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May 2013 · 789
mc May 2013
I can picture us fitting together so nicely
my fingers interlocked with yours
and your intoxicating smiles meant only for me

you’ve been dominant in my heart for so long
I’m not sure how anyone could take your place
and I don’t think anyone ever will

some days my overwhelming feelings
give me a few seconds of courage around you
but then I get scared and can’t manage to say hello
and avoid the eyes that so regularly fill my dreams

we could be perfect
but I can’t bring myself to let you know
May 2013 · 517
soul mates
mc May 2013
I don’t think I’ve ever believed in soul mates
that there’s a person out there whose heart beats only for mine

but then I met you

and you smiled that terrible smile
laughed that horrible laugh
and promised me the whole **** world

making me fall in love with

I think you’ve taught me that soul mates really do exist

— The End —