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May 2012 · 802
Join the line
Sam Greig-Mohns May 2012
Dope dealers and addicts
Bragging rights

Court dates to be extended
Paper work in tattered pieces

Borrowed suit with **** in the pocket
First offence...

At least they thought so
Bright spot, only a six month term

Nothing more

But his friend robbed that liquor store
And her friend just did five years instead of life

Young and invincible
Until they're not

Ha ha
Jokes on them
No one gives a ****

Choice made
Life ruined

Next time
Stay home
An over heard conversation from several teenagers behind me on the bus, crime was cool.. at least they thought so
May 2012 · 277
Time after you
Sam Greig-Mohns May 2012
There was a time when you and they
Or maybe them
Went away

The sort of away that means to say
For always
And forever after

So there was only I, or me
To stand and wave
Hello, goodbye

Thought tears
That were many

Or maybe...
Just a few least one or two
May 2012 · 590
27 words for tears
Sam Greig-Mohns May 2012
I’ve heard of 27 words for tears
And 50 more for sand
At least a thousand or so for rain and snow
I probably know more than that
I wish I had a million words
For love
But all I can think of is the way your eyes look into mine
Your fingers against my skin
And the sound of your breathing when you’re asleep beside me
And there are no words for that
May 2012 · 937
Tale of tarot
Sam Greig-Mohns May 2012
Cards passing hands
Back and forth

Hissing as they shuffle together
Then apart once more
Laid out before her

Bangles click softly
Air thick with incense
Sweet and heavy

Jars arranged along the shelves
Each collected carefully by size

Glittering things
Some slither or sing

Whispering words
As the cards turn over

A fool smiles beside the devil
Dark Tower forever crashing earthwards
The path unfolding

A story now told
Under the cover of a gypsy's wagon
May 2012 · 722
Shadow bars
Sam Greig-Mohns May 2012
Not so ******* the outside
As being inside
Where monsters play

But this now
Again struck with temptation

No rule book to guild them
Or chains to bind them

Just eyes burning
Deep as cattle brands
With distrust

And lust
All those voices crying
I must, I must

Retreat back
Safety in numbers

Now only shadow bars
Crossing over
Back and shoulders

As I move forward
Out into the light
Of freedom

Hard won
After I lost
Just one fight
Apr 2012 · 1.6k
Invisible post office
Sam Greig-Mohns Apr 2012
I, am an invisible post office

A trader of words
The journals to graffiti wall work

Modern yellowed pages
Of forgotten letters

In back rooms
Desk drawers
Old books with dog eared pages

Taking in all of these
Sending them on

Watching the forgotten word spread
A verbal wild fire

Doors close
The invisible post office
Is heading for the next station
Apr 2012 · 430
Undreaming you
Sam Greig-Mohns Apr 2012
You scared?
I know...

But dreams can't last forever
As I thought once upon a time
When your heart held mine

Tears fell only to be wiped away
By your hand
Now gone

As I, breath in the lonely darkness
Of the room that was
At one point ours
But now mine alone

And you
Of course have gone
As only dreams do

Leaving me
Eye to eye
With my fear

Of life
Without you
Apr 2012 · 477
Sam Greig-Mohns Apr 2012
A million perfect moments in time and everything else is just dust in the wind
Bird wings beating at the air every heart moving as one
To take a breath and know that across the world half of every other living thing is breathing with you
A speck in the universal tides to be snuffed out and never known
Impossible to catch even a second of time where everything is perfectly still
Equally as impossible to have anything in constant motion
The same motion that we are constantly part of
One life falls into the next as the sun follows the moon
Apr 2012 · 2.0k
What if for a soulmate
Sam Greig-Mohns Apr 2012
Touch of insomnia
It's nearly 3 am
Sleeps not getting any closer
And I havent got a friend

There no one waiting for my calls
Just bad dreams of **** school halls

Retreat to the safety of a computer screen
Watch the little lights on the modem blink green
Boot up log in, disappear to hide from alone
Drown feeling in pixels all identical

