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Aug 2013 · 1.6k
Unfulfilled Promises
sabrine Aug 2013
The funny thing is...
People will constantly
Want to tear you down

They will tell you
To reach for the stars
But tell you to dream "realistically"

They will tell you
To speak your mind
Then punish you for speaking the truth

They will tell you
That because other people are suffering
It means that you can't be upset

They will tell you
that the best you'll ever be
Is the worst they'll ever be

They will promise
To give you privacy
But watch your every move

They will promise
To give the truth
But sugarcoat you with lies

They will promise
To give you safety
But destroy what's yours

They will promise
To give you respect
But will spit on your shoes

They will promise
To give you dignity
But will try to prove your worthlessness

They will tell you
To breathe
But will suffocate you

They will tell you
To run
But withhold you with chains

They will tell you
To be optimistic
But will eradicate positivity

They will tell you
To be free
But will hold you down in *******

The funny thing is...
People will constantly
Tear you down
Jul 2013 · 790
sabrine Jul 2013
I am a tree
And I have alot of leaves
Remember that time you hurt her?
I cried for me

I am a tree
And I have plenty of leaves
Remember the time you hurt you?
I cried for me

I am a tree
And I have some leaves
Remember the time you hurt you?
I cried for me

I am a tree
And I have little leaves
Remember the time you hurt you?
I cried for me

I am a tree
And I am running out of leaves
Remember the time you hurt you?
I cried for me

I am a tree
But I have no leaves
The leaves didn't represent patience
They represented tears that fell out of me

I am a paper menu
And I don't have barbeque
Remember the time you hurt us?
I cried for you
Apr 2013 · 1.5k
The Rock
sabrine Apr 2013
I kicked a rock
On my way back home
It was a beautiful day
No clouds, no snow

I was down the street
Getting the mail
A dog was barking at me
And wagging his tail

It was neither hot
Nor cold
It was a beautiful memory
That I will forever hold

But that rock reminded me
Of something peculiar
But I didn't know what it was
It was unfamiliar

How could I remember?
I've seen so many rocks
I couldn't think of anything
Like I had writers' block

I knew there was something
I just had to think deep
And if I don't figure it out
I would feel incomplete

And then it hit me
At the speed of light
I've used this rock before
In the middle of the night

I felt the guilt again
It ran through my veins
It was the night my favorite shirt
Became bloodstained

"It couldn't be," I said
"I thought you disappeared"
An idea came to my mind
And I froze in fear

I turned the rock over
And I saw some blood
"Yes" I assured myself
"This is the one"

It was that misty night
In 1993
When the love of my life
Let go of me

It wasn't an average break-up
Not average indeed
He pushed me so hard
I fell to my knees

He was supposed to be on his knees
But he pushed me to mine
So I took the rock and branded his body
My name was what I signed

At that moment it hit me
The love of my life is dead
I tried so hard to remember
But all I want to do is forget

I came back to my senses
And took the rock in my hand
I squeezed it as hard as I could
And came up with a plan

I never understood why he pushed me
But my life with him was good
I never wanted to be alone
But alone I stood

I grabbed the dull end of the rock
The sharp side facing me
I remembered my promise with him
"Forever we will be"

I prepared for my last breath
Right then I exhaled
I branded my body
Silence prevailed

I fell to the ground
On my knees once more
Ready to see the love of my life
Mi amor

My mail soaked up my blood
Diminished I will be
The bracelet around my ankle was unhooked
I am free

No longer alive
My soul is above my body
The truth and blood
Both engulf me

Two people have gone
Out of this world
Branded by one rock
Are a boy and a girl

The rock can be known
As nothing or all
And unlike money
It can't be withdrawn

I can no longer breathe
Inhale or exhale
I branded two bodies
Silence prevails
no i am not talking about dwayne johnson
Apr 2013 · 1.4k
I Don't Love You
sabrine Apr 2013
You are not a nice person
You are racist
You are sexist
Therefore, I don't love you

You are not a moral person
You hit
You harm
Therefore, I don't love you

You are not a good friend
You break promises
You break hearts
Therefore, I don't love you

You are not a good player
You cheat
You lie
Therefore, I don't love you

You are not a good bandage
You sting
You rip
Therefore, I don't love you

You are not a good tissue
You don't dry
You don't help
Therefore, I don't love you

You paid for my meal
In full
With tip
Still, I don't love you

You picked me up when I fell
Grabbed my hand
Dusted the sand
Still, I don't love you

