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Lucille Flott Jan 2014
Girl listens to mirror
Girl injects boy into skin
Girl heal
Girl cry
Mascara tugs down face
Hands diagnose
Boy tug
Girl heal
Mirror prevent
Lucille Flott Jan 2014
Getting away from the monstrosity

is like digging to China
in the back yard as a child

The first scoop of earth

A hope

A grand idea
One foot down,

You reach to touch

 cool dark soil

only to realize

it feels the same as when you began

Seething with disappointment
You dig further 

clawing through tree roots ravenously
As they crumble beneath your grip

You look up
To find the sun dazzling above you
But the worms and dank earth
Under your feet

A grandiose city
 nowhere to be found

The top is ten 

feet up
You dig your fingers into the soil
Dirt beckoning under your nails

You scream for help 

The hole


have dug

traps any sound you attempt to croak out

The only way to escape
is to clamber up

The monstrous hole to China
Lucille Flott Dec 2013
What if mirrors
are just projections of
somebody else
wants us
to see ourselves as
Lucille Flott Dec 2013
Remember when Geetawks were scary?
And dropping a jug of milk was the saddest part of your day?
And putting on your superhero masks was the time of your life?

I'm not sure you ever really took those off.

I don't know what the saddest part of your day is now.
But I know I can make it a little less scary.
Lucille Flott Dec 2013
Eat to live
Live to eat
These are the choices laid out in front of me
Example A:
-Eat half an apple, throw the rest away
My mind is full, but my stomach is not
Dear Girl,
You've had enough today
My stomach is empty
But I'm still growing out
Maybe just one more bite...
But don't forget the calorie count
It's ok, I'll just run later tonight

And then, there's Example B:
-I'll have this waffle, with a shake, and maybe some fries,
Who cares what I eat
We're all going to die

But as I shove Example B into my mouth
I can't help but hate that I'm going to be stout
Lucille Flott Dec 2013
Things were better with you
But better without you
I let my love seep through and through
Until I didn't know what else to do
But run and hide
From all of the things inside
I left you stranded
With my heart in your hand
Where I will never get you or it back
In forever land

You ran through me like electricity
To find that somebody loved me
What a weird word to say
What an awful game to play
Love is not a battlefield
It's outer space
Scary and unknown
An idea we love to chase

Tell me you've found a love
but still have my heart
stashed away somewhere
probably torn apart
She rescued you from forever land
And gave you hope to breathe
The air filled your lungs
And left my heart to seethe

So I suppose things were better with you

this isn't finished.....but.,....any creative  juices i have left are gone..
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