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When the sun rises
The heart of the desert burns fire
The mirage of BELOVEDz blurs in vapor

Scorpio utters with a parched throat
"BELOVEDz, Belovedz, belovedz, ...z"
But the breathe sounds like a rattle snake

Cobra slithers all over the sand
Marking and leaving LOVE tracks
With the hope that BELOVEDz
Will see blood on those ant-tracks
And follow it in search of LOVE

The visions the peacock see around
All air the eagle breathes within
The skies above lizard's eyes
The earth below the cow's belly
Stallion earns every inch of it for YOU

So the goat can write-it-off
Every earned thing to YOU
Every bit of NATURE the ape possesses
(Including birth, life & death)
So that - BELOVEDz - YOU can come back
To pick your puppy in your arms
And place under your tender huggy shades

Charity and alms are not what the deer wants
Without the cat even looking towards it
The hot milk the world served has gone cold

The owl's eyes look for BELOVEDz on far horizons
Dear, come to the land of brown desert
And bring with YOU some oceanic BLUES

Like a guzzler elephant
I will drink your oceanic eyes
YOU wander-lust on brown desert camel skin

YOU may LOVE desert's salty dry air
The cobra will gulp your oceanic salty wet scent

How much less heart can a lamb serve now?
What did you think - A pigeon... Huh...!?

When you saw and tasted my ANGEL SOUL
Did I taste like AGAPE LOVE?

Without YOU no flowers bloom in desert
So come every day to water your LOVE seeds

YOU grind me like prawns on hard stone of life
Like scallop I swoon when scooped out of LOVE

Even after that BLISS of being together
YOU act like a crane who is
Longing for the fish of LOVE
But behaves like a confused fool
Not even knowing how to peck me within YOU

In the desert of a spider's life
YOU are the wild flower of LOVE

Don't worry, unlike others...
I won't become a stupid sick bee
I'll **** the sweet LOVE honey from YOU

LIONESS with wings in flight
SCORPIO with a bow of LOVE
Met... and fell in LOVE
The eternal LOVE story continues...

Our LOVE candle
Burns at both ends

We are connected
By a single
LOVEz waxed wick

One end is yours
The other is mine
But we are singular
Skeletal waxed string


Both sustaining flames
To melt their ends
So to come closer
To each other

Slow deliberate burning
With patience & perseverance

To merge & extinguish
Our opposites energies
In unison of attracting
Two ends of ONE light
To become powdered ash

May be life will not last
The duration of
Our wick's length

But ah...
To all those who LOVEz
To all those who do not LOVEz
To the friends and foes
To the dark and light
To the old and young
To the sad faces and brights
And to those who care or not

Our LOVE gives light
To celebrate our UNION
Of true-soul-connect

See, our LOVE candle
Gives a heavenly bliss glow

Reminiscent of the TRUTH
That one day our LOVE
We'll surely merge into the
Darkness of LOVEz Light

My burden is not of distress
It is burden of LOVE
It is debt of paying back
Who opened
The doorways of LOVE

This is a debt I value
A debt that makes me smile
And be happy
Most debts do not...
But this does.

It is a debt of affection
An affectionate debt
Which I shall never want to remove
Material debt can be paid back
This I shall never be able to pay back

I would never want to loose
The burden of your LOVE
Upon my shoulders...

This is the most LOVED
Debt in life - in my life

Without YOU, I'm nothing
Without YOU, my world doesn't exist
If you're there, I am alive
If I find you, I find myself

You are my Mecca masjid (Muslim)
You are my Vatican church (Christian)
You are my Jerusalem synagogue (Jews)
You are my Banaras temple (Hindus)
You are my Gaya stupa (Buddhist)
You are my Khajuraho Parsvanath (Jains)
You are my Amritsar Gurudwara  (Sikhs)

I wander to every place of worship
I read every scriptures and pray
I am pathos of your LOVE
Chanting your name
This is my only purpose of living

Only when you've gone away
I've understood my LOVE for YOU
Don't break the thread of LOVE
I'm delicately tender in your LOVE

Poem: Part 4 of a 6 part series of Poem
Every ocean deserves to see YOU
And feel jealous of your beauty