Every site another chorus of broken hearts
To much like real life
Again I'm fleeing my own thoughts
Scared to listen

Instead, wandering down a long list of user names
(6-6) in every room I pass

Near the bottom and close to the end
Stopping, eyes catching
(1-6) all alone

Breath held, hand shaking
Feeling stupid, there's no risk I'm taking

Computer screens can't see who sits on this side
Maybe though.. they're alone too and I wont have to hide

You're two spaces from me
As my game starts, we sit silently

Cursor blinking slowly in the little text box
Fear creeping up my neck

Question hanging, to say something or just hold back
Took just a second, only three keys to press

"Hi", started it all and I'll never go back
From what if's and maybe's
To being your baby

It's been so long together, that we cant be apart
My soulmate...
I cant believe we met on a puzzle board
Apr 2012 · 716
Road map fighter
Sam Greig-Mohns Apr 2012
Blue and purple patterned upwards
From wrist to elbow
Fine as ivy

Green and yellow discoloration creeping inwards
As roses do when wilting

Her sleeve pulled lower
Hiding her tragic secret under faded cotton
Passing eyes dont question

Knuckles lined, an old road map of aggression
White scars criss cross over old breaks

She was a fighter
And sometimes she lost
Apr 2012 · 696
First impressions
Sam Greig-Mohns Apr 2012
Bleep! Bleep!

Wrinkles slacks sagging
Cheap suit two sizes to small
Pulling tight across shoulders and distended stomach

A pass over from the last funeral
Or maybe just stolen from one

Scuffed shoes and an army hair cut
Dollar store frames carving a trench in the soft bridge of his nose
Fat fingers clutching desperately at the latest piece of over priced technology

More important than a tie without orange juice stains
Mar 2012 · 1.1k
Ad space for the brain dead
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
Flecks of color amid the gray wash
Rivers once formidable now only bothersome
Steel and concrete

Voices shouting
WAKE UP! an advertising sign screams silently
Still unheard a man jangles for change on a street corner
While church doors hang wide begging charity

Hockey games and unspoken rivalries
Except on national T.V

Bike shops, bus stops
Messengers and a mail box

Highways to by ways
But no one knows the right way

Got Junk?
Emotional maybe

Bentley's, all the baggage you'll never need
Oh please, words flow in chorus
Dramatic gestures following fluid as trained actors

Therapy is the way for me
Why not with M.D degrees being handed out like fortune cookies

No real complaints until you find yourself on Dr. Fill in the blank
Listening with glazed eyes as they doles out advice like Opera

Glass half full until its pushed off the metaphorical table
But how does that make you feel?

It's all become to much now
As directed on the back packaging

Please recycle your brain matter
They may need the ad space
Mar 2012 · 853
Spoons for shovels
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
We were explorers my brother and I
We delved down into the deepest darkest jungles
Climbed the tallest mountains and walked deserts

Even if the jungle was a bunch of bush’s and the mountain our front step
The desert just a field across the street
We were explorers

We were lion tamers my brother and I
We had lion taming hats and chairs to fend them off
There roars were deafening, but we made them do tricks

Even if our hats were mixing bowls and the lions were our cats
The chairs we fended them off with from my tea parties
We were lion tamers

We were monster hunters my brother and I
We looked under beds and in closets without being afraid
Our trusty flashlight with us until the monster jumped out
And we would run away screaming gleefully

Even if we were both a little scared
Our flashlight was a key chain and the monster was played by dad
We were monster hunters

We were bone collectors my brother and I
We had big shovels and a huge pit full of dino bones
Everything we found was put on display
And we were famous

Even if our shovels were spoons
And the huge pit was a small hole in the back yard
Our dino bones just rocks put in the window sill by mum
We were bone collectors

We were super heroes my brother and I
We had capes and leapt tall buildings in a single bound
Saved innocent people from burning buildings
And all the other evils we could imagine

Even if our capes were made of towels
The buildings were pillows on the living room floor
And the people we saved were only toys
We were super heroes

We were best friends my brother and I
We hid together when we were scared
And no matter what we could tell each other anything

