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Jul 2016 · 393
Olivia Kent Jul 2016
As if  pair of faded curtains my life draws to it's end.
Hopefully not too soon, I guess.
Bearing the wind through the overt windows
Teased by blanching sunlight,
Ripped by pulling fingers.
Dated tassels hung from saggy hems.
Wrinkled, in need of ironing.
Life is but one pressing engagement, leading to another.
Long fringe dresses my brow line,
Curtains that inhibit future vision.
Time for a hair cut perhaps.
Lighten the load.
Jul 2016 · 303
Olivia Kent Jul 2016
One on one,
Swimming upstream.
Meet and greet.
Growth and development.
Fluid sounds.
Crowning glory.
Gender unconfirmed.
Welcome to the world.
So what's to come.
No one knows,
Just begun
Life goes on.
Jul 2016 · 588
Olivia Kent Jul 2016
My eyes were closed.
Shut tight as a vacuum trapped,
Expression wanting to escape.
The teasing of the angels taunt.
Play with my heart as feelings taut,.
Deep rooted running wild as Japanese Knotweed,
White trumpets serenade silently.
I breathe somehow smiling.
Lordly messages profess.
Take a deep breath, breathe out regret.
And the popes' white smoke speak relief.
Freedom is heralded, loudly in mind.
And now I live once more.
Jul 2016 · 245
Olivia Kent Jul 2016
Feeling sorry for myself,
A little bit of me dies.
When I check my name and a followers left.
Broken hearted.
Left bereft.
Can't bear it,
Sad tho I may be,
God knows I care x
Jul 2016 · 376
Olivia Kent Jul 2016
Marriage be that of twisted tongues
That doth perplex the loveliest of maids in golden dress
Twisted tongues that ne'er speak, but as banshee exhale thine lungs.
Single maiden, the lord of love doth wholly bless.
Maiden wears no band of gold, beauty lies deep in her soul.
She has beauty in her eyes,
Needs no man to make her whole.
Her forked tongue doth spill no lies.
Away from weddings she may walk.
In dainty shoes on tender feet,
For in her heart it's only talk.
Her heart be warm, her tongue be sweet.
Wears nothing but a cheery glow.
Only thee and me shalt ever know.
Jul 2016 · 495
Olivia Kent Jul 2016
Wish that I lived in a bubble.
Not a Buble  (BUBLAY) ,
Yes a bubble.
If I lived in a bubble I'd rock and I'd roll while dancing on air.
Spectral colours while children look into me.
My troubles be locked in my bubble.
For no one but but children to see.
I'd be freer than a bird in mind.
I'm off to work.
My bubble burst.
Jul 2016 · 303
Olivia Kent Jul 2016
The sinner's rocking heaven.
The gates have fallen wide.
Love and truth and honesty all left outside.
The angels play at football,
Beating drums not harps.
Their echoes heard through amplifiers all around the park.
God speaks words we seldom hear,
As she grabs the sinners by the ears.
She arranges the cracking vibe to flow,
Onwards through sullen skies.
She loathes the way that all is wrong,
Unjust, unfair,
She sits on a rosy pillow, toking on her ****.
She grins around her face,
Perhaps she thinks it's funny,
What the hell's gone wrong?
Jul 2016 · 342
Olivia Kent Jul 2016
Marriage be that of twisted tongues
That doth perplex the loveliest of maids in golden dress
Twisted tongues that ne'er speak, but as banshee exhale thine lungs.
Single maiden, the lord of love doth wholly bless.
Maiden wears no band of gold, beauty lies deep in her soul.
She has beauty in her eyes,
Needs no man to make her whole.
Her forked tongue doth spill no lies.
Away from weddings she may walk.
In dainty shoes on tender feet,
For in her heart it's only talk.
Her heart be warm, her tongue be sweet.
Wears nothing but a cheery glow.
Only thee and me shalt ever know.
Jul 2016 · 329
Olivia Kent Jul 2016
Formations of angels with trumpets,
Horses for courses,
Children with buckets and water made spades.
Faces and features,
Castles and clowns,
Ribbons and roses,
Interfering noses,
The man in the moon with lines o'er his face,
Tricks of the light,
Pure wizardry,
Old hags on besoms,
Magic perception,
They're gone,
Changelings in the firmament,
Bright white,
Grey as tears that look towards creeping,
Before they,
All fall down.
Jul 2016 · 395
Olivia Kent Jul 2016
Catching clouds in water butts.
To sate the flora in summery heat.
Puddles of words
Spoken and wrote.
The clouds grey, just like smoke.
Scent of the damp as it rolls over ramps.
The sky unremarkably dark.
Tired day.
Crying sleep.
Short moments till the sky will weep.
I believe.
Maybe the black clouds only deceive.
Caress the nightly mantle.
Jul 2016 · 495
Olivia Kent Jul 2016
Ingrained deeply, imagined love.
Letters scratched with diamond loaded pen and the sweetest of Indian ink.
Influenced by adult child.
Reflection of recognition,
Scraps left as ignorance of what may not have been,
Had the amateur painting spread.
Fortunately discreet,
Jul 2016 · 339
Olivia Kent Jul 2016
They said monsters live under the bed.
Truth of the matter. they're all in your head.
Don't go seeking monsters beneath your old wood frames.
The monsters that invade your head are just playing silly games.
Jul 2016 · 614
Olivia Kent Jul 2016
Morning's splattered with nights remains.
Clouds toss beige and tear stained rain.
Mud smearing the patio doors.
Rebounded from bouncing rain.
The echoes of the blazing row.
Last night was then and now is now.

