessarily.
© 2013
Apr 2013 · 979
All Women are... Unique.
Amazingly Beautiful. All Natural Beauty.
Your face, your hair, your stomach, your *****.
My Queen, My cutie, you choose and you chose me.
I won’t ever ever treat you like you’re below me.
Come stand before me, let’s exchange a warm embrace,
under the stars and let the magic take place.
Before it is to late and our souls try to escape
I know you don’t like the sound of death but everybody has a date.
Will you be my mate and let no one take my place,
cause my love will be disgraced and my feelings will erase.
Only in a race can there be a number one,
you're the only girl I'm chasing but I am your only one?
© 2013
Apr 2013 · 987
Break the chains
“Today I woke up and said enough with the *******,
some things gone change and I have to make em real quick
It’s up to me if I make it to the top
I will keep on climbing up I might pause but never stop,
didn’t have a father figure but I learned from Tupac,
things will never stay the same like the hands on a clock,
you have to endure the pain use the Lord as your rock,
if people calling you insane then that means their in shock,
Brains ******* with chains and they’re sealed with a lock
the minds a terrible thing to waste posted up on the block
because we either getting locked up and getting shot up
So many single mothers out here somebody stop us,
But they rather put you on t.v. and make a profit
I know I sound like I am but I’m not a prophet
Use your brain, develop change I'm graduating college
Last of A Dying Breed Plug in the socket”
© 2013
Apr 2013 · 447
Life's Questions
“Do you wanna go home?
do you wanna go to hell?
Do you wanna go to Heaven?
do you wanna go to jail?

Life is not easy,
Death is not hard.
I’m not here to be your friend,
I’m just here to play my part.

Criticize or recognize
it flows from the Heart,
I hear the end is soon
but It’s feeling like the start

My dreams are getting closer
you see them from afar,
life on the ground
looking up at the stars…
© 2013
I was born on March twelfth, the nineties is my generation.
Everybody grab your pen and pad this is the preparation
and I’m not talking about gang banging selling vegetation.
Prepare for random knocks hide your glocks comes confiscation.
It’s like we all apart of Wii just need recalibration
Control your mind soul body focus concentration
and clear your mind and think positive in isolation.
Our bodies feel the pain, soul faces condemnation.
Prepare yourself for starvation and dehydration
I carry the Bible and a compass as my navigation
and with the Gospel of peace the helmet of salvation
I am a soldier of righteousness not the nominated
because the nominated moving towards *******
beware of imitations because that leads to infiltration
just close your eyes and you will feel the negative vibrations.
I believe it’s time we all stop going to power station
I don’t think our grands died for our relaxation
our president is black you all went into hibernation
while I’m standing tall facing these administrations
because I didn’t know the constitution had an expiration.
Written 2009-2010
Apr 2013 · 359
Live and Learn
Don’t you worry I’ll be fine, You know I’ve heard the strong survive,
millions die everyday I'm blessed to be alive.
Some have lost our way, but others choose their path in stride,
While The rest don’t give a **** and go along just for the ride.
I say we gonna live and learn or We gonna live and die,
When they take away your freedom don’t let em take your pride.
Close your eyes, go deep inside now come alive Gods on your side.
Those who’ll take a bullet for them come on down you’ve won prize,
They’re meeting in the mountains when their bombs fall they all hide.
While I'll be with you guys, on the ground looking at the skies.
Everything isn’t just said its often right in front our eyes,
Open your eyes.
© 2013
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
Forever Torn (Heartbreak)
We thought about some kids but they were never born,
when we went our separate ways and now my loves forever torn,  
I said my loves forever torn.
I fell in love with you got caught in a love storm.
Fussing and fighting, thundering and lightning.
The first time I saw you life the Sun you were shining,
like the sun you were shining, you thought you was a dime
and to me you were a diamond, but heartbreak heal over time
I heard fellow poet use that line in one of his rhymes
and they say Love is blind,
Somehow that must be true
because you act like you don’t see me standing next you.
© 2011
Apr 2013 · 8.3k
Secret Admirer
A secret admirer is an individual who feels adoration, fondness or love for another person without disclosing his or her identity to that person.

Her eyes….
brown as mahogany and deeper than the ocean
one glance into her pupils and ones heart will become open,
Her lips….
ever enticing so smooth, so soft
a kiss by itself could set it all off.
Her skin….
mouth watering like the sight of Hershey’s chocolate
the kind you glide your fingers down and rest your hands in her pockets,
Her hair….
is her crown and it is fit for a queen
she’s known to turn heads whenever she’s on the scene,
Her smile….
is confident, and mesmerizing, the reason you desire her
maybe one day you build the strength to grab her kiss her until then
you write her letters signed your secret admirer.
You see her everyday
but you not sure what to say
so you keep your mouth closed
and write your feelings on a page.

— The End —