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Marka Acton Aug 2015
Suspended, hovering
Above the buildings of power
Skyscrapers, temples, monuments
Turning in all directions
Horizon mountains, meadows
Or endless cityscape
Downward rooftops, cars
Night view reveals roadways
Like flowing arteries, veins
An angels view from heaven.

Camera shifts
View now from within
A park on a busy corner
Kids laughing, playing ball
Hear their joy.
Turning, veering
Woman sitting by fountain, crying
Feel her pain.
One with all in that moment and time.
God within us.

Scanning upward, a man
On a balcony waving down
Directly toward camera.
A smile, welcoming
Brings joy and lifting of spirit
Though he cannot see me
It makes a desire rise
Wanting to do the same for him
Why prayer, praising God
Brings such value to ones life.

"Beloved, we are God's children now; what we shall be has not yet been revealed. We do know that when it is revealed we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is."                 1 John 3:2
StumbleUpon sent me a site:
My computer has suffered no ill effects.
It is amazing- so many cities and places to visit.
Marka Acton Aug 2015
The divorce is final
Legally it is changed
But until notices are sent
I have two names.

Moving time has come
So many items to be discarded
The rest is carried on
Possessions lost in two homes.

Have always worked in accounting
Volunteered whenever possible
Applications sent, wanting to serve others
Between two jobs?

On this difficult journey I learned
That God is absolutely real
We are never just one
Always, at least two.
Marka Acton Aug 2015
Theory has it
Our universe is vibrating filament
Membranes of energy.
Includes supernumerary
Connecting particles.
The words of science articles.

Faith traditions have always called-
How life energy flows through us all.
The angels carry their harps
Vibrating strings, touching hearts.
Other dimensions, better or worse.
Just new words to an ancient verse.
Is Van Gogh's painting "Starry Night" a representation of of stellar turbulence, not yet known/defined in his time?  Are physics and particle accelerators providing proof of what the oldest books have always said? "There shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon and in the stars" Luke 21:25
Marka Acton Jul 2015
He came in the night
Calling from the darkness
Sharing, always instructing
Helping improve her skills.

She is focused, attentive,
Desperate to learn
Becoming the best she can
Until, one day called to perform.

His song unfolds through her.
Becoming so much more,
She now sings the high notes
With a pure vibrato.

"I will bless the Lord who gives me counsel, who even at night directs my heart." Psalm 16: 7
When I saw the Phantom of the Opera, I was stuck by how the movie reflected what my relationship with the Lord had always been.
Mostly like those who don't want to hear. Then, like those chasing Him, not know what they are looking for. Until one day realizing he was that voice always with me, especially in the dark.
Marka Acton Jun 2015
It seems like a good idea,
A universal common currency,
Available to everyone.

It seems like a good idea,
Quarks are the basic building blocks
Of all atoms and molecules.

It seems like a good idea,
With the right energy they can
Convert into anything.

It seems like a good idea,
To recycle all to quarks.
No waste. Available upon demand.

It seems like a good idea,
Storage piles by type.
Up, down, straight, charmed, bottom and top.

It seemed like a good idea,
Until realizing everything can disappear,
“Cashed In”

It seemed like a good idea,
Even air becomes a commodity
To be sold/ controlled.

Does it seem like a good idea?
Could humanity ever be trusted?
Marka Acton Jun 2015
The hurt had been there for so long.
Never seemed to be any reprieve.
All efforts seeking comfort; doctors, medications
Provided little relief.
Certainly not suicidal,
But so very tired, lost.

He was there, she had heard about Him,
The stories could not be true could they?
He was just a man, like any other,
But somehow, different, so much more.
Without understanding; she knew,
He was the one.

He was her grasp at hope.
If only she could somehow get near Him.
He had healed others; forgiveness.
She only had to reach out
And touch the hem of His garment.
Then…a miracle.....the endless bleeding stops.

Matthew 9:21-22
She was thinking to herself, “If I can just put a finger on his robe, I’ll get well.” Jesus turned—caught her at it. Then he reassured her: “Courage, daughter. You took a risk of faith, and now you’re well.” The woman was well from then on.
Marka Acton Jun 2015
I grew up in a time of gold.
14 ct. gold jewelry was desired.
Brass fixtures were shiny and popular.
We reached for door handles that were golden.

Then design began to darken.
The bright reflection was antiqued away.
Eventually aged to bronze,
Until darkening to a wise old black.

Working with my daughter,
I have found she grew up in silver.
Silver jewelry, picture frames and faucets.
Her world is white, nickel and gray.

The perspective is hard for me to grasp.
How does one immersed in gold begin to see silver?
And how do I share with her the value of
14 ct. gold as it has aged?
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