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Sami Commagere Jun 2014
I awoke this morning
to look in your eyes
like falling through oceans
as tides heave and rise
crashing against you
yet gentle,yet again
waves on  your shores
beckon me in
swept without measure
gentle as morning dew
ever I am drawn to the love that is you....
Sami Commagere Jun 2014
I worry sometimes
about the way we can be
I bring you my heart
you give yours to me
like a gentle flower
never grown in the sun
loves water for your heart
on wild passion we run
I bring to your heart
all the air that it needs
sweet nectar, my love
given with deeds
my loves falls upon you
like the rain on the ground
caressing so gently
this heart I have found
together we grow
spread our wings, soar above
til once we will meet
I show you true love....

Truly today was hard...I find you in my heart every day, more deeply,
more sweetly  so close to you with the sound of your close with my far we are yet apart
Sami Commagere Jun 2014
Hearts racing madly
Sharing comfort and ease
Lips search each other
Like leaves in the breeze
Feeling your body
Swiftly I rise
Slipping inside you
Drowning in your eyes
Now, as forever
Now, high above
Now, I stop dreaming
Now! All is love....
Sami Commagere Jun 2014
As the darkness rolls
in silent waves
a resounding silent roar
I feel the the heart
of the one I love
call me evermore
awake in the darkness
dreaming of light
If I only she were here tonight
floating like petals
adrift on the wind
in search of her delight
awake I laugh
awake I cry
til I hold her for all time
so love can take
its one true form
bringing life to rhyme
good night my love...I await you in our dreams

— The End —