She stirs inside
Loves listening to the rains that pour.
Safety behind the layered glass.
Her loneliness in safety.
Home safeguards her heart.
Sad that one is warm inside,
when laying all alone.

She's digging deep into her head.
To find some reins,
To take control,
Far too long led.
Getting angry.
Her eyes burn red,
and black and blue.
If only,
If only he would realise.
If only he knew,
That shortly his mother will knock him down to size.
Jul 2016 · 250
Olivia Kent Jul 2016
~I pray that the sun shall ~
~Fracture the clouds~
~Chase away the north wind~
~Divert them to blow the south winds our way~
~May the water ripple with wonderful waves of summer excitement~
~That the little children be granted the opportunity to be jolly~
~For their end of school vacation~
Pleas to mother nature and sister sun~
Let the season shine~
Jul 2016 · 1.3k
Olivia Kent Jul 2016
Had a nervous breakdown when all the flowers died.
A river started flowing from the pits of her eyes.
Broken hearted, she sits.
While life just drifts, from paranormal to abnormal.
Heather is funny girl, with purple hair and size nine feet,
Sometimes she's a rocking girl,
Not always very sweet.
She picks up seashells on the beach, she's trying to find herself inside.
She watches white horses as they ride onto the beaches.
The white horses lost they're shoes.
All over the tabloids, all over the news
She sits on the beach with the sun in her hair.
Nobody loves her.
She just doesn't care.
She's empty as a dustbin late on a Friday morn,
It is her time for renewed being, the dark before her dawn.
And now she says she's coming back, to front up to the badness, keep hold of what's good,
As everybody knew she could.
May the good times roll Heather.
Jul 2016 · 298
Olivia Kent Jul 2016
As if the banshee wails,
Screams wasting energy.
Toking at the passion pump,
The saviour.
Rivers flow,
how long the pains shall onwards play.
Downwards descent,
And so,
The new born infant cries it's first,
the banshee wails again.
Jul 2016 · 1.4k
Olivia Kent Jul 2016
The war.
It  came and went.
The youthfulness of innocence came.
None knew what it meant.
Mere children marched forwards into war.
Single boys to never love.
Single sons, one or two.
A thousand or more if only they knew.
Lost boys.
Missing men.
Never again, such sad refrain.
Respectively nodding to those of The Somme.
Europe in chaos.
Never again.
Jun 2016 · 402
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Concealed sunshine hides her grief as clowns give up their smiles.
As children play with plastic buckets upon the sands of time.
While mothers cook meals that come from tins,
Tinned spuds, tinned corned beef, tinned pea and carrots.
Good grief.
Jun 2016 · 546
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
The shadows are falling.
As apocalyptic horsemen chance at invading sullen skies.
Murderous intent of mental men with mortal minds.
Chained onto saving grace.
Grace is sporting a smile across her pretty face.
She knows you know.
The trees are blowing in cold June winds.
The abomination of failing fast.
Jun 2016 · 300
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
In your honour I bow.
Bedecked with lilac ribbons.
Ran through my hair with bands of gold.
A dress of pastel pink.
I wear a ring of platinum, as precious as you are.
My teeth are perfect ivory.
They glint in sunshine as I smile.
So glad I found you.
Jun 2016 · 392
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Stupid chappie kicked his ball right on to the train lines
Despite our words of common sense he nipped onto the track.
Clenched my cheeks really tight,
Hopeful that I'll see tonight.
Luckily he made it back.
A second later.
The train's in sight.
He would have been squashed under the train.
We told him not to try it,
Three times or more we did.
He heeded not our good advice.
Is a cheap plastic football really worth a life.
Silly man, silly boy, life ended nearly for a toy.
He wasn't a child, an adult kid.
A total fool, lose your football on the tracks,
Retrieving it ain't cool.
****** idiot!
Jun 2016 · 331
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
The streets are paved with sorrow.
Raindrops, confusion.
All an illusion.
Knowing not what's going on.
Decision right?
Decision wrong?
Our tulips won't be Dutch.
Our sausages not German.
Pizzas purely English.
All sworn upon the crown.
We'll have to grow and make our own.
Jun 2016 · 341
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Chaos theories all abound.
Wait and see just what we found.
The leash released.
Power balance changed.
Let's keep it brief.
Take a breath.
Seek relief.
The waters will soon become clear.
My love be sent to those so near.
So far.
Now may we fly on freedoms wings.
Look to tomorrow see what she brings.
Jun 2016 · 490
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Sitting on the station.
I'm trying to find my bed.
My eyes droop near redundant.
Perhaps 3/4's dead.
Should I want a train to Newcastle I'll get there in a bit.
Due to rotten weather,the train service is *hit.
If I want to go to London town, okay it's a city.
To sum up my feelings this morning the trains aren't very pretty.
I saw no rain,
Nor heard a storm.
Guess maybe I was busy.
My head this morning is just a little fuzzy.
After severe storms my train was cancelled. I had just finished a night shift.
Jun 2016 · 237
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
The silencing of summer.
The day the birds no longer sang.
The children were all muffled.
Kept indoors.
The bombers finished bombing, as they were not allowed.
The country stood on firm feet.
Altogether proud.
Salute the silence.
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Stringing stars across the sky.
