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Pearly Whites Apr 2013
We walked past the old acacia tree
It was raining, we were wet, but
she held my hand and pushed on
We sat on a park bench
She laid her head on
my shoulder, and
she told me:
true love

she said
We were wet
Her fingers dug
in my shoulders. I
laid her head on the grass
She pulled me close, I pushed on
They could have seen us from the park
as it rained beneath the acacia
Pearly Whites Apr 2013
the lamest excuse
to do what you want
without repercussions

when in truth,
you are fully aware
of your actions
Anyone else gonna call "*******"?
Pearly Whites Apr 2013
Huwag matakot.
Hindi kita iiwan,
kahit ako'y iwan mo.*

I won't leave you,
even if you leave me.
The English translation lacks sentiment because of the 10 word limit--the second line in Filipino reads: "Fear not." Also, I'm not satisfied with translating "kaibigan" as friend. The Filipino word for friend is closely related to "pag-ibig" which means love, so I would've rather translated it as "beloved friend" or something intimate like that.

This is too simple, I know. It's just something I've felt lately because of friends leaving.
Pearly Whites Apr 2013
Huwag mag-alala.
Hindi kita malilimutan,
kahit limutin mo ako.*

I won't forget you,
even if you forget me.
The English translation lacks sentiment because of the 10 word limit--the second line in Filipino reads: "Worry not." Also, I'm not satisfied with translating "kaibigan" as friend. The Filipino word for friend is closely related to "pag-ibig" which means love, so I would've rather translated it as "beloved friend" or something intimate like that.

This is too simple, I know. It's just something I've felt lately because of friends leaving.
Pearly Whites Apr 2013
I love with my hands

with a warm embrace,
a light pat on the back,
high fives, fist bumps
two thumbs up

A heart may not be for loving.

I love with my feet

when I wait in line,
while window-shopping,
running away with you,
walking down the aisle

A heart may not be for loving.

I love with my eyes

that still weep
long after you're gone,
that have baggage
big enough to carry yours

A heart may not be for loving.

I love with my lungs


A heart may not be for loving.

I love with my brain

the mind finds patterns, makes connections
you paint everything I see, hum every song I hear
you are every fragance, each succulent morsel
and in slumber, still I find you in my dreamscape

A heart may not be for loving.

A heart may not be for loving,
but without it I cannot think
I won't see what I touch
or where I'm going

And I won't remember to           breathe.
Pearly Whites Mar 2013
This is instant messaging in the smallest scale.
Two (or more) particles are separated in space.
An action performed on one is repeated by the other.
Once entwined, they are fundamentally connected.

Two lovers that were torn apart
by fate, against them from the start.
They kept a secret close to heart,
a way to stay connected -- how smart!

Wherever you and I may be
the stars are there for us to see.
And so the lovers could agree:
to share the heavens, they were free.

Day or Night matters not,
it changes neither script nor plot.
A love that cannot be forgot
conquers any rational thought.

But as the days went by
fear gripped her.

She thought,
It scares me that we'll never know
if one of us has stopped looking up.

He knew this day would come,
and had responded in advance.

She could hear him say,
If you look up, so will I.
If you stop, I will too.
It's spooky how we'll know,
but we will.

Fear not the coming of that day.
It may not even come, who can say?
Two souls entwined, though far away
are never truly led astray.
a concept floating around my space for a long time, finished one sleepless night
Pearly Whites Mar 2013
Can I say you're acting stupid
without being much offensive?
Written in 2012.
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