Even as I watch him grow up right in front of me
When he felt like a stranger living in the same house
And I would stay up all night just to make sure he came home
Because he knew strange people
We were best friends

We still are like that sometimes my brother and I
Still pretend that we’re not afraid
That we really did tame lions
And that our capes aren’t made of towels

But we never had to pretend that we’re best friends
My brother and I
And can still tell each other anything

Even if he grew up right in front of me
And can still feel like a stranger living in the same house
Were still best friends my brother and I
Mar 2012 · 378
Speak without words
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
The peace of late night silence
When the wind is whispering in the trees
Softly giving a voice to shadows

While a heart speaks without language
As old as the universe itself

Beauty in lovers eyes meeting
After such hardship suffered together

Wordless is the passion whispered like shadows between them
Love endless as eternity
With the brightness of stars

A promise to such a love
In a language that may never be spoken

Until every star has long faded from memory
And the universe has passed into beautiful silence

Wordlessly made in the eyes of a lover
I promise
Mar 2012 · 618
Wicked pretty
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
Rainbow ribbons, cotton candy

Sweet innocence can be mighty handy

Whats behind those big blue eyes

Wicked smile

Pretty lies
Mar 2012 · 2.9k
Goldfish on toast
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
Pluck one fat orange body from the water
Slippery fins pinched between finger and thumb
Wiggling, wriggling struggling for life
Pointless life with a five second memory
Fat drops of water leave trails across the counter top
Plop, let it fall onto the plate

Gills flexing
Mouth agape
Open, close
Blank eyes stare upwards
Watching reflected light from the water ripple on the ceiling

The first thing to be spooned out
Spread over fresh toast
Like butter before jam

Goldfish on top of eye jelly
Fat orange body still wiggling
Wriggling, struggling for that pointless life
A five second memory

Gills still flexing
Mouth moving slowly
Open, close
Empty eye sockets now watching nothing
Still staring in mute horror

How strange
I hear no one questions
No gasping people with pointing fingers
Screams of horror as they flee

No one cares
About goldfish on toast
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
Saw it
Just for a moment, but it was there
Black and gleaming silver metal
Stalking after his shadow
Glaring at everyone

As though they had personally kicked his dog
More metal in his face than a bomb defusing robot
Mask of plastic and metallic fragments creeping up
Nearly reaching the bridge of his nose
Post apocalyptic video games had nothing on him

An urban cliche
Standing as we carried on
Glaring just as hatefully at his own reflection
Ear buds blasting lyrical angst of an X generation
Without ever changing

Saw it
But just for a moment
Still unnoticed
He departed

A haze of misplaced anger
Black metal tunes, clicking metal
And the strangest face mask
I have ever seen
Mar 2012 · 854
Tearing sheep
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
All or nothing
Brick by brick, please don’t slip

Fingers grasping tighter now
Harsh gasp as the stones cut deep
Look down between your feet
Why do all those people staring look like sheep?

Heads turned up and mouths agape
Silent cheers and little sneers, tearing eyes
Fall, fall there all waiting for it

Another step upwards
You’re on your way, hold tight now don’t forget
This moment there can be no regret

Teeth grit hard as the blood runs down your wrist
It feels good doesn’t it, hot and slick
Just of bit more of this messed up ****

The brinks in sight fingers grasp tight
Another step onwards upwards
Brick by brick as stones cut deep
Look at all those people like mulling sheep

Sharp laugh pulled up and over, other hands are grasping tight
Over the wall you tumble free at last