Before your very eyes.
Twisted into cats cradles.
******* in bands of sparkles.
Raindrops twinkle as they drip.
On to the pad I write upon.
The ink dispersed into patterns,
Pretty ones that glint.
Words washed out of soggy paper.
Emotions washed away.
Writing pad is ripped and torn.
Wonder where those words have gone.
Lost in a shower of imperfection.
Jun 2016 · 274
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
She sleeps ever gentle on his mind.
Amid his thoughts and fiery dreams.
He shells peanuts with  his teeth, to feed her daily.
A protein fix.
He is enough to fill her kind heart, with roses scarlet red..
Twisted and turned into a perfect crown.
Their thorns destroy her, as round her head they tighten.
He swears he never meant to frighten.
Jun 2016 · 1.3k
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
I stepped outside the room today.
I dared not say goodbye.
Inside my heart is breaking.
I left my keys inside my bag.
They open up my heart.
My paperwork is locked away entirely with my love.
No longer can I stay.
And I take the raw love you say you have,
puncturing my body, like a vampire I receive your killing stake.
And give it back to you my son.
Maybe you'll think.
He whose name be Andrew.
Draining me.
You took the life force from me.
I creep away silently,
My tail tucked between my legs.
I cannot bear the disrespect and thus right now I doth regret.
The things I have are nothing much.
I worked my life for nothing left.
As lifting mist I now have left.
I left my spirit in a glass jar.
You may not realise what you've done.
I've been ****** dry I guess you won.
Jun 2016 · 260
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Flowers reach for heaven to feel the rippling rain.
To ****** the sun on cooler days.
Above the snow those flowers grow, protected petals,
Avid flower lovers steal them.
Put them in glass vases.
Give them to mothers or lovers.
A simple gift that means the world.
Or better still keep them well pressed between the heavy books.
While man is given flowers, the world will be alright.
Bright and stunning, ad infinitum.
May flowers always grow.
Jun 2016 · 490
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Serpents discard outgrown skin.
As lizards do so too.
Birds drop feathers as they fly.
Infants grow teeth to bite at life,
On the subject of crickets,
One in the kitchen and it's beating it's sound.
A lucky escapee from the lizard king, or queen.
Can hear you singing, but just can't see a thing.
One or two.
Can't tell.
Singing crickets.
Crying freedom.
Jun 2016 · 295
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Falling apart.
My feet are firm.
A shank in my back, rammed in hard.
You, you're the dealer.
I am the cop.
It's for the chemical romance we never shared.
You tried to persuade me.
Tried to degrade me.
You swore that you loved me.
I never believed you.
Always deceived you.
It's a fair cop buddy.
Hung out to dry.
Suspended along the balcony with all your rotten ***** lies.
Back street apartment on the twenty second floor.
Wailing women waiting below to score, your foul chemistry set.
Complete with it's contents.
Ladies in waiting.
Not sure what for.
Quick exit from the real world.
Writing my imagination,
An honest fix.
Jun 2016 · 635
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Waiting in vengeful silence, for satisfaction.
On strike as if desperate miners,
Dark eyes, no smiles nor sentimental significance.
Night creatures hiding, in coiled coloured rings.
Passed away rodents.
Midnight meals, cold, unfeeling.
The serpents fed up.
Seven sated snakes, demonic,
Terribly terrific.
Jun 2016 · 270
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Sat on the roots of dying trees.
Dreams of growth and structures.
Thinking of many things.
Seriously, had I not done things I have done,
Where could I be?
Jun 2016 · 390
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
He told me that the world was good.
Maybe was carved from ball of wood.
Sadly 'twas invaded by wood worms.
Who spent hours daily nibbling.
However: it isn't really wooden.
Despite the pain 'tis really good, good as gold.
Our world protected, loved so dearly.
Close to ending,
Only nearly.
Protected by the word of various lords,
And mythical souls.
Hercules in full support,
The weight of the world on his shoulders.
Heracles despatching lions, well only one to my knowledge.
Gods and prophets will do their best.
Adam and Eve conceived their sons and Noah's floods and Lot's salt pillar.
Angels soothe minds of the troubled.
While gorgons, witnessed turn to stone, their snakes are hungry their dying for rats.
Samaritans will save the world, not just lonesome travellers.
And Jesus, he turned water into wine, not mine, loaves and fishes to feed them all.
Let us pray.
Jun 2016 · 311
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Once I had a mood ring.
It locked tight about my finger.
Glowed shades of vibrant red when wild I was inside.
It turn a shade of mellow yellow when soothed and calmed by changing moments.
A shade of green which changed by degrees when ire and jealously me deceived.
One day the stone fell out, the band remained and so it shouts.
It's crying for the missing stone, I swear my heart and ears perceive it's calling moan.
Mislaid it long ago, when I was pure as blowing snow.
Cold in heart. caught in mind.
The ring mislaid no more to find.
From then onwards the only ring I wore was on one of gold, I wear no more.
My love was sold.
I bear no more, not ever.
No ring be worn no more.
Mood moments governed by pure emotions, not tatty stones or loves devotions.
Thanks Mike x
Jun 2016 · 272
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Romance on the streets where gas canisters fall.

