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Mar 2018 · 135
When I gaze into your eyes
Oh,  your soul
Is as deep  and mysterious
as space  and time its  self.
Oh, how I yearn to plumb  those  depths
for your   mysteries   draw   me
into those infinite   depths.
Oh, the mysteries  
of your  heart
and of your soul
I know not how to fathom.
Oh,  my head  says to my heart
" calm and be still"
when all within  me
a storm  rages  
live  a million  demons
that fly   from the bottom from hell
screaming  there  vengeance
upon my poor soul.
For  I know  when  I gaze   into your   eyes
I am forever lost.
Oh,  without mercy  
your storm blows
and  I like   a ship of ghost
am forever at your mercy.
Oh, you are the ghost
that forever haunts    my soul.
Till this life
shall find   its way
to the icy  cold
of a lonely grave.
Mar 2018 · 149
My lovely fire
Oh, there   is a fire
Oh, the fire it burns   and burns
and my soul feels the force  of its fury!
Oh, your body   and your love
how they have carried  me away
and nothing on earth  is worth
your body   and your love.
your heat   how it burns me to the core.
Oh,  all  things   in my life
and all  things of the  world
I  have forgotten.
Let them  die
in a sea of forgetfulness.
Like  a knife  
you cut   my soul
and my heart is far gone from me.
Oh, I burn in your flame.
You are my new universe
the old is forgotten.
Oh, come with me
and we will ride
down the road of eternity.
Oh, my lovely drug
my deadly  intoxication
you have given   birth
to my reckless life
for the fear  of danger
I throw  to the wind
to win  you
my lovely   burning treasure.
Oh, how the heart of a woman
Oh, how it is a territory dark  and  mysterious
And your  love I have long sought
to  call all my own
long  I have pondered
to make you mine.
Oh, with your kiss
my heart is sealed  with an  eternal seal
impossible  to be torn  asunder
by any wild beast  
or power  in heaven or hell.
Oh,  my heart knows
things the head can never understand
so I call  you all  my own.
Oh, for you my life I would freely  give
for you a treasure  eternal.
Oh,  how my love overshadows
and seeks   your  pleasure  
all  the  days  and all the nights
as the   years  spiral   for season to  season
and thoughts of you
penetrate deep into my soul.
Oh,  how I know
this is how I shall spend my eternity
burning  within this flame
of my hearts love  of you.
Oh, there   is a hand
that guides  this life.
Oh,   the one that ever guides  
this life I lead
is the heart that holds
an overpowering  live
like a fire  that  burns  within.
Oh, you are the fire that consumes me
Oh,  How I burn for you
You the fire of my life.
Oh, my soul
Oh, this love I hold for you
Oh, how they shall
ever  be one and the same!
You are  an eternal flame
by which I live
and by which I know I shall die.
Though I live  or though I die
I know you are the fire  flowing within.
Oh, for you my life within  to live
Oh, you my love within me
for you my beating heart
Oh, for you my soul  to burn.
Feb 2018 · 137
Oh, for a love like a fire
Oh, how my soul
feels  the tearing of its flesh
down in the  sacred place
where all things matter.
Oh,  for love is the fabric  of the soul
and oh  for except  love
I cannot be.
For  our souls  are one
as our hearts are one.
Oh, your pain
is my pain
and your joy  my joy.
Oh, for a love like  fire
has seeped  has  seeped
into  every muscle
and every sinew
and there is no part of me
where the love of you
does not  live.
Oh, how like  a knife
your absence cuts so deep.
Oh, so deep
my breath is taken away
and I  weep a lake of tears!
Oh,  how   love and pain
seem  to be
the twin sides of this world.
One  of light  
and one of shadow.
Oh, how  I no longer  live
but this thing called love lives  within me..
Oh, whither you love
I know not
but my heart  shall  ever love
and your pleasure seek.
Oh,  my dear love
pierce not my soul  to  it death.
Oh,  how this world would be
so sad and lonely
and full  of darkness be
without your gift of love.
For only you can end my pain
and only you can make me live!
Oh, nothing can ever replace
the love I hold for you
a fire  that never dies.
Jan 2018 · 143
Except for love
Oh, how my soul
feels  the tearing of its flesh
down in the  sacred place
where all things matter.
Oh,  for love is the fabric  of the soul
and oh  for except  love
I cannot be.
For  our souls  are one
as our hearts are one.
Oh, your pain
is my pain
and your joy  my joy.
Oh, for a love like  fire
has seeped  has  seeped
into  every muscle
and every sinew
and there is no part of me
where the love of you
does not  live.
Oh, how like  a knife
your absence cuts so deep.
Oh, so deep
my breath is taken away
and I  weep a lake of tears!
Oh,  how   love and pain
seem  to be
the twin sides of this world.
One  of light  
and one of shadow.
Oh, how  I no longer  live
but this thing called love lives  within me..
Oh, whither you love
I know not
but my heart  shall  ever love
and your pleasure seek.
Oh,  my dear love
pierce not my soul  to  it death.
Oh,  how this world would be
so sad and lonely
and full  of darkness be
without your gift of love.
For only you can end my pain
and only you can make me live!
Oh, nothing can ever replace
the love  you hold for me
and your warm embrace.
Oh, how memories  like ghosts
pass through the secret chambers
of my mind
in the middle of a dark  and haunted
and moonless  night
and I am  haunted by your face
and your loving tough.
Oh, it seems as though
my heart has a life
all of its own.
