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Jul 2012 · 421
Liz Anne Jul 2012
I'm not offering apologizes
         Silver eyes and long white daggers follow me
You'll have to take it as it is
         A ghost on my back I can't yet scratch
If I'm the first to leave
         Ice and pine needles make it hard to breathe
Let a new life begin
         You're living in a world where kindness isn't free
I'm not afraid of crashing
         Padded footsteps follow more than silently
Fate isn't friendly now
         Rocky ice begs to cut my palms and feet
But that's how it is
         Six and five, maybe forty more stalking me
Here's how I plan to be
         Is it really worth it to wish we'd all come clean?
If you don't like your answer
         Frozen winds call but it’s so much colder in the night
You can take it quietly
         Soft fur keeps brave hearts warm if incomplete
And leave me to the wolves
         They'll find me yet but I won't run from casualty
I hear they are content
         I too have claws that make me weak
To welcome one like me
Jul 2012 · 361
It All Makes The Difference
Liz Anne Jul 2012
I caught the bouquet
Petals and all
When I was only ten

But you kissed me
And I let it fall
I was still thirteen

You promised to be
My every need
Sixteen, I didn't believe

I sip my rosewater tea
A much better use
Of my thorny nineteen
Jul 2012 · 1.6k
To Persevere
Liz Anne Jul 2012
Sanity is no greater than one's desire to overcome reality.
Without it all one's imaginings are attainable.
And reality becomes infinite.
Jul 2012 · 6.5k
Small Town Complex
Liz Anne Jul 2012
When I say I want more
Than this small town could offer

When I say I give more
Than this small town asks of me

When I say I've loved more
Than this small town could know

When I say I need more
Than this small town wants me to

I mean to say I am more
Than this small town would let me be
Jul 2012 · 2.2k
Liz Anne Jul 2012
I can't breathe and its your fault. You are all the elephant sitting on my lungs. With each breath your weight is all the more crushing. Every little struggle makes me so close to hating you. Hate is hollowing. I have felt it. You think you can't help it, you call me cruel. Words weigh more than you'd care to know so even in that I suppose you really don't care about me. Even in that love is a flighty phrase you haven't yet used with sincerity. But you don't know it or maybe you just won't admit it. I always hope you'll each find your way but please don't sit and wait, please don't sit any longer on my lungs, for me to find my way. I've found it now, so quietly and I'm afraid, I'm overjoyed, I chose the path leading far and away.
Jul 2012 · 349
Song of the Spent
Liz Anne Jul 2012
She has a strange fascination
With the way the sun moves in the grey
I wish she could hear my song
As it floats down the mounting breeze
Then she'd know how precious
Her young heart and wise eyes will be
Jul 2012 · 898
Liz Anne Jul 2012
Things that
{a dented brass thimble}
Mean so little
To us
{a broken shard of sea shell}
Mean so much more
To those who
{a rusted and splintery shovel}
Mean the most
To us
{a hand-written grocery list}
Jul 2012 · 380
An Imaginary Plan B
Liz Anne Jul 2012
I like to keep the door open
To remember it’s there when I’m lonely

Late in the night I imagine what it would be like
If I took those first steps through

