Stories influence our lives They influence who we are We are all told stories When we are really young The stories that are parents tell us The stories we hear on the news The stories we read Even the stories we are taught in school Hold importance in shaping Just who we are to become We are all told certain things Certain things we have become accustomed to accepting We are told these stories so many times That we start to believe that these stories are true Stories about our families The stories we hear on the news The stories that people write about us They all play a role Sometimes it can be hard to know Exactly which stories we should Really be paying attention to Not all of the things we are taught are always the truth We have to be able to discern for ourselves Which stories we should pay attention to Which stories we should take to heart Words and stories have power They have the power to move people But they also have the power to hurt people To move people to act out of hate Justifying people's actions And giving us the wrong ideas That can be dangerous And can cause us to act out of ignorance Causing us to move To act off of these stories that we are told That we are made to believe are true But there are stories And words that can uplift people That can move people to great feats of kindness That can make you think about something That you might not have thought of otherwise That offers those words of encouragement When you really need it That allows you to see things From someone else's view That even show you things about yourself That you might not have thought of before I think it's up to us To decide what is the truth And the lessons that we should take along with us More often than not we repeat the same stories And the same mistakes That we are taught when we are younger