Oh, it pulls me.
Oh, how it pulls me
by chains fashioned from my memories
and my endless love of you
impossible to resist.
Oh, how  I am enslaved
by this burning passion
I hold for you
and I am your's forever.
Oh, my forever
can only be fulfilled
by eternity in your arms.
Oh, how I dream
of that faraway forever.
Oh, that road to  forever
it leads me ever on
and I must follow
thought it were to  death
or life eternal
in   the love  of your arms
and on that  path
ever I am bound
and bound forevermore.
Nov 2017 · 185
The heart
Oh,  the heart
that *****  that holds
a world within it
and so quickly can turn
to heaven or hell
has its own thoughts
its own logic
and its own reason.
Oh, a logic and a reason
that is be a riddle within a riddle
a mystery of the ages!
Oh, your heart
how  its mystery
has over  come me!
And I am bound
and made its servant forever.
Oh, I am turned  and pulled
and bound to you
as though your flesh
and my flesh
were one.
Oh, your heart
its rhythm
I must dance to
my only purpose has become
to have it
and to hold it
in my own two hands!
Oh, I know
Yours I shall ever be
for as long as my soul
shall endure.
Nov 2017 · 176
You are an unknown country
Oh,  you  are  an   unknown  country
beautiful   and exotic.
Oh, how my finger long
to explore
every inch of that territory.
Oh, my lovely  sweet land
of passion
My soul longs  
for your every embrace.
And with every embrace
you become a part of me.
Oh, you  my passion and my love
in your embrace
the fragrance
a thousand  blossoms
fill  the air
and all the birds  sing a sweet  song
of your paradise.
Oh,  of how  your warm  breath
upon  my cheek
and your fingers  loving embrace
leaves   all  my heart
and all  my soul
as your eternal  slave.
Oh,  I have become intoxicated
by   all  your charms.
Oh, each one a chain
to hold me to your soul.
Oh,  a chain to hold me tight
for all  of God's eternity.
Oh, for eternity evermore
for all its days
and all its night.
Nov 2017 · 173
The love is all
Oh,  how the universe
was born in so hot a fire
not a single atom
of any  element
could remain.
Oh,  so hot the fire
a spark  from the heart  of God
passion beyond measure
love beyond measure.
A fire he gave
to rain down
from all the starry heaven above
into the heart
of the soul of man.
Oh, burning fiery eye
like the sun burning
in his eternity
in his sky.
Oh, guard the fire!
Oh,  guard  the fire!
burning in the sky.
Let  your passion live like a fire
a  burning eternal flame.
Oh, it is the life of the soul.
Oh, let the love flow
let the love flow
to every living thing
one and all.
Oh,  for the love  is  all!
Oh,  the love is all!!
Oct 2017 · 338
The Tribes of men
Oh,  of all the tribes of men
all   the world is divided
Two   kinds of men
those who see
force and a heavy hand
as the thing that rules the world.
Oh, and then there are those
for who love
is the very thing that guides
and rules the world.
Oh, the tribe of cruelty
shall  persists
for as long
as love rules not the hearts of men.
Oh,  for as long as the tribe of love
seek not
the divine right
the law of love
given by a holy God
from the starry heaven above.
Oct 2017 · 201
A chain of fire
Oh, who has seen love
it slips through this world
like a mist in the night.
A boy  holds a puppy tight
and I see the love in your eyes.
A man cares for his aged father
and I see the love in your eyes.
You hold me tight
and I see the love in your eyes.
Oh,  your eyes shine there love
like the kindest and warmest of suns.
Oh,  a chain for fire
binds our hearts
And oh I burn on and on
with my thoughts of you
in a fire warm and loving
that says no power
can withstand
this power in our hearts.
Oh, love everlasting
fire everlasting
the love God placed in our hearts
no power can withstand.
Oct 2017 · 595
Shine on!
Oh, the world is so old
and so cold.
Shine on
Oh shine on!
Oh, old it is made
by memories worn bear
and man jaded eye.
Shine on  oh  shine on!
Oh, how the frost lays a heavy hand
upon a care worn path
in the deep dead of a winter night
from the cold heart of man.
Oh, my love shine on!
Shadow of man
falls upon the land.
Shine on my love shine on!
Oh, but I know my love
how your heart beats for me
in the dead of night
as I am held in rapture
by arms so tight.
Oh, my loving one shine on!
Oh, how your love
shines on me.
Though I was held of no account
by a cold and ****** world
I find my eternal life
held in your loving arms.
Oct 2017 · 401
Shine like the stars
Oh, shine on
Shine like the stars
Oh, nothing can compare
in this starry sky
or the earth bellow
to your angelic form.
Oh, when I look into your face
I see God's eternity
though I were to count the stars
one by one
measure their  glory
weigh them all together
none could outshine your glory.
Oh, for who can compare
the beauty of you
my dear angel!
Oh, you are beyond words!
Oh, when my eyes
first rested upon you
all my will drained from my soul
and forever and evermore
these chains around my heart
shall ever be
for though the heavens pass away
the fate of my heart
and my soul
shall ever rest in your hands.
Sep 2017 · 363
As my soul flies away
Oh, how this world in its ways
is so full of noise and confusion
like the raving of a mad man
a cacophony of voices
ever fills the air
and I am swept far away
as by an all consuming flood.
Oh, I can find no peace
as though the eyes of a dead man
I see.
