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Rocky G Nov 2013
I know you better than you know yourself
I'm practically a stranger to you
I know just how to rile you up
How to make your day
When you're ready to cry, to scream, to laugh...
You don't have to tell me a thing to know what's going on
But you just know my face
My problems mean nothing to you, as if you'd understand anyway
I can't think of a time you were there for ME
You can't figure out the emotions plain as day on my face
Your life is perfect
The family, the friends, everything goes your way, your talents and a best friend who comes at your beck and call
You're not involved in my life
My life of pain, lack of trust and loyalty
I know the world for what it is
Your biggest problem is sacrificing a good time for things more important-not getting your way
You're happy with the way things are
But I can't help but think this is a mistake
That WE'RE a mistake
I'm not happy
I feel neglected and unimportant
I think we both should move on...
Rocky G Copyright© 2013
Rocky G Nov 2013
I'm losing
All the happiness, sadness, anger and bliss
I just exist
No emotion
No reaction
I don't feel  compassion, pity, or sorrow
But I don't see a problem
I see less room for hurt, betrayal and pain
I'm losing all feelings
If they're felt my face doesn't show it
I enjoy being numb
It's a happy life
I'm losing
And loving it
Rocky G 2013 Copyrighted©
Rocky G Oct 2013
We all have been called
To be an example to the lost
Made to be the motivation
Of searching for redemption
A whole new generation
One body moving in unison
Can't we show what true love is?
If we really wanted
We could change the world
But we run from broken places like they're haunted
Pretend like there's nothing going on
But we rep the Son
Copyrighted© Raquel Groves Art and Writing 2013
Rocky G Sep 2013
I fell for you head first
Never thinking of the worst
We were perfect together
How could things get much better?
But then your mask came off
And you seemed a bit off
And now the change blends with my tears
The ones I hadn't cried in years
All come flowing from my eyes
Because out of me you've gotten a rise
To the point where I just walk away
But find myself coming back for more
You make me bend and sway
Anything you want me to say
Falls off my tongue and causes more pain
You make my heart go mundane
How do I escape you?
I'm tired of being used
All I am is your puppet
Pull my strings up and let me plummet
Into the dirt
I feel so much hurt
But find myself coming back for more and more and more....
Rocky G Sep 2013
I am not afraid
To put you in your place
I am not below you
You do not belong here
I wish you'd shut up
What'd I ever do to you?
To make you wanna put me below the dogs
I'm not tryna cram it down your throat
I'm tryna protect you from yourself
You'll drag yourself down below
Where the fire never sleeps
And they're not satisfied unless you weep
So try and stay the way you are but when your nightmares interrupt your life don't come crying tonight
Dark can stare into your soul
As the sin takes control
And it burns you to the ground
So the band was writing some lyrics and this happened
Rocky G Aug 2013
If you wanted space
You should have said so
Then we wouldn't be where we are now
Tell me, is it me?
Did I offend you?
Well then, I'm so sorry for your pain!
And here I was
Thinking I was a good friend
Well, now I see my wrong doings
I think I'll just be going then
You've made it obvious
That I'm not wanted here
You say stay
When all I get is a bad vibe
I can't live this way
All I want is you back by my side
We were the best of friends
We had it all
Rocky G Jun 2013
I'd rather be six feet in the ground
For sharing my faith
Than alive and well
Hiding everything away
Raquel Groves 2013© Copyrite protected
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