Every sunrise deserves to see you
And be envy of your shine

Every flower deserves to see you
And be covetous of your colors & fragrance

Every cloud deserves to see you
And be mad at your gaiety float

Every river deserves to see you
And be ashamed of its own curves

Every dew deserves to reflect you
And be possessive of your image in it

Every leaf deserves to touch you
And let besotted by your skin

Every fish deserves to swim with you
And be ashamed of your flirtation with water

Every fruit deserves to taste YOU
And feel insecure of your nectar sweetness

Every breeze deserves to cling your body
And feel lustful of your brilliance

Every birds deserves to accompany you
And desirous of the smooth wings in flight

Every star deserves to see you
And be paranoid of your angelic sparkle

Every moonlight deserves to light YOU
And be jilted by your illumination
Upon sight of my LOVE
You, must have skipped a heart-beat
and felt scared or happy?
Oh! LOVE - you must have said
How will I handle it
Is it true?
Or is it just a game?

Is it Death calling me?
I have waited for it everyday
Now it comes in this form
Is this what I dreamt of my LOVE?
And your heart skipped a last-time

What where you thinking
When such thoughts came to your mind?
By the way, LOVE is not the game of mind

Perhaps you wondered
That is the way LOVE always strikes
It does dear...
Without plan, without notice
It comes out like a flower,
under a rain-soaked earth
On morning you get up and
The flower of LOVE is there
In front of you

Perhaps you deplored the culture
That all LOVE means marriage...

Perhaps you cried thinking
What if I hurt and **** this LOVE?
That would be against all my grain of well-being
I am born to a religion that professes LOVE

Perhaps you confounded that
You can survive EVIL and SIN but not TRUE LOVE

Perhaps you yearned tremulously to plead
Yes, I seek LOVE, someone to LOVE me unconditionally
Once in my LIFE - Time

Perhaps you speculated
Whether this LOVE
is Romance or LUST
Without realizing it is

Perhaps you remembered faintly
Christ's message you were taught in church
"LOVE one another"

Perhaps you recalled with happiness
This is the prize one pays for seeking LOVE

Perhaps you were joyous -
that at last LOVE came to me
Uncalled, unchartered, uninvited...

Perhaps you felt some solace
That I am the chosen one
NOT all are blessed to be LOVED like this

My prayer is but this:
Among all this "PERHAPS"
May you always know
It was GOD &/or FATE &/or NATURE
Whatever you want to call it
That Destined LOVE in your life.

The world is a big garden full of flowers
But there are only two flowers in LOVE
In every flower Nature has left
The symbol of LOVE for us
Thus I adorn your fragrance and colors
For the world to call me your LOVERz

Like the ever flowing water in rivers
I flow from mountains to oceans over YOU
My LOVE flows over your secret earth
To fill your mysterious under-currents

Like mother's compassionate touch
On her new born baby's being
That's how....
You own my body
You own my heart
You own my soul
You own my spirit

Now what is there
Remaining with me?
Everything of mine
Is owned by YOU

Till the last breathe
I will write, sing and dance
In praise of your LOVE

On everyone you shower your blessing
Being with them, staying with them
Working with them, eating with them
Smiling with them, living with them
Sitting with them, roaming with them

But it is only on me
You shower your hidden blessing
By giving me a little space
In your heart for me to remain alive

Thus I will spend the rest of my life
In your LOVE... near your feet
Like a devotee in front of divinity

My Question:

The most invisible
Wonder of the world

Can I be you?
Can I live with you?
Can I sleep & wake up with you?
Can I chat, skype, whats-app with you?
Will you feel my tears?
Will you dance at my heartbeats?

