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Rachel scott Apr 2013
They are trying to take my heart you see,
Without it I can't breathe.
My soul aches,
While my spirit breaks.
Without you,
Life makes no sense.
Let's forget this world,
It's too intense.
You beg and cry for me,
Sayin,"Mommy, please don't leave."
My love,
I'm left without out a choice.
They can't hear me,
It seems I have no voice.
My girl,
I love you.
For you there's nothing I won't do.
Try to over look the bad.
Put a smile on your beautiful face,
It only hurts to be sad.
The longer you're away,
I die more and more everyday.
Your with me mind, body, heart and soul,
For you're with me everywhere I go.

Rachel Scott
I wrote this for my 4 year old daughter who is now and forever "My ****** ****" Miss Talmon Elizabeth Marie
Rachel scott Apr 2013
I give it up,
I'm thru.
Everyone tellin' me...
"Living this life'll be the death of you."
Good-bye my friend,
I've depended on you for so long,
And good riddance my enemy,
Shall your presence be forever gone.
I no longer need your company,
I'll no more be your dump.
So good-bye ****,
And farewell morphine.
Not even a bump!
Too many.
A thousand,
Never enough.
I need something more,
His will from above.
Take with you the pain and misery,
It's just too much.
Come into my heart please!
I can't do this alone,
Not with out your touch.

Rachel Scott
Rachel scott Apr 2013
I feel as though I'm not myself,
And you don't know it,
But you're talking to someone else.
I'm not the person I used to be,
Or even the person you think you see.
I'm in a dream that I can't wake up from.
I feel,
But I'm numb...
I'll try to explain it,
I'm afraid it won't make much sense.
Inside my head it's too intense.
My thoughts are contained by nonsense.
I'm lost!
Can you help me?
Look past my front,
Find my soul,
Or it too will soon be gone.

Rachel Scott
Rachel scott Apr 2013
For one day,
I want to feel...
For one hour,
I need to feel...
For one one minute,
I'd love to feel...
For one second,
I desire to feel...
Beautiful and ****,
Maybe even smart and witty.
But for once in my life,
I will to feel...
Just good enough!
Like I matter and you really care.
That maybe if you woke up to tomorrow and I wasn't there,
Somebody, somewhere would miss me.
Just for tonight,
I crave to feel...
Loving arms holding me tight,
Caressing my hair,
As I kiss the night.
For now,
I'd settle to feel,
Nothing, nada, mute.
Come on Tina,
Shake my hand!!
There you go,
She's made another deal.
My soul belongs to another still.

Rachel Scott
Rachel scott Apr 2013
Taking your life,
By gun or knife,
It's just not right.
Thinking only of yourself
But what about everyone else,
Do we not count?
I tried to be there for you when you were down and out,
I suppose it wasn't enough,
Or maybe it was just too much.
I was coming to see you before you died.
The staff couldn't take me,
I got denied.
Wondering what I could have done different,
To keep you here in lifes existence.
I understand why you couldn't take anymore
But so soon did you have to knock upon Heaven's door?
If only you had waited,
Maybe your suicide we could have anticipated
Stopped it before it started.
And now we wouldn't be down hearted,
Sad and lost.
Your no longer in pain,
But at such an extreme cost.
Eventually it would have went away
Not permanently you see,
Just until you didn't grieve constantly.
That 22 is hard to bounce back from.
I want you to know that what you did,
It was dumb.
I will forever remember your cold dead face,
That's the last thing I see in your place.
A gaping hole in your head,
I know your not happy now that your dead.
Our family has been torn apart,
No more Christmas or Thanksgiving that's just the start.
My heart has been broke in two,
At the sight of death and you.
Lying in your casket,
Surrounded by lovely flower baskets.
Many people cared for you,
But your pain blinded your view
I was there until the very end,
And you will always be my very best friend,
I looked to you for advice,
Although I wasn't allways nice.
I know you tried to....
Written for my Brother Oakley Thurston Scott 4-3-01. RIP Oaktree.
Rachel scott Apr 2013
I look into your eyes,

And I see what try to you hide.

I'm not your demise.

I want to love you!

To see everything inside.

I'm far from perfect,

I'm perfectly imperfect.

I don't try to deny who I am,

I want you to realize,

Don't be scared,

Don't back down,

If you don't put your heart out there,

It'll never be found.

And then I turn from the mirror....

Rachel Scott
Rachel scott Apr 2013
Let's play our game of watch the sun,
You time me,
I'll time you,
Lets see who's the best of the two.
Although your time here on earth was short,
Your beautiful spirit lives on in us all.
With every memory and every tear,
Our laughter plays on my ears.
Forever you'll live on in my heart,
After all,
We had the very same start.
The shots and bleeds,
Only you truly understood what we needed.
You are loved by many,
Missed by more
I know one day you'll greet me at Heavens door.

Rachel Scott
*This poem took me seven years to write. As short as it is I just couldn't find the words when it came the time. Sad part is what finally brought them to the surface is being up for days and days.
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