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544 · Aug 2017
She Stands
It's been an age and a day
Only to hear you say:
"I eve you long time to love me in my prime
my prevoius hurts a crime"
A dime to my cosmic mine you shine
So fine as I dreamt; your body laid supine after lime lives in lemon and spirit waters spring in your senses
Emotions awakened and futures are embraced
Your embrace is such grace and your face such a view to the pre of love I come uncove as I kiss this dove
Oh my What a time.

A moment has been paused
Memories of divinity spin in a dance
All that was frozen melts in a new day, we gaze at each other in a new way
We debut as a duet and Romeo finally finds his spine to Due Juliet her flower's bloom
Crimson and clover only feel pure when sober
Ebony and ivory a golden tapestry in the view of the hour glass
But you know this if you go to class and find the hidden rainbow in the jazzed spirals razzmatazz
So respecting time we glide after we gladiate into the new guide and it's a gig find after gregarious grind
So I'm bound to give thanks to the chance

How did I know that the moment would be a spinning memory in the akashic  spheres of time
Archiving beautiful rhyme and justly destined rhythm to flow the Conscious and Integrating Cause from the Source of Creation
Having been fully loved and having fully loved after incessant love wars
Masses did they the guy fighting for the law of one abhor
Now the old blunt saw is a see-saw as we can watch who we have been through the picture of love
And dear soldier of love I would like to say
You now stand as a Sol-Soul dioded through notes of justice and truth
Let your positioning be the start of great things to come
All things being a progress, life is in our hands
Learn to respect life and all souls... And you will be a happy person.
Eileening a new age, you are now gowned anew after the timeless chariot race of slave no•61
_She stands, so womanhood will no longer be the hub of the mess as an outlet amass
As you now know, show them how to dress.
Inviting the true to be good and the future.
542 · May 2017
Her hair, her head
1 Corinthians 11:5
"But every woman that prays or prophesies with
her head uncovered dishonors her head: for that
is one and the same as if she were shaven."

As she prays her head's in praise
She meditates and her alignment is what has them prey
Her hair is worn in algorithms
So you see a circuit board or mother board  of a new age black unknowing
Algorithms aligning her soul with the spirit's accord - they will try to abort
So they make her wear hair of trimmings like when  lands split
So soon she'd forget the fist of her Alkebulan print
Her hat covers the map to the heavens where she'd captain, from braids to the afro we find terraces of the cosmos...
 I see the keys of the piano and then I know that music is the language in which the verses union the Source wrote

Woo a man with womb and bring man's seed forth to expand the clan
Conscentise the concave mind to open eye to the cosmic kind
Patterns of pathways a patent, paintings on hide of dinoaours latent
But her hair is worn high and that's not esteem, instead it's a yellow thigh
Stereo paging on the cell telephone to tell her she's a foe to sink all your woes and curb them with her ******* and wrap you in her steatopygia.
But in her hair her head they would embed things the black gods would dread and then a set for the silicon concept, a new tribe is bred
  And to be fair is the paler hue rather than the iridescent swarthy tune
And we're globed in a speherical rationale where a flat earth is irrational but the self as a governing god the logical equation
So then we're in a situation
Her hair cannot be antennae because they tan her and fan her to the popular grammar, sentenced to the prison cell of a hashtag. Her real hair is rags and her significance is concealed by an iPhone and a bag.
542 · Nov 2012
Hello Child
Hello Child, so vulnerable
You cry out as the night sleeps
You whimper and murmur in your sleep
You look for warmth as your body moves around
You try to grab on to hope, try to reach.

Whispering in a language magical
Only ferries and creatures as such understand you
You breathe the energy of innocence and purity
Hello Child, for a while you have been resting
Thoughts and tiring activities have kept you busy
Lost in a ****** world of first-time wonder
Going about in a world of giants
Drooling on every pixel of a soul's image
Capturing all the colours of your dreams
Your fists ever enclosed as embracing a gift
These fists searching and longing for the tether
But a touch makes you feel better

Hello Child. I have been missing you
The comfort your hug gives me is eternal
I will be unclothed no more for I feel the sheath of God in the waves of your sparkling heart beating against mine.
I will know what it means to be human when two bodies connect and there is a new man
I will know what it feels like to have something worth dying for, for you enliven me...
You are my sunshine in a dark forest
You are my fortress in an empty world
You are my grace in a lawless and cruel empire
You are elevation with every breath for your life takes me higher
Hello Child... I feel like a man, and a blessing it is to be a father.
Submerged in a life of hermitage
People keep on wondering
Wondering about the lines inside of his mind
The varying dimensions that split his perspective
People keep pondering, studying his dividing scar
People keep analyzing his palms that constricted bars

An escaped felon, a potential villain
He keeps to himself and avoids any bother
His conversations are limited to matters of importance
His jokes are psychotic but always stream a spark of wisdom
But what happened to his face? What happened to the purity that cannot be replaced?
He sees things most people don’t
He courts mostly older women
And he sits alone in biker bars
He changes jobs every season
And skips town without a reason

In solitude he weeps tiny and limited drops of tears
He listens to blue and classical music
He collects old coins and rare rocks
But what is the story? The story behind the scar
…. Maybe he lost all his loved ones
Maybe his lover cheated on him with his best friend
Maybe he witnessed someone die
Maybe he went to prison for something he didn’t do
Or perhaps he was the victim of some kind of child abuse

But I will tell you what I see deep in his fiery eyes
This is a man who wrestled all the lies
Of his life
This is a man who went to war with the Darkness and defeated it
This is a man who stood up to a tyrant
This is a man who was not celebrated
A man who was undone for the unit he served
The man with the broken Face is you and I
As we commit to live and die
Without ever daring to try
To search for what’s in our hearts and not what’s written in this dictatorship rhyme
To search for our purpose
To dig our roots and find our truth
But we sell our souls when we’re in our youth

And we blame the devil that it is a precious life that he took
And the more we deny ourselves of who we truly are
The more broken our faces
The more we escape the depth and infinity of the Universe, the more we deny the existence of other races
The more we deny rising above limited academic knowledge, the more we’re tied by those pages
The more helpless we are the more we hunger for sages
And all we’re building up is breaking down, slowly becoming the man with the broken face
And when the lies crumble it will be the falling of the lace
And for our identity we will feel compelled to trace
Something that no malicious power can erase.
538 · May 2014
the pearls of the gutter
I ate humble pie                                           and became the point of reference                                                      and not the pivot of reverence
531 · Feb 2013
I imagine the depth of your labour
My soul is wounded when you shed a tear
Where you would never leave us in despair
Mother no love can compare
I am at the pit of grace because of the love you share
Your love is the thread that saves us from ruin
Let it unfold and form a tapestry
That is the fashion of all things good and true
I am thankful for your love and the union
The support and conviction that you have given me
You are proof that God exists
You are the fountain that heaven does miss
And in your arms I can reminisce
Thinking about the time before I came to Earth
I remember when we bonded in your womb
I remember the kisses before I went to school
You have been a giant
They say that 'woman' is a place for weeping
I say your heart is a jewel worth keeping
Home is in you where I go when the world is unkind
You are fair and open so that we do not go about blind
How can I express the worth of you
I dare not lest I go into a trance and get lost in fantasy land
You wake me up and tell me to stand
You teach me that being a man is reflected in the work of one's hands
In your comfort and presence I am free from any prison
If I am a slave I am naive for I have your promise
The promise that dreams are true
The declaration that prosperity starts on a day brand new
530 · Mar 2013
Vehement Appeal
The fire that works, shows sparks in the sky,
that disappear once they reach the Earth.
Your heart is the fire that burns, my surrender my flawless pearl.
Go Not.
Not even ever, Apart Never,
Ever together, drifted not never,
not not ever then we'd be close together forever.
525 · Jun 2014
the beauty of the beast
Just watched King Kong again... The beast was beautiful! Amazing metaphor. The beast held beauty in its hands and it is said: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". So in the eyes of the beast is there beauty, the beast possessed beauty. In conclusion, the beast was beautiful. Society gave the beast a mirror and the beast became self-aware and it killed him. Beauty killed the beast.
What do we learn? Should wonders remain wonders? Is the world ready?