LOVE's reply:

I'm not free
I've my own agenda to follow
You just have to follow me
Whatever you want of me
Once I'm born in you
Ask within you
I'll be present in hearts
Within you & your beloved!
Dictionary of Sufiyana LOVErz

My BELOVEDz is the most praise worthy

My LOVE is an act of
Seeking forgiveness from my BELOVEDz

Baraka-Zr-U Feek
LOVERz prays
God/dess/Nature's blessing
To bestow on the BELOVEDZ

I'm re-born
In the name of my BELOVEDz

Indeed the birth of a LOVERz
Marks the existence of a BELOVEDz
Indeed a LOVERz
Belongs to BELOVEDz

My LOVE is a grace for
Rewarding all the goodness of the world

La Ilaha-il-Zr
In this world there is no one
Who has illuminated my soul
And is worthy of worship
Other than my BELOVEDz

My God/dess' will

My existences seeks refuge from God/dess
Within my BELOVEDz existence

Radhi-Zr-U Anhu
May my LOVE bring
Good future on my BELOVEDz
That everything of Nature
That everyone of Nature
Is always pleased with my BELOVEDz

Other than LOVERz
No one is anointed
To be the Messenger of LOVE

Sa-Zr-U Sallam
May my LOVE bring peace
To the soul of my BELOVEDz

My BELOVEDz is the one
Who is without errors

My LOVE is a prayer to God/dess
For blessing mercy on my BELOVEDz

*In LOVE, BELOVEDz is the greatest

What an "ANGELUS" time it is
These times of LOVE

The "SALATS" of the moment
embraces everything around us

Is it the "FAJR" of birds kissing?
Is it the "ASR" of cats stretching?
Is it the "MAGHRIB" of peacocks screams?

Those are the sound of LOVE I suppose

I can see on the cheeks
The wetness of the kiss
That has not dried yet

Who is the LOVE
(BELOVEDz /  LOVERz) who causes
The tears swell in the eyes
Of the one who LOVES?

Why is the eagerness to touch
The bare shoulders so enticing?

Why the heart longs to
drown into LOVE
(BELOVEDz / LOVERz) core?

Placing one's face on the lap
The flower smells jasmine rains

Close eyes and experience my LOVE
When I seal your pores with my lips?

Can I sing you lullabies
When you sleep besides me peacefully?

Can I snap a new art sculpture
Out of your hair every morning?

Forget your thoughts
While feeling my LOVE
By being in LOVE with me

Why the words become worthless
When we share
A common breathing between our lips?

Who is listening to the music
Of our heart-beats?

Why do roses rain over us
When we share our chromosomes?

Who are they?
There, below the waterfalls
Behind the mountain caves
The two magical unicorns in LOVE?

Who will pray "TEFILLAH"
When we are in
Ultimate union of LOVE?

Who will "TENEBRAE" our lives
To illuminate our souls?

So that we "THEOPHANY" the

Now tell me...

Will the clouds answer our LOVE-call?
Will the first ray of sun ever find us?
Will the moon ever illuminate dark lives?
Will the stars sparkle over our springs?
Will the dew drop give birth to seedlings?

To save the cosmos & planet EARTH
Let us embrace into
Single semantic of LOVE

Don't say "NO" to LOVE
LOVE, being in LOVE & LOVING
Giving & receiving LOVE
Is not in your hands or mine

Ours is just a very short life
Of less than 100 years we live
Within the billion light-years of LOVE
So don't be so proud of your being
Don't carry on the EGO within
Thus don't say "NO" to LOVE

We are just a tiny molecules of dust
That floats around aimlessly
It settles, becomes wet,
Sticks on something
Dries and flies again
Seeking for LOVEz
In search of a BELOVEDz
So before the dust flies
Away from your life
Don't say "NO" to LOVE

All your dreamZ of life
Will die a cold death
All of seeking of "self"
Would never happen without LOVE
So don't say "NO" to LOVE

All the colors of the world you see
The rainbow spectrum around you
All will disappear with life & work
Imbibe the colors of LOVE
In our hearts
That will stay beyond our death
So don't say "NO" to LOVE

Just chant the name of
Everyday, every time
Till you breathe your last
You will be blessed with
Showers and floods of LOVE
So don't say "NO" to LOVE

Just let one dew drop of LOVE
Fall on my soul during this life
And let your birth be resurrected
So don't say "NO" to LOVE

The one who LOVEz
For them -
LOVE is the shore
LOVE is the drowning
LOVE is the abyss
LOVE is the sails

Just take a hug & a kiss
And live a slice of heavens
Just for that sake...
Don't say "NO" to LOVE