Oh, but when I hear your voice so sweet
like the voice of a thousand angels
as they sing
my soul enraptured flies away
to some paradise
where death and time
do not live
and upon the wings of angels
I leave behind a world
all dark and uncaring.
Oh, I know one day
I shall hold your body
in my loving arms
and we shall live
in a time and place
that shall never pass away.
Oh, eternity shall be our dream
in a paradise beyond the stars
where you and I shall ever live
and forget the world
so dark and cruel.
Sep 2017 · 290
The heaven of your arms
Oh, there are flowers
that bloom in the dark wild wood.
Flowers the color of blood
and flowers with the color
of the darkest night
the color of a broken heart
and my tortured soul.
Oh, they grow
where the cold wild wind blows
and sangs its mournful  song
as it weeps
as my heart weeps
for a love that was more than love
a love that haunts me still.
Oh, when I close my eyes
you are there in my dreams still
a fantasy come to life
as I live again
before I awake
to the nightmare of you far away.
Your heart and my heart
torn so far apart.
Oh, a sigh and a heavy heart!
Oh, how you have sunk
so deep within me
as though my soul and heart
were some bottomless sea
to the center of all I am
till you become one with me.
Oh, you have become the soul
and the breath within me
all the life that I am.
Oh, for you I long and search
till these dusty paths
are all worn down
and an eternity has passed
and I find my rest
in the heaven of your arms.
Aug 2017 · 334
My love so dear
Oh, there are  many ways
and many paths
under the sun
to take in this life.
Oh, it is all
it is all such a great mystery
for who knows
all the answers to this life.
For we stumble
through these wilderness paths
like a child
all lost and forlorn.
Oh, how to sow
and how to reap
and how to track
the wild stag
upon the earth
as he makes his way
through these dark woods.
Oh, only by many ways
and through many ways
can the heart piece together
the meaning of all that is.
Oh, my love
though I  walk this earth
forever and a day
from pole to pole
and swam all the seven seas
I would never find such  a love
to breath life into my soul
as the love
that lives in your heart for me.
Oh, whenever my mind
turns in its deepest thoughts
of the meaning of my soul
I think the good lord
for you
my love so dear.
Aug 2017 · 245
Oh, do I love too much?
Oh, do I love too much?
My heart seeks you
as a moth is drawn to a flame
and is consumed in that hot fire.
Oh, how I long for you
as a man alone
upon the burning desert sand
longs for just one drop of water
to be place upon his tongue.
Oh, the things that seek
to keep me from you
are without number
as though they were some marching demonic army
marching to take this world
and bring it to its knees.
Oh, and onward they march
through the halls of my mind
to bring me such sorrow and pain.
Oh,  how I would rather
my life be lost
than see you like sand
slip through my fingers
and I am left
among the living dead
and my heart lies within
like some lonely dead thing.
Oh, I am forced ever on
by visions of you
Oh, by such a love impossible to resist
of a thing more of heaven
than of earth
I am driven  ever on
till in your arms I can rest
and rest forever more.
Aug 2017 · 284
Oh, how my heart dreams
Oh, how my heart dreams
of a love that has buried itself
deep in my soul
and there is no turning
and of the day when my arms
hold you in my embrace.
Oh, of you I dream
with a love
that lives deeper within me
than the marrow of my bones.
Oh, my soul groans for you
and I am in a fever
and all I can think about is you.
Oh, when I sleep and when I wake
you are ever with me.
you are a deep aching need
a fire in my soul.
Oh, and the only peace I can ever find
is when I hold you in my arms
and tell you
of this deep fiery love
that burns within
for you forevermore.
Oh, how I long
to live with you
for as long as forever
shall ever be.
Oh,  love how you flee from me!
like a ghost haunting some sad and tragic place
you slip between my fingers
and leave an icy kiss
upon my lips
as you vanish like a fogy mist
at the breaking of day.
Oh, who has seen love
and who can tell me
of all her pleasures and charms
and her warm embrace.
Oh, my love
my heart has become  like a glass flower
and like a glass flower
my heart is sure to break
in its  all its longing
and sorrow for you.
Oh, you are the reason
that I am
and my heart beats its rhythm
only for you.
Oh, you are the song that leads me on
like a siren calling me
from some distant shore.
Oh, that call ever leads me on
and on that path I shall ever travel on
till I rest in your embrace
and in your embrace to ever remain.
Jul 2017 · 274
Like smoke in the wind
Oh,  Often I consider
how life is like smoke in the wind
but a moment and our elements
are scattered to the wind
and not even memory remains.
Oh, the folly of men!
that they think they stand
upon solid earth
and soon they vanish
with the setting of the sun.
Oh, come with me my love
to our garden of eternity
and let your heart
put on immortality.
Oh, you shall be changed
form this creature of smoke
that you are.
Oh, for we shall live
upon a scarlet red wine
that flows like an endless river
through all of eternity.
Oh, a legend to become!
Oh, when the name of love
our names shall be there
and they shall live
for as long as time shall endure.
Jun 2017 · 252
All we shall ever desire
Oh, when my  mind
turns to thoughts of you
you seem to be some enchanted mystic land
an eternal garden of delight
where all my dreams of love
have come true.
Oh, my love
let me be the only star
that shines within the black velvet sky
of your lovely heart.
Oh, I have taken a sacred oath
that I shall forever
only live for you
and for you I shall die
and to you I shall always belong.
Oh, I can see
all the beauty
in the soul
that shines through your eyes.
