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712 · Apr 2010
Sam Oliver Apr 2010
There is no worse torture
To the lonely
Than seeing
Public displays of affection.

What is the point?

Holding hands
Everywhere you go,

You're ******* on
Open wounds.

Many of us
Didn't ask to be left.
We didn't volunteer
To be dying inside
With no paddles,
No nurse,
To revive us.

We know what
Heartbreak is.
And soon,
So will you.

It's obvious.
You kiss her head,
Caress her face,
She's not your queen.
You have an ace
Hidden in your deck.

You're just hoping
She doesn't draw
Enough to
Expose you.

I have nothing
To make up for.

No sins against
A woman,
No jealousy
Against a man.

I have only
The experience
To tell when
Someone's being had.
693 · Dec 2010
Empty Vessel
Sam Oliver Dec 2010
What is it about a man who's selfless
That makes everyone around them selfish?
Why is it that when someone gives of themself,
That everyone only takes?

There is no such thing as an unlimited supply.
For one to keep bleeding themselves empty,
They must be filled.

An empty pitcher cannot give anything more
Than the remainder of its body.
Yet you can expect a man to always give,
Without ever receiving anything more than what he gives?

I'm sorry,
A man who gives all of his lifeblood
And never receives in kind
Is a corpse
No matter how long you beg him
Wanting more.
685 · May 2010
Sam Oliver May 2010
You hold me in contempt.
Contempt of all the thoughts I've aired
Contempt of all the dreams I've shared
With others.

Not that they shared it in turn with me.
They just took it with a smile and acted as they would
As long as I was of use.

From then on
It was trash to them.
Open-hearted wound
Again and again
Torn open
Never hoping it could ever be healed.

No matter how I word it
It seems to make no appeal.
They don't remember a kiss,
They don't remember a word of promise.

Women do what women will.
It makes no sense to me.
They use you for a cheap thrill,
They toss you in the sea.

****'d if you rely or them
****'d if you don't.
If they wish to strangle me,
I guess I'll just nake my throat...
682 · May 2010
Sam Oliver May 2010
What's wrong?
You can tell me anything.
I will never repeat it.
You are my friend,
Whom I love,
and whom I trust.

Why do you not trust me?
I'll hold your heart,
If you'll hold mine.
Be careful,
It's just as fragile as yours,
A glass swan, out of reach.

Holding hearts like delicate birds,
who fell from the nest and broke their wings.
In sharing our hearts,
their wings will mend,
and they can learn to fly again.

All it takes is trust.
665 · May 2010
Will You Ever Realize?
Sam Oliver May 2010
Will you ever realize
That I never stop thinking of you?
Will you ever see
What I've been meaning to tell you?
Will you ever realize
That all this drives me insane,
But I keep on going,
Keep on living,
Just for you?

I know you've been hurt
Though you won't admit it.
We think,
'If I can ignore the pain,
It is no longer there.'
When all it is
Is a ruse.
Ignoring your pain,
And doing nothing about it,
Hurts others.

It goes on in a neverending cycle.
Words echo across the world...
'Why does nobody care?'
The value of life and feelings have plummetted,
Because no-one feels the pain.
Holding your pain and inflicting it on another
Rather than dealing with it.
That's the way the world spins.
That's the way hearts break.
That's the way the world will end.

The Holocaust of Life and Feelings.
And, one by one, we're the Nazis and the victims...
Who's the ******...?
659 · May 2010
A Love Poem
Sam Oliver May 2010
A Love Poem.
yet made for a purpose.
The product of an obsessive mindset.
I hate them.
They are not straightforward.
Are they who write them in
Which at some point have
An ending.
'My Love is deeper than the sea'.
That may be...
But there are things
Deeper than the sea
Which we may never know.
What if it doesn't work, my friend?
You just sing the same verse,
Different tune,
To another.
A Love Poem.
657 · Jun 2010
The Wedding
Sam Oliver Jun 2010
Too perfect to be true.
The church decorated
All in white,
The satin fringes
Of her gown,
In the indoor lights.

Mother nature's raging,
Her rain and lightning
Almost sounding out
The words of the preacher.

But it doesn't matter.
We know those words
We've heard so often
In every romantic story.

Not missing a beat,
We say our lines
And kiss for the first time

The ballroom tests
My careful planning.
A skylight showing
The torrential sky.

Just as planned,
The first song plays.
Lyrics fill the room
About the light of day
Gracing her lovely figure
Once again.

...And the sky follows its command.

The sun shines on her
Like a halo of divinty
I always knew she held within.

I could never,
In my wildest dreams,
Hope so much
For a day so perfect.