Please tell us about
How we are supposed to
Cut the distance between
BELOVEDz and LOVERz soul?
Now they can't stay away
From each other's LOVEz
So never say "NO" to LOVE

No wonder the rebellious
Birds of LOVE
Sings the songs of
LOVEz Revolution
There are no leaves remaining
Just dry branches and thorns
Where will BELOVEDz - LOVERZ
Go to build their LOVEz nest?
So never say "NO" to LOVE

Nor this life will remain
Nor this birth
Nor the youthfulness
Nor the passions
Nor the work or friends
Nor the time will come
For the LOVE to happen again
Nor will the fate
Make us meet at the time & place
The way we have met NOW
So don't say "NO" to LOVE

Be prepared to leave everything
For one BELOVEDz- LOVERz wish
Let LOVE take over your life
A vast ocean of infinite LOVE
That awaits for us
To take a plunge in its fire

The day when...
BELOVEDz - LOVERz eyes will meet
Just a gaze of LOVE is enough
To last for a millennium longing
That day will be Christmas
That day will be Diwali
That day will be Eid
So don't say "NO" to LOVE

Just surrender every bit
At the feet of BELOVEDz - LOVERz
What is the use of this world
These birds, these flowers
These trees, these mountains
These rains, clouds and sea
Without being in LOVE today?

Only the one who LOVEz
Really is alive in the world

So we are thankful & grateful
Let us show our gratitude
To each other
For being blessed with LOVE
For letting LOVE happen in this life
Yes, let us show the world that
We will never said "NO" to LOVE

I never tell you to stay with me
I never force you to reply to me
But I fear being alive without YOU

Though I never show it to you
I know that YOU know it too

YOU know I LOVE YOU so much
YOU know everything of my LOVE -
Don't YOU?


You are aware of every little thing
I experience in your LOVE
Please never ever think
Of leaving me & going away

I am alive in wait of YOU
I am showing patience
Till you find courage

I am not at all that bad
As everyone thinks
YOU know that - don't you?

Whenever life brings little
Happiness, smiles and joys
My eyes look out for YOU
I want YOU to be with me
In those happy moments

Whenever life brings lots of
Grief, sadness, sorrow
My eyes look out for you
I want you to
Hold me from falling

I never want pity & charity
In return of my LOVE for YOU
YOU know everything of my LOVE -
Don't YOU?

Though I never let the world know
What I am feeling inside me
YOU know how much I LOVE YOU
I always want to be with YOU

I never tell you to stay with me
I never force you to reply to me
But I fear being alive without YOU

Though I never show it to you
I know that YOU know it too

YOU know I LOVE YOU so much
YOU know everything of my LOVE -
Don't YOU?

You snow on me
As the snowflakes sparkle
On every illuminated moonlight
Your LOVE pierces deep into my soul

It is your smile
That engulfs me like ocean waves
It is your eyes
That imprisons my heart
With every twinkling blink

You tie a knot of your heels
Around my waist
YOU sprinkle me
With the gold dust dew
That shines on my body

You leave behind fragrance
From those dew drops that
Fall from your perspiration
That ultimately emits
Scent from my pores

What should I call you?
The Golden peacock
Or the Angel rainbow?

It happens in the nights
When I melt in you
It is the feeling of
Being part of you
That enchants me
And anchors me in you

How can I share those
DreamZ with you?

Where you take me in
In those secret chambers of your womb
Where no one has ever been...

You are fire inside,
Erupting volcano outside
I lick those lava
To taste your being
...and dissolves my EGO

Every night, your breath is fresh
Like lavender menthol and spice
How I wish for those deep kisses
When you have blended
Your breathe in mine

The breathe you blow
In my mouth
Smells like Jasmine
And tastes like nectar

Now how do you think
I can live this life
Without annihilating within your being?

How can I tell you
All that we do in LOVE?

Every night
I am lost in your being
Every morning
I wake up from your LOVE

Pulling my being out from yours
Is such an excruciating pain
My heart begs and longs for you
The moment I am separated from you

The thought of your LOVE
Has left a smile on my soul
And heavy pain in my heart

Why are you silent now?
Where is your truthful soul
That LOVE-connects with me?