oh perhaps we're all the wonder and maybe the question is: WOULD IT **** US TO LEARN ABOUT OUR BEAUTY IN SPITE OF OUR CONSPICUOUS FLAWS?
523 · Jun 2013
L ive
I nside
F iery
E nthusiasm

A lways
T  ake

T ime
H arnessing
E arnestly

P atience
I nspiration       &
T olerance

an image in the forms of art or artistry, tapping into the tapes of these tapestries, sinking into the cosmic industry, finding the osmosis in dust I try to see


A pinned inch into an image telling tales of its wonder vintage
a sage in an age where the page in ink was written, the wise were smitten, was it in the crystal skull or the temples where these are hidden


And rage and age anger doth blow page undone, so tense the stage, intimidated the fake but for like of fame or latent shame there then thy blame on the telly and materialistic dames but lame so fade the hunger for the late...


in this present moment potent breathing lively accents searching during time's rumination for its succulent excellence and bustling vowels and sensual scents have one drooling in the streams of a truth confabulated in eternity. in a breath, just being and clearly seeing all of its meaning.
492 · Feb 2014
You Are...
I love you off by heart
I skip a beat coz’ your name is the start
I inhale your scent as I breathe
My nostrils choke on your essence and I sneeze

I knew you before we met
I felt light when our eyes set
You are music to my sick confusion
You are the lyrics to my mundane fusion

Our smiles linked and lust had to sink
Notes formed and a song we had to sing
I aimed to heal you for you were marred
You are, you are a sparkling mark.
480 · Dec 2015
Floral Beauty
The elements that wrestle inside
The beauty that hides, so shy
Stimulated by the grass moving to the rhythm of the clouds
How can you congest the beauty inside?

But for the tears, a song is sour
in poverty you express your power
Folly embraces those who left after they did devour
But always remember that your beauty is a flower.

Nhlanhla Moment
476 · May 2014
Can I Get a Witness?
Can I get a witness, is this fictitious conviction a doctored poise of weakness fitness?

Is the thread of this line as thick as timber? is there a bridge to the other side?

Is there a sign assigned to portend the culmination of the potential potent?
I breath and illuminate ancient accents but bodies are absent, these are ghosts that live on through time tracks
Can I get a witness? does this drive fit the description, doctored scripts of truth, can I get an Archangel's prescription?

I saw a lady today, she looked brainwashed and obsequious, so servile - as the norms say - serving the vile lies, entrapped and shackled by half-truths and recipees of dogma and Earth ties

We missed the show, it is shown in slow motion and rewind

We'd be blind as we're encouraged to be kind and forever unwind as the Fourth-Kind keeps humanity behind

It is a web orchestrated by the Serpent and Spider Tribes who lost some light and denied the Right (the Law) and keep us living in this Galactic War-Lore, singing a song so sore with a few doors open to see beyond

Can I get a Witness, who bit the apple of temptation? Where is the Cosmic dentist or Planetary Herbalist? to scatter Grade-A cannibus

The truth doth come with a twist, it will leave your psyche having fits, before you find it you go through ppshit that will have you wish to slit your wrists

Sagacious and enigmatic you return to the world not the same, you have a new name, gold is your blood and light are your eyes for you have looked through the burning All-Seeing Eye but no one believes you because all witnesses die.
472 · Jun 2015
Prison Bars
The stars I cannot reach, they're as far as the pastor on the pulpit as he'd preach. They're as vague as mother's speech when she'd teach
Prison walls concealing me. High walls confining me
Caged in a cubicle, I'm a boisterous being
I'm at a den
I'm the lion and the prey
Words slap me back as I pray
It's a wrestling match between myself and my demons

Where if higher I'd have  undeniable intellect and reason
I am a slave of hope and a sorry case for dreams
When will I leave this place where they took my life away
Was it so horrible that crime that with my life I had to pay?

Prison bars I draw the energy and strength of the steels as I hold
I am getting out of this place wise and bold
Sunrise reminds me of regret, how I let them take my life away,
How I had to be militant,
unyielding and fight on the day
Prison bars fade so I can see the way
Rain or shine I have only pain and sorrow to claim as mine

It's a dark place in which cries echo and songs of weeping are sung
There was a number of men singing songs of sore souls and I heard the heartbeat of a woman

Moments still live and I levitate, my heart cascades and the memory remains firm and thorough,
the memory of love, the unity of family, the memory of amiability and brotherhood
The memory of the forgotten wars and the terror of crippled minds
What weapons have I to save a dying legacy?

Prison bars acknowledge the vocal emotion that is within me and free me
Yield as you realise they can't take my soul
Yield as you notice that a home could heal
Surrender for I have a worldly good in store
Shake and dither as the beating of my heart makes you uneasy
Break down as I refuse to stay down
Melt as I cry out tears as hot as lava
Give me a chance to find a lover
Prison bars give me chance to create another

I hear the wings of a bird flapping and I remember the breath of life
The song that faith inspires lives again
I sound deafening noises that eradicate the constriction
I hold it firmly til it comes crumbling down
It is an army of a new generation
Soldiers who have souls
Prison bars fall down to the floor
It is a tale it is folklore
There's more to life than death; I die no more
In a confinement concentration the first time you see somebody stabbed, *****, guards attacking the captives, blood sports: you lose yourself
The fifth time, seventeenth time you see it you just spit
Over time certain tortures and inflictions of pain
Violent acts that you witness  make you lose emotional response
You feel so much pain that many things don't hurt anymore
You become numb

They make you a monster and then they blame you for revolting
They take you through  malevolent thought-forms that they orchestrate consciously and blame you for becoming a monster
Who is the real monster?
The wise will tell you; the boys in the kitchen-the chemists
Rehabilitation centres? More like dehumanization camps for creating mind-controlled slaves and social vegetables
Jail desensitizes.
463 · Feb 2014
Father Save THE Child
I am blind, can you not see?
I am trying to fly, can you please free
It is a confusing world, please help me be
Allow me to know myself in you, I am your seed
I am the blood stains wherever you bleed
I became a ***-stain when you
forget me and leave

Father, oh Father please, help
  the child be all he can be

In the borders of my inexperience, I
  search for your wisdom
As your prince I long to learn your ways of running this kingdom
When I am restless, direct me so that
I don’t shackle myself; heading for prison
Orchestrate the beat of my soul that I may have the voice to sing song
Warn me in the path of pursuing my destiny
   That I may know when I am wrong
Help me learn the fabric of love and choose carefully between queen and frog

Father, oh Father please, save the
   child in misty days of fog

I roll, I crawl, I fall, I walk, I run I climb and jump
As my shepherd, my light, guide me to
     heal this immaturity lump
By way of dimensional thinking, help me
    learn about the depths of **** and thump
Instill the pearls that inspire a woman to look at a man as the strength
She cannot dump

Father save the child, Father please
   appease the imbalance of society out
  of sagacious gump-tion

From boy to man, a soul has the world in its hands
He will be judged by his shoulders, chest
  and the way he wears his pants
His achievement will be measured by
   the life he invests in the hour glass
He will be encouraged to be independent
and provide for his sass
His cognition will be determined by
his work and how he passes the test
… So a home he’ll build and start
a family until retirement or death
rests his ***  