The sheep have passed
Eyes no longer cheering, calling, tearing in those silent voices
Fall... fall... fall
Mar 2012 · 303
Trial by life
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
The ache for power in man manipulates all.
Like love though it is as essential as breath.
As blood.
With only fleeting truth to tell of the beauty.
In death.
An eternity of watching.
As dreams fall fast to shadows
Mar 2012 · 935
Monster in my closet
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
There’s a monster in my closet
Sharp eyes watching
Deep growls follow quickly
The door cracks open a little more
I can hear it, can you?
Its claws tugging at the carpet
Curling deep and holding tight
Nightlight flickers
**** that 2 watt bulb
Please don’t fail me now
Hiss, crackle... my lights gone out
The door swings wide
I’m all out of places to hide
Quick for the door
Run! Run!
Faster now, heart racing feet pounding
I’m standing in the hall my back against the door
Breathing hard eyes shut tight
But nothings coming, nothings scratching
Growling, whining at my bedroom door
The hall lights on now bright and warm
Mum has come she’s standing with me
...we both look at my bedroom door
Sheepish smiles, feeling silly
There’s no monster here anymore
No hissing, scratching, whining
No claws curling, digging
Tugging at my bedroom door
There's no monster here anymore
Mar 2012 · 584
Insanity dwells in poetry
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
I wanted to tell a story
Of how I came to be where I am today
But you see it wasn’t my story

I wanted to paint a master piece
And hang it in a gallery for everyone to see
But remembered someone already did that

I went out and wanted to run around the world
Just like I used to
No wait, that was someone else too

Thought I might be losing my mind
Or already had
They told me I wasn’t original enough for that

Picked up my pen today and wrote something amazing
But it just didn’t feel good enough to share

Read the insanity of others, written into their poetry
And found that I wasn’t alone

I put my words out there with the rest of them

I became an original for the first time
With this beautiful insanity dwelling in my poetry too

Insanity distilled and shared

Wicked, twisted

Mar 2012 · 814
Seat belts and sun tans
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
It’s a long way between point A. and B.

Sun shining down on us
Windows open with the wind blowing through your hair
My hand resting on your leg as you shift gears
Loud rush of the air ripping by my ear

It’s beautiful

Your eye catches mine, we both smile and laugh
No reason for the joy shared now

Didn’t win the lottery
We’re not going on a grand adventure
Or maybe we are

Feel my heart swell just for being in the same place as you
Seat belt across my shoulder with the sun beating down
As always giving me strange tan lines

But I don’t mind
I have you
Mar 2012 · 578
For the love of swing sets
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
Kids jumping on dumpsters
Joyful shouts at the destruction
Youth, I remember it well
Stupidity too

I’m a few years ahead
But just a few
Was I once like that too?
I can’t remember

No I think my love was for swing sets
How they could lift you above everything
Even if they brought you down again

It left that twisted feeling in your stomach
Half the time not sure if it was good or not

But always we would run whooping for them
As soon as we got to the park
No... I’m definitely nothing like them

I wonder if they will learn...
Dumpsters of today
Friends of tomorrow
Children of an uncertain future

I hope they learn
I could tell them
But... they won’t listen
Having too much fun with their destruction

Those few years really mean something
No I was never like them
I was in love with swing sets
Mar 2012 · 800
LOL p.s I hate you
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
I really hate facebook
No really, I do
Everyone I ever knew is on there
Sometimes more than once

500 friends and still no one to talk to
Everyone commenting
But no one’s really saying anything

Have I mentioned how much I hate you?
Oh look Farmville... again
Gods help me

Another comment box is coming up
I’m being poked from so many different directions
Does anyone own a phone anymore?

HAHA thought someone might remember my birthday
No that was facebook to
Of course

Poke me again and I swear I’ll strangle you with that mouse cord!
I’ll show you wireless

Family I have never met before wants to add me
Just because we share the same last name
Does not mean I want to know you

I just saw pictures I wish I hadn’t
I think I need to gouge my eyes out
...I’m being poked again

That’s it I’m killing someone!
For the record I told you so
Prepare to die!

p.s I hate you
Mar 2012 · 466
I’ll still be petrified
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
Can’t help that my voice shakes
I’m standing up here looking out  
With the lights shining on me for the first time

It’s not just my voice that’s shaking
You know that sound right before you speak
When you can hear everyone out there watching
Hear them all holding their breath
Waiting for you to take your first

I’m standing up here looking out
The lights are shining down on me for the first time
I can barely breathe for all the stillness that’s waiting
For me to take my first