Oh, let us forever live
in the castle of our dreams
and in our garden of delight
forever make our home
and through all the days of eternity
for God has given us
all we shall ever desire.
Oh, how  wisdom
is been a bitter drink
that one consumes drop by drop.
Oh, as the years roll
and life seems to fly
as though with the wings
of some phantom bird
and seems to make life
a bed of torture
as grief fills the heart
with the faces of lost loves.
Oh, like a symphony
you ever fill my heart
and live in my dreams.
Oh, like a ghost
you seem to live in every cloud.
Oh, come to me my love
and let me love once again.
Oh,  for my love of you
my life is quickly draining away.
And without you
I would become but a shadow
of all that I once was.
Oh, how the days
seems to pass away
as eternity dies
little by little
and day by day
and threaten
to sweep us into an icy grave.
Oh, let my love live
in the sunshine
of your smiling face
as your arms
forever enfold me
in your loving embrace
and sweet kiss
of one  anothers hearts.
and cheat death of its victory
as our love blooms forever
like an undying rose.
May 2017 · 284
An immortal love
Oh, to love you
with an immortal love
is the meaning of  of my soul
that when it was born
from Gods great eternal beating heart
it knew only the love of you
that is like a mantra
that shall always echo in my mind.
Oh, you are the one!
Oh, the eternal one
for which I was born
and you I will forever love.
Oh, all the powers
that live in heaven
and all the powers that live in hell
can never **** this love
that lives within me
this eternal flame that burns within.
Oh, through the eternity of time
as the mountains slowly rise
and are worn slowly down
My love for you will forever remain.
Oh, I know that you a flame within
that shall forever burn
till long after the stars
long burned and flickered out
one by one
and the universe is once again
fill with darkness.
Oh, our love shall burn
long after thew leavens
like an old garment
has long worn away.
Apr 2017 · 523
You are a fire in my bones
Oh, how have labored
Labored so endlessly
through all the days
and all the nights
seeking my hope
to express this fire
that burns so deeply within my soul.
Oh, it is a fire within my bones
that will never die.
Oh, this longing for you
is to deep for all my world
To express a love
that in this heart
lives beyond time.
Oh, how I live and breath for you
and how my heart aches for you
I cannot find the words.
Oh, I know that God
when he searched his heart
from all the love he found
he made you.
Oh, and now this longing for you
burns within my should.
For when I first saw you
my I was forever lost
and now I must live
in these flames
of this infinite longing I have for you.
Oh, I know that you understand
all the things
that swim at the bottom of the sea
and all the mysteries
of the distant heavens.
Oh, and all of space
and all of time
is no mystery to you.
Oh, your beauty is more
than any living man can stand.
Oh, you have captured me
and I my heart is forever held
as though within iron bars.
Oh, I shall ever be bound to you
by this deep longing
that lives in my heart.
Oh, the pain that I must suffer
when I must endure
all the long night
when the darkness hunts my soul.
Oh, my life can only be saved
by the deep love that lives within you heart.
Oh, don't you know
that love has  a  soul
and love has a name.
Oh, for God is love
and that love made all  that is.
Oh, and don't you know
that only your love
can comfort me
when the cold night winds blow
and the world hunts for my life.
Oh, for without you my love
dark night would engulf the world
and only " thou shall not "
would remain
to spread its deadly poison
till I am no more.
Oh,  forever you shall live
deep within my soul.
And in my heart you will ever be
till all the rivers of the earth
run dry
and all the mountains
by times burden
are worn down
till of then only the sand remains
so that I may never again
suffer this dark night of my soul.
Oh, my love let those words
never ever be
that you love me no more!
Oh, there is a limit
set  between man and beast.
A limit  I dare not pass.
Oh, for my soul is tempted
to throw  all  its humanity to the wind.
Oh,  for the heart
lives on the love of others.
Oh, without love
my heart shall soon swivel
and turn to  midnight black
and harden into a cold and dead stone
for its beating
will soon be heard no more.
Oh, you are my only source
for if  the love living
in your heart
were no more be
then my breath  would cease
and my hearts beating
would be heart no more
for it is the very life of my soul.
Oh,  all through the night
with the stars shining
as they journey across the sky
your name rests softly upon my lips
and all my dreams
entertain visions of you
that dance through the halls of my soul.
Oh, let your heart
and  let my heart
beat together forever  as one
far into all the countless days
that eternity may bring.
Oh, when  my darkest thoughts  overtake me
and my mind wanders back
over  the nameless years
of my life
Oh, how I consider
how my life is spent
and how worry has worn me away
in my endless quest to make you mine.
Oh, the walls are high
and the way is steep
and oh the thorns they grow!
Oh, all the obstacles
that seem to block my way!
As though the world
seeks  to slay me
before I find you my love
to hold you forever in my arms.
Oh, but I know
you are ever as pure and true
like the north star
to ever shine your guiding light
within my heart.
Oh, though the rage
of the storms upon this sea
and the waves threaten
to engulf me
I shall ever seek the fortune
of my soul
on that dark and rolling sea
till my heart finds your heart
and forever we shall be.
Oh, you are the angel
that holds me in the palm of your hand
and to you
my heart shall ever belong.
Mar 2017 · 228
One final dying kiss
Oh, what is life
but the quest to fill your heart
with the soul of another.
Oh,  an aching need
to posses every fiber
of my beloved.
And to hold her
in my heart
and my arms
as in one single moment
that shall last for eternity.
