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lynn karen Oct 2016
I remember the old tree with apples galore
Which lived in our garden right near the back door
His branches were twisty with all sorts of knots
With fruit to feed many, from a time once forgot!

He looked really posh with his head in the air
And he was my friend and long hours we did share
Up high in his branches where birds sometimes flew
In a make believe kingdom where dreams did come true!

When needing escape from the trivia’s of school
I’d climb high in his branches and wept like a fool
I’d tell him my downfalls and he’d lend me his ear
Then he’d rock me so gently, and away went all fear!

The old house we lived in was too old for repair
Then an order was served, to evict us from there
In the garden of my childhood where things came to pass
Mere mortal and nature,with a fondness to last!

So I’ll remember the old tree with apples galore
Whom lived in our garden right near a back door
There was more to the old tree than apples or wood
His branches held comfort, and his heart had much love!

© by LynnKaren
lynn karen Oct 2016
Under the moonlight the creatures all glare
At a beautiful Fairy with rich Autumn hair
She crunches the leaves under foot where she treads
As she dances and giggles at the stars overhead!

This beautiful creature in a dress olive green
Comes out to play when the humans do dream
With mind like a child and a voice like a harp
She skips and she sings for the creatures of dark!

The mesmerised Hedgehogs, a line dance do they
Kicking their heels in the cold yellow hay
Most creatures around all decide to join in
Laughing and wearing their best Autumn grins!

Sweet Nellie Owl gives a “Twittery twoo!”
And she opens her wings to applaud all they do
Then all of the moths with formation of wings
Glide past with valour making circles of wind!

Then gusts stir the leaves in the chill of the night
And the beautiful Fairy just smiles with delight
She knows the display we’ll wake up to at morn
Golden leaves at our feet as the Autumn's now born!

© By LynnKaren
lynn karen Oct 2016
Dear little Molly sweet child of our land
Dressed in a flowing robe the colour of sand
Walking for miles with a sweet tally-**
Golden hair on her shoulders, her body aglow

Her feet are all bare without any sandals
Her fist full of petals is what she must handle
Tears are cascading full of affection
An Angel to guide her and to give her direction

Innocent tears and they have their use
Washing the victim who’s suffering abuse
She creeps into bedroom’s, stands firm like a tower
To minister and scatter the remains of her flower

Red petals are dancing to ease some dismay
All full of wonders to brighten their day
Gathering above making beautiful patterns
Erasing their minds of the pain which has happened

The news the next day said a child of just seven
Was beaten to death and got taken to Heaven
Inscribed on her tombstone was “Here lies young Tess,
A beautiful flower, Now this Angel CAN REST!”

Dear little Molly with wings tally-**
Treads in the Heavens with a friend whom she knows
Molly and Tess are much stronger together
Beautiful Angels, both God’s flowering TREASURES!

© By LynnKaren
lynn karen Oct 2016
Little John And The Bird

Deep inside of the forest the creatures all despair
The sound of gunshots echoes throughout the morning air
Time was hunting season and the animals were forlorn
Accept for one young Tiger who’s heart was surely torn!

The men that held the boom machine was getting real near
Yet little John the Tiger had not much time to fear
He watched his Mama weeks ago when hunting for her pray
She lain inside a pool so red, these words he heard her say!

“Dear Lord please watch my little John, make his spirit strong
Please be there to comfort him, and let his days be long
Although I’m dying needlessly to make someone’s attire
They know not what they have done.” Her breath then expires!

The ground now shakes the birds awake a scurrying of wings
A flocking of the fearful kind the sound of shrills in spring!
Upon the floor small feathers fall, no chorus had these birds
Yet still John lays in wait alone, no roar from him was heard!

A massive breeze of tiny wings lands right at John’s side
A baby bird with eyes of tears then onto John she flies
“Please don’t eat me Master John, my Mamma I can’t find.”
Upon the ground her feathers laid, John roars at Humankind!

She spread her wings to hide her eyes, something felt amiss
So much fear as John drew near then upon her head he kissed
A man approaches with his gun, with hatred in his eyes
A trophy for him so he thought! the little bird then sighs!

John leaps to save this tiny bird, his roar was ever bold
He killed the gunman with one swipe, his temper now runs cold
He lifts the bird upon his back, then told her not to fear
As in his heart this bird has grown as he gulps back on his tears!

Inside of the deep forest, where darkness once did live
Two faithful friends hearts now shine as they learnt how to forgive
There Mama’s watches them with joy, from way up high above
As now deep inside the forest, two friends now share their love!

© By LynnKaren
lynn karen Jul 2016
Shall I tell you what I think of
If ever I feel blue
I picture Grandma’s slippers
Or what they used to do!

They danced when they were happy
And slouch when they felt sad
Then skipped and made a funny twirl
Whenever they were glad!

Sometimes I’d watch them constantly
If Grandma was in bed
And wonder why they didn’t move
Without my Grandma’s legs!

I knew if Grandma wasn’t well
Her slippers slept nearby
They looked so sad and lonely
At times they made me cry!

I thought her slippers were like dogs
As they were warm and sweet
They looked just like my Grandma
And crowned her very feet!

Her slippers always made me feel
They loved my Grandma too
As they were always with her
Always loyal, and so true!

So if ever YOU feel lonely
And don’t know what to do
Picture Grandma’s slippers
And they might just comfort YOU!

© By LynnKaren
lynn karen Jul 2016
In her make believe world, she lives in her dreams
To escape from reality, where slates are made clean
With her make believe family, laying under one roof
Nobody can harm them, as they live just for TRUTH!

Where pain is no longer, just a breed of good health
With no need for money, no longer bad stealth
In this make believe haven, with the grass evergreen
Where love is the answer, and yet she still DREAMS!

Where thoughts are no longer, unclear nor opaque
Translucent and truthful without deceit nor heartbreak
Mistakes can be rectified, they just clean out the mind
Then absolve all the hatred, to enrich it with KIND!

In her make believe world, just LOOK how she shines!
Futile is extinguished, all the wars left behind
Together as one unit, where they don’t walk alone
So she stays in a coma, to return never, HOME!

© By LynnKaren
lynn karen Jul 2016
Perhaps there is a reason why you’re no longer here
I cannot help but question as reasons bring me fears
A little dot upon the Earth not getting chance to grow
Perhaps there is a reason? But we will never know!

Perhaps there is a reason why life can be so cruel
I wish I had the answers but we can’t make the rules!
I’ll send my tears to God above so he can feel my pain
Perhaps there is a reason why you could not remain!

Perhaps there is a reason the hurt we all go through
The Dear Lord gave us time to know an Angel just like you
You lit my world and made it bright by coming here to stay
Perhaps there IS A REASON! And it’s one last breath away!

© By LynnKaren

— The End —