Father, oh father please, give the boy the tools to become a man so that he
may learn that the Universe has a plan.
So that he may be given that chance to
work with his mind and his hands to pass
the test of life and make his name last
Father Save the Child.
460 · Nov 2014
The Person as of Soul
I remember a time sincere
the bobs were out and a song would play, maybe by Sinclair
Our eyes were wide open, we could see clear

A time out of time when we were golden
hoping and folding our best until we were chosen
It was not money that charmed but genuine being which was the token
Many who wouldn't see and couldn't be their true identity felt broken

And then as at and of magic, the fake was spoken
many were left suffering and choking
Messages from the heart were the the only letters posted
Equal in being and of humanity conversations were potent and all were anointed

Soul was soul and not the image ego will have you know
Weavers so and so in solace did so sow and the renaissance of art was sworn
In deed and in might we proved to be forthright
but under tyranny and darkness we are forced to fight for rights
In a picture coloured with light and glamour, the sparks are inspected for brightness
and as such a defence is born for each one to defend their race
and in a fray for pace we erase the trace that signifies that we are of one face
But we are divided and chauvinism is the sad case
sad case as a box for holding sickening syrups of mission debase
Clustered and gathered in classrooms, we are made to debate
debate issues we all agree on so our fate becomes hate
and not an objective of soul relate

many will know you for your demeanour
some will know you for your humour
or lack of
some will know you for your friendliness
or lack of
others for your humility
or lack of
and others, for the most part, your personality
But very few, 'cherished if in view', will know you for your soul
Very few will know you for your heart
Very few will see and appreciate you as Divinity's work of art
The limited number will acknowledge your character
If you are blessed to meet these twin souls
embrace and do not let go
for many know the person as flashed by camera, few identify the purity so glamorous.

The person of the soul
not the image many are quick to steal and conceal beneath all things dark and useless and then use to deal
*the one thing they would try to eradicate but cannot: the sole of the soul, the center of the heart, the link to eternity.
454 · May 2014
Walking On Water
The soul breathes and its light bleeds the flesh of physicality
It is the crystalline water which is the essence of this entity
Adamic in structure, moulded with silica clay
the said fourth phase of water
:the human.

The unit of the student soul, the illusion of the Sugmad offshoot
In its manipulation the patterns of its identity have been confused
the DNA stripped of etheric balance and its consciousness subjugated to the confines of Systemic Conformity
Tied in time, a slave of wonder, a child of discovery
Wandering in the tapestries of Material streams oblivious to the Surreal bells and strings
Tapping into the wild, the way would oft look foggy
the backbone rests against the fig tree
The eyes shut from the silence of the wind, the breath within sinks him into the Fourth
A state described heavenly as it is ascension facing North

In the pursuits of comfort he seeks the way in dogma confront
Media and temptation at his forefront
He is trapped and conflicted
Abused immensely by the memory of past lives, and the truth of his Galactic roots
Some serving ancestors,
that there be guides who are advanced souls in the afterlife
others believers in Watchers
some serving the soul-igniting Messiahs
It is said that these Superheroes of distant skies could fly
fly and walk on water

Did they really walk on water or were they merely reviving those buried in the ground with the purity of their footprints as the were clearly star-aligned
Reviving the dead yes would be as walking on water, teaching the souls that have devolved to tango once more
Preparing them for the Galactic Dance
a Ball, the twist of a storm
Walking on Water, swimming in the Ocean Of Love and Mercy
for all we are is Water
For Water is merely stretched light and thickened sound
Until we walk on water once more, the waves echo on and warn of a storm if we do not listen and answer the call.
449 · Apr 2015
smile it's fine
Climb come limbs lime
They bout without a doubt
Rise and glide, rise and glide

Climb come limbs lime
Shrine in time for the nine
Heartbreaks 09 for a golden tide

50 shatters and pieces that shackle the bulb of a heart
What a wreck I beg I beg
But be thankful for beats I said
Watch for beasts in hidden lairs

What a heart, a wreck unsaid, words I beg I beg

Climb come limbs lime
Shrines on time for nine
Rise and glide
And know who you are, no one can take your shine.
449 · Mar 2014
Little girl
Wounded in the process her development…
It is said that the FATHER – The utmost Divine – Is the True Light,
Within the original Creation Family
Now on this Earth, we have a shortage of that light
It is evident in dysfunctional families
How would you stand as a man for your family; without the FATHER’s Light?
Or commonly, how can you stand without God?

Before you were a father, you were a hunter
Hounding pretty girls in nice dresses
And then you were a lover, you had a partner, or several partners for that matter
Then came the coalescence of souls, *** in physicality as it were
She swallowed your seed and a child you did breed
You were two, now you are three
  Consequences of a rush of blood and intimacy

BUT… This all happened before the both of you could completely develop, heal all your emotional scars from childhood
And your descendant carries in her
    The streams of these emotional scars
    In a letter she wrote:

~~… Father, mother, why do you bring me onto this Earth,
The boys are cruel and I do not know how to belong
I search for love and whenever I think
I have found it, my heart gets broken
My ******* get taken as a token
I am no longer a ******, my emotions have awoken

Promises were made but never kept
I feel a huge void in my self-esteem
So I have convinced myself that being promiscuous will make me feel awesome…
At least I get taken to nice places,
Some of the guys aren't rough,
I get shoes, bags and nice clothes…
Some of them are sweet you know, they buy me cosmetics and don’t really
Rush to have  ***
Now *** I can’t get over, what is this sickness that makes me wanna
Undress, spread my legs and *** constantly?
Why do I feel the urge to taste everything my hormones respond to?

Why am I so afraid? Searching for security in material things and my glamorous reputation,
Not to mention my huge nonsensical ego
I know I am beautiful and by this I can get a lot I want from men…
But every time I am dropped off, all alone in my room, staring at the wall; I am scared and lonely
Crying is not enough
And dreaming is not enough
I want to be loved, I need to be loved
I want to be treated like a queen
I want to know that I am everything to someone
I wish that I will be someone’s breath and he my air

I want a car, a big house, trips overseas
I want kids, a strong man and a loving father.
Parents of mine, who am I?
Why am I afraid? Why was I born to see so many storms?
In truth I am just a little girl who yearns for warmth, I am just
A little girl searching for the FATHER’s Light so I can feel at home. I cannot wait to grow…~~
447 · May 2016
Reel's Real
The night is young, most lights are out. You're a sad one if at the end of the night you are without. You fail to flash flair if you dare have doubt. It's the nightlife and there are multiple exchanges. It's wild, the young are free and they don't fear the dangers.

The saaz hop pops and the syrups drop. Jack is swallowed, Daniel follows and sons feel like paps. The captain is shot down and Johnnie leads the way so even in the morning they'd keep walking. It's a feminine thing at the Red Square when joy and tears are shared. All feeling bubbly they smoke on hubbly. They reach their destination when the Three Ships land at the breeze of the Southern Comfort. The boys walking down the streets reeling say hi time and time again - but it sounds like Heineken. It is a thriller, she Miller, when she sinks and the body turns into an ocean.

These syrups, energizer potions, inspire wilderness. They get loud and walk proud as friend and he have fine girls for the night found. Scream "uhm-I'm still" for it is the beverage that tells - it is Amstel. High and drunk, in loose mode, the thought reeling in mind is "take off clothes" - play with pole. Sleep with the girl that he has stole. Stories of old, not for folks (only amongst peers are told). It is he weak a man, he who chokes. He who can't make it to the morning.

