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Sajdah Baraka Mar 2013
Dream a lucid dream.

Where my attention isn't enough for your ego,
So you have an affair with mine.

Let it feed you with deception.
Because it seems that ignorance is the only thing that'll make you smile.

And when my infatuation becomes a threat to you,
Instead of initiating the game of russian roulette,
you just pick up the gun and shoot.

Taking me out of my misery, since you refuse to keep it company.
Pulling the evolvement from its roots.

When you begin to wonder what sparked your curiosity,
Take a look at the bruises I model
From every time that I've fought to leave.

Recollect the moments of peace and security,
And the incision of a bleeding heart left on your sleeve.

Come to your senses and sense that
I can love you to perfection,
Before you can even recognize what perfection is.

I could fulfill your wildest dream before you even realize where the inception is.

And if you decide to follow the light,
Make sure to remember how it feels.

Cause if the pain never sets in,
Then you'll know it wasn't real.
Sajdah Baraka Mar 2013
Why does my body ignore what my mind says?
It seems you’ve rented the space up there and took control of my senses.
I’m defenseless.
I wonder how it feels to know the meaning of your very own hearts existence.
But why does my heart disregard my thoughts of you,
And dismiss your resistance?

I would hate to mistake love with a phase of contentment.
Would hate to mistake a blessing with an illness,
Only prescribed to your prescription,
With no sign of resilience.

Why do your actions contradict everything that you claim to me?
My heart beats fast and slow at the same time,
Every time I look into the eyes of the man that you claim to be.
Is it best that I leave?
What are you saying to me?

I never thought that my destruction
would be caused by a refutation to love lazily.

Why can’t I withstand the urge to cower from your affection?
Preparing to be submerged by a wave of your rejection.
I would hate to just become another one of your hearts lessons.
This recurring drain of energy that you withdraw from me,
Has proven detrimental to my soul’s projection.

I wonder how it feels to know that I love you with no exceptions.
And I wonder how it'll feel if we realize we've bypassed perfection.
Sajdah Baraka Feb 2013
No matter what phases we go through
I'll remain loving the inner you.

The you that you're proud of.
The you that maybe sometimes you don't recognize.
The you that I see through my heart
Despite my eyes falling upon your best disguise.

I know better.
So do you.
So do better.

And i promise to do better too.

You influence change in my heart and mind.
Submerging my deeper side
Allowing me to realize
My self worth.
And though it may hurt,
I'll always remaining loving the inner you.

The you that captures the inner me.
But not only capturing but enhancing.
Multiplying, perfecting.
The you that will never face my rejection.
The you that can change the world.
The you that can change the weather.
The you that carries a bountiful presence.
The you that has the power to leave a mark forever.
The you that I have fallen deeply in admiration for.
The you that I've found closer to the core.

The you that our companionship
has never quite met before.
Sajdah Baraka Feb 2013
I miss you.

Your brawny arms,
and the way they'd firmly hold me.

Those honest starry eyes,
and their ability to burn holes through me.

Your flawlessly gentle lips,
and the way they felt like cashmere connecting to my own.

The warmth of your body,
in my bed.

I miss,
the ignorance of being alone.

Our legs
weaved between each others bodies as we slumber.

bogarting the chill of the night.
Using your own toes
to defrost mine.

Appointing your chest the role,
To stand in as my personalized pillow.

And more than anything,
I miss waking up happy.

Your influential mind, your godly presence, and your virtuous company.
Could you please return them back to me.
Sajdah Baraka Feb 2013
I wanna embrace a blanket of your sensuality.
I wanna abandon all rationality and create our own boundaries.
I wanna become in tuned with the vibrations of each other's souls.
Want you to climb so steeply within me that you can't find the way out of me.

See I don't wanna make love, I wanna  create precious poetry.
While breathing the same rhythm.
You **** every stanza out of me.

Two pair of eyes undivided, two bodies *****, vigorous, exuding of familiarity.
Make a story out of me.

Feed it descriptions of true beauty.
Not shrewdly,  but do it smoothly.
Let's co write a poem based on our union.
We can be a masterpiece.

Ink stains left in my bed sheets.
I'll lend you my body to use as a diary.
Release all frustrations as you lay your fervor out on me.
Send a chill of suspense intensely towards the inside of my thighs,
just where the margins would be.

Our minds are deadly.
Their correlation, deadlier.
We're writing words so compelling, while releasing showers from hearts too heavy.
Our poetry is nothing to compare to the regular.

Every inch of my body manifesting your touch readily.
I recede as you synchronize my private visions of a flawless fantasy.
Basking in this radiance as you guide your pen to an astonishing ******.
Inducing my body to impasse in ecstasy.

Leaving me dripping with your artfulness.
As if announcing all expectations surpassed.
Drowning me in words that mirror ardor.
Each line so passionate,
I have no such memory of felicity that neither compares nor contrasts.

Every part of my skin left sensitive, tender, and fragile.
My body fluently floating, light as a feather.
Skin now designed and decorated with such puissant letters.
And God forbid we begin to forget the significance of our coalescence.
You can lay me down,
As you read it back to me.
This way, we can reminisce on the angelic medley.

I don't just wanna make love,
I want our bodies to intertwine and invoke aesthetic  poetry.
Sajdah Baraka Feb 2013
If I could go.

I wonder if I actually would.
The anticipation that dances through my veins may be confronted with fear when my moment finally appears.

If I could go,
I’d jump.
Expecting to never hit the ground,
Expecting to soar higher than the clouds can float and be lighter than the weight of sound.
Heaven bound.

If I could go. . .
I’d let my heart take the lead of me
Lead me into the jungle of uncertainties.
And use it as my sword cutting through the tyranny of my enemies.
Shielding me with dignity.
Conquering all conspiracies.

If I could go.
I’d hope to take with me every misfortune I’d previously encountered.
Every anchor that I’ve accidentally let drag me into a river of stabilization
And have unwilling empowered.
The morals and blessings that have followed them
And the wisdom of which I was then showered.

If I could go,
You’d catch me running herculean towards my core.
You’d hear my heart pounding ferociously like African drums
Feet banging the concrete like the crackles of thunder.
Breathe rapid and heavy as I move fiercely like a panther through the dark.
Leaving behind only my tracks and my roar.

My desire to be free and sole would burn behind me and linger in the air potently.

If I could go,
If I could go,
If only.
Sajdah Baraka Feb 2013
We're living in a world where your body is more capturing than your mind.
And "******* *******" is  more important than time.
And time is just for wasting and having fun.
Living it up, "yolo", until your time is gone.
We're living in a world that is deeply confused.
Where the things that are most important are the easiest to lose.
Where no one watches the news
but rather watch bet, vh1, MTV.
Rather hit the studio then hit the books.
Rather say **** studying and become a crook.
Where cops are all crooked.
Where a look can turn into a homicide.
Your block can turn into a crime scene within seconds
And everybody's still acting reckless..
We ARE the endangered species.
and our generation chooses to accept it.
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