Oh, if my heart never knows love
then it is but a ticking clock
a blindly running machine
and all my life
and all that I have ever hoped for
is in vein.
And I am dead
upon my feet
and the world is dead
and all about me is death!
Oh, you my love
are the heart
and the center of my world.
Oh, how I feel this aching need
to fill this heart and this mind
and these arms with you  my dear love.
Oh, I know that heart and soul
is filled with you
and that you live within
my very bones.
Oh, if you were to slay me
how could I ever hate you
for all that I am is a love
that lives for you.
Oh, all these words
that fall from my tongue
are all in vein!
Oh, for how I know
words can never express
the depths of passion
that lives within this mortal coil!
Oh, all that I am
and all the fibers that are woven together
to make my soul
I would freely give
for  caress of your arms
and one final dying kiss.
Mar 2017 · 266
Like some dark angel
Oh, how you have captured my heart
like some dark angel
who  lulls me to sleep
with tinder whispers in the night.
Oh, you have captured me
as though I were a  rabbit
in a snare
and I am helpless before you.
Oh, do you know
how deeply
this loves grown.
Oh, do you know
that you are all the world to me.
Oh, your lovely heart
that beats within you
is such a great treasure to me.
You have carried me away
like a great overpowering flood
and all my will is gone.
Oh, you hold my soul
every fiber that I am
in the palm of your hand.
Oh, you are the queen of heaven
and beloved of my soul
and my love of you
will never let me return
to the broken and defeated man
that I was.
For you have breathed new life
into my soul.
Oh, there is nothing I would not do
to win your sweet love
and hold you forever
in my heart.
Oh, you are all
the life I shall ever seek to live.
Oh, the beginning and ending of the world
in you I see.
And you shall ever live
in this heart of mine
far longer than the stars shall ever shine.
Feb 2017 · 285
Am I but a mote?
Oh, three personed God
am I but a mote
drifting through the universe
and little in your sight.
Oh, how can my heart
build a bridge
from earth to sky
so that I may find my place
in a heart greater than mine.
Oh, three personed God
leave me not
to suffer through
all the dark lands of the earth.
Oh, leave me not
so that I am not an orphaned  child
and a wanderer upon the earth.
Oh, for what is a man
that is divorced from all his reason it be?
Oh, how can one bear  to be
when only the body lives?
Oh, let your light
drive all the darkness away
and let me with you
forever be.
Oh, how the world
in its mindless way
spins endlessly
through this dark void.
Oh, like a cloud blown
by fierce  winds
by the storm of the soul
devouring all life in its wake.
Oh, how my soul
is unsettled
and all my peace
is driven far from me.
Oh, this darkness!
Oh, how this heart of darkness
seems to devour the earth
that stumbles to and fro
as though it were a drunken man.
Oh, how by  the light of your love
I can only find my way
to live in the house of love
that is your arms.
Oh, I am lulled into a sweet sleep
and in my dreams
I dream of you
and the world is filled
with the sweet sent
of your body
and the sweet aroma
of your breath.
Oh, to always remain
is my dream.
To always remain
in the paradise of your soul.
Oh, sleep with me
and fill my soul
with dreams of your love
that haunts me
like some mystic
and enchanted realm.
oh, and let me dream ever on
till the stars fall from heaven
and forever more.
Feb 2017 · 165
Oh, why has the heart?
Oh, why has  the heart
of this world of spinning clay
become so wicked
and as black as the darkest night
as though no light
has ever shown upon it
and none ever will?
Oh, why is forever heard
the laugh of the haughty wicked
who seem to laugh into the face of God
with a heart all full of pride
and a soul full of evil will?
Oh, to slay the downtrodden
and heap misery upon the poor.
Oh, how it seems
that love has gone away
upon swift and silvery wings
and man like some animal
ever seeks his own way.
Oh, the green grass
and the herb has all withered
and not a leaf remains
upon a tree.
Oh, for I have searched
and no love have I found.
Oh, how the stars
that glitter high above the earth
in heaven's dome
are filled with shame
of this base spinning ball of clay.
Oh, return to me my love
and let this creation
begin its healing.
Oh, let us walk once again
through starry skies
and pass through the ocean of time
in our ship of eternity
and when the sun's cycles
have all run their course
our love shall still live
on and on.
Jan 2017 · 179
Where I shall forever live
Oh, this grating noise
that I hear within my heart
this world this cacophony I hear within
has infected me
and had made all  the goals
that I have had for this life
worthless within me
and all that I hear
weighs heavily upon me.
Oh, when my soul
is overwhelmed
that I am thrown off
this course I ever seek to follow
and I fear all my mind shall break.
Oh, then your arms your arms
I seek my rest
and in your arms
all is well  and all is made right.
Oh, for I know
the wicked judgement
of this world can never touch
any fiber of all that I am.
Oh, in your arms
I know this mundane reality
can never touch my soul.
Oh, I am set adrift
upon a sea of heavenly love
of me for you
and you for me
where in eternal ecstasy
I shall forever live.
Jan 2017 · 168
Oh, this is my heart
Oh, this is my heart
Oh, the heart that I have now
shall remain forever
for yours it shall forever be.
Oh, spring shall come
with all its young leaves of green
Oh, and spring shall by and by
fade to summer
and summer to fall with all its leaves of gold.
Oh, and all through the winter's cold night
with its blanket of snow
that lays cold upon the earth
like a sheet of death
as the cold winds blow.
