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666 · Sep 2014
Chaos is Logic
There is a hit and run in my mind
And the police are too preoccupied with their phalluses
To even notice.

A lonely man, befuddled by the blunt object that hit him from behind, fades away into nothing while his crimson blood mixes with the juice of blueberries he had just bought. The pavement turns purple, and for just a split second the scene turns from tragic to comic.

The State of Mind is policed by the principles of democracy. The system is simple: The Cerebellum is the parliament, all my cognitive skills are the representatives, and the body of voters is constituted by whichever arbitrary thoughts that enter my head that day. But in reality my mind is goverened, only by the singularity of chaos. The voters don't know, but the Cerebellum knows. The representatives will never know for sure, but there is a slight tint of discontent, gnawing away, every day, at their thoughts, while they drink their coffee and type endlessly on typewriters, even though computers have been around for a quarter of a century.

You see, chaos is regressive and progressive simoultaneously. Chaos is when time unleashes logic. The future reprecussions of a chaotic event may be necessary, inevitable and perhaps even for the good of humakind and the larger universe, but the passage between vain violence, anarchy, destruction; and the ultimate moral redemption of the event; the moment where we comprehend the possible benevolence of past horrors. Chaos is logic when time is suspended.
Something happened
You don't know what

The Great Whine
The silence screams on Market Street
Between the sleepers, where the peddlers meet
Rock'n'roll stance break the fall
Head leaning sideways against the retaining wall
Who could tell?

The slight thump of the body against the B.A.R.T. station floor
A voice choked with tears, kneeling, crying "what's going on?"
Bitten lips, tainted crimson red.
He crumples his jacket to support her head,
And prays.

Crackling coke can, consumed by the Castro
The great pacific tempest roars. The Asphalt Maestro.
San Francisco Bay Bar Blues
What bricks collect in the murderous sun;
A pattern obscured by a shadow cast
Nowhere to hide
In your animal hide
Exposed in full on the 24 carat divide
Of the Golden City.

From a cat's meow to a lion's roar
From a pistol shot to a world war
619 · Feb 2014
Saccharine Kisses
Saccharine kisses
The sweetest I had
Didn't even happen.
603 · Oct 2014
Street Freak
You know them. Those twisted facese you pass
in jeering wonder. Speckless shoes that step
over the ugliness with the grace of a gazelle,
ignorant to the trash that floats freely.
     "Everything is okay," you might say,
but you have to keep your head up high,
you chin reaching to the sky
evading the lie of this swinish reality.
Wading through the garbage, a life spent in
such a curious denial
of this rancid year
of our lord.
     Something slides along the pavement outside.
Wailing and blaring, up and down the street,
probably in response to some heinous crime.
Response unit useless
caller, niner STOP
Too much blood STOP
"Personally, sir, I think that in this world,
the only crime–the only real crime–is the crime
of getting caught, over..."FULL STOP
588 · Aug 2014
Wax Wings of Sister Rosetta
Ion, break away from the atom
Ms. Tharpe breaks away from the piano
And goes on to the guitar
She sings in perfect tenor
Of her journey to the sky

Wax wings, willing to thaw
Just to draw a parallel
Between above and below
No paradise; just a scorching sun
With Icarus she fell to earth
Burning with the yearning
To be free.

In an ocean cave
Dying, merely by falling/Flying, merely by falling
Finding, merely by calling
For the Lord
Be it 'Jesus,'
or someone else
579 · Feb 2014
I am artsem issue
Issue not from goodsex
Unperson unfit for ownlife
Think strict bellyfeel
Doubleplus undark
Rectify misprint in oldthink
Ref. joycamp issue
Not fullwise goodthinker
Of The Golden Country
- Derived from the Principles of Newspeak (George Orwell) -
573 · Apr 2014
The Existential Grid
We are born into an invisible grid, each and every one of us Intersubjective, but never intertwined.
What does it feel like to be a woman?
What does it feel like to be a man?
What does it feel like to be?
What does it feel like to be in another grid?
Deathly silence, a metaphysical barrier.
You may stare into foreign eyes and drive the probe of your celestial self into the deepest flora of "the other."
You may explore the ground beneath "the other's" feet
Until eternal oblivion sweeps you away.
But you will be none the wiser
You and I will never comprehend the inner clockworks, the intellectual mechanisms, the factory of the mind.
Even if the black ribbons of smoke from cement chimneys continue to rise,
Even if the mechanism continues to churn,
Even if the clockwork continues to tick,
Until the suspension of time,
You will be alone with yourself
And I will
–In all the glory of human futility–
Keep on searching.
559 · Jan 2014
Apollo illuminates Dionysus with a cutting laser edge carving meringue mosaics
into the nebulae.  
I'm enslaved by the concept of the interstellar
on the edge of the bed, my feet tapping into nothing as willful seizures
bring ****** sensations to my center, now nothing but a distorted face endowed by contrast
of shadow on black and white 35 mm film.
What a wonderful, heinous thrill it is to be so utterly and completely lost in the transcendence from the heart of darkness to the glow of a thousand suns, humming the beat of a million drums, attempting to attain some kind of summary, even though you know all too well where the stellar direction of man's folly has lead to before.
Someone, somewhere
Anyone, anywhere
No one, Nowhere.