Drunk emotions are starting, it's time to head for the bed. And all the while, the thought reeling through their minds as they move side to side, is that it was no fantasy and conclusion that reel is real
*One from the 100 collection. If you're into making poetry with alcohol and the nightlife, you might enjoy this.*
446 · Jul 2015
Where Do We Go
Magicians say that there is a third energy created by the connection of two souls
Tell me then with the high rate of lust, where does this energy go?
As ******-seman I sour seed, tell me where does it go when it is freed?
Who collects all the third energies?
I want to know what the souvenirs are of my wet dreams
I wish to know where these drips flow
I wish to know who those people in my wet dreams are
I want to know Where we go when we lose ourselves in orgasma
Are people in our wet dreams a cast for a theatre screened in higher dimensions

Are our specimens being collected to genetically engineer other beings?
Where do we go when we ******?
What do we see as we shut our eyes?
Who collects the ***** and vaginal fluids knotted in condoms?
Who receives all these used condoms?
Are we still sacrificing gods of the old?
Are they out there those who steal souls?
Are they still out there those who steal souls of unborn babies resulting miscarriage?

Where is the hub where all these energies are administered?
I want to know where to go when we get lost in the ecstacy of ***
Is it a track to keep us imprisoned, another way to keep us low?
Tell me do we sell our souls every time we are not having ***?  Should we see each other through the third eye first?
Should we be of the same frequency band or blood type?
Should we marry first, but what is marriage?
Is it the ******* through a court or the ******* of mind-body-soul-heart through love?
Where are going, should we start asking and the answers will start showing.
441 · Jan 2016
Emotions Savoured
Body and soul of me own
  you and I flames in twin-sewn
  loving for the sake of you and I, combed by divinity as we'd be naked
in a secret garden where we beautiful tapestries rake

In and out of time we have fought the space to be one
scrambling through this lover and that to end up heart undone
The best love-making is the rhapsody of you and I fusing to cosmic song
Emotions have flown and we have ignited as flames in a place we both belong
  in the heavens where we right our wrongs and ****** - to calm bring
Believing again has been the summit, that you and I can fly on these love-wings.

Whatever happens know that in life, and afterlife of moments relived to signify precious memories, emotions have been savoured so we pass into the neverland and play music with the ferries.
the quenched thirst of the first
440 · Jun 2014
Truth or Die
in the miasma of lies, here I lie
ready to die
as we fly
high up in the sky
clouds scented with serendipity
trees coated in rubbies
vertical carpets which are a gilt-knit tapestry
I catch you as I dream, this has to be real

diving into a world surreal
this an angelic cosmic appeal
sending us into a world where love heals
let us separate from the material world
let us forget money and social expectations
love is in trouble, let us be the exception
let us be the bridge of truth repetition
follow our heart's intuition
in a blind world we can be the vision

flying down at intensive frequencies
falling in love, this is the life or the death of me
Gladly I die for love
let us love and live
selflessly give
make ego weak
search for the richness of soul and make fear cheap
become ethereal as we glide into the wonder eternal
so we can be the stars when the day turns nocturnal
let us speak a proverbial language accented with divine verbs

and a world we create, we cannot be late, maybe time has to wait but this life we cannot
this love we cannot cut and paste
this will be a love of ages that the cowardly will distaste
coalesce with my essence and caress my DNA with your crystal chest
The Watchers are watching, this is a test
Do you take my heart or do you hesitate?
Do you bow to the material and fake?
In times of ascension will you admit that denying was a mistake?
Do you disappear into the world or do we levitate?
Lovers or Strangers
choose your fate.
435 · Dec 2016
These things I've seen
These things I've seen
A lover be unfaithful, allowing another man to boisterously indulge her...
The love of a 25 year life imprisonment sentence fall to pieces like the shackles at the end of slavery...
The characters of the bible being whitewashed and leaving the blacks in the dark, a black book with red sides and edging, resembling the sword that drips of blood --- Blood of the tribes fighting for their brown and green land but by way of religion fell into the enemy's hands...
Crimes of passion that claim to be unending and relentless symbolism of love and affection however psychotic...

These things I've seen

Drakes protecting the hidden treasures in the garden where the first temple was built --- I guess Adam had cousins but had no aunts or uncles...
Shapeshifting humans during intense low-level vibrational frequency ****** ******* - all ritualistic...
{In my dreams} Shapeshifting humans as they turn into star dust and crystal as they make love at high-level vibrational frequency - all electric...
Flying saucers that blip orange and red lights hovering about in circles...
Driving into the Neverland in the dark where the compass tilts clockwise then anti-clockwise...

These things I've seen

Tall Long haired pale ones looking down from a cliff in front of the greenest of trees through a mirror that connects the Universe...
A falling star descending as if it were directed or aimed with a cosmic bow and arrow...
Light elementals showing themselves through a register of time called the calendar...
Innocence fall as the heavens had color or people called the blacks such as the advanced humanoid-apes that fly spaceships...
Lion King being a true story of a faraway lost home called Avyon, where Cat People or the Felin live amongst the Bird People or the Carians...

These things I've seen

Starving children swell up and their heads being left huge on  slim a body signifying the aliens called the greys...
Aids killing brothers and sisters like they were not meant to have form, purpose and meaning...
Chemtrails arting toxic infections that cloud the nervous system with diseases...
Beggars begging for a penny and hobos pushing hope and home on a trolley...
Visions subliminal being told on tell-a-vision only to have the masses document orchestrated thought forms on social platforms...

These things I've seen, as I speak I hear them sing. As I listen I feel them breathe, as I gasp I smell their feet... and I am just below their toe nail. These things are real and the more I try to put on hope-headphones I realise there is a giant Zeitgeist being plotted against you and me, can't you see?
435 · Aug 2014
Remember Poetry, Remember
To write and communicate a message is a privilege
I have been recently learning about the true meaning of music
and you know much like in books, it is a communication process
or a conversation, if you will.

The writer's pen is on a marathon to catch the chariots of fire
Ascending and transcending; documenting, I feel the passion of the ART
I breathe in the good and exhale vowels and consonants
Showered with uncommon common sense, I feel the love bleed
I am taken on these heavenly steeds and I observe galactic creeds

A Harmony of colonies surrounds me, and I know that Divinity lives
There are Pirates and all sorts of thieves, who wear cloaks and carry knives
But not the steel cutting kind but the soul-piercing blinds
In a place of truth and clarity, The Angels will souls find
and Heaven is a place next door
Above the skies we will soar
They will choke and abhor those who do not conform with God's Norm
But The Divine Creator loves us all, so they too will heal and come into their rightful form

With these goals crested in bars of gold, I remember poetry
Though the posts may seem blurry at first but I remember poetry
I may die some day if not today but I will carry the floetry
I may decay and my contempt or bad reputation may dissipate but I flow with Poetry
In the shadows of dust and darkness where forlorn hope may be the only globe, I shine with the Els and its forebears, the Titans of old

Never arrogant but always present and grateful, I remember poetry
Shackled and wrestled, beaten and butchered, I remember poetry
The meanings channeled on a carousel, I decipher and thank poetry
With the last word a sword to bore nonsensical  spores where imbalance tore, I REMEMBER THAT POETRY IS MY HOPE. And God Knows, if not I'll show and worthy of anything; that which is due will be bestowed. I REMEMBER POETRY.
430 · May 2016
We used to Be
we used to flow like the river
but now we're cold as ice

we used to feed on the fruits of romance
now we have dry pastures fielded with ignorance

we used to check each other coast to coast
now we barely see eye to eye
love was blind but gained sight
and it saw on the other side of loneliness strides
I used to write and you would ride
ride my words like a pony of beautiful thoughts

we used to send each other smiley faces and sweet nothings
now we're the image of people who used to know each other but just retire their memories on some couples' anthology
I write poetry to fit the gaps left by emotionless apologies
Were you sorry to leave or were you sore for being a thief?
the thief of my heart, a pioneer of love and its jeers
I would cry and cry a river of tears but that doesn't shake off the forthcoming fears
I thought we would last years and years but now all we have is a map of memories and ambitions lost in wonderland