Oh, but in this heart of mine
no change there shall ever be
for I eternally belong to you
and you forever belong to me.
Oh, how I hold you
like a priceless treasure  living in my soul
a precious jewel in my heart.
Oh, this labor of love
to win you my love
shall always be
for you are the only flower that blooms for me.
Oh, for a man
is more that blood and bones
for his life to be spent
foolish labors
by day and by night
for his flesh to be.
Oh, for I know
that your love is the very nectar of the gods
that quickens my body of clay.
Oh, my soul that lives within me
Oh, how it longs to be one with you
to sing its silent music
of a forever love
till its breath has gone
on the day that time shall no longer be.
Jan 2017 · 269
Oh, this path I follow!
Oh, this path I follow
this weary path that I am on
may lead no where
but to a life of dark shadows
or heaven so fair
and God's holy throne.
Oh, but this one thing I know
that though I take the road of shadows
or I take the road
that leads to God's holy throne
happy shall all my paths be
for in my heart I know
that you shall ever be mine.
Oh, there is a great mind
that created all
for you lovely creature
in all your beauty
and all your glory
could never be
if no great mind was over all
to bless me with your honey
and your sweet loving arms
that makes all the world full of glory and light.
Oh, you are the other half of my soul
and without you I would be a cold dead stone.
Oh, to you I shall ever belong
and to you my heart and soul are forever tied
and my love for you will never end.
Jan 2017 · 241
A song for the ages
Oh, my soul sings
a song that has lived in my heart
since my heart first began to beat
a song for the ages.
Oh, the life that lives within me
I no longer live for myself
but it is my love for you
that lives within me.
Oh, how you fill my memories
and my heart to its bursting
till my mortal frame
can no longer hold all that I feel.
Oh, and I know
that I shall never be the same again
for my old heart
and my old soul
has died long ago
when I first felt the magic
of your loving touch.
For you have penetrated my soul
down to the very fabric
of all that I am.
Oh, this river of scarlet
that flows within
knows that I no longer belong
to this dull and loveless
day to day world.
Oh, I have transcended
to another mystic and sacred life
where no shadows remain
and the silent music of love
forever plays within my chest.
Oh, this no longer seeks its self to please
but only you to protect and keep.
Oh, let me forever hold you
to my poor beating heart
and in my arms love you
for all eternity to come
as the moon passes through the night
along its starry way
through endless cycles
till time has burned itself to ashes
like an ancient movie
that has forever played in endless cycles of time
till all its images have worn away
and not even imagination remains
and nothing is left
but a blank page
and only eternity remains
Dec 2016 · 247
My heart grows ever fonder
Oh, there is a dark music
that plays within my soul
that is darker that the blackest night
like a song for the dead.
Oh, when I despair  
for a love that lives
deep within your heart
it seems as though
all the world has died
and all that is left
is but a hollow shell
that lives in a dread eternal night.
Oh, how I long
for your soft fingers upon my face
and the love of your life giving arms
and oh how I wish
for my heart to play a happy song.
Oh, a happy song
for the love
that grows for me
in your lovely beating heart.
Oh, how my life is devoid
of all its meaning
when there is a mystery
and doubts cloud my mind.
Oh, those dark doubts
for all those things
that have come to live within your heart
and the mystery of your soul.
Oh, how I wonder
if you love me still
or if you no longer dream of me
or if I am a thing long forgotten.
Oh, my heart grows ever fonder
when I consider all the memories
of you that play within my mind
and my soul is wed to you forever.
Oh, how it is forged made of flame.
Oh, made of such a love
with such depths I cannot measure.
Oh, wrap me once again
in your warm and soft loving arms
and let us dance our dance of love
till the mountains have all worn down
and the sky has spun its way into eternity.
Dec 2016 · 478
Till the world fades away
Oh, only in your arms
am I able to find my rest
as though I were a child
rocked to sleep
by a loving mother.
Oh, in this world
all full of noise and bluster
where I am blown to and fro
like a bird in a storm
and savaged deep in my soul
I find my shelter in your arms.
Oh, then I can forget
the storm that rages around me.
Oh, salvation you give to my heart
and my life I can live again
finding my life
in the love within your arms.
Oh, how the words of love
that fall from your lips
and your warm kisses
fine like some ancient wine
are a healing balm
to my soul
binding up my wounds
and causing all my dark memories
to flee.
Oh, let me live
within your  heart
and you in mine
through all the rolling ages of eternity
till the world fades away
like a garment grown old.
Oh, and then love
for all the forevers  to come.
Oh, how the snow had fallen
in my soul
and an icy chill has fallen
upon this heart of mine
as though it has become a frozen lake
in the center of all that I am.
Oh, a deep frigid chill
has lived within my bones.
Oh, how I was a lost man
that lived in deep shadow
of a grief that I have had
for your love.
Oh, and this longing has been
such a deep aching pain
that my mind
had fled from me
and my heart failed me
and I was death.
Oh, how I wished
to be no more
and all the universe with me.
Till the day you set me free
and it seemed that I was in a dream.
Oh, as though God had sent his angel
to take me to the gates of the blessed.
Oh, that was the day
you released my soul
for that sea of pain.
And I cried as your arms held me
and I knew that your love would never end.
Oh, that was the day I knew
that all your love is real
and that was the day my life began
and all the world would never again be the same.
Oh, you have melted the ice
that has so tortured my soul
and healed my wounded heart.
Oh, let us live in each others eternity
far above this cold dead world
to such heights that loveless men can never know.