Making bleeding eyes weepy.

The children should be sleepy.

But they're not.

Teardrops expelled from eyes poked in by foreign spies.

With insane policies.

Governments and Arsenals.

And you **** in your lungs on your **** cheap cigarettes.

Your chemical dreams, ripped out at their seams.

And she cocked up her words on the stage.

So she coughed and she choked.

Then she curled up and died.

Crying insanely, insanity's cruel.

Of diamonds and emeralds, she's playing the fool.

The fool on the fiddle and hey ******, the cat's spilling riddles.

While lady serendipity looks onwards in glee.

Sweet lady smiles serenely.

As gleeful she is as gleeful is me .

Jun 2016 · 661
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
To my gay friends I send this note.
Brothers and sisters.
Pray stand up and weep for the lost of Orlando
May the good lord stand up with you, cry for you, care for you always.
Brothers smile, sisters smile.
For we shall not be beat.
Gentlemen from Pulse,
Please forever rest in peace.
Angels guide you in, take them safely by the hand.
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Dear David.
I sat there and I listened hard to your wholly irksome voice.
I sat,
I listened very hard indeed and now I make my choice.
I believe that you're a pompous twit and that's the long and short of it.
Boris appears as if he tumbled from a scruffy crib.
His hair tangled like a bush, not that I should be so personal in my politician targeting.
The moral of this tiny story, ne'er on earth will I be tory.
Jun 2016 · 274
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Sat upon the river bank.
Watching the rippling river tumbling over the stepping stones.
We can't go stepping on them, they're slippery.

Right hand touched the grass, a strange sensation.
A painful one,
A fellow in a striped vest, is attached to my finger.
He's joined onto the end of my fourth finger.