And suitably so, because it never will.
641 · May 2010
Nobody Cares
Sam Oliver May 2010
Nobody Cares
Nobody Cares
about my feelings.

I wouldn't expect Anybody to.

Nobody Thinks
I am worth their time.
Nobody Thinks
That my words matter.
Nobody Thinks
I have a great mind.

And, Nobody Thinks
I can make anything right.
Nobody Thinks
I have a romantic bone in my body.
Nobody Thinks
I can sweep them off their feet.

Three cheers to Nobody, whoever they are.

Nobody Thinks
I can stand up for myself.
Nobody Thinks
I can stand up for my friends.
Nobody Loves
the way I sit by myself, secluded.
Nobody Loves
the way that I write my feelings,
rather than lash out in anger.

I don't love Nobody.

But, Nobody sure seems to love me.
627 · Aug 2010
New Religion
Sam Oliver Aug 2010
It's time,
It's time,
Gotta make our decision.
Your crime,
Your crime,
Is worshiping politicians.

In my mind,
On my mind,
You found yourself a new religion.
Turned 'round,
Rollin' down,
Leaking a poisonous emission;
Broken man,
You got yourself a new religion.

You hold,
You hold yourself a worthless bein',
But it's cold,
It's cold,
This third degree that you're receivin'...

This time,
This grand ol' time,
You found yourself a new religion.
In your mind,
On your mind,
You put your faith in flawed men.
But you're fine,
You are fine;
You got yourself a new religion.
620 · May 2010
never here.
Sam Oliver May 2010
It's only natural
To ignore the shy.
Only natural
To close yourself.
It's only natural
To take others'
Insults as truth.

It's only natural
To be wary.
After all,
There are monsters
Out there.
Those monsters are people.

So, I must be unnatural,
to give you attention.
I must be unnatural,
To want you open.
I must be unnatural,
To call you beautiful,
To caress your hands.

I understand.
It's only natural
To ignore my actions
Like I was never here.
604 · May 2010
All Good Things
Sam Oliver May 2010
All good things
Come to an end.
All good mornings
Turn to noon,
All good suns
Make room for their moons.
All good things
Others can rend.

All bad things
Come to an end.
All bad nights
Change to the morn,
All bad fights
Hear their finishing horn.
All bad things
A heart can mend.
602 · May 2010
That which is hidden.
Sam Oliver May 2010
This is not me,
This is a Mask,
And I will be the first to admit it.

This is not me,
This is a Shell,
Decorated to mislead
And Protect all that keeps me going.

The mask of a joker,
Made to entertain,
And divert their attention
From my self,
To my words.

The mask of a liar,
That says,
I have no regrets."
When I truly regret much of
That which is hidden.
595 · May 2010
It Has Rained.
Sam Oliver May 2010
It has rained.
Oh, for years, it has rained.
Heaven cries for the murderer.
It cries for the outcast.

I have tried and failed
To the point of nearly giving in,
But the rain reminds me.
'Press on, press on'.

The outcast longs to be needed.
The murderer longs to make up for his sins.
Oh, for years, it has rained.
It has rained.
593 · May 2010
My Philosophy
Sam Oliver May 2010
The Key to the future.
Knowledge and Strength,
Both mean nothing.

If you become paralyzed,
What will strength do?
If you are scared to the point you can't think,
What will knowledge do?

It knows no bounds.
Can one not be persistent enough to climb mountains?
Can one not be persistent enough to change a nation?

Can one not be persistent enough to alter generations?
586 · May 2010
Spare Me, Bare Me.
Sam Oliver May 2010
I hold no contempt of you
As you seem to have of me.
I stand firm, like a rock
In spite of your mighty sea.

It's not so much that
I see you raging,
You just strike me as disengaging,
Disarranging the concept of friends.
Keeping your distance,
Even if they, too
Only seek your ends.
Spare me of your drama,
But bare me in your pain.

I hold no fault in you,
But I'd hold you in the rain.
554 · May 2010
I Am.
Sam Oliver May 2010
I am
The heart that flows
No matter how many times
It's been pierced.

I am
The guy who hides his scars
In fear that someone
Misinterprets their meaning.

I am
The boy who tries
To desperately act like a man
No matter how impossible it seems.

I am
The one everyone picks on
For crying when there is
Nothing to cry for.

I am
The one who cries for mankind
As it clings onto
The instruments of its own destruction.

I am
The one who keeps
Old traditions
Old wounds.

I am
Proud to say that
I'm persistent as hell
Despite the opposition.

I am
The soul that burns on
At a time where
Souls have no meaning.

I am
In the fact that
I am

I am
No matter what
Anyone tries to make me.
546 · May 2010
Sam Oliver May 2010

That's what you say.