Oh, let us pass the ages in each others arms
and live in our bed of passion
for as long eternity seeks its course to run.
Dec 2016 · 181
With you I find my rest
Oh, your love is a light that shines
into the dark places of my heart
and frees me from eternal night.
Oh, how I find my rest
in the soft and sweet *****
and your loving heart
that beats only for me.
Oh, how I feel as though I were a lost child
who has at last found her mother
after long ages  have past.
Oh, my soul lives
in a deep burning desire
to be forever yours
and you forever mine.
Oh, I know
that this heart that beats within me
only beats in its desire
to make you ever mine.
Oh, my love for you is a fire
that consumes me
both body and soul
and I am left without words
and a deep aching pain
that only you
in your mercy can quench.
Oh, my love and longing for you
shall last as ages roll
and the sun forever spins
upon the wheel of time
and all my dreams
are of you
as I lay upon my bed
in silent slumber.
Oh, all the night and all the day long
thoughts of you swim within my heart
like fishes that forever swim
in a deep blue sea
and I am taken by force
by your intoxicating form
and every power in heaven
and every power on earth
or that dark formless world below
can never pluck you from my heart.
Oh, though the wheel of time
may ever spin in its eternal way
and countless ages pass
you shall ever be one with my soul.
Dec 2016 · 222
Till time unwinds
Oh, let me be the one
to live as a treasure within your heart.
Oh, do you count me
as only one of a vast crowd
as vast as a cloud of locust
that covers the land
all interchangeable
each one for one
and of such little worth
as the dust blowing in the wind.
Oh, is my heart to you
such a prize
that all the fibers of your soul
you would give
just to hear me say
that you mean heaven and earth to me
and my heart and all that I am
shall forever belong to you.
Oh, the pain I would bear
and the blood within my body
I would drain
till my face and my form
would become like veil of white satin
and my flesh as cold
as a snow covered hill.
Oh, just to hold you
in these two loving arms
that ache so in all their longing for you.
Oh my love I have but one prayer to you.
Oh, let us live
for the love of one  another
till all the stars
that are spread through the inky black of space
all burn away
one by one
and time unwinds on its endless way
till all the world is no more.
Oh, and let us ever love each other still.
Oh, it is love
that made the world
and spun the stars
into the velvet night sky.
Oh, it is love
that spoke all that is
and all that ever shall be
into being
as he place the stars
and all the worlds
that hold a living treasure
so dear to his heart
one by one in the glittering midnight sky.
Oh, he made the butterflies that flutter
through the cool sun kissed dew
in the early morning light
and the sun to kiss the rose
that grows for two star crossed lovers
and the moon to shine down
upon the silent and sleeping world
while dreams dance
through every creature's head.
Oh, and I know
that my love for you
will shine forever like the sun
as it follows that wheel of time
on its never ending journey
across the endless blue sky.
Nov 2016 · 183
Oh, the memory of you!
Oh, the memory of you!
Oh, how it echos forever through the halls of my mind.
Oh, and when my thoughts turn to you
and the flame of you burns so brightly in my heart
oh how you set my soul on fire
and I burn and I burn in my longing for you
that no human tongue can express.
Oh, my heart how my heart has become a fierce furnace
that burns ever hotter than the center of the sun
and all my hope and all my dreams live in you.
Oh, for I know that without you
all the days I have ever lived
are as nothing
only blowing dust in the wind!
Oh, and I know that it would be far better
that I would have never been born
that my eyes had never seen the light of day
than to suffer
all those pains that would engulf me
and all the cold and cruel
disintegration of my soul.
Oh, you are the only meaning
in my heart
by which I have the will to live.
Oh, how I know
only your love can ever save me
from a fate more cruel than death.
Oh, please my dear love
love me till the end of time
for only then can I know
the real reason that I live and breath
and my soul knows why it is.
Oh, only then can I ever know
that I am whole.
Nov 2016 · 292
Oh, my life was once my own
Oh, my life was once my own
and the thing my heart would too me
that is the thing I would do.
Oh,  but how those dark shadows
grew within my soul
and my heart was forever hid
from the light of the sun
and oh how those shadows
penetrated into my bones
and I was chilled in my soul.
Oh, I was so sad
and I was so all alone.
Oh, how I was like a king
lying dead upon his throne.
Oh,  and then I saw your  lovely form
and so how you seemed like a light that shined from heaven.
Oh, how I treasure the memory
made upon that day
when I first called your name.
And then you like an angel
shined your love into my heart
and brought me back to life.
Oh, how the love of your arms
was a warm soothing salve to heal my soul.
And my heart rose  on eagle's wings
from its dark and icy cold grave
and my soul shall never again be the same.
Oh, if the words could only flow
like a river stretching into eternity
ever telling of my love I hold for you
and of all you charms
oh that river from my heart
would forever flow
for no words could ever tell of all my love for you.
Oh, you are like a flower
growing  upon the green fields of heaven
by the throne of God.
Oh, I know my heart will ever be yours
till time winds its way
through the halls of eternity
and the stars all burn away
and creation stands naked
before the heart of God.
Nov 2016 · 186
Oh, when I dream
Oh, when I dream.
Oh, when I dream of you
the fire of love fills my soul
and deep within me
an eternal longing lives
to hold you
and to hold you
for time without end
till the stars fade and die.
Oh, you are like a vision within a vision
come down to me
from the loving heart
of the father of all.