You taught me new things
To play
To draw
Still, I don't love you

You lead me the right way
Still, I don't love you

You helped me become me
Still, I don't love you

You cushioned my fall
Still, I don't love you

I don't love you
After all you've done
I still don't love you
After all you've done

I don't love you
Because you don't love me
And when one person loves
True love can never be
another poem that i wrote in no time
Apr 2013 · 2.3k
Measuring Time
sabrine Apr 2013
Time can be measured in
Days and months
Time can be measured in
Kisses and hugs

Time can be measured in
Tragedies and pain
Time can be measured in
How many lions are tamed

Time can be measured in
Clouds in the sky
Time can be measured in
Tears that I cry

Time can be measured in
Tests taken
Time can be measured in
Plates of bacon

Time can be measured in
Promises broken
Time can be measured in
Words spoken

Time can be measured in
Ticks and tocks
Time can be measured in
Seconds on the clock

Time can be measured in
Various ways
Time can be measured in
Months and days

Time can be measured in
However you like
But my favorite measurement
Is the melting of ice
i wrote this in 5 minutes and i put it on here because it reminds me of a children's book and who doesn't love (quiet) children???
Apr 2013 · 777
New Outcomes (Haiku)
sabrine Apr 2013
After all that rain
Thunder, lightning, clouds, and all
A rainbow appears
this just came in my head and it is probably used already but who doesn't love rainbows
Apr 2013 · 1.6k
The Bruise
sabrine Apr 2013
I gave myself a bruise today
I didn't do it for fun
I did it for three reasons
This was reason one

I was born into a broken family
A broken family of four
It came to a point where this broken family
Just couldn't work anymore

I knew my parents wanted it to happen
My brother did too
They asked me, "Mom or Dad.

I think I chose the wrong one
Because that one had a package
It gave me eternal scars
Ones that I couldn't bandage

Why did they ask me to choose
When I was only six?
It left damages that last forever
Ones that I cannot fix

That was reason one
Why I gave myself the bruise
They put all this pressure on me
But here is reason two

I feel like an outcast
Like I don't belong in this world
I feel like an ugly rock
While the rest are all pearls

Nothing I do feels right
I feel like I don't fit in
But it's not because of my
Face or my body or my skin

It is because of my family
People look at them weird
People say the harshest things
As if they couldn't hear

I know they are different
But why do you care
About what they do or who they are
Or what they wear?

That was the second reason
Why I gave the bruise to me
I understand that they are different
But here is reason three

I can't be myself
In my every day life
Because myself is unacceptable
And the opposite of lady-like

I like to yell
And play with the dirt
People say I wear pants
When I should wear a skirt

I like to wear my hair high
Up in a ponytail
I have stretch marks on my thighs
They are my years written in braille

I don't like to wear makeup
I think I look better without
Myself is unacceptable
Why can't myself be allowed?

I can't be myself
Because myself isn't approved
And that is the third reason
Why I gave myself the bruise
i didn't really give myself a bruise, i just felt really bad on friday night so i wrote this poem
Apr 2013 · 568
Memories (Haiku)
sabrine Apr 2013
It is weird but the
Only way I hear your voice
Is by memories
Apr 2013 · 1.8k
sabrine Apr 2013
You stick this stick in your mouth
Puff it until it burns out

You fill your lungs up with tar
Like putting sand in a jar

While your loved ones surround
You start smoking around

They're filling their lungs up too
They're gonna die because of you

Do you think this relieves you
When this stick of death diseases you?

Death is doin' a strip tease
He's strippin' more as your cigs increase

But this stick takes off your stress
Takin' one out cause you feel depressed

What is a cigarette? Is the question
Hurting others making you feel pleasant

Is the cigarette a candle of hope, or death's tease?
As you wish, as you please
not my best but i wrote it all for the last stanza
Apr 2013 · 889
sabrine Apr 2013
I have more miles to go than I have years to live.
I want to travel the world and give and give.
I want to climb up a mountain and jump off a cliff.
I want to live in a city and I want to live in bliss.
I want to be hugged and I want to be kissed.
I want to forget everything and I want to reminisce.
I have more miles to go than I have years to live.
i wrote this in 2 minutes
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
sabrine Apr 2013
By thirteen years old, you were counting calories
By fifteen, you were eating none
You were losing weight, month by month
Puking until you felt numb

A look in the mirror
Was a look in the eyes
Of something destructive;
The wrong size

Clutching your love handles
Replacing love with hate
Regretting anything and everything
That you ever ate

Counting each rib
Every time you got the chance
This delirious disease
Has caught you in a trance

You say "I'm okay"
When you're really not
You starved yourself
And it's hard to talk

You feel proud of yourself
For doing what you wanted
When the only thing you should be feeling
Is boundlessly haunted

Ready to go out tonight
"I hope I look okay"
But you don't
Not today

Your face is just a skull
Your body a skeleton
You think you can hide it
But it is evident

Your friends don't realize it
But you're slowly decaying
How could they not see
The sight you're displaying?

