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Melissa Hardie Aug 2013
I don’t cry often but when I do it’s torrential.
It’s often something you said, or did…
because no one in this world can make me cry quite like you.
The words came out of your mouth so harsh
and I felt like my soul just shriveled and shrank away.
I asked you to leave before I cried,
I didn't want you seeing my tears.
My gold green eyes welled up with oceans of pain.
You stood there stubbornly, as though you could fix it.
“Go” I sobbed…begging you to give me a moment
let me fix myself…let me pull the pieces back together
at least leave me my dignity.
You walked away, shoulders slumped as if I had hurt you
Or as though you were worried for me…
Don’t worry though…
As you said, I’m flighty, I get bored easy
I’ll be over it tomorrow…
Sometimes it amazes me how little you know me.
Not sure if it qualifies as a poem, since I usually rhyme.
Melissa Hardie Aug 2013
I’m not anyone’s idea of Cinderella.
Sadly, I won’t be attending the ball.
My slippers aren’t glass, and no one will ask
for my hand in this grand entrance hall.  

My lips aren’t blood, and my skin is not snow
No dwarves do I have, let alone seven.
There’s no evil Queen to lock me in sleep,
no Prince to redeem me from Heaven.  

I don’t have gold locks, a tower length long.
No witch keeps me locked here beside her.
No spindle pricked fingers, nor dragons on guard.
Nothing special this night will occur.

I’m alone in this world, no Prince of my own.
No one waiting to kiss these lips lightly.  
There’s no dashing great steed, no gallant deed.
Sadly, no more men who act knightly.
Melissa Hardie Aug 2013
Taurus, bull goddess, strong and proud.
Sometimes lazy, quite often loud.
Mother, protector, stubborn as hell.
Obstinate, difficult, but meaning well.
She sharpens her horns on whoever comes near
And more than her horns, it’s her mouth you should fear.
Creature of earth, Taurus woman is strong.
Won’t let you forget that she’s never wrong.
She’ll love you forever, loyal ‘till death.
She’ll defend you fiercely, give her last breath.
If you love one be thankful, she’ll not let you fall.
She’s Taurus, proud mother, and she’s standing tall.
I'm a Taurus. Thought it would be fun to write about my zodiac sign.
Melissa Hardie May 2013
All our actions, good or bad
are weighed upon the scale;
And winged creatures turn the wheel
‘round thrice behind the veil.
So whether it be deed or thought,
beware your choices made.
For when the wheel turns back for thirds
then all your debts be paid.
Melissa Hardie Feb 2013
A thousand rings on open lines
A thousand times I’d call
Left messages on old machines
But she deleted all

With open arms I’ve reached across
The miles many times
And had the door slammed in my face
For past supposed crimes

I’ve tried with logic and finesse
I’ve argued on and on
When logic failed I’ve cried and screamed
Until my voice was gone

I know you think you know me, Dad
But you could not be more wrong
Your puzzles missing pieces and
Your albums missing songs

The me you think you know so well
Is not reality
You don’t care, but you should know
I wish you wished you knew me
I miss having a dad. I don't have any contact with him anymore, by his choice. I know I'm a wonderful person... I just wish he wanted to know me. The "She" referenced above is his long time girlfriend.
Melissa Hardie Sep 2012
Hundreds, no thousands
Regardless, a crowd
Pulsating, flowing
So achingly loud
Ripples against me
So close to my skin
Coming apart now
I’m screaming within
Obviously many
I’m never alone
So very lonely
It chills to the bone
Speak, hearing echoes
Reflect from white walls
Stretch to forever
Like long empty halls
Mouth may be moving
I know I’ve made sound
Nobody hears me
There’s no one around.
Melissa Hardie Sep 2012
Dark time in my wooded home
And starlight dots the skies
Mother moon hangs pregnant high
She sparkles in my eyes
The dewy breeze licks my fur
Like tongues through ginger tea
And creatures not yet wrapped in sleep
Play twilight reverie
Though my paws have traveled far
They always bring me home
My muzzle may be gray with age
But steel still backs each bone
I will roam these sacred lands
So long as there are trees
My joyful howls like ebbing tides
will sing down stars and seas.
Just wrote this tonight. I like it, but I'll take any suggestions or feedback. :)
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