'Here is where you'll stay.
I won't be long,
I promise.'

My tail wags
In anticipation
as you walk


I think of how
Happy I'll be
When at last
I'll see
You again.

Will you tousle my fur?
Will you give me treats?
Will you play my favorite game?
That will be the


As days go by
I hold my ground.
In hopes that
I will soon be


Weeks go by,
I waste away.
Hours will close
On my final
In the end,
You could never
Your friend of friends
To the bitter end

543 · Dec 2010
Sam Oliver Dec 2010
I don't want you
Though I want someone.
What I want is someone solid
Someone who will stand like a rock,
By my side forever.

You have done nothing
If not proven your fickleness.
Ever since I was yours
(and maybe even before)
Your habits have been
To fool around on your men.
Now you bear the weight,
For which I have no hate.
I still love you,
And no doubt,
I would love your child, too,
But I cannot commit to someone
Who has done what you have done.

You picked the father,
So why should I bother
When that father
Was another?

Not only that,
But you rejected me years ago.
I relive that day in my mind, you know,
And I cannot escape the damage you have done,
But I also cannot make you think you've won.

In consolation,
I pray you have a beautiful daughter
(or Son).
I hope you'll be good to your
Little one.
537 · May 2010
My Vows
Sam Oliver May 2010
I will value you more than myself.
My life will be yours.
All that I do will be in consideration of you.
I will trust you till the end.
I will believe in your love.
I will do all within my power to keep us together.

These are my vows.

If I suspect anything of you,
I will reserve judgement.
If you are sorry,
I will forgive.
If you want to leave me,
No longer I will live.

These are my vows...


...Where are yours?
534 · May 2010
Sam Oliver May 2010
I love you all,
Even if I have nothing to show for it.
I'm sorry for being trouble.

Forget Me.

I'll be gone sooner than you know.
I ask you all something,
Promises you must keep;

Forget Me,

I want you all to live,
I want you all to live a full life
Where you'll never have to weep,

Forget Me.

These promises, you must keep.
531 · May 2010
Big Blue
Sam Oliver May 2010
I am made of nothing
Finer than grains of sand
Which ebb and flow
With the pushings,
The pullings
Of the tides.

These tides we live in
Reflect within us
In unpredictable waves.
We've made large dunes
In hopes to never yield to the mighty wind,

Only to realize
That the grains gradually blow away.
529 · May 2010
Message in a Bottle
Sam Oliver May 2010
For all the broken-hearted
I have a message in a bottle.
No words can express heartbreak
A symbol says it best.

No word of comfort
Have I to bring.
No songs of assurance
Have I to sing.

For all the broken-hearted,
I have a message in a bottle.
A rose can help the heartache,
It can put your mind at rest.

Blooms of red
Have I to bring,
And the gift of myself
For you to cling.

For all the broken-hearted,
I have a message in a bottle.
I, too, know of such heartbreak,
Of that which beats inside my chest.
516 · May 2010
Can I Have You Back?
Sam Oliver May 2010
Can I have you back?

Your windows to the soul
Opened wide.
Our arms tight around each other.

Can I have that back?

My sweet everythings.

Can I give them back?

Your sweet nothings,
Can I take them back?

Even if they were
only empty words,
I want to be fooled again.

Can you please fool me
until the day I die?

That would be asking too much.

You have already turned on me,
for all the things I did.

How dare I love?

How dare I forgive?

How dare I rise above

How dare I continue to live?

Your sweet smile,
Can I have it back?

Can I have you back?


Of course not.

A true lover
Cannot be loved
In kind.
506 · May 2010
steel walls
Sam Oliver May 2010
October before last.
A foggy, foggy morning,
Traveling fast
Beneath the shelter of
Four steel walls.

Three behemoths clashed,
The vehicles crashed.
And I prayed,
Such a fool…
I prayed to be spared,
That my life
Would repair
Before it was ever even broken.

What a fool.
Feelin' cool
To have escaped
Without a scratch.
Don't count 'em too early, boy,
The scars have yet to come.
Well, the voice then
Was little more than a hum
Trapped in the back of my head.

Since then
I've been older
But none the more wiser.
My life just grows colder,
And I feel like a miser.

None of my dreams
Last very long.
They always seem
To be only days strong
Before they get slashed.
My heart, it just feels
As though it is crashed
To pieces, and it will never,
It will never heal…

I am sorry for my selfishness,
I now know why
I was to die.
My life has turned to Hell
And I would not have to bear it
If I wasn't still alive.

I should have
Let the steel walls take me.
500 · May 2010
And I call her Angel.
Sam Oliver May 2010
What holds you together?
What holds anyone together?
I tell you mine,
You tell me yours.

