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Maciej Cacha Feb 2021
Your whispers keep me awake.
I want to sleep.
I need to sleep.
You're soft, but all this is fake.
Soon it will come.
It has to come.
You're putting my life at stake.
Exhaustion kills.
This pillow kills.
Your lies won't give me a break.
My arm, so red.
I'll sleep when I'm dead.
Maciej Cacha Feb 2021
I hate you.
I always have
And I always will.
You've never given me nothing, but stress.
Nothing, but pain.
Nothing, but fear.
From the very beginning I was scared.
Scared of death.
Scared of you.
You, who takes it all away,
As you look all of us straight in the eyes
And do nothing, but say with your heartless silence
"I am your master, now bow to me".
But I shan't bow no more.
I've had enough.
My own path is forged with more pain and suffering.
The pain that is better than your voice.
The suffering that won't bow to your commands.
I'm scared.
But that fear means nothing to me anymore.
I hate you.
Maciej Cacha Jan 2021
Though we thought that our journey was over,
I see a light of a new adventure.
Though we thought we would not meet again,
The stars have aligned in our favor.
The fanfares are so loud, I feel pride.
I am looking where I have to go.
To get back to the place where I come from.
To the place where we all belong.
I can see them, right on the horizon,
All the people I've left behind.
Now it's time for me to come forth
And make the best of what I have in mind.
Maciej Cacha Jan 2021
My head can solve equations.
My heart can make them come true.
But you're this little problem,
Resulting in something new.
Maciej Cacha Jan 2021
Heal me, oh, heal me.
Why is the pain still there?
Feel me, oh, feel me.
Feel the bumps on my back and my neck.
Steal me, oh, steal me.
Though I know I have no real worth.
**** me, oh, **** me.
Erase the scars of my birth.
Maciej Cacha Jan 2021
As the darkness consumes me with all of its might,
I pray for a glimmer, a spector of light.
The weeping is loud, it comes from all sides,
But nothing is true, this echo, those cries.
Invisible stairs, they won't leave me be.
I follow the voices, since I cannot see.
I've punctured my hands, my feet, and my face,
So my blood surrounds where I rest my case.
I know no one's searching, since I chose this path.
How deep is the delve? Have I dug enough?
Maciej Cacha Jan 2021
So fluffy, so soft,
Above my small head.
So little, alone,
A long awaited bed.
Pure white and yet blue,
On a paper sheet.
So little, like you,
A cloud just like me.
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