Just to pretend I know an impossibility
Leaning in close enough to see

Without ever leaving reality
But I won’t ever step a single foot through

Because I’m not always lonely
And you are never going to be there

At the start of every coming day
The only one I’m thinking about is me.
Jul 2012 · 1.5k
Liz Anne Jul 2012
I want to be where cars are dusty
And amber mocking birds live
In shades of sepia and blue
The days go on so much longer
Than I ever imagined they would
Now I stand shovel in sweaty hand
We haven't met and I've yet to bury you
Its strange how unforgotten loves
Gather dust and lust for days gone by
But I'll always remember your taste
Smoke and coffee on an icy morning
My feet sink in loose arid mud
Leather seats are supple as eyelashes
Eyes behind tinted glass under gloom
How have you slept in the bed I messed?
If I had the chance maybe I'd go back
When our Polaroid was still dark and new
In all our haste it didn't take long
For color to erase sepia and blue
Jul 2012 · 781
Liz Anne Jul 2012
Plastic, Glass, and Metal ceilings
Clocks and bars
Lend me a sip
This whole place is about to tip over
Under it all I feel the pull of the fall
Liquid Love in a crystal vase
Can’t help me be who you want to see
Midnight one
Midnight two
Orange flickers, green snickers
Spinning round round around
I’m a dreidel on the edge of a table
Waltzing suicides don’t know the ocean’s below
On the eve of this kiss
The cliff crumbles in ecstasy
‘World won’t quite let us lose it all
Keys, Cash, and Cars
Missing socks and a sky without stars
Ursa Major with a minor problem
Now it’s a habit he can’t quite kick
Orion’s belt is fastened too tight
And the seven sisters are now only six
Do you see what isn’t there?
Careful, careful the Sun thinks even the Moon is fake
But more than that Diana knows
Though to her you’re just a blunder
A wayward soul lost to deaf thunder
Drink, drug, and dalliance
By marring morning this too shall pass to you
Jul 2012 · 432
Slide I & II
Liz Anne Jul 2012
I'm beginning to think this is as unstuck as I've ever been
Every little thing and all the moments between
I don't want them wasted, I want them to scream
Seconds tick and I feel purpose slide off into the sky
Haven't you got any better places to be? Anybody left to see?
Does it all escape like bottle after bottle to the sea?
I always said I'd prepare, I swear I did it all to prepare
It would come, a ring two minutes after I open my eyes
Don't you wish you held on to everything you wanted to be?
You must regret all the dreams you let evaporate just to find
Something that would come so easy if you'd only wait
Did you think you looked enough? Found all there was to see?
How can you not sit back and wish it was all just a little bit more?

You sit so tall on the pride you built
Glory and glinting jewels of welcome travesty
Your chin upon the mountain of false accumulations
Is it easy to ask so much of me? To question all I know?
Do you know what you do to me to toss such accusations?
I have seen the back alleys of the world I call mine.
And I feel what you have yet to know: defeat.
Does it ever cross your young mind that you could fall?
That you might fall as fast as you have not yet risen?
You throw at me your soon to be opportunity
Just as I flinch to see you slide, to see your ride go
So quietly as mine did the first moment ambition blinks
How can you lay your whole happiness on one fragile wish?
Liz Anne Jul 2012
We protect our paper bills and petty cents
With two inches of impenetrable glass
But separate our sick from our healthy
With plastic thin and crumpled as paper
Jul 2012 · 504
A Crack in the Sun
Liz Anne Jul 2012
I feel a storm in my gut
It tosses and tumbles and groans against the waves
Clouds kick and thrash without the wind
Rain thick and fierce flies up
Impossibly drawn to my voice, my foggy head
My hands tighten to hold back the thunder
And lightening, oh light stings my mouth and eyes
From icy toes a deep anger resonates
Rough soles flash fury and singe my ears
I will not be cruel, I have known heartache
What I give I have received
This rain is nothing to a crack in the sun
With my storm came hammer and chisel
And now, for what you make me break, ache
You’ve given me a dull rolling hate
Pulsing and breathless a torrent on my sea
Jul 2012 · 480
Boy, You Can't Catch Me
Liz Anne Jul 2012
There's a boy in my hometown
He loves me more than anyone
Said he'd wait until the end of time
But his is the love of a child' s memory
And he can't catch one wild as me
He says he just wants a simple kiss
A quiet afternoon in the same old place
And he doesn't understand why
I spend so long starring at the moon
Or why I'll always turn and run
When we talk he says he's good
And I know all he says is true
The things he says are blatant casualty
He is steadfast and I am distant
His word is honest, he smiles carefully
But I won't be rescued or protected
I know he won't stop chasing after me
And I know I break him a little more
Each time I reach out to lock the door
But I can't help if I don't feel
Everything he swears is real
I can make him smile if I look too long
My words can hurt and heal, I know
He is young in so much younger than I
But I am long gone much too high
And all the things I crave fall to me
When I am alone and untamed
In that moment he can't see in me
Where reality collapses on fantasy
I leave him his bewildered smile
My head and heart run far and further
It's everything I ever wanted
But it's everything I want alone
So I smile and again I'll leave him
To the innocent love he'll give
There's a boy in my hometown
Who loves me longer still
After I've secretly found the freedom
He never thought was worth finding
All this he can't see inside of me
Jul 2012 · 358
In Line
Liz Anne Jul 2012
I haven't got
Anything in line
Let alone my soul
It's all somehow mine
The half-hearted schemes
My dreams of creeping insanity
And the bitter scars I have in mind
I have yet to earn my callous stripes
And I'm hoping to get my heart caught
Only to bruise my love of the already weary
Jul 2012 · 384
Like The Fingers Of A Vine
Liz Anne Jul 2012
The longer I stay ...
The more I find ...
The roots
That ground me ...
Strangle me ...
... From time to time
Jun 2012 · 364
You Can't Have Mine
Liz Anne Jun 2012
I've got something and its mine.
You can never have it.
Don't be mad.
No. Get mad.
No one ever does.
I like it when you are mad.
It means you lost control.
It means I  haven't.
It means I'm stonger than you.
It means I have it.
And you don't.
That's all I ever wanted from you.
Now I've got it.
And you can never take it away.
Jun 2012 · 281
Liz Anne Jun 2012
Where I have yet to see it
Is the most beautiful thing of all
Jun 2012 · 344
Dark Eyes
Liz Anne Jun 2012
I** have no greater desire
Than to take these rags
And tear them from you
When you look my way
I hope you see the dark
Behind my diffident eyes
Because, my darling,
If you don’t I am afraid
I might have to look away
And set another ablaze
Jun 2012 · 626
Half-truth (Burning Place)
Liz Anne Jun 2012
There's a place for me in the burning sun
Where flowers don't bloom
And winds of faith don't come