What should I say to you
The struggles I have endured
Not even a diseased dog
Not even a person sent to HELL
Has suffered!

To see you once
I have to live a life-time

To talk with you
I have to get educated

To touch you
I have to upbring myself to be the best

To shake hands with you
I've to pray with folded hands

I worship you
With so much devotion
I came to LOVE you
But my temple of LOVE
Was demolished in a whim
My heart was ripped apart
My wretched soul
Cut into pieces
I cried unending tears

I - an unbeliever
Now sing and beg
Come to my rescue
To crush this hellish fate of mine

Come like a wind
To dry my tears
Come like a storm
To blow my sorrow
Come like a flood
To flow my fears away

So that the chapter of my fate
Would take a turn

And I would again dream
of being with you
This birth
My cup of life
is one quarter filled
Without pouring
three quarter of your LOVE into it
How can I ever
Drink my cup of Life?
We were LOVERS
The very same LOVERS
On the angelic path

In the full moon night
Surfing on the white wave
Both of us wearing white clothes
We merged ourselves in the oceanic white
In the white moonlight

And sometimes
During the pitch dark nights
Among the dark shaded tree
Amidst the flying black bats
We lit fire
And sparkled the crackling ebony
Like fire-works in liquid night

And within this two spheres
We knew our beings
Would find its blood red color
Amidst the white and black
Within each other's LOVE

We flowed RED
With passion
And painted our bodies
Inside - out
Like fragrant sandalwood

This is the LOVE
The very same LOVE
Every LOVER is bound to LIVE...
My Love is the infinity to Your Soul
Your Soul is the infinity to my Love
Boundless are both...
Inaccessible are they
To external eyes
That which is boundless
Can only be felt by that which is boundless
One that is infinite
Can be captured by that which is infinite
Which mechanism but union of two souls
Can be the the measure of true Love?
It is when the musical dance of union takes place
Ecstasy of Nirvana is born...

Education is
Not only knowing
That one who LOVES
Suffers in pain

This education will only
Stop you from LOVING

It is also about knowing:
Who are these people
Who are against LOVE?
Why, how & what
They do to make
The one who LOVEz suffer?

Knowing this is important
So that in future
Not only one avoids
Repeating the same mistakes
Of history's wrong-doing

But also one learns and
Understands the importance of
What it takes to care, be kind
Be compassionate, have empathy
To save and to heal
The one who LOVES

It is all about
LOVING the person

Real Education is also about
Letting go of one's EGO
Breaking walls of one's prisons
And letting LOVE happen

In the terrain of a barren forest
In the forlorn of a lost ship
In the godforsaken-ness of fate
In the inhospitality of people

Either sides of the dunes

There walks Majnun, in rugged clothes
There sings Meera, in wedded bliss
Both - immersed in the dreams of LOVEz

Both delicate, both innocent
Both pure, both true
Both fresh - like budding blooms

Both living in harmony with Nature
Waiting for Krishna's and Layla's arrival
Knowing their BELOVEDz will come

Both - still intoxicated in LOVE
Half closed, drowsy eyes,
Blurred vision, drunkard steps
They walk, dance, sing and fall
Awaiting their LOVERz call

Don't show complete callousness
Do not wake these LOVERz at all
From their disconsolate state of being
Let a dust-storm or lash of rain
Shake their heart and being
As if Krishna and Layla
Have shaken their soul awake

Startled at the LOVER'z touch
Meera and Majnun look around,
Astonished & glancing everywhere
Searching to find their LOVERz
"Where is Krishna? Where is Layla?"
They run wild - deliriously mad

Until they find a mirage & a silhouette
In the blank space of air around them

There they rest - sit and talk
They laugh and chat in LOVE

Only we realize and know that
There is no one around them

Yet only they can see their LOVERz
Only they can feel their BELOVEDz
To play a colorful game of LOVE

Let Krishna give Meera a kiss
Let Meera twirl one more round
Let Layla peck Majnun cheeks
Let Majnun sing one more new ballad

Thus till date they are remembered
As tragedy folk-lore's LOVE
Our tragic LOVERz-BELOVEDz
Our Meera-Majnun

All these happens on
Either sides of the dunes

There, There
Comes my LOVE
in form of beauty
In the form of soulful eyes
In the form of fragrant breeze

And I know
Here comes my demise of death
Now I'm ready to live LIFE happily

Here, Here
My heart jumps out of my body
My soul connects with another being
My body falls away earthwards
Can you see me fly?

