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 Aug 2013 Roxy DeNoir
Lexi Cairns
Close your eyes, beautiful dreamer.
Feel the suns warmth radiate from your skin.
Let the midwestern sky fade into stars
that float amongst your dreams,
and light up the darkest parts of your mind.
Lay down your head atop the wildflowers and wheat-
and know that when you close your eyes, beautiful dreamer,
I will be there waiting.
Nobody likes anyone whose perfect.
yet how come we all strive to be perfection?
seems like we always want what we don't need.
we make it our every effort to be flawless for everyone else.
caring so much about the way others see us,
we forget to just be our selves...
Feeling so disconnected from the world
yet trying so hard just to feel accepted
we forget what it means to just be, without striving all the time.
never realizing that perfection is the you, without trying.
 Jul 2013 Roxy DeNoir
 Jul 2013 Roxy DeNoir
If ever you begin
To feel safe

Cherish it.
 Jul 2013 Roxy DeNoir
Here is the simple
I hate you for wanting to die.
I hate you for all those times you used to call me
Saying you were going to do it.
All those times I cried
And called your mother.
I hate you for using how much you hate yourself
To make me
And everyone else
So that you can see that we care
When you never needed to be dying to see it.
I hate you for knowing you need help
And never going after it.
I hate you for knowing exactly where you're heading
And acting too weak to do anything else.
I hate that I can't separate a psychosis from a melodrama
In your deceitful eyes.
I hate that I have to treat every lie like it's a truth
Because this might be the time it is.
I hate that every lie IS a truth,
Just a truth you've used to drain me of my time and energy.
I hate this. I hate you.
I've hated you for a long time.
I hate you for being weaker than me.
Where I fight for my life,
You throw yours away,
Claiming you can't do anything else because
"It's hard."
It's ******* hard.
It's worth it.
I don't want to be better than you
Stronger than you
Wiser than you.
I want you to try like I do
Because the only difference between us
Is the trying.
I hate you for taking the shortcuts
The outs
And going down like I know you will
Every single ******* time.
I hate you for finding every form of self abuse
And romanticizing it like it's a good thing.
I hate you for being weak, I really do.
For giving up all the time
For never trying hard enough to earn the words
"I've failed."
I hate you for making me feel so worthless when we were young
Just because YOU felt worthless
And wanted to be better than someone
And I was willing.
I hate how you changed toward me
The moment I became more comfortable than you
The moment I became myself.
I hate that only then did I deserve your love and respect
Because you can lose someone who thinks they're worth something.
I hate that I've rarely seen you do anything
That wasn't in service of destroying your own happiness and health.
I hate that you don't know when to stop
Because every time life has tried to teach you
You've only used the lesson to loathe yourself
And not to change yourself.
I hate that you probably won't ever change
And that I'll be your emotional paradigm,
The one you're jealous and in awe of,
The one you chase and can't have,
The one you come to and dump all your problems on
So you won't have to face them.
You can be strong,
I've seen it in your eyes.
You're smart,
You've proven that many times.
But oh,
It's too hard,
It hurts.
It ******* hurts when for 18 years
You abuse yourself
And then you have to answer to that.
But if you don't now
18 will be 20
20, 40.
40, 80.
And suddenly, you truly will be too weak,
Too worn out,
And your life will be wasted in self hatred,
And you will never
Get it back.
It's hard.
It's worth it.
Someday I will tell you how much
I absolutely
Hate you
For not thinking so.
 Jul 2013 Roxy DeNoir
I think the secret to a good love poem, to not making it sound contrived or melodramatic, is that it has to come from you unasked for and of a sudden.
      Like a sigh, or a little cry when at night you wake up alone and realize it anew.
Like a passing absent smile when you remember something beautiful about someone who makes you warm inside whenever they look your way.
     It has to be something that is as natural to say as breath is to exhale.
Something that simple, and that essential.
 Jul 2013 Roxy DeNoir
Can I tell you a secret?
It is the secret I protect very fiercely, all the time, all throughout my life.
It is this,
That I want nothing from anybody else.
I want
Only from you.
I don't know how else to put it.
The words don't mesh the way they should.
Maybe it's because nobody is supposed to say that,
And so a graceful way to word it was never uncovered.

You are the only one
Whose smile
Whose touch
Whose love
Whose attention
Whose respect
Whose trust
Whose soul
I have any yearning for.
And I have all the yearning for it.


Others pass me like falling stars, and I feel their pull casually,
I notice.
But you...
You are the sun. You are my constellation,
My supernova.
My black hole.
You pull all else into your depths,
Distort the edges of my world
Bend them towards you no matter their features.
I cannot tell whether you are light or whether you consume it.
You are so inevitable.
So inescapable.
So vital.
Everything is swallowed by what you... are to me.

There's no way to say it fully.
I've spent words like pennies trying to.
Hundreds of thousands, thrown away in glittering meteor showers,
In hopes that one will hit with a clang
And find... purchase, perhaps,
In heaven.

You are indescribable. Vast.

I am unimportant.
People are unimportant.
Life is unimportant.
The universe is a dust mote.

But you...
You are the sun.

When you touch my face with golden beams
I glow with some of your light
And when you turn from me
I am so cold that I feel dead inside
Like a glacier- untouched and lonely and hard,
Diamond dark tomb for long deceased souls
That might moan were they not encased in silent glass.

When you rise in the morning
And throw off sheets like daybreak clouds
And stretch your fingers like reaching rays toward the ceiling
I swear the room is warmer than it was a moment before.

And when at night you close your eyes to dream,
Your skin still glimmers softly, bronze and gold,
The way the moon echoes the sun's glory
On the most perfect summer night.

No one can truly turn out the lights on you:
You make your own.

Darling, I think I'll go blind if I ever look away from you.
Everything else is so dark, so bland.
Because it's not you, nor have you yet touched it and made it perfect with your fingertips,
Or your gaze,
Dark eyes like whole galaxies, winking with the purest starlight, drawing the world in with magnetic gravity.

"Why look elsewhere?"
Is what whispers in my mind whenever I try to leave you for a moment.
And I know not why I've tried. But I do know.
I will always try, just a little.
Even though I am happy enough to fail and remain bathed in your incandescence,
I know I will try just for the sake of it,
Like the planets pull out against their orbits even as their hungry faces linger, glancing back with longing toward their radiant captor.
Because you see,
The sun is the sun:

The sun cannot love me.
 Jul 2013 Roxy DeNoir
Sal Gelles
Can you move your limbs separately?
Are they pulled by some invisible string?
Do you own your own voice?
Or is it somebody else using it
every chance they can to just sing?

Have you ever felt truly freed?
Were you ever able to think on your own?
Are you the one working every digit,
every finger, every push, and pull
to that person you’ve been trying to phone?

What will you say finally,
Once they pick up on the other end?
Is there any specific reason you’ve called?
Or were you just bored, tired,
and looking for somebody you’d believe was a friend?

Are you free?
Have you freed yourself?
How did you do it?
I’ve tried for years and can’t find the scissors
To cut the strings I’ve tied to myself.
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