You'll find me here when the rest have gone
My legs will be your roots
And my strong arms torn

Dusted boots and myrrh and saffron songs
If I've yet to give my soul
I'll save a piece for you

A piece for me and all the shards for the end
Have you got a nickel?
Or five shiny pennies?

I always did prefer their backwards ways
The moon's on a platter
Save a slice for your day

If I say my feet and fingertips don't burn
A bitter forever I'll be a liar
But you don't want the truth

So here's a little known half-truth for you
I'll save a sunny burning place
For a boiling, bleeding two
Jun 2012 · 423
Dolls for $20
Liz Anne Jun 2012
My nails are ****** and my jaw is sore
She's smiling on the other side of that door
The road is getting longer, my feet smaller still
He has a fascination with not being loved
Her mother's pearls are tight around her neck
Friends fight and plead, all they need is you and dignity
I remember the day I sold all my dolls
All I wanted was something new I can't recall now
His wheels are spinning but he'll be around when she's gone
Even my tongue is hurting after all this time
She thinks she'll turn around one day
We don't think he'll last long enough to leave
And its their hearts I'm breaking this time around
I almost lost my grandmother's earring yesterday
His father rips him like the burning sea
Those dolls all left my hands without shoes
But I guess that's how it goes in plastic reality
Her path is a little hazy and she'll soon forget about me
I think I'd last longer if I hadn't painted my nails
Am I the only one watching us all lose grip?
Jun 2012 · 487
Down We'd Go
Liz Anne Jun 2012
If you kissed me now, I'd kiss you back.
Run my teeth across your lip.
Maybe let a little taste slip.
I'd pull my fingers through your hair.
In the silk of my back you'd find your grip.
Down we'd go into the peace.
When we're done, there will be nothing.
Nothing but the broken and bittersweet.
But now I won't think.
Now I need arms and lips and more.
I want everything I don't know.
I'll push my hands up your chest.
I've buried my soiled soul.
Here's the grave I'd lay in with you.
A feather-down headstone.
And linen caskets carry us on.
If I kissed you now, I would breakdown.
Run a blade across your hip.
Maybe let a little vengeance slip.
You'd pull your blade; we'd stop and stare.
In the leather of our skin blood would drip.
Down we'd go; into pieces.
Jun 2012 · 426
Sore As My Bones
Liz Anne Jun 2012
You have left me raw
My skin is gone
Flesh and bone exposed
I bet you're thinking
You didn’t mean to
I bet you didn't know
But even now as it is
As I lay with the sting
Of nerves made free
I know I saw your eyes
And they were clear as day
When you chipped away
At the last bits of me
I tried to be everything
I couldn't be, I tried to be
Everything to everyone
And I'm so sore
From all those things
You asked of me
I'm so sore of all
Those things you never
Thought to give to me
Jun 2012 · 815
Barefoot Army
Liz Anne Jun 2012
My soul shakes and I feel that ancient rage
It breathes in and out of my lungs
Flowing like the slight breath of smoke
After the first taste of ecstasy
Rage is not black or darkly brooding
Broken and full it burns in my veins
Fought and forced and drawn upon
Like some frigid barefoot army
Strong as I am I wouldn't and couldn't be
If not for the rage that feeds the battle cry
Ragged are the edges of my heart
Wounded, scarred, stitched and ******
All the ties that make me strong burn me
Each strength I gain I lose a little
Thick and festering I feel it flare
Scorched are the remains of what I became
Every scabbing wound you left on me
In my rage is hate, yellow as drowning green
In my rage is strength, slick as steel fencing
In my rage is love, brutal as searing live wood
Jun 2012 · 572
The Room Next to Me
Liz Anne Jun 2012
. . . There's a darkness in the room next to me . . .
. . . I'm not sure what it could be and I can't yet see . . .
. . . My heart isn't changing, it's been long since it last did . . .
. . . I know where the basement is, the attic too . . .
. . . I know the bones hang in the closet by the door . . .
. . . But I've never seen the looks of you before . . .
. . . Hair like choking coal and eyes of putrid ebony . . .
. . . Some thin breezy nights I wish you'd swallow me . . .
. . . But I haven't yet left so here I'll be, burying my soul . . .
. . . Where a devil and an angel wait patiently . . .
. . . I'd go with you now if you'd come with me . . .
. . . Please don't hurry, I left you behind to find yesterday . . .
. . . I'm not quite done yet with staining ancient history . . .
. . . Birdsongs play in cemeteries so why can't we . . .
. . . Never said I was sorry, now I guess I'll go . . .
. . . But I'll take my skeletons with me . . .
. . . Please don't forget to blink before I fly . . .
. . . Into the darkness of the room next to me . . .
May 2012 · 666
How I Built a Knight
Liz Anne May 2012
A few stiches with lacking seams
      You came to me as rough-woven fabric
      Under my fingers you were sewn in the lining