It is engraved in your mind
That you have to look perfect
Like the supermodels you see
But is your life worth it?

You don't want to see curves
You want to see bone
Because having skin
Is fat alone

Disappointed that all your clothes
Are not size zeros
You feel destroyed
Like you look like hippos

Believe it or not
I think you look great
You should love your body
Not hate

It's time to take a chance
And love yourself
You look fine
Even in size one-twelve

Throw away those razors
Bring in the food
You look beautiful
In the ****

I love every part of you
Because you are special
From your face to your feet
And every vessel

You are okay
You will recover
Your body looks great
Naked or covered

You are beautiful
Let nobody tell you unlike
You are special
So shine in the sunlight
not my best but hey, inspiration!!
Apr 2013 · 1.0k
Devil In Disguise
sabrine Apr 2013
"You're so lucky,"
Or so I've been told
Because I haven't seen a ******
Heartless war unfold

But indeed I have
I have seen
The other half
Of the screen

It may not have been hell
Or heaven or both
But I have heard screams of help
As they were the host

A pest has finished
Two before my eyes
They were diminished
By the devil in disguise

Demon, Lucifer,
or even Hate
This thing is sinister
Never underestimate

He chews the lives
Of all the innocent
Puts hands in their knives
Knives like an instrument

This thing is clever
He rushes through veins
Mistaken for pleasure
Drives people insane

All those guilty
Please step forward
Dressed in silk, he
Is cornered

By all the believers
Who hate him so
But they are the receivers
Of his own

They use him against him
The devil in disguise
He is what's within
Although we despise

This thing is deranged
This thing is treason
But this thing arranged
All of the seasons

Day or night,
he will be there.
Just like He might
To make it fair.

If we can't have night
We can't have day
If we don't hear "I might"
We won't hear "Okay"

The devil in disguise
Balances it out
Whether you live with light
Or without

The devil in disguise
Can show you the wrong way
But without him by your side
You wouldn't be here today.
Apr 2013 · 2.0k
Home, Sweet Home
sabrine Apr 2013
My happy place is inside headphones
Away from telephones
In between earphones
Home, sweet

From the step-monsters
From violence
From arguments

Listening to
Home, sweet

My happy place is inside home
Away from conversation
In seclusion
Home, sweet
Apr 2013 · 1.2k
sabrine Apr 2013
I am weak

What has made me

Everyday I lose my

To live is

What has made me

From people

My family
My home
My life

seemed so

From the life I
Happily lived


I am weaker

Why do I

The pain is

Of the

Bring back
Not built to last

The smell

Burns through my

seemed so

Before I

Now I am

Because I am

I am the weakest

              ­  seemed so

        ­                              seemed so
                                                              ­                 Distant

Distance                                               ­           
                                                     ­                        seemed so
                                                              ­                                                                 ­                               Distant
Apr 2013 · 4.8k
sabrine Apr 2013
I'm disappointed in real life
I'm disappointed in me
I'm disappointed in true lies
I'm disappointed in me

I'm disappointed by the way I
And I hate myself for it

I want to destroy everything
And anything
And I hate myself for it

I'm disappointed in the people that
Gave up
Did the wrong thing
And I'm disappointed in me
For not stopping them

I'm disappointed of how I think so cruel
Why do I do that?
Why can't I just run away from it all?
I'm disappointed

I'm disappointed in me
Because I break things

I'm disappointed in me
Because I cry when I don't need to
But then I don't when I do

I'm disappointed
Because nobody stopped me
From being
Disappointed in
In between
And outside of
The box

I'm disappointed
I'm disappointed
In me
I'm disappointed
I'm disappointed
Apr 2013 · 479
You Left Us
sabrine Apr 2013
I shed a thousand tears
Every night
More than the number of shingles
On the roof
Because you left us abandoned
To heaven
We were selfish, so you
Showed us how
Selfish we were

You left us
We're abandoned
Because we abandoned you

You left us
I shed a million tears
More than the stars in
The sky

You left us
Was this plan forever?
Is this going to last forever?