I flicked him off with my thumb.
I think I hurt him more than he did me.
Next time I looked he'd gone.
No idea where.
My finger's still sore.
He's probably nursing a headache.
I really dislike wasps.
They always seem to pick on me.
Jun 2016 · 452
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
The beige grass is calling out.
To raindrops that drip.
It's dying of dryness, it begs for relief.
After the sunshine, the dry grass calls grief.
The danger that comes from a being with a match.
As all nature's magic dispatched in a flash.
Trees all blazing, look amazing.
Conjured up pictures.
Destroyed habitats.
Ruined in a flash.
Forest homes and camp sites.
Fires, cremations.
Accidentally by wombats.
Not obeying.
The beige grass is gone.
Jun 2016 · 688
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Paper towns, they blow away.
Fall apart, as rain falls down.
People write on walls , artistic graffiti.
They sign them Banksy.
Hurricanes cause chaos.
Difficult to clean.
If I had a bonfire my paper town would burn.
All the relics would be destroyed.
I'm glad my towns not paper.
Jun 2016 · 308
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Tonight I had a bonfire.
Not too good for mother, but very good for me.
Spiralling smoke curled onwards and upwards.
Wanton destruction of old *******.
Garden remnants and excremental furniture.
I feel cleansed.
My garden feels the same as me.
Flickering dancing colours whirl and crack.
Increased space in my garden,
Pleasure be only mine.
My tree is but a little charred, her magnificence it shall survive.
Next spring presenting blossoms and I know that she's alive.
Resilient she be.
My autumn, spring and summer tree.
Jun 2016 · 314
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Dear lady.
You looked wonderful.
I told you so.
I held the door for you.
Outside Macdonald's in Swaythling
As I would for anyone.
You smiled, and shook my hand as you said" I really ought to as you're one of my loyal subjects"
Tickled me pink.
Jun 2016 · 584
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
My body is a temple.
An aged crumbling one.
The windows are poorly misted.
The attic is full of clever stuff.
My ears hear everything they shouldn't and nothing that they should.
And I'm never listening.
Jun 2016 · 385
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Plucking seeds of whirling dandelions swirling through the gleaming sun, tickled by the wind.
Brushing down the pathway, blushing at the stroke of the nettles that nip.
Tomorrow runs round the open space of triangles, swings and grass that's dry, kicking planks of dry wood that's not for brushing.
Furry oak leaves fell, early, not autumn.
Worried that tomorrow aforementioned may utilise the discarded planks to beat their companions and my grandson bears witness to such destruction.
Tomorrow and his companions try to demonstrate annihilation of tinder.
And I wonder, staring on in absolute awe that my gorgeous grandson has not seen this before.
Tomorrow is our future, bored maybe.
I hope he doesn't follow suit.
He's two, his mum is protective...I can only hope he stays as wonderful as he is.
Jun 2016 · 270
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Can we be happy in summer time?
The burning sit fills the glory sky.
Blue skies wonderful, wished for.
Can we be smiling through the heat that burns, while as humans we melt.
Perspiration bath.
Lobster glowing.
We seek shadows and breeze.
The sky hangs heavy above my head.
I sneeze the pollen wayward.
Again and again.
The fever of the itching eyes and tickling grass.
Raining soon.
Blessed at last.
Jun 2016 · 265
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Into a spot wedged tight and neat.
As if a sardine into a tin..
Shaking so violently under my skin.
In a quandary, jammed in tight,
That each days' morning runs into the night.
Everything's wrong.
Something's not right.
Where to go from here I fear.
I need to stop and to reflect.
A broken heart that beats bereft.
Right is good.
No choices left.
What to do ?
Jun 2016 · 341
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Pull up your trousers sonny.
Your looking mighty gormless.
Pointing out honestly, good god you look a mess.
You bottom looks inviting to a wanton wayward, crooked fella.
Looking really silly, I know that I can tell ya.
Don't want to insult you nor to break your heart.
Jun 2016 · 361
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Sparkles, pollen sprinkles.
My how the garden grows,
Pink flowers, diminutive blue flowers, only periwinkles.
Smell the scent of garden flowers wafting neath thy nose.

Bumblebees and honey pots.
Flowers and foliage.
Red and orange, pale love it lingers, forget me nots.
Garden flowers, wild flowers, sunny skies, all the rage.

Butterflies and honey bees.
Alighting on the petals bright.
Bees with pollen sacks, strapped around their knees.
Keeping the garden growing right.

With but a dash of rainwater, flowers tended by thy daughter.
Flowers in the precious garden growing as they ought ta.
Jun 2016 · 440
Olivia Kent Jun 2016
Not doing so good today.
A mountain of bills that won't go away.
Snowed under.
In debt, in moments of doubt.
Haven't got  money, doing without.
Work like a *****.
Daytime and night.
Suffocating in bills.
Dying of fright.
Getting too heavy.
Where is the light.
Cruising through a tunnel.
Bones are all piled up.
Covered in skin.
There is just darkness.
Never will I win.
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