Give way, Give way
Mountains, clouds, moon and stars
I'm soaring up to heaven now

Move aside, Move aside
Oh Paradise
I'm coming to Heaven

Thank you, Thank you
Thank You

You granted me the boon
Every being is waiting for
Now I need not fear death anymore

For the first time, For the first time
I am going to kiss my BELOVED
from whom I was separated
Since the day we were born

I've arrived, I've arrived
Within your arms Beloved

Embrace me.... EMBRACED!


The burden of Your LOVE

Is so sweet within/on me

My swollen/bitten lips

Your teeth mark on

My chest and thighs

The sweet itching

Of sensual pleasures

At places I can't even say


I know it's not

Engraved within/ on me forever

Like a permanent tattoo

So I ask YOU for the same

Come to LOVE me

Everyday, every night

To engrave me with

Your sweet LOVE marks

Of your natural pleasures

You leave behind

On me, my body

And on my helpless soul


With the advent of TRUE LOVE
Painful tears of longing flow FREE
The one who understands
The peace & pleasures of LOVE pain
Smiles the best & leaves the rest...
To join the ranks of
Enlightened LOVE soul

What's the use of
Those who find LOVE in
Convenience, safety & comfort of
Friends, relatives & colleagues
Education, status, wealth
Position, power and fame?

The one who is FREE and OPEN
To let LOVE happen by accident/ fate
With trust, faith and honesty
Will sparkle the stars, rise the sun
The bow the moon & soar wings in flight

Those are the ones whose LOVE
Will be remembered for ages
They will join the ranks of
Enlightened LOVE soul

LIFE is always an illusion
Build on the greed of human selfishness
LIFE, living & work will always
Leave you high and dry because
It never serves the real purpose of birth


LOVE presents YOU - Your LOVER
LOVE presents YOU  - Your BELOVED
LOVE presents YOU
The only experience of death
With every moment of living

LOVE embraces all the pain
Grief, sorrow and anguishes
LOVE presents YOU with answers
Of the real purpose of our birth
That's how the world will know
Enlightened LOVE soul

Life lures us with all comforts & luxuries
LOVE presents us with love longings & pain

Life is a mode of imprisonment and slavery
LOVE is the nature of FREEDOM & liberty

The one who will break the chain of LIFE and
Sing the songs and dance in LOVE's longing
Will be blessed with the title of
Enlightened LOVE soul

Picking the threads of LOVE memories
By weaving my mornings and evenings
That is how I've survived eternity
By unconditionally LOVING YOU

Though I meet you within me every moment
Still I long for you day and night

You took away my life to live for yourself
And left me with a paper and pen
To write YOU letters, quotes and poems every day

You took away the blood out of my veins
And kept me alive on your drips of LOVE

You took away my breathe from my body
And filled me with fragrance of your being

You took yourself away from me
And left behind your SOUL within me

You walk away from my heart
But with every step you took
You traveled back within (inside) me
Carving imprints of your LOVE-feet
Over my mind, body, heart & soul

Everywhere I look - I search for YOU
You are not present physically
Yet I can only see - YOU, You, you
In everything I look at...

You rendered my heart in black & white
Yet I draw you everyday with
The colors of your LOVE that
You left on my illuminated heart's palette

We do not sleep together on the same bed
Yet I make sure that you do not sleep without
Listening to my LOVE lullaby every night

Come and see -
In and around me
YOU sparkle like stars in my night-sky
YOU shine like the bright moon outside my window
YOU adorn colorful flowers in my day-garden

YOU took away my strength to walk in life
Yet YOU usher me slowly
Step by step - teaching me
To walk within your SOUL

You took away my strength to talk confidently
But taught me to sing a LOVE song for YOU

YOU left with me a bunch of paper flowers
I dip them into my blood
And present them back to YOU every morning
Representing the LOVE of real and alive
Beautiful flowers of our LOVE

I do not know about others who are with YOU
But you make my world go round
By just your mere presence on this earth

Though the world sees me aloof-alone all the time
Still everyone who sees me
Calls me as your TRUE LOVERz
And calls me only by your name...