      But then you said, and I saw: walls
      So I tore it all down and found the bricks
      And I built you up again

      Red cement warned me not to pry
      With hope and grace you needed light
      In faith I tore cement away, I gave you glass
      Again I find the changing face of insecurity
      And I quickly find porcelain humanity
      Once more I made you into a finer clay

      Strength of mind and a feuding heart
      You became a gilt of silent armor
      Giving me blisters in the sun
      But for all your flighty woes and wonders  
      I never glanced away from each detail
      To find the broken platter of bending cracks

      You are burlap skin and of red brick mind
      Glass eyes and hidden sculpted mouth
      You don't shine in bruised and welded silver

      Some days I've built your mystery up annew
      I know I've torn you every way but down, you make me
      Tired, and make me scared, I won't build you up again
Liz Anne May 2012
This is no far-fetched fantasy
There is no loop this is incendiary
Every battle is just one more
Without ever going to war
Here’s the door if you want it
It’s the only way out of insanity
But there you go caring again
There you go, never letting it go
If you hadn’t seen it you never would
But there it was and there it goes
A disappearing hearse rings destiny
So here you’ll stay with fear
Here you will live with sickening
Hate, Pity, Jealousy, Pride,
And self-deprecating Insufficiency
*You can’t be everything to everyone
You can’t save them all this time around
You can’t prevent all their catastrophes
You can’t help if they don’t help themselves
You can’t hold them quietly for eternity
You can’t . . . You can’t . . . You can’t . . .
You can’t . . . You can’t . . .
You can’t . . .
May 2012 · 669
Driving Threat
Liz Anne May 2012
Tears on my steering wheel
I swore I'd never look back
This is moving faster than
I ever wanted it to
I can't see out the windshield
And I haven't the courage
To let the thunder come
Because of you even now I know
My bumper's starting to drag
But please don't listen to me
When out of injured pride I say
Just to spite the memory of you
Lightening will come my way
And I'll smile even as I say
Maybe I'll see you around
Yes, I'll find you one fine day
May 2012 · 511
Fizzle Out
Liz Anne May 2012
Fizzle out
Feign it
You're in
Wish you
The very best
In the club of lonely children
Don't you wish
You could've seen
The billboards of the long highway
Flouting your fancies
Forgetting every noisy minute
That soon you'd resent
The loss of the signs
You didn't see along the way
You brought you
To this filthy new start
The very best
Wish you'd
Feign it
I am
In too
Fizzle out
May 2012 · 467
Reanimation of the Worm
Liz Anne May 2012
My thoughts are fleeting but a worm, in all his earthly glory writhes, on occasion in my darkest depths.

Mostly hidden fodder for flight, he makes me believe the fault is mine.

He’s been there a millennia longer than my heart had courage to know.

The fissures that burst through my mind don’t throb; they come and pass, quick and jagged glass.