We used to be the superheroes of love and affection,
now we're stripped off all its comic books
It was high and a frivolity when you shook me with your spark
Now I throw darts hoping it didn't leave too deep a mark
a game I play myself, to weigh how much you meant to me
it was quite a quilt our time together, a ballad crocheted by picturesque tapestries
oh my we used to be,
now seeing you is a trivial novelty
for I do not know the person you've become
I hope your new love does not come out undone
I will be waiting for my own new love, excreting the little passions that still remain in the coffers of my soul
We used to be but now there is no more you and me

just old pictures of fallen and abandoned leaves
may memory pick them up and blow them into the seasons that are the seams,
the seams of the strings of time.
428 · Mar 2015
Look of Brass
the first
the fists
the twists
In the misses of the mist
landing of the gists
how innocent the lips
and forming ****

A poet getting on her lists
was a mission getting her digits
So many awesome fits
With absence and being a delinquent
but thanx to lit
I would deliver an eloquent writ
her splendour had her brightly lit
Shaded by shades of the soldiers' sit
it was more than swagger, more than wit

to have her fall to bits

You'd need a magician's tricks
To score a perfect fix
If lucky to clinch an ***** kiss
to have many diss and jealousy spit
so mystery had to be involved to keep it cryptic
in and out of time vibes did tick
romance in chaos did chance flick
Left the dark ill jadedly sick
But where the wall to make the picture stick?

*** how much fun
I had been a  bun
Had to make a run
To leave the gun
And free from triggering confining puns
solve unsolvable sums
Read unwritten psalms
Savour mystic and golden palms

the first
the fists
the twists
misses in the mist
Missing on the list
shining glit
a player's kit
To keep a number hit
Save her from darker smits
and all you wanted was to love and transform her like a smith.
425 · Jun 2015
Something happened

something happened I don't know what
A child was robbed a life to hijack the death of a dying old soul
Something happened I don't know what, a child lost battles but won his own war
a eye was tainted but a bright vision was cosmically painted

Something happened, I don't know what
Luck was exchanged for apologies of a hand laid for nostalgic cries that scream for youth rewind
A ball at the berth was crush to thrash the emotions of a fanatic misunderstood

Something happened, I don't know what
A family was torn apart slowly by the throws of evil darts
So strange the mystery leaving dark and dysfunctional parts
When a heart was broken, a child's chest got spasms

Something happened, a dream was chased but motives were replaced
a child's life was sacrificed because of the faults and duels of adults
A planned program of a series of events

Something happened, what was it?
Someone lied somewhere
the truth was shut down
and when it awoke souls broke out of hell
something happened if we can recapture
Something happened
led to a lot of injustice but trust this it was the birth of judicious virtues and vices.
There is a tragic reverb that creates dividing dissonance
Do be careful, the lepers of society are the ones who know hell best
so people try and say: "I know what you've been through".
And the reality is they don't know; yes they can empathise but the victim knows the pain most intimately and those who have suffered similar turmoils, ordeals or tragedies

The monstrosity of bitter hearts will reel you into a pit where you no longer have contact with your inner child. **** the hunger and enthusiasm so much that you don't want to play the music of your soul any longer. You just want no more songs because you are fed up and drained.
This is a danger that many people take for granted; you hurt someone so much that they only wait for their death-day.
Something really bad happens and the masses remain silent. So where are the voices and once they sound, to whose tune are they singing?
423 · Feb 2015
falling in
Foliage doth falley large
Sugary starch for you my love
Folly march for a dolly touch
Toiling in folding, thinking of you my love

So we fall in, gleaming with the rays of the sun
Trimming the view where it is dark
We'd be cats as dogs jealous they would bark
We are young hearts with old souls embossed in futuristic thinking

The gift is your presence
Your acknowledgement; ace wisdom
So we fall in large
Resting into the grass and melting into the soil
we fall like the foliage inviting march
Kisses bright and eyes universal as if in flight
We fall in love and that's our fight.

Together we wrestle into the light  
Falling in.
420 · Mar 2013
Breath of Eternity
Music in its truest and purest form makes you believe that in the end it's alright, that there is forever. It quells uncertainty, shuts downs fear, heals the pain and feeds the soul... And your psyche excretes delight and you shine the light. You are born from wombs of worlds unkown, be it the void, the mist or the passion; you shine and you live.
Evil? But why? The birds sing and the flowers bloom.
402 · Feb 2015
Dear Mysterious ‘X’
Was it the prowess of caress that made us touch each other's souls? Breaking ****** hole, divulging teary eyes and defined Love Realize, All told?.
Was it when you said good night (Gracious, Obscure Our Devotion Needing Indescribable, Galvanizing, Heightened Tenacity) that you were to reach out? Actually. Playing the code game, ***** its fame you know it's lame. But I'd always be a beast you couldn't tame.

Did you want me to remember to miss you?. Well in cloud nine I'd kiss you, put my work on the line, lay your body supine, coarse and rough edges refine. Huff & puff, grunt and sigh... But before that you'd say: 'You've been a friend, fine, come and dine'.

Your scent makes no sense to the sensible scenes of sanity's descent. Why can't I forget you?, was it the aroma of your lotion?. Oh love breathes I sniffed that potion. Of course I had to sneeze coz I’ve always believed in caution before emotion.

As sailors say; crying a river won't you get you any fish _ well you're one I'd never let off the hook. I was cold when you shook. I never knew love by the book. Foolish women having been wise about men, I'd steal their advice like a crook.

But now you're gone and all those memories you took. Go on at your back I won't look. Sail on by, I've said long bye. Now shine on high coz' you've found fools who **** and don't make love with style. It's all flair when it's fair ***, fate be just you'd be my ex.
But I never had the heart to axe. 0k then X, dark forces best not hex, you're on true love's list next.
the monsters fought
the monsters swore
they wounded each other, they self-each wore
a bond was torn
and lies were born
innocence in its prime would be denied
as lies led would be accepted and
believed by every one of its kind

i do not know perfection
i do not know function
but i do know what's fair
i do know what's pure
all that is worthy and sincere
it may not be seen but it will be told
as the lies unfold and the truth is one we hold
forlorn  hope lies in being genuine and honest
so much is wasted as we are heaven-promised
we are told what to like but frowned upon when we comment

who are we to not see clearly?
who are they to say nay to what
truly need to

you can appetize your wits and stimulate your senses
you can elevate and on a high dissect the story
dissect the story of its fences and defenses

in a world where we swirl to the curl
of the coil and its whirl
in a world where we twirl and swerve
the virginity and honesty in the eyes of the sunshine girl
we are found dusting the mist of mystery off the pearls of our divinity
without really seeing clearly the truth
and immortality that embodies the life of you and me

but will she grow and pro the cradle afro?
we may just know the buckles of the
teeth of time as it chuckles
then our souls will not be in trouble
and we could curb all that keeps us trapped in this bubble as we get to the pop the rock nobble.
sentiments of art in its spasms of artistry, stretching for expulsion. expression
395 · May 2015
slip a stream
slegde home the edge of reason
I am living in the live elements vivified
calling on psalms a bang a ****
play a song by the resuscitations of Ong
Overwhelmed  by the awe of past life sores so

I will die one day but days will still be days
I speak truth and I'm crucified but the truth is still the truth
I will martyr my wisdom to call back ancestors from the Orbs of the Seven Sisters homes
Harbor my dreams to sail onto the pilgrimage of distant seas

Darkness is consistent in a world that doesn't calm and listen
Confused and conflicted the world is blinded by lies so masses pick pistols
Serving not ego, reputation or title
but living in the truth in forbidden scriptures of the Law-of-One Bible
Sages page the mystery concaves of Andro-Adam slaves
but human  we be  at the false matter image we see
but for truths ethereal we seek for in Light as souls we gleam
Transcending the send-in of the soldier that is, more than publicly king
So gods of old purge with indignation as the clarity you've seen

In quiet and peace of mind seas you swim
So much you'd dream and life begins
birthing a generation of free - thinkers and artistic beings
Colour in darker shades where you'd save the ink on paper to post the message
So many travels you're willing to envisage
pictures or stars, sculptures or music bars
taking our souls that far.  