*These are the Eternal truths of our LOVE
Tied as threads with which
We weave our LOVE story*
LOVE can happen not merely
By touch, words, and beauty
But even by a glance, a fragrance and pathos
So proclaimed Eros

Did it now become clear
That within each one of us resides

When the LOVE of
East meets West
North meets South
Everything merges
with LOVE

Thus the wisdom of LOVE
never dies

Amidst classes, castes
sects, regions, gender & age
The core of LOVE
Always endures itself

Let us all promise
To light the flame of LOVE
Within our heart
Let us LOVE
Without hesitation
Let us not reject
Anyone's LOVE

Love is the purest gift of GOD

One truth is clear to us now
From the bereft of sunrise
Rises LOVE
From the lorn of moonlight

For those possessing LOVE within
Even a Coal is SUN

Even if
We are thousand miles apart

Even if
I am the sea & you the desert

Even if
Our worlds are different

Even if
Sometimes we are smiling and
Sometimes we are crying

Even if
For a moment
We don't think of each other

Even if
The seven seasons changes forms

Even if
The seven colors rainbow disappears

Even if
The child forgets to cry during birth

Even if
A child forgets to smile seeing mother

Even if
Sun and the moon break
Their rise & set  paths above the earth

Even if
The dark clouds don't rain

Even if
The flowers don't swing with light breeze

Even if
The birds don't fly the high skies

Even if
The stars don't shine and sparkle

Even if
The water stops flowing downstream

Even if
The apple does not fall down

Even if
EVE and Adam did not eat the forbidden fruit

Our LOVE will be alive
Our LOVE will remain as it is
Our LOVE will never die
Our LOVE will be ETERNAL


You are the bone of my bone
And flesh of my flesh
I am taken out from you
You are taken out from me

Genesis 2.23

One understands
The fairness of
"Everything is FAIR in LOVE & War..."

Just introspecting that extra dimension
I'm living besides my BELOVED
From morning till night

Wake up with such an uneasy feeling
Of being besides my beloved
Take bath and feel
As if you are pouring water
On my Beloved's body
Look into the mirror
And you see the reflection of your BELOVED
Dress up and try multiple combinations of styles
Hoping it will be liked by BELOVED
On the way, lost in dream of your BELOVED
Whether you are in public transport
Walking or driving
Your eyes are transfixed
During tea-breaks & snacks
Try to be as close and near
In vicinity of your BELOVED's vision
Even an exchange of
Hi-Hello gives so much cheers...
And how about
Taking every opportunity of
Being of some help to the BELOVED
I can lay down my eyes, heart
And even life on BELOVED's path
And when I come back home
And plant so many kisses
On my invisible BELOVED
I carry along with my BLOVED
I talk alone, pamper my BELOVED
Sometimes even scold for no reason
And then apologize and say sorry

During nights, hug to a pillow
Feeling BELOVED is sleeping besides
I become a puppy and curl up
To my BELOVED's body
And I talk of stars and moon
TEll my BELOVED stories
Till we fall asleep
Getting up in the middle of the night
Thinking of BELOVED
Seeing everything in darkness
Searching and realizing
I am still alone

And whatever I'm doing is due to LOVE
"Everything is fair in LOVE and whatever..."

The BELOVEDz is inside YOU
YOU are inside your BELOVEDz

The LOVER is inside YOU
YOU are inside your LOVER

The cosmos is everywhere
Inside, out and around YOU

There is nothing in LIFE
You wish to claim

No empowerment, No success
No wealth, No power
No experience, No security
No rights, No equality

All that is sensed
Between YOU & your BELOVED
Is the cosmic dance
Of Consciousness

I, ME and MINE
Dissolves in the moment of
That union of LOVE

The reality of LOVE transcends
All and every
Existential Experiential

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