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mims Nov 2013
Dear Anne,

They say when you found the one person that you could imagine spending the rest of your life with, you never let that person go. Even if it means going the distance, even if it means taking risks, even if it means doing things out of the rational.

And yes, I am willing to do all these for you. I will step out of my comfort zone, fight the good fight... And make you feel the sincerity, and the purity, of my heart. That it yearns for only you and you alone.

It is a risk, an action with no assurance of what the outcome. But like what I tell you always, you are worth it.

You are and will always be loved, Anne. I will be going the distance. Real soon.

Please wait for me.

Always thinking about you,
Your Mims
mims Nov 2013
Dear Anne,

Here I am again; found myself crying at 12noon because of my heart's whispers. It isn't whispering now, though. It is screaming, it's crying out for help. Yet it seems like it is not heard.

And yes, this heart is stubborn. This heart will endure. And this heart is scheming another leap, forgetting everything else, at least for now, for you.

I am almost there, Anne. Please... Wait for me. :(

You are always loved.

Yours only,
mims Nov 2013
Today, the only phrases
that can encapsulate
the thousands of emotions and thoughts I feel inside are:

I am hurting.
It is painful.
But I try harder.
I endure.
And I love more.

Always Anne. Always.

Yours and only yours,
mims Nov 2013
When I told you
I will go the distance just to be with you
Just to prove you
that I have changed;
and that I have realized that
you are the only person
worth taking risks for...

I meant it. :)

And yes,
even if it means
miles and miles
of uncertainties
and indefiniteness
I will jump blindfoldedly
keeping my faith, trusting completely...
for I know we're worth it.

You are always loved, Anne. Always.

Yours and yours only,

mims Nov 2013
The most beautiful feeling
is being the last person
to see you before you sleep,
the first as you wake up
and even the only one to witness
the in between.

And soon,
with high hopes,
it will be more beautiful.
For I will be able
to sleep
and wake up
where you are...
And hold your hand
in the in between. :)

Just a few more, Anne. I am coming home for you.

Yours and only yours,
mims Oct 2013
Some say
they feel sparks when they see the love of their lives pass by.

I say
It's a full display of fireworks in me -
An array of all colors and hues
and shapes and sizes
All in full
High definition -
as you walk my way.

And yes, it felt exactly that way the first night we kissed,
And it still feels that way until now.

**Or even so much more
mims Nov 2013
She is my light
in every pitch black evening.
Her light cuts through every angle
brightening up
each part of me.

She is my only guide
the star I follow
to a final destination
of home, of happiness
of eternal warmth and security.

She is my inspiration.
The reason I wake up everyday
with purpose, with intent
of becoming a better me.
The reason, I go to sleep
with a smile.
For every slumber,
comes another morning
which means a day closer to her.

She is my stargirl. :)

She is loved.
She is yearned for.
She is worth waiting
and risking for.

Yours and only yours, Anne.

Your Mims
mims Oct 2013
Dear Anne,

For the last days, the stars have been witness to how my nights became a pouring of my heart and soul into words. I have been kept up all night by the yearning of putting into words all that I am feeling now - a mix of hope, fears, dreams and above all, love. The stars have fallen one by one, sacrificing their light just to grant my wish, one wish I whisper over and over again as each star falls.

You are the only star I am now waiting to fall; to fall for me and I, with a prepared heart to capture that star all over again. I will burn, yes. But together, we will shine.

You are always loved, Anne. :)

mims Nov 2013
Dear Anne,

I was below than below my empty yesterday. Crying for almost 12hrs straight was something I never though I could handle - but did since I knew my heart was trying to be strong for itself, for you and for us. I may have lost it a couple of times, being out of hand calling and sending you text messages but it patiently waited and stilled itself.

Yes, it was as if a candle was burning its last drop of wax. Or a light flickering, just waiting until the fuse gives up on it. But it still shines. It still radiates light, warmth... And love. And my heart was willing to consume itself just to have fuel again and burn endlessly and more passionately than ever before.

I am just here. Just like how I can neglect sleep just to catch a glimpse of you or talk to you again.

You are always loved, Anne. Always.

Days are starting to become shorter... My heart yearns to be with you already. :)

Yours and only yours,
mims Oct 2013
You said
It might be better
For us to be strangers again

Strangers who have no idea about each other
Who do not know anything about
Our favourite food (so I should start forgetting that you do not eat tomatoes, pineapples and olives; and that I should be willing to eat them all for you because coincidently, they were my favourite)
Or the way we want our eggs cooked
(crunchy on the side. soft yolk - mine, well done)
Or our dreams, failures, fears and inhibitions.