I slip a stream
curl the dark into a bright dream
So many scenes of souls out of the love and mercy sea.
395 · May 2016
In it Again
Here's we are again, penning thoughts and emotions
Like soaking off the excess out our underarms where skin quaffs on the sweat and odour till the air sets in

EMOTIONS HAVE PASSED and EMOTIONS HAVE BEEN SAVORED, Quite an anthology. We keep each other alive and inspired as poets
Whether we are trending or sharing and adding to Collections; there is certainly a consciousness in there

What subject matter would make for this object's subjugation to sense and reason.
The object being the writing here present to play plaintiff against ignorance and iniquity
Idle-minds to their defence are short-sighted as they have whims whisked by the moment
So who can really blame the ignorant and uneducated for they long for the rush and excitement... raw passion like kissing bosoms for the first time and unfurling a woman's body as the clothes surrender into your hands and collapse on the floor

So the unintelligent are merely maniacs in their own right
So we leave this verdict to the jury
The neutral minds that neither vote for poetry nor prose
Never vouching for friend or foe
Dissecting potential among amateur and pros

A little diction to feed off an addiction of anecdotal fiction
In it Again, poised to put words to phrased tapestries

And I will resuscitate and alleviate as I heal from poetry hypochondria
Where I constantly play tricks on myself
After I read the product, the synthesis is simply: I've done it, I'm in it again.
391 · Feb 2013
What dare do I say?
When you are silent in that way
Nothing at all
Nothing at all dear
I walk away with my heart pierced
Even if I healed I do not know if you would be here

Where do I go with this pain in my chest?
All lore leads me to love's rest
I best tread carefully
Lest I lose a fine sense of bliss
What do I weep for as I ponder
Maybe that I never kissed her
and shared my secrets
Maybe that I never cared enough
Perhaps the other guy was tough
Perhaps I quickly exposed my edges rough

It left a stain, that rejection
Was it denial or mere hesitation
Should I hope that she was scared
Or should I believe that I was too dangerous
All the while being myself, frivolous
I should stop scolding her in my head
Nights have gone when I wanted her on my bed
Now it's over and too late for tears
To the future bright and her friend it's meet cute and cheers.
387 · Jun 2013
This Feeling
To be loved
to be held
to be missed
what a feeling

to be thought of
to be felt
to be dreamt of
what a feeling

to be the better part of
to share memorable moments
to be without when not with that person
what a feeling

to weep because of intense emotion
to tremble and weaken
to sacrifice and give all
oh! what a feeling.
385 · Nov 2016
Silent whisper
the truth falls on deaf ears
atrocities make mutes
the illusion blinds the faint hearted
putting your nose knee deep into reality might make you lose your mind
never forget who plays a hand in the steps you take so always hit rewind
remember every breath you take is a chance to touch a soul consciously
awake to the sleep that has many hypnotised
lies are told to keep the truth in the dark so open the book of secrets and be bright.
378 · Apr 2014
And the  Moth that has been with me through my travels whispers: The walls are thinner now,
the strikes come and the blades are sharp
they cannot understand the darkness you have endured
and some of your friends sleep with the women you're seeing
and some of them conspire to keep you down
And the woman you're with lays with multiple men and spits at your liberty

And the one you love more than anything is the one ramming you in the back with a sharpened knife
And still they try to hurt you
unaware that you have endured the intense low-vibrational frequencies  of prisons in the Orion constellation
As energies like these are sent to places like Guantanamo Bay and the lows of Inner Earth and several underground torture camps

You return a hermit to society, broken.
You have to know that there is something greater out there, that there is a Higher Power and the Higher Power is within you
And that no pain or hardship can stand above This Power
That even death succumbs to this Power
Then you know that you have found the Source
Then you know you have been exiled and if you survive the emotional scars, psychological wounds and spiritual turmoil then you know that you have escaped hell
That's when you become Renaissance Man  
That's when you know that you can stand among the Watchers, that's when you know that you have earned your place in the Galactic Councils
That's when you know that the Human Race Has A Chance
This is when you know without a doubt that you are Free.
376 · Jul 2013
Send Me
Wall build me breadth
Spiritual soldiers save mine breath
Trials strengthen me to solid stance
Positive energies lead me to Light trance

Floors carry me that I fly on these ruins for ground
Beautiful and lovely leaves send me a breeze sound
I hope the emotion created will condense in my soul
Comfort me that warmth may be my own
So I can quickly forget what it means to be alone
Healing me that I may know home
374 · Aug 2015
The Count of a Person
Scarred and thrown into ruin where the hooligans fly in
Hurt to the swells of the most troubling and aching smarts
Spurting heartbreak and all the weaving of all that is hollow and dark
When I was a slave I guess I had no DNA or human mark
But in the eyes of the spotlight,  you're a star and now your attention is what keeps focus on par

Endure then the hells and swings so bitter as if you had no showings of a human better
The obsequious gods expelling only supercilious attitudes; then it's right
when the deed is done by the one high on the steeds of time it is no crime
But a common man doing harm will be thrown to the wolves like he is not worth a dime
It's okay when the master whips and steals bonds but the lower man trying to thread his life and bond with a love will be manipulated into despair and forms concocting separation will be effected on the pair
after all tears and inhumanities;  NOW YOU CAN BE COUNTED AS A PERSON
After eating their excretions and being made to feel as less than a thing - now you matter

Where feminism would be on a high but with much oblige,
She hurts others and steals and lies and cheats on her lover but granted, pardon your highness, she has done no wrong She is The victim
Oh dear oh dear;  where is justice - it a force so fair
dear oh dear, where is love? it a feeling so clear so cheer
---- Man hurts others and steals and lies and cheats on his lover, oh grant not such nonsense your honour for he is no different to a murderer or a ******* or ******
oh tear oh tear this man can only read about justice in his jail cell on his long walk to mobility
Oh sail oh sail, tears fountain his face and drain his heart of sensitivity -- love rots with the amount of his teeth cavity
where push-ups and mopping the floors gives him levity

But woman or man; shouldn't we be counted human all the same?
Once you undermine the divine feeling that can be expressed by another;  respect, love, empathy, trust, honesty, appreciation - then you have begun a war against your own liberty, dignity and humanity... But if you free these feelings or angelic gems then we open up the gates for the sacred and heavenly divine
and then perhaps each person can be counted before they are classified.
Do to ti
you take me through re melancholy
to mi harmony
send me through fah epiphanies
it is sincere and sure it soh to me

do to ti
a singing lover lives in thee
not so many rhymes would reel
these words into a curled rhythm
but so many curls would twirl a verb into
a metaphor so that my cognition cogs conviction and spreads emotive revisions

do to ti
I see you I see me
a living and loving lover vivified in you
lives intelligently I am stupefied
So high on notes of riffs and motif glitches I am hi-fied on grammaphonic signals I'm vibrating on love cloud nine
in ten we circle the spheres of a star, a world and a mega sector lined
In 2-d visions we live in the pictures of a binary mind until in 3-d a prospect sticks and we are multi-divine

do to ti
i find melody kissing harmony as I sing a love to thee
A lover surely lives in thee.
356 · Aug 2017
New Beginning
All that was lost opens opprtun
All that was lost opens opportunities for us to find ourselves; if at least for the first time ever
All that has been destroyed begs us to question why we came here
The grotesque nature we have allowed ourselves to fall in creates an endless state of amnesia so we forget about the time when we were once divine
The more we throw stones at each other the farther we are from marble halls
The more our women give into envy and jealousy, the more they are hindered to be the treasures of gold, diamonds and pearls - exuding ethereal beauty

