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Nikki I Oct 2010
You've run your paintbrush across my heart
Leaving cold streaks of black and blue
Blending in certain places to appear warmer
The emotion remaining raw and new

You've dabbed at all the smudged corners
Making them beautiful to your eyes
Creating a portrait of unknown wonder
Gently shading the rainy skies

You've mixed thousands of colors for me
Pale hues just matching your soul
Flaking and slightly bent on the canvas
All drying to the same dusty coal

You've signed your name at the bottom
Elegantly slanted a bit to the right
All the colors compliment each other nicely
When my heart is held up to the light.
Nikki I Sep 2010
I see past your air-brushed lies
Past your kindness and caring
I see deeper than the rest of them
You're not so brave and daring

Your picture-perfect smile is fake
Smoothly spoken words too unreal
I see how impossible you've become
I see everything you refuse to feel

Each flawless hour you claim
Innocent days and happy nights
Just a painted picture you've hung
To hide all of your inner fights.
Nikki I Sep 2010
He's sitting by the window
Glancing out at the sky
Thinking and over thinking
Wondering when and why

When will he find tomorrow
As tomorrow has been told?
Will he learn that it's untrue
Or worth time spent getting old?

The sunset is painting his face
Colors tinting his light skin
This beauty never changes
The sky remains as its always been

He's stronger than he knows
A soul withstanding and kind
Just like the purple skies above
He will never be confined.

*For Josh*
Nikki I Sep 2010
Jealously's a you-know-what
I hate her with a passionate rage
My heart barely harbors this feeling
But every emotion has a stage

Jealousy should go away now
No one loves her, she's uncool
She just makes me look bad  
I let her use me like a tool

Jealousy is the ugliest of all
She lurks in my mind until I break
Her clammy hands suffocate my heart
I end up giving what she wants to take

Jealousy lives everywhere
She's a million places at a time
Toss her in the fire, my dear
Just wait, and out she'll climb

Jealousy is the only one I truly hate
She's ruined perfectly good days
Get lost, you stupid imposter!
You're always misleading our ways!

Jealousy reeks of insecurity
Hungry and scared like a forgotten pet
But Jealousy doesn't play nicely
She just builds and builds regret

Jealousy is always hiding
You never know where she might be
Keep an eye on your heart and mind
She's always looking for another lost key.
Nikki I Sep 2010
That house holds memories
It reminds me of meeting you
Days spent fixing what was broken
Hands kept busy with so much to do

The messages you left for me
All the smiles I found that year
Your kindness taught many lessons
I learned that love was nothing to fear

The house still sits alone these days
But what happened in it will never die
I grew up the year we remodeled it
The year you gave me a reason to try.
Nikki I Sep 2010
I'm standing on the edge now
The drop-off glaring up at me
My heartbeat breaks a record
Closing my eyes, I refuse to see

The darkness beneath my feet
Is killing each passing breath
******* the life out of my being
Frightening me with rumors of death

My hands reach back, but feel nothing
I shake and fumble until I lose control
Sinking into the unknown below me
Begging to be given back the time I stole

Crying out into the air above me
Rushing deeper as I cling for a hold
Hands scraping, arms and legs hitting
I can't remember anything I was told

They warned me about falling so fast
Encouraged me to take it nice and slow
But I ran off toward the vast cliff side
Stopping far too late for me to know

Of course they were right about things
Why I didn't listen will always be unclear
As I'm pulled quickly down to the Earth
I flail madly for some way to steer

I can sense the ground coming faster
Each second of life is a gift almost gone
I chose to leave the safety of my nest
It's my own fault I let myself be drawn

And now I can't hear or see anything
Just the quiet before the raging storm
I will surely die within mere seconds
Unless I can somehow take on a new form.
Nikki I Sep 2010
She looks down at her porcelain skin
Ivory and flawless along her wrist
Closing her eyes she thinks back
To all the opportunities she missed

Her right hand holds the silver
And her left hand holds the past
Pulling closer into herself, tensing
She will try not to move too fast

One smooth motion, and then another
Tears gather but do not bother to fall
They would not mean anything right now
Weapon in hand, she leans against the wall

She likes the way it feels, she thinks
Both like hurting and being healed
The scars remind her that she's human
They could never fully be concealed

She believes that it makes her beautiful
The crimson flow contrasted by her skin
For once she is in control of her life
No one needs to tell her where to begin

Lifting the steel from her arm, coming back
Her cheeks now burning with shame
Why would she do such a thing again?
Doesn't she hear the world calling her name?
*This is for anyone who has experienced self-injury. I now many people who have struggled with this, and I just wanted to write about their pain. To acknowledge it.*

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