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 Aug 2013 Molly O
Unknown soldier
I fell in love with you
I surrendered to your being
Every moment ever lived reminds me of you.
Of your eyes, of that smile.
It makes me weak, powerless.

I would like to forget,
but I have pawned off my soul for you,
for nothing but a void illusion.
And it is forever lost,
as long as my memory holds you.
 Aug 2013 Molly O
jasper, come home.
not only because i love your smile
not only because you smell like rain and cedar trees
not only because the way you hold me feels like himininn
not only because when you sing songs softly to me my ears rejoice
not only because i haven't hugged your body in nine whole days
not only because the things you say make me feel secure
not only because i enjoy your company in the woods
not only because swimming is less scary with you
not only because you make me feel like gold

but because when i need someone to talk to,
my first choice is you.

you are not judgemental.
you are confidential.
you are caring, respectful, and loyal.

and sometimes i need to cry,
and sometimes i need to laugh,
and though i'm happy for you that you've gone so far this summer,
sometimes i want you to be here.

teleport to the chair next to my bed,
or as i'm painting with the easel you made me,
appear behind me and say something into my ear.
anything. anything.
just please, be near.
I know, I know, sometimes I come off as obsessive and clingy and all those negative things. I mean it in the best way I possibly could. My intentions with my words are 100% positive. I am so proud of him for being a Scout Leader and travelling, and although I don't do those same things, I'm not envious because I've got my own thing going on here on the island. As anyone, I would believe, I am happy for him, but there are still moments where I miss him. I feel strange trying to justify this, because it should be a completely normal thing. I'm not going to sit here and not think of him for two weeks! When I love someone, I think of them often. If I were a witch of some sort, I would cast positive energy into the air directed at the people I love who are apart from me. Heck, I do that anyway.

I'm not crazy and I know it. I'm not breaking down every day because my boyfriend is in the States, either.
Welcome to love station.
Please dock your heart here
Slowly, softly, carefully!
Hope your journey thus far
Through the moon-bathed tunnel
Aglow with the choicest stars
Was pleasant and dreamful!
It would be sometime
Before you come out of the hangover
All earthlings have when they arrive
And be blissful in your time here
Holding onto your heart knowing in peace
That it would never stop beating
And instead be caged in another diaphragm
To live, love and go into transit again!
It's such a tragedy across millennia
That heart after heart was lost in death
Till mankind could find way to change it
Discover the key to immortality
Of transiting heart from one to other
And not let it be buried with the corpse!

You're now entering the heart lab.
Your replica is too eagerly waiting here.
See how it's already dancing in joy
Celebrating your immortality
And also its own!

Welcome to love station.
We assure you when you wake up
You'll know what it means
To be undead in love forever
And the key that was love!
 Aug 2013 Molly O
Erika Miller
I was your ****,
Your angel,
Your novelty gift,
Your diamond,
Your everything.
It wasn’t enough
You needed more.

I gave you my heart, gave you my all
It still wasn’t enough
It was never enough.
You still took my heart
Kept it near you, loving that you had it.
It still wasn’t enough.
You still needed more.

I gave you my trust,
Let my walls crumble,
You saw the real me,
Saw the scared little girl.
I loved you.
You took everything I had;
Left me bleeding.

You got bored, I guess
Bored of me,
You ripped my heart in two,
Threw half back in my face
And stood on the other half.
You burnt it,
    You battered it,
       You broke it.

I was left with nothing,
Less than I thought.
You’d taken everything;
My hope,
                My heart,
My dreams,
                My dignity,
My everything.

You can keep it all.
My claim to fame?
Is that maybe for a while,
A day,
          An hour,
                        A minute at least,
You cared about me too.
 Aug 2013 Molly O
 Aug 2013 Molly O
Last night a young poet’s voice
tore so deep within
that it ripped my soul apart.....

Her words of birds and cages and gravity
and what human does to human
brought me back to wind swept hills
where the was sky blue enough to drown in
and vast enough to blanket all corners of the earth
where I, as a boy, worked and wandered
wandered through words
words spoken in telling
and words raged in rage

As I pulled the implements of grain through the soil
I learned to think
the dust I raised drifted across the land
bringing with it my thoughts
passed horizons, passed the hills
to distant lands
torn by the pains of love, of war, of loss
of what human does to human

His rage was the desperation of a soul shredded
by war
by what human does to human
he was caged
between what he had seen
and that he should still posses some hope
between witnessing the destruction of a world
and believing in a world

But deep within him I had always heard a voice
a voice buried deep beneath his rage
a voice..... he could no longer hear
but I
could always hear
“no matter how long I am caged
no matter how long the gravity of ignorance and hate,
the gravity of hubris and destruction binds and
holds down my soul,
I was alway meant to fly,
we were all....meant to fly....”
I published this eight years ago. I thought I would revisit it again.
Never, never again?
Not on nights filled with quivering stars,
or during dawn's maiden brightness
or afternoons of sacrifice?

Or at the edge of a pale path
that encircles the farmlands,
or upon the rim of a trembling fountain,
whitened by a shimmering moon?

Or beneath the forest's
luxuriant, raveled tresses
where, calling his name,
I was overtaken by the night?
Not in the grotto that returns
the echo of my cry?

Oh no. To see him again --
it would not matter where --
in heaven's deadwater
or inside the boiling vortex,
under serene moons or in bloodless fright!

To be with him...
every springtime and winter,
united in one anguished knot
around his ****** neck!
I lie in the bed we've made together, and I think of you.
The one I married. Where did you go my one?
I see a face, its your face. I see brown eyes, your eyes.
You look like my one. You feel like my one. But your not my one.

A demon stares at me. Harsh words, venom from your lips. My one's lips.
I'm slowly dieing.
You look like my one. You smell like my one. But your not him.
I can't find my one.

A body lies next to me, my ones body. So lovely.
But there's someone else inside.
You look like my one. You sound like my one. But your not my one.

You left me my one, left a demon in your place.
I call your name, a demon calls back. I look in your eyes, a demon looks back.
And you'll lay down beside me, and as I dream I'll search for my one.
When I wake up, you'll still be gone. I wish you'd come back my one.
I wish I could find you.
 Aug 2013 Molly O
Eowyn Ausmus
 Aug 2013 Molly O
Eowyn Ausmus
You are my soul mate,
my very best friend.
What started out great-
never can end.
Without you I'm lonely,
lost, not whole.
I've given you my body,
my heart, my soul.
Please hurry home
You've been gone way too long
I miss you,  I need you
This love is so strong
 Aug 2013 Molly O
Elizabeth Smart
Inside the bearded man,
The crying baby lies
The disarming face is gone
The flowery flesh is worn
And nobody wants to rush in
To his peevish petulant cries
And wipe his bottom or eyes.

He's in a pitiful mess
But the middle-aged man
No matter how hard he tries
Cannot command the love
That came free with his innocence
He bawls in vain in his pain
Such comfort will never never come again.
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