The more we focus on material significance, the more our souls are left begging
The more we make rash decisions with an open mind, the more we are forced to live with those consequences
The choices you are making, the choices you have made, can you live with them for ten years to come or the rest of your life?
How rich are you to afford such a hefty debt?
But this is the rhyme, the rhythm that the kingdoms have sent
down to the material world...
A hefty heifer hole and a pole for prowl; oh goal
But what about our own goals
Are we cyborgs or are we souls?
Are we going to let the insecurities of one or a few compromise our own happiness?
Why are we so uneasy, we know only attacking the centredness of another
We are enemies of peace because we are not friends of love and yet we are quick to demand mercy

Such irresponsibility!
Not taking account for the things we've done
We are afraid of mirrors because we cannot face the demons we've gowned ourselves to inhabit
And yet we can proudly call ourselves princes and princesses
Or Kings and Queens
Leaders and representatives of State

But our objectives are the complete opposite
Our deeds are the complete opposite
Our thoughts and emotions tell a complete dark story

But if you can confess to yourself the things you've done wrong then you can confide them in another
If you can confess the things you aspire to be then you are ready to break out of your shell
Once again a pure chance for us to find ourselves; if at least for the first time ever
All that has been destroyed begs us to question why we came here
The grotesque nature we have allowed ourselves to fall in creates an endless state of amnesia so we forget about the time when we were once divine
The more we throw stones at each other the farther we are from marble halls
The more our women give into envy and jealousy the more they are hindered to be the treasures of gold, diamonds and pearls - exuding ethereal beauty

The more we focus on material significance, the more our souls are left begging
The more we make rash decisions with an ooen mind, the more we are forced to live with those consequences
The choices you are making, the choices you have made, can you live with them for ten years to come or the rest of your life?
How rich are you to afford such a hefty debt
But this is the rhyme, the rhythm that the kingdoms have sent
down to the material world...
A hefty heifer hole and a pole for prowl; oh goal
But what about our own goals
Are we cyborgs or are we souls?
Are we going to let the insecurities of or a few compromise our own happiness?
Why are we so uneasy, we know only attacking the centredness of another
We are enemies of peace beacuse we are not friends of love and yet we are wuick to run after mercy

Such irresponsibility
Not taking account of the things we've done
We are afraid of mirrors because we cannot face the demons we've gowned ourselves to inhabit
And yet we can proudly call ourselves princes and princesses
Or Kings and Queens
Leaders and representatives of state

But our objectives are the complete opposite
Our deeds are the complete opposite
Our thoughts and emotions tell a complete dark story

But if you can confess to yourself the things you've done wrong then you can confide them in another
If you can confess the things you aspire to be then you are ready to break out of your shell
Once again a pure soul.
Until you've accepted all you've lost you won't be able to have the wherewithal to dig deep within yourself to create a new world and a new you. Moving on allows new avenues to open up.


Listen to 01 Grateful For Africa by MOMEANT on #SoundCloud
353 · Sep 2013
Love Eternal
And when the sands are dry
and I am drained of all the waters that enliven
when I am limping, trembling and bleeding,
thirsty and hungry and weak
I will believe that love won't die

when I am in a hoard of immortal dark ghosts
when I am walking all alone
when the sun burns the most until it grows out of me
and when I'm falling from heights in the sky
I will know that my soul lives and love won't die

and when there is no sound from the portals of time
I will know that music lives
and when I am on hard ground I will believe that birds still fly
and when I cannot sleep, I will believe that I can swim in oceans deep
and when death smiles at me, I will know that love will not die.

And when I am dead and my body rots, I will know that it's all a ride
and when I've transcended, I will know the horizons beyond the sun
and when I've ascended, I will advance to higher frequences of knowledge
and when all evil comes after me, I will live a thousand times for love lives eternally.
348 · Aug 2017
In Seasons She
Flora Rose, the new garden hope
In seasons we are tested how much we can hold onto the truth
In reasons we are tested if we can be loyal to the Vedic tooth
It's been a testament how you could be sentimental to be fun to my mental and spend a night on my chest
Because you understand the scribe, others will ask why
Because you write your emotions on pages and care not what others might think
Because your heart is wise and you know how to say hello and follow and disregard your ego

You might wonder why I'm so far even though in spirit you can be next to me
I had to clear my karmatic cycles
Right and clear my wrongs
Refurbish my mistakes
I found the waters that ocean when I had finally paid the final penalty of being a scholar of life
I was held in perdition because I was eager to see another fall into trouble while I laugh
I paid the price and dove in those waters and was always under close investigation
An inhumane error here and there and I would be quickly whipped
Anything that opposed the conscience I was quickly persecuted

By the by I learned to honour and respect life
By the by I learned to honour and respect time
By the by I learned to honour and respect opportunities
By the by I learned that humility transcends pride and breeds higher learning and that's how I ended up being a defender of Cosmic Wisdom at some library of Golden Wisdom

This is how I got to temple 8
Now you probably ask me, since the previous flowers failed dismally because of giving into the material world and lascivious temptation, "how do I succeed?"
Well let me begin by imagining a future son or daughter
You know what has held light workers, care-givers and channelers back for so long?
They have been carrying the wages of their parents for too long a time and it became hereditary
A grandmother would do so much wrong in the world and instead of using the time she has left on Earth to fix her wrongs and clear her karmatic cycles so that the children of tomorrow don't bear the same wages ~ she inversely relaxes and relies on birthing a child who is destined to fix the errors that they should be fixing themselves
So the child is born into spiritual slavery, never mind what the FATHER of Creation had intended for that child's destiny and cause,
No they break Universal Laws and oppose the Cosmic Blueprint
So they get stuck in the Waiting Room until they can reincarnate to expand and stretch in dimensionality so that their soul can sphere at a more heightened divine level
But somebody has to open for them in order for them to incarnate and then you have generational spiritual debt

You know Flora Rose I wait for the day when the children tell the elders and forefathers; "***** you, this is my life, I have to secure and my own future, I am done being a slave to flaws and wages that you should be fixing yourself"
Because see FroRo we never reach the future if we're always waiting for someone to clean up after us
We stay jailed in the darkness of time
Time and time again we will repeat the same mistakes and keep on reincarnating until we get it right
But you can only have so many rewrites
When will you vow to become an eternal entirety?

Now to answer you:
When the man or male paramour is in the shadows she remians his branch
When the man or male paramour is in darkness she remains his hope of kindling light
When the male lover is the **** of the Earth she is the fancy shelter just by giving goodness and housing delight
When he is weak, she reminds him of his strength
When he is quiet she amuses him with conversational muse which if played right is sealed with a kiss of appreciation

She keeps the leaves of the yard at bay
She bathes in the waters he has ministered
She does not invite other men who have a craving for her to the house
She does not steal the wealth and hard works of her man, instead she defends them because it is a conquest and evidence of struggled victory
For this she is not an energy vampire but a coffer of endless treasure
Crystaling love, inviting the man into the love dance
She does not hesitate to follow the inclination that tells her to give him a call, or start a talk or respond to his messages
Because she is a soul Flora Rose
That's the emotion we've been moving and it will continue to pass unless someone grabs it
If you keep on missing this love, this yielding grace - then you will always count what could have been and should have been
And shoulda coulda will not suffice in heaven
It is about the now, are you ready to drive love now and see it through to the bitter end?