Oh, I know that I am filled
with  such a love for you
that no mortal heart can hold.
Oh, my heart and mind is filled
with thoughts of your warm embrace
and like some unknown force
they draw me ever on
to seek you
ever seek you
till time forever unwinds.
Oh, and in all my dreams
I see you haunting form
with my inner eyes
dancing like a ghostly siren
before me
and the flame of this love
draws on.
Oh, let me ever remain
with this flame that burns within
and all the fibers of my soul
shall forever sing
its sweet song of love
for all of time
yet unborn.
Oh, it is love
it is love that made the world
and spoke it into being.
Oh, love is like fire
and its fervent heat
forged all the elements
and spun world without number
into being.
Made you soft warm and loving breath
and your loving arms
as they hold me
in the breathless excitement
of a moment that seems to last forever.
Oh, love stretched out the stars
that float through the dark endless nothing
and glitter like diamonds in the midnight sky.
Oh, love made butterflies that flutter
through the new born light
of a day by the  early morning dew.
Oh, my love for you
will forever shine like the eternal sun
as it follows the wheel of time
its never ending journey
across the endless blue sky.
Oh, how when I consider how my life is spent
It seems as though
it is some sad tell
told by some melancoly fool
who never knew the meaning of life
and never knew the way to a happy life.
Oh, all through this sad live that I live
I have ever been searching
and hoping to find its true meaning
like a man without a home
who restly trods this earth
for to know
why he should ever live.
Oh, I know that some great mind
and some great heart
conceived all that ever was
and all that shall ever be.
Oh, if my poor sad and forlorn heart
could ever become one
with that great heart
and that great mind
to know the love of all things.
Oh, to love beyond all mortal words!
Oh, for this I would gladly
let this mortal life
slip away between my fingers
and my heart beat no more.
Oh, how I know
that the one who formed you
and gave life to your lovely frame
breathed into you
a beauty beyond the beauty
of all other created things
and such a warm loving heart
like the one that beats
in his loving chest.
Oh, and all the beauty
upon the green hills of heaven
I can see in your eyes
and in your smile
I know there is a wisdom
beyond time.
Oh, and I know
that I shall never be the same again
for you hold my heart in your hands
and I have not the desire to escape
from the bonds of love
that hold me close.
Oh, for who when they have ever seen
such beauty
that has come from the heavenly realm
that makes all words
dead upon the cold winter ground.
Oh, can ever again be satisfied
with this base and lowly earth.
Oh, how I know
that I shall be held captive
by all the beauty that flows
from your soul
and all the music I hear
that comes from your beating heart.
Oh, why?
Oh, why? I wonder as I gaze
into a far off starlit sky
can't  I make you understand
all the love I have
living and beating in this forlorn heart.
Oh, how the stars stretch  themselves
across this black velvet sky
and twinkle like diamonds
as cold as ice
in that infinity of night
as if to speak to me
of the sorrow that lies deep within my heart
that you know not
of this love that burns
so violently within me.
Oh, the universe goes about
all its timeless ways.
Oh, why does
the sun forever ride
upon its chariot through the burning blue sky
giving its heat all through a summer day.
Oh, as though I were not
and this love in my heart
had never lived.
Oh, why does the moon sail upon his way
among the midnight clouds
like an enchanted dream
like a silvery shield to give its light
all through the cold dark night
knowing not of the lovely angel you are
and the tears I shed
all through the night
for you
the rose  that forever lives
within my soul.
Oh,  how your love
guides the twinkling stars
on their way
from horizon to horizon
across the road the in sky
and makes the days shining light
and the to sun warm
this fertile land.
Oh, your love
makes the moon to shine
and give its light to the night
and hope to every living thing.
Oh, have your mercy upon me
goddess of the silent mystic night
and hope of the mornings light
and bestow upon this poor soul
the love I know lives within your heart
for all the days without end.
Oh,  how there are multitudes
multitudes in the valley of decision .
Oh, what life should we lead?
Should wealth be the  goal and purpose of live
or is the life of the heart
that which we should seek?
"Oh, shall we turn to the left?
Oh, or shall the turn to the right?
Oh, is it the dark
or is it the light for which we should live.
Oh, people!
Hear me when I say
that your choices are clearly set before.
Oh, one path is death
and one path is life.
Oh, therefore you should chose life.
Oh, the life of love living in your heart
for God is love and he wishes to burn in your heart.
Oh, for an icy cold heart
only leads to a grave darker than night
and ice in your soul
and in your beating forlorn heart.
Oh, wide is the way
and loveless the way
and so crooked the road
that leads to a cold black death.
Oh, our of our hearts grow life
and its name is called love
so that we may not die in a barren and dead land.
But to have a lovely angel
living within the deep placed in our heart.
Oh, my lovely angel child
my heart speaks to me
again and again
in silent words of my love for you
that no other mortal could ever understand.
Oh, for if I could ever find
the words that could speak of you
they would but fall upon dead air.
Oh, for how can any mortal man understand
the love I hold for you
and all the treasure I find in your soul.
Oh, to me you are life
and all my hopes, and all my dreams
that I hold so dear
are of you.
Oh, all my life
you hold in your hand.
Oh, how that life you can so quickly ***** out
like a flicker candle flame
blown to and fro by some capricious wind.
Oh, and how I know
that wind shall ever blow upon my heart
for me greatest fear is that you would love me no more.
Oh, I know that my loving heart shall ever beat for you
for as long as all that is shall ever be.
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