Who opened the gates
For you to be set free
When you are way too young
To leave me?

You left us
Come back for me
Come back
i remember when i wrote this poem, i remember writing this poem, but i don't seem to remember writing the words of this poem
Apr 2013 · 534
sabrine Apr 2013
What used to be a perfect day
Is just a cloudy day of rain

My mind is gone; gone astray
Since you left & went away

Because of you my world is gray
I don't think I will be okay

My heart feels full of betray
The heart of us broke like clay

My thoughts wish you would stay
The thought of us will just decay

I think of me & you and lay
Our love is gone in yesterday
this is not yesterday by the beatles
Apr 2013 · 746
Toy Heart
sabrine Apr 2013
I'm frightened by the fact
That it might be destroyed
He's enlightened by the fact
It resembles a toy
I know that escaping
Was never a choice
And being with him wasn't
Something I enjoyed

I thrived to elude
He tried to seclude
He was determined to intrude
Leading to dispute
I needed solitude
He needed to conclude

I'm scarred by the fact
That it was destroyed
Cracked, handicapped because of the impact
Broken by a boy
Now my heart can't react
Because it wasn't a toy
disclaimer: i've never had a boyfriend ok
Apr 2013 · 420
The Falling Man
sabrine Apr 2013
I was eating a bagel as I saw a plane pass me by
I heard a loud crash and people start to cry
I didn't understand so I went outside
To see the horrible reason why

The tragedy still remains in my head till this day
But what I remember the most will never go away
He fell from the sky like a piece of clay
The falling man just fell away

I couldn't comprehend it at first
But when I understood it I thought the worst
He could of had a family or even a thirst
For saving the world from this violent burst

I pay tribute to thee
Because a tribute is all I can
Do to thank a person like him
The Falling Man
this is not a true story i was 3 when the tragedy happened and i don't think i was eating a bagel as i saw a plane pass me by because i lived on the opposite coast of the country
Apr 2013 · 718
sabrine Apr 2013
I linger in the silence of sleep
Parted from a smile and frown

I linger in the solace of sleep
Parted from a country and town

I linger in the slumber of sleep
Parted from up and down

I linger with the scoundrel of sleep
Who is dressed in a gown
Who carries the honor of a crown
Who convinces me that I am a clown

I begin to feel run down
Then I break down
But I enjoy myself face down

Until a human voice awakes me...
And I drown.
Apr 2013 · 914
sabrine Apr 2013
My life is a cancer
My brother the tumor
My father the cells
The host:
My mother.

I, am the witness of the sister
of my brother
that pities.
Though pity is what
I dislike the most.
Aside from coercion...

S H att E ring L i Ps from My salty tEars
Distract me from the
ruckus that is cancer.
this one scares me because of that subliminal message but hey it's pretty cool if i do say so myself i can't believe i used my family in this but that's ok because this is not a true story
Apr 2013 · 852
sabrine Apr 2013
The internet rapes us
And school suffocates us
We try to escape it
But freedom hates us

I strain to unleash
Myself from this beast
Trying to escape
But freedom hates me

Striving for the best
I begin my quest
I try to capture
But freedom's a pest

In my hand
I hold the key
Not for freedom
But *stability
this isn't my best but i like the first stanza
Apr 2013 · 15.1k
sabrine Apr 2013
I have been discriminated
But I refuse to be intimidated
For I am a victim of racism
But it isn't my fault.

Take into consideration
About my situation
That I am a target of racism
But it isn't my fault.

Being put into humiliation
Caused my frustration
Because I am a prey of racism
But it isn't my fault.

I have done an investigation
About the contamination
Of our population
Called racism
And it is society's fault
Apr 2013 · 694
The Beach
sabrine Apr 2013
On the beach
My toes drown in the sand
Where I experience rare sunsets
Where everything around me vanishes
Where nobody can judge who I am

Except for the water
The dancing water
Judging how far
How far I am from the ocean
Whether I prefer the shore
Or not

But I can judge the water
I build a sand castle to shield me
And as I see the waves swallow it up
The castle collapses... Violently

I dig a hole to capture the water
The translucent water

On the beach
The faith in myself grows
Where I am who I am
Where I am proud of who I am
Where nobody can judge who I am
Except for me
i wrote this in the 7th grade so if it ***** we can all blame 7th grade me

— The End —