Well I ask you
  Many women are drawn to the crown of a Queen but they don't understand the responsibilty that comes with being a Queen
So for this they fail to move conversation, they don't know what to say so tell me how will they know what to do
I guess we're just then playing fool
  And it's the glow that's the rule and not the kindness to heart that is flow
They're all about the glow, just like Willie Hutch said
If they aspired to the duties of a princess or Queen beyond
Then they'd be ready for the sacrifices and leaps...
Until ego dies
They will always wonder how beautiful life can fly so young.
In seasons she doesn't betray her soul because she has already gone on a journey of self-disfovery and she has it love, in its divine state, she has it truth and loyalty and honour because she has soldiered, she has it all to give and she knows that to and for love's sake it matters, whether or not her lover or paramour sees that. Because she truly loved and never apoligised for standing by it, she is a better person. And their relationship can stand the test of time because it is not something borrowed. For this testimony and by it, she knows what it means to live and can indeed be the new evening to breathe sound life into the morning.
345 · Jan 2017
Set Love Free
Exuding the beauty that can make Mona Lisa blink
Listening to my heart I'm thriving on instincts
My writing is so ill my ink stinks
got sleight of hand to make disease think...
So read and let it all sink.

See evey broken heart has a ** phase
So I sit back and watch as it all plays
And no I don't hang and blaze
Because I don't believe in anything that's not baked
And that doesn't mean I'm into *******
I would do space cookies and watch the world in a haze

Don't get me wrong I am a lover in my own right
I just need a companion who will will be bare and forthright
Acknowledge what I feel for her and never lose sight
Make love with me and caress me with all her might
Kiss me like we're playing tonsil hockey and let me lip-bite

My affections are a selection of my art dedications
Devoted to the truth and all his friends, that's my collection
If she is carefree then she can link with me, we might have a connection
Sparks do fly like a dust speck so let them not turn into thorns set ablaze to electrocute my fusion
My fusion being my feelings for you so its not an illusion let there be no confusion

I am a guy who likes to be behind the scenes, never causing a scene, just kneading tapestries and watch them meander your heart like streams
If you are feeling the seams then this could be what it seems
I just wanna get lost in your eyes as they gleam, retrace your face in my memory so it teems
I will open up my pores and they will be a fortress
We can think of the horizon and have you lie supine on my mattress

Exchanging fluids and fumes, take whiffs at your perfume
And remember always that you are my muse
Sing in the language of the ancients as you ******
Feel my heart skip a beat, that's a vibrational chasm
Your legs are locking me on my waist
Our lips are locked like we're creating paste
I love how my psyche you amaze
If I was psychic I would look into your soul and tell your forefathers that you haven't been a waste
In my heart you'll shine forever
This has been one hell of of an endeavour
I'm seeing multiple heavens and it's perfect cloudy azure weather
Love you like a dove, you are the bird of my feather
I see you through the eyes of my soul and you are whole
Igniting fire is what I want to do where you feel you have holes
I scored the jackpot with you, keeping rank with your emotions is my goal
Take my hand, you are my hope so let's do like voyagers and elope.
340 · Jul 2015
The Starring Season
what west and whirling winds
of the tale in this frill fits it all
Shire a shrine to shy away from
it all but all ways facing Thor
True to heart for like of conscience we fend for the worth
where Divinity follows the awake and it all
Prince Innanr show them the truths and lead them out of condemnation so they find their stars in all of Nebadon.
323 · Aug 2017
She evened
She whispers sweet I love you's without me having to be loud about 'attend me, I am here'
She sings softly that she misses me
She reaches out fearlessly and her ego or significance has nothing to do with it
It is just about how we can both coalesce in this soul consceince where hearts cohere to beat at one rhythm sincere

She evens because there are no silent replies, she understands the scribe because there are no hidden agenda's
It is not about what I have or what she has but what we both can make
Her third eye awakes and her halo crystallises; a new christening has been fated
She has flown into the rays of Haroon and shone pure light for Maroon so in marrying our creation objectives; the law of one is not forgotten too soon

We find each other through miles and kilomatters of distance
But in this instance we start a conversation and it's not that so the others can look at her as supercilious but because she exemplifies that the romantic bubble surreal is us
Orbs in an age of pages where the world reads again
For this she is a day anew in the evening
For this she shines the night sky with her longing for sensuality overshadowing lustful and baseless sexuality
In the morning she is the snow warm and golden
Her scent is my token and for this Fathers of yesteryear are awoken
  The fear to love is broken
   Sheaken by the *******, the dark is curled and the Doa has a do now
It feels right we go with it, seal it with a kiss
  Heavenly clouds, her ****** might just be the new symbol of how you clothe bliss
   For a time this emotion that has been poeted has found its moment that has awoken memories of a time when women loved
  A new shell beautufied, CalliaTee new you are a dove.
Song to track Transcendence: 'Blank and Jones - I Love You'
319 · Aug 2017
It was a quick setup, couldn't have been a huge mess up
When I start to speak to you, an evolution of fusion is at bay
And when you talk back the right way, good feelings are given way
And then you begin to open up to me and I to you

I have a responsibility to reflect the best version of myself
I have an uncontrollable inclination to divulge the worst version of myself
When the script was changed so were the norms
The royals did not know what it meant to live in the shadows anymore
Too good to believe in divinity
Too proud and glamorous to believe in a Divine Source

Then man and woman soon forgets what it means to earn one's keep
Quickly there would be thieves as the gap widens
So position will determine what you get and don't get, away with ethics

Imagine we all have roles to portray in this big stage we call the world
Then you forget about your significance, just for the role
You forget about your social class, just for the role
You forget about your achievements or failures, all for the role

Then you develop synergy
Then a male lover will have a female lover because the feeling is reciprocated
Nothing is forced or rigidly implanted
The heart is free to dance and the mind is surrendering to rhyme and reason

Then I begin to weigh the value of each word in every sentence
I develop a composition, an attunement
I awaken the music of the soul
And how I associate will reflect in my dialogue
The moving picture is dying
There are more emoticons and stills because people are not grounded to the immortal strands of creation
So they struggle with locomotion
It stretches into the mind and you see this as brain cells oscillate slower and slower
And the race becomes more and more robotic - static
Bye bye to the angels in adamic bodies

What I am saying is how can I impart parts of myself if you do not compliment my make up
Not because I am superior but because you have been indoctrinated to yield to an inferiority complex that has channeled you to believe that you are good for nothing
And this has garnered a fortress hollow inviting false gods and a negative attitude,
A laziness to believe in yourself and honour your ambition

... And worst of all you are not compelled to go on a journey of self discovery because you are waiting for someone else  to tell you to do so
Rustically I would be a hunter and you a gatherer, but you cannot contain my collections if you have no pots and if you're not ready for me to shelter your soul
So how do we conversate
More than a postulate I conclude you just have to expand your emotional vocabulary
Or I just have to get used to being quiet
And that's fine with me... Food for my peace of mind
But humbly deary, don't say I wasn't kind to rewind
How and what I did impart at the start of the box.
The mute heard a melody that the deaf man sung
The blind man hummed it into harmony and that's how the first band begun.

So the mute wrote lyrics for new songs and the deaf man sang them and the blind man played the piano while harmonising and the first anthology of psalms came to be.

They recorded their first song when a crippled man with one eye heard them, who happened to own a recording studio.

They called themselves The Natal Trio.
The band broke up when the blind man tried to play along -- the mute heard their song but the deaf man couldn't -- as their song played on the radio.
A fable that hints at how radioactive waves are blocking humans from having certain psychic senses or extra-sensory perception
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