But remember,
We were once strangers
That one September day (it was the seventh, I believe)
I first got a glimpse
Of that little girl
That would change my life for eternity

And when I see you again
I will make you remember
This stranger
That loved you and known you more than
any stranger could do.
mims Nov 2013
you surprise yourself -
when you start doing things
that seem
irrational, extraordinary, out of the box
for the one you love.

You go beyond your comfort zone
try to do the unthinkable
just to be able
to reach out and make her day better
even from thousands of miles away.

And most of the time,
you also surprise yourself
that each waking day
you never stop thinking about
what you could do for her next.
Not because you are obliged to,
just because.

And with these little things,
is a very big hope
that somehow, in some way...
you were able to brighten up her day. :)

I've got surprises up my sleeve, Anne. All for you. :)

Always yours,

mims Nov 2013
Beep beep beep* The alarm rings at 6:30am.

But I have been up since 5.

There are two types of tears.

One - salty, that rolls down your cheeks.
Another - crimson, that trickles on your skin.

One says you felt too much, the other yearns to feel more.
mims Nov 2013
I once met this little girl
meek, quiet, reserved...
But once you get past her walls
you meet a very witty,
sincere, honest
and amazing woman.

I once met this little girl
who made me smile at the littlest of things.
From animated films, pick up lines, arcade games
or just lying in cold, damp, grass
watching the stars
no need for words...
or inside a car on a parking lot
sharing stories,
whatnot's, inspirations and dreams.

I once met this little girl
who made each of my days brighter
who gave me the fondest of memories
from our everyday happenings
from firsts together
to habits we formed
like traveling
and making adventures.

I once met this little girl
and I fell in love with her.
The best thing that ever happened in my life.
She was mine, I was hers.
And nothing else mattered.

I once met this little girl
and i hurt her.
I made mistakes,
wasted away
what could have been
a lifetime.
Spending the rest of the years of my life
with the most beautiful, amazing
and wonderful woman I have known
and I have owned.

I once met this little girl
and I'm even more in love with her.
Despite all the pain, mistakes and trials
we may have gone through,
it is still this little girl that I dream of.
The same name I sometimes cry at night
when I am awoken by a sweet dream about her.
The same little girl
I would risk all I have just to have her again.
For this little girl,
will be the only one I could imagine
spending the rest of my lifetime with.

You will always be my little girl, Anne.

Yours, as always and forever,

mims Mar 2014
I sit on the train
with my eyes fixed
at the blur of lights
outside the window
as the train rushes by.

And in this moment,
this moment where light and motion and visions of you
mix into a swirl of a perfect blend
that I start seeing your reflection,
your eyes looking back into mine.

And I am awaken
by the sudden stop in the station
with the fact
that the seat beside me is still empty.

But soon
I am counting down days
your hand
will be holding mine...
As we coast from north to south without purpose
back and forth, people watching
sitting on this train
wasting away
seconds, minutes and hours.
For every moment spent just merely beside you
is worth all the while.

I love you, Anne.

Yours and only yours,
mims Oct 2013
(2nd letter for the day- I guess that was how much I thought about you today)

Why do the past two days
(forty eight hours
two thousand eight hundred and eighty eight minutes
Feel like eternity
After that last moment
I saw you
(Pixelated, but every detail of you was vivid in my mind. You were even wearing something I knew was one of my favourites - because I once told you how you looked wonderful in red)

Why does it feel like forever
When I do not know where and how you are
Or if I could do anything
To make your day

But if waiting for the right moment
Would take
An exponential growth
And intensified feeling of eternity
Then let me wait.
mims Nov 2013
Dear Anne,

I am on my way to you. I have waited for this time to come; for me to take every mile closer and closer to you. It will take some time, to cover the distance that has been deafening me for the past 6 months. The distance that made me yearn for you more and more, the distance that never was a wall that was not meant to be torn down by the love that I feel for you.

I am on my way home. And I will be proving myself, you and us of what I can do to save us. Because I know that we can triumph through this. I know we will continue with a new chapter in our lives, intertwined with hands locked together... like always.

You are always loved, Anne. Please wait for me.

Yours and only yours always,
mims Dec 2013
The past days
have been
a constant blur
of emotions, thoughts, feelings...
of courage and hope.

It has swirled
into colours
of love, passion, want
and desires
of being just beside you
or just looking at your eyes
while I whisper
words such as
"you look beautiful" and
"I am happy I am here".

And midst
the chaos
and turns
an our worlds' rotations
I find one thing
consistently true -
I love you
and this
will hold certain
even if the world
spins on and on and on.
mims Oct 2013
You remember
how I told you
that sleep is
my salvation?

Yet now,
I deprive myself of it
just to get the chance
to hear your stories
and anecdotes;
to know how you are,
and how your day went
Because you're all
worth my while.

— The End —