I’m sorry that my voice shakes
But it’s not the only part of me that is
I’m petrified to be standing up here
Under the eyes of so many that are far better than I could ever be

I take my first while all of them are watching
My mind hisses with self doubt
And I can’t stop my legs from trembling under me

I think how the laughter might ring out if I were to collapse
But the only thing I can hear is my voice
Echoed out over the stillness
Everyone still holding their breath

Slowly the passion written invisible between the lines of my first
Push’s its way into my voice
Until there is so much of it the shaking is smothered into nothing

I’m still petrified  
As these lights shine down on me for the first time
And I stand before all these people
That are far better than I could ever be
As they all hold their breath
Listening to my first

Suddenly it’s all over  
Every one that sat so silently listening to my first
They stand now
All of these people that are so much better than I could ever be

They are applauding
I am shaking again

I think I will every time I stand up here
Listening to the silence of everyone holding their breath
As the lights shine down on me for what feels like the first time
I’ll still be petrified

Still be sorry that my voice shakes
That at any moment I might collapse
But I’ll always come back

Because the passion written invisible between the lines
Will come out again and smother my shaking into nothing
But I’ll still remember my first

Even on my last
I’ll still be petrified
Mar 2012 · 430
Quotable me
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
Words fell from my mouth
Like snowflakes or rain storms
And as I stopped to ponder them
I saw the names of other people
Like Dickinson and Frost
They floated between my own words
And changed the few they touched
Until there was little left
But lines borrowed
Then left to dust
Mar 2012 · 408
A picture never taken
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
This is a picture
That was never taken
Of the clouds that shuffled slowly over head
The soft breeze that whispered and hissed against the sand
My shoes in one hand
Your hand in the other
How our eyes met at the exact second
The sky split
And the rain engulfed everything
In that roaring stillness
And we stood together on the beach
As everyone eles ran for cover
Picture perfect
Mar 2012 · 634
Tide of memory
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
I forget sometimes what people tell me to do or not do  
Like right from wrong without a moral compass
One means no more then the other

What they tell me slips away into the backwaters of my memory
Where it drowns in all other memories forgotten
Until my mind overflows with all these forgotten things

And I too am lost in them
Without so much as a ripple
Vanishing below the surface of my own mind
Mar 2012 · 1.8k
People watching
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
Woman with a stroller speaking
Can see her baby girl is sleeping
Little pink boots out the bottom peeking
Scritch scratch

Bright orange pen bobbing
Lime colored note book I am holding
Feels like everything is unfolding
Scritch scratch

Looking round, strong smell of spices
Business suit and silver glasses
Dreadlocks trailing, wonder how he ties them
Scritch scratch

All these little notes I'm keeping
Find the places I keep seeking
People never seem to see me
Scritch scratch
Mar 2012 · 1.3k
Yeti loved her
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
Sometimes watching pretty girl trudge through snow
Dark hair stand out like bright eyes
Against ice and white

She never really know I watching
Hiding out in nothing like monster

Me thinks maybe word for feeling
Watching her makes Yeti feel warm inside
Even when it grows dark and there is no light

Hear other human call feeling love
Love sounds warm and soft... but is sometimes sad
Like fluffy kitten that chokes to death on bit of pretty ribbon

Like Yeti hiding in snow
Watching pretty girl that will never know

But now it is time to go
While feeling warm in ice and snow

Maybe one day she will know
Yeti loved her
Sam Greig-Mohns Dec 2011
What if you could stand inside me?

Would your hand move with mine?

Would you cry when I cried?

Would we walk together, perfectly in line?

Or would I feel you trailing just half a step behind

Would my eyes become your windows?

And you inside, my soul

Or would I feel you standing there

Looking out, yet strangely blind

If I dared to speak would your mouth move with mine?

Would our voices whisper softly?

Or would you trail just half a step behind

I think if you were to stand inside me

But your hand would never move with mine

Then I would keep on walking while you trailed just half a step

My eyes would never be your windows

As you were inside, my soul

We would never speak together

Your lips would never move with mine

But I think I would love you all the same

Even if you did trail just half a step behind

— The End —