05-15-2011 Since my grandson was little, he is now 6, and we would read a book or two at bed time, I would kiss him goodnight and say, “Love you forever and always Tony Boy. See you in the morning.” Last night when the books were read, the evening was winding down and quietness had settled in… I kissed him and said, “love you forever and always Tony Boy.” This time Tony for the first time said, “I love it when you say that grandpa.” It took me back for a moment.
I have been thinking that must be the way it is with our Heavenly Father. He tells us over and over He loves us “forever and always”. Some day we will tell Him “I love it when you say that Father.” It confirms the bond between us and Him. Unbreakable bond that is forever and always. There is no greater love.
“See you in the morning” has always had two meanings for me. For Tony it is 8 to 9 hours later. For me it is also the New Day, New Morning when we wake up in the presence of Jesus. Some day Tony will understand the second meaning. The most important meaning. That will be a glorious morning indeed. The bond of love is never broken. It lasts forever.