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Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Sleeping on the bed
We slip into another land

Nothing picks us
When the evacuation is done

Happily, we rise up
And sip and sip and sip tea
Till the voice slips out, "so tasty"

A new sunrise,
A new sky,
A new brreze,
A new noon,
A new evening,
A new star

The work of charming us passes by
Our sad songs evaporate too

We weave the same story
We wait for the new year again
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Thirteen December,
Genial, left its snow in the
palms of January.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
As far I have observed
Words are as wonderful as blooms
When they are positively used
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
It's the sweetest happiness
That befalls a writer
When his idea gets a gentleman
And speaks to the world
On his behalf.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Everything belongs to everyone.
If today pain comes to you,
Welcome it cordially
As if it were a guest
For it has to go to someone else
The other day...
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
None except God could
paint the moon on the face of
water as it is.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Letting others play their pianos
Is letting oneself enjoy the peace
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Pigeons fly little;
The music of vehicles;
An old man puts grains.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Poetry is a ghost-musical instrument
It produces melodies out of nowhere
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
New year
Isn't the source of happiness

                    It's just the next moment
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Old stories are blankets
                On which we all roll
And cover ourselves with

In the process
            Our dreams die
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
I acknowledge
I'm not Kabir,
Nor Mir nor Eliot,

Still my verses
Aren't less important than kohinoor.

You value or devalue them
I am not bothered a bit.

My pen is a river
Flowing on papers.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
If my sufferings
            stop me from being happy

                  Those of others
Can't stop me
When I do something for their relief
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
You contemned me,
Abused me,
Stabbed me.

Is the revenge in unrequited so easy?
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
It makes everyone
King of their thoughts
For a half minute,
One moment
Or a few seconds,
And this crown
Is theirs
And doesn't deprive them
Of their rapture
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
The moon shines on those
Who dare to walk out in night
To write their stories
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
The tiniest straw
Could survive in the tempest

If it has courage to endure
What nature throws at it.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
              Is an unnamed, but comman disease that is less cared of
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Your smile
            Is a thrilling story to everyone
And you keep moving to find this tale..
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
The death of one talent
Is the laguishment
of a beautiful society
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Everything is grisly:
Homes paper boats, natty things
Nasty and stinking
******* while the sea runs on
best and vulnerable beings.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
I'm not one being;
Two more live in and I steer
My deeds at their choice,
But I care it's
Right or Wrong that's my friend.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
It's no winter
For my guest cat that visits
The kitchen like a
Boy playing hide and seek and
Other games in summer...
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
The moon mirrors him,
Sleeping on the pavement, and
The chill makes him coil.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
The dwelling,
In a cluster sprawled around,
Near the sea,
I say on the waist of the sea,
Is riding on a humongous ball
And trying to run on it
With elbow grease.
Like a suddenly applied brake
To save a blind crossing the road,
It throw us down
With its tsunami-hands.
What is left
After it is calm
Is human weakness and vulnerability.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
The path of hate
Is too narrow
That two persons together
Can't pass through that.

How long
Can you walk alone?
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
I loved her
As if she were a wave
Flowing naturally
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
**** off
For everything
You don't like
From your heart

Love feels suffocation
Due to its smoke
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
I count faults of others
             My wisdom decreeses
I count their good deeds
            My wisdom increases
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Writing is a beautiful letter
addressed to mankind,
With an invitation:

Give us your valuable time
And we would discuss how to spread love in the world.
Mohd Arshad Dec 2018
Good people are those
                Who consider others good too
Mohd Arshad Oct 2018
These eyes are blank papers
But assets of mine.

I'm glad
They don't mirror me
The horrific faces of evil of our world.

They give me thousands of moments
To think of the greatness of God.

I've my gold
They won't leave me.
Mohd Arshad Nov 2018
At parties
People with empty minds

Fill their bellies
In a terrible way
Mohd Arshad Nov 2018
The ordeal of a poor:

                   Hammer in one hand
                   Blister in one leg
Mohd Arshad Oct 2018
If you don't change yourself today
The world would change itself for you

That would ***** you deep
Mohd Arshad Oct 2018
If not today
Or at midnight,
Other day
You'll realise you were the biggest fool
To push time in the pond and forget that without any regret....
Mohd Arshad Nov 2018

Is love


And after thousands of centuries
Mohd Arshad Nov 2018
I have got to climb the hill

If there are landslides,
They are not the chains
in the legs of my dreams
Mohd Arshad Nov 2018
Another voice,
The voice of our childhood
Is stuck in the polluted world

Make it free
To be free yourself
Of that world's burden
Mohd Arshad Oct 2018
They say: The crow weeps at its blackness.

I say: It just lives in the moment, ignoring its skin.
Mohd Arshad Nov 2018
When you're in depression
Take the solace
From the smiling moon
Through the fog
Mohd Arshad Nov 2018
In old age
Everything is old

           Except for dreams
Mohd Arshad Nov 2018
After last bomb

The tree caught the wind and said

Much is enough
Enough is loss

Change the direction
We have got enough
Mohd Arshad Nov 2018
       Are the threads to knit
                   Honey moments
Mohd Arshad Oct 2018
Enfeeble the innocent relation
Mohd Arshad Oct 2018
You can flip the coin
But you can't decide your choice
Mohd Arshad Oct 2018
The most beautiful and everlasting present

Is forgiveness

Wrapped in the sheet of "it's okay; I'm too sorry.
Mohd Arshad Nov 2018
A couple of moments of joys
Earned through labour
Are pure gold........
Mohd Arshad Nov 2018
In human disaster
There is only one sympathiser

That is
Mohd Arshad Nov 2018
There is a river flowing in you.
In it you are drowned.
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