I run around in circles
like a stray dog.
Kicking a ball down Cedar Hill road.
555 · Feb 2014
Down in Cadboro Bay
Specks of electroluminescent sand leave third degree burns on the abysmal beach.
Driftwood, like messages in bottles, rolls up on the banks.
From Washington? From San Juan? From the British Columbia mainland? Or have they all drifted in from the riot of the Pacific theater? They roll up without complaint of the commotion they no doubt suffered on their journey from wherever, to in front of our feet.
Deteriorated, rotten and rancid
But unbreakable nonetheless.
We have no choice but to build something, because the advocated creative coincidence that just occurred leaves no room for complacency.
It's cold, but we all have homes,
It's wet, but we all have clothes.
The Scouts that we are
Our eyes roll back in unison, as the waves of Cadboro Bay crash, and the wind breezes through the cracks of our collective pride.
549 · Feb 2014
The stone sat to my left, reclusive and inanimate. Merely an object, lacking agency, will and direction. If I cast it, will it break bones, shatter windows, end lives; create anew?
Will it re-hinge some lost component in my furious mind? Perhaps.
My agency applied gives airborne ballistic revolution.

The book sits to my right in waiting, titles irrelevant. A bottomless container of irresistible beauty, a well of the fathomed and the unfathomable. If I open it, will it spill like an ocean; set ablaze dead tissue; **** and reanimate? Re-open some long lost gate, obscured by blunt force floating aimlessly in the ether? Will it usurp my mind? Will I write about retrieving my sovereignty of thought?
My agency applied supplies a dichotomy.
546 · Jan 2014
                                                                 We are the riders of high waves
                                                           ­               in the screaming storm.
                                                          ­                            Traveling
back                                                            ­                       and                                                              ­           forth
back                                                       ­                            and                                                              ­           forth
back                                                       ­                            and                                                              ­           forth
                                                           ­             until time suspends itself
                                                          ­                       and we lose grip.
493 · Mar 2014
Machine Survives the Man
Still on the air, racing through hyperspace. Racing toward the ultimate, dashing for the übermensch within, the perfect human being, outliving the greasy machinery of our collective existential crises. Trudging down the proverbial road in swinish runs
back                                                          and                                                          forth
Collecting the critical fragments of out minds from the bowels of life's desert, only to find that they have gotten perverted with the rank rot of maggots, festering, crawling through the remains that were left from our conception and subsequent birth, poorly mummified.
But alas, too many millenniums have past.
Too many millenniums.
Too many.

As we search between the cacti, avoiding the venomous bite of the rattlesnake, battling the heat, our wristlet watches tick.
Tick, tick, tick away with the unfair certainty that the watch will keep ticking through the arbitration of time.
Through the arbitration of the flexible human condition, surrounded by the deafening stasis of the world.
The deafening tick, mocking our decay, celebrating its own infinity.
469 · Feb 2014
A Dawn Devoid
The Doomsday Clock keeps ticking
And we are afraid, because at midnight
We know the day of humanity will be over
And the night will relinquish
The Darkness
And bring about
A New Dawn.
A Dawn devoid
Of atrocious folly.
433 · Apr 2014
T.S. Eliot might say “Dare disturb the universe.”
I say “What the ****. **** **** up.”
433 · May 2014
Ode to Politickych Veznu
Ten Koruna rooms,
****** doused in red light. Purple, then blue.
Sickness and health dancing
In the street to the thumping bebop of the night
Veins and heads filled to the brink with:
Neon lights.
The bad ***** is optional.
The city twists and bends in the chrysalis night, uncoiling.
Azure skies of deep summer, polluted
Only by the glare of candles
In living souls on slow pavement.
They burn, burn, burn, bury their heads
In thrills and friends.
They burn until there is nothing left,
But a white speck of off white wax sizzling
Away in the darkness.
Ode to the wonders of Prague, Czech Rep.
432 · Jan 2014
The Prophet stretches in wrenching pain
across the continent.
We travel south across His chest
where Roman spearheads
have cut into the landscape.
Scratches in somewhat healed asphalt
and burnt forests in a pathetic wasteland of violence
and decay.
East and west, trailing hundreds of strained veins
toward nails like pins on a map.
Seek out the latitude on
elliptical scopes
in honor of something.
The Slave
The Savior
400 · Mar 2014
Silence Fiction


There are no explosions in space.
There is only expenditure.
398 · Mar 2014
For every second
Of every minute
Of every hour
Of every day
We are in a constant state of dying.
The same way
For every second the sun
Spends across the sky
It is setting.
385 · Feb 2014
Vertical zig-zag, eyes rustling, traveling upward, levitating to the ceiling.
The dream catcher does her no good. No dreams are intercepted, no dreams are recollected and assembled, forever lost in the ether. No making sense of the fragments of her ailed mind. "I wish I had something to drown my thoughts in," she thinks. She remembers saying something like "**** this endless, dragging, churning night," lingering on every syllable, as if waiting for something to happen. Nothing happens. As always.
But there is a faint sound, the sound of a siren, wailing up and down her street outside. Her pupils expand, like the tide on the shore
Suddenly the ringing voice of a mouth long gone snuffs away beside her, and the last piece of someone left the room at that very moment.

Was there a point to this story?
Probably not.
330 · Apr 2014
4th Movement
When I am calm
I am a storm
When I am a storm
I am calm

The calm
Before the storm.
286 · Feb 2014
Sea of Noise
I want something to drown out the thoughts in my head
But I don't want to go back to bed

I'm falling out for hours at a time.
When will the sun shine?

And my thoughts drown in noise
but I still miss your voice.

— The End —