She fills my ear with sweet nectar
When all I hear is hell.
She holds my hand in brightest light
When darkness takes its spell.

When all the world's against me,
I feel kisses along my neck.
She holds me tight,
When I'm not more than a wreck.

I feel her lips,
She has no face.
She sets my heart
Right into place.

When all around me give me hell,
I feel her there.

And I call her Angel.
485 · May 2010
We Fall
Sam Oliver May 2010
We Fall.
It is what we are.
It is the Nature of us all.
And It always leaves its scars.

We Fall.
There is no other way.
We find we cannot deviate
From this life that is a play.

Written by an author
Who has no fitting name.

We Soar.
It is what we do.
What we desire in our very core
Is to become anew.

We Soar.
From that we cannot stray.
We cannot seem to run
From this life that is a play.

Written by an author
Who has no fitting name.
482 · May 2010
My Heart
Sam Oliver May 2010
Here is my heart.
Take it,
You wanted it so much.
I hope I never see it again,
Because all it ever causes me
Is grief.

It's not like I deserved any of it.
All I do is hope,
All I do is dream.
I'd be better off without any of it.

It's all because of that beating mass.
Take it.
Do with it as you will.
I'll get used to being a tin man.
478 · May 2010
For You
Sam Oliver May 2010
This is for you,
The one who has yet
To hurt me;
The one who honestly
Seems to care.

This is for you,
The sole hope I hold.
This is for you,
The heart made of gold,
Who has yet to abandon.

I'm sure you will
In the future,
But for now,
This is for you.

While I loathe
Your indecisiveness to love,
I love
Your drive to stay beside me,
Assuming it's not from pity,
But from genuine caring.

This is for you,
A poem of appreciation.
Thank you for casting
Light on my darkness
When no-one else's
Was to be found.

Here's hoping
The dark won't take me
After you're gone.

This is for you.
I love your soul.
I love your mind.
Too bad minds
Always change
Like the old cogs
Of a clock.

This is for you.
Time is not on my side,
But I'm glad you are,
This time.
468 · May 2010
Extra Conditions
Sam Oliver May 2010
If a woman says
'All I want is a good man',
She's a liar
Or she'd have found me.

I'm not the fool I once was.

'I'll love you if you let me love someone else.'
'I'll love you if you ***** me.'
'I'll love you if we can have a baby first.'
'I'll love you if you have no life outside of mine.'
'I'll love you if you do me a favor...
Or two...
Or twelve...'
'I'll love you if you were more feminine.'
'I'll love you if you can be fine with me sleeping with her.'

No woman simply loves.
There are always extra conditions
Hidden in the fine print of their contracts.
Something to hurt you.
Something to poison.
Something to test you when you don't deserve to be tested.
I feel like a lab rat,
Poked and prodded for far too long,
And no-one on my side without their own agendas.
467 · May 2010
The Eyes of the Dying
Sam Oliver May 2010
These are not
The hands they once were.
The hands that were young,
The hands that had been pierced by the thorns of a rose.

These are not
The eyes they once were.
The eyes that saw clearly.
The eyes that dimmed as the world around him became more obscure.

This is not
The mind it once was.
The mind that was innocent,
The mind that came under stress
As it fathomed the thought
That his friends had died on the front lines.

These are not
The arms they once were.
The arms that wrapped around his first love as they danced,
The arms that had fractured when a grenade detonated a meter away.

These are not
The legs they once were.
The legs that carried him on youthful energy,
And now required support to allow him to walk.

This is not
The heart it once was.
The heart that loved,
That cared for his friends,
That heart that was now slowly fading away.

This is not
The man he once was.
His life changed him.
Though you might say for the worse,
I say for the better.
421 · May 2010
Release (Better Than)
Sam Oliver May 2010
Just when I thought
It was over,
You were my beginning.
Just when I thought
I was dead,
You were my revival.

Just when I thought
That I was enslaved,
You became my freedom.
Just when I thought
I'd become enchained,
You were my release.

You were my release.

Hit the release
And get to know
Me better than a joke,
Better than the dead,
Better than a slave,
Better than the chained,
Get to know me better than.
400 · May 2010
Sam Oliver May 2010
Take your heart,
Let it show.
It just gets
Ripped apart
But you can
Not let go

As the parts
Of your core
Fall fast to
The floor and
You find that
Even shattered
To pieces,
Its the same as

Else is looking
For something
And passing
It off as-

Does it even exist anymore?

Take your soul,
And let it
For all to
That you want-

As it was meant to be.

Take your heart!
Piece it back
And hide it
Away from
The World
Until they find-

Just the way it started.

— The End —