The flick of a tail and the bruises of silent moments become unforeseen holes in my rapier’s aim.

Slashing, swinging, gasping, grasping, before tumbling into transient loss.

And every so often my fonder thoughts fall in too, dragging them down.

Each time the little drop pulls me down, I feel him, I feel that once lifeless worm cry out: *“Doubt!”
May 2012 · 424
Going Up-Stream
Liz Anne May 2012
Convincing myself
I’m not about to drown
When I feel the waves in my lungs

I’m fighting to fly and I know I’m not falling
But still I cling to paths unnamed

I haven’t found the strength
To admit to the ghosts that memories must fade

Swimming and soaring
And all I want is to let the current
Tear and scare me away

Is there a net at the end of the gentle stream?
Or just whirlwinds of lingering green?

It’s not alright,
It’s not the path I wished I’d chosen
But I bet I’ll find my way
Back someday

Every fracture I gave
Was for the floundering fish
I leave behind
I won’t see them all again

Tides cut and tides bind
Waters tumble and some fish fly
If you don’t make it
A piece of me just might die

Where I’m going I can’t see the sea
Where I’m going
You can’t come with me

For you I jumped my lifeboat
I found happiness
In helping you to safe shores

It’s my turn now
I can’t be your buoy anymore
You wouldn’t reach for me anyway

And all the while
I wish you’d fly
I wish you’d smile
I wish you’d understand
If you fall
So will I

May 2012 · 316
The Little Things
Liz Anne May 2012
When I
Should be

                     I've never
                     Been lonely
                     When I'm

                                          You're not here
                                          When I most
                                          Need you to be

                                                             ­  It was a lie
                                                             ­  When I said
                                                            ­   I always tell
                                                            ­   The truth

When I
Should be

                     I've never
                     Been alone
                     When I'm

                                          You're still here
                                          When I don't
                                          Need you to be

                                                             ­  It was the truth
                                                           ­    When I said
                                                            ­   I always tell
                                                            ­   Lies

These are
The little things
That never hurt

Until they
Become the
Only things
That do
May 2012 · 348
Liz Anne May 2012
He never lied to her.
. . . . .
And that is a shame.
. . . .
Because now every time.
. . .
He knows she'll say his name.
. .
With that small and subtle break.
That he took so much care not to make.
Apr 2012 · 586
Liz Anne Apr 2012
Daisies billowing in the wind

Callouses on her broken hands

Peaceful plots and naïve nurseries bloom

And every blossom withers

She once left her home for someone new

Freedom forced her heart to move

She ran past dry dirt byways

As she burned through city blocks

Somewhere searching they’d find

The remnants of flight she left behind

Bristling in the last fall breeze she fractures

Long white wisps fall down her back

Her feathers take to the last bit of wind

Her full heart is breaking

For the bittersweet kiss of mortality

And for all those who will forever

Hold tight to the fallen tendrils

She first let fly under the old willow

They’ll visit her there one day

With her lost feathers in their hair
Apr 2012 · 366
My Stupid Self
Liz Anne Apr 2012
I haven't seen the sun since yesterday
But that's no excuse not to feel the pain
Without the time I didn't spend with you
I could never really be sure I'd find my own
But here I am longing to be stranded and alone
There you sit welcoming unbeknownst to her
God, I hope I'm not her but then again
Surely somewhere there is somebody who
Knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy
Who once loved a girl like my stupid self
Apr 2012 · 921
Liz Anne Apr 2012
She walks
Like there's a tiger in her thighs
Smooth, languid, and threatening
Ask her about the sun
And she'll say it hurts her eyes
Tell her she's beautiful
She'll know its almost a lie
Her lips are red
To keep you dreaming
Somewhere between
What should be
And what could be
Lean like claws
Her unwrung hands
Are rough but teasing
In the air around her
You've got every chance
But not a one will get you past
The daggers in her smile
The darkness in her laugh
Pulls you in as she saunters away
And you stare
But beneath it all
She doesn't really know
How to help you see
A Tiger Lily
Can only be free
Apr 2012 · 586
Fire Storm
Liz Anne Apr 2012
Haven't felt the insistence of the sun in too **** long
The sky ain't so happy with all that smoke floating around
But I just to had to burn it all to the ground
Green leaves scream and flutter like a dying phoenix
My wings are charred and I left your heart down below
No flowers have grown where no faith was shown
My fingertips ache from trying too hard to fall gracefully for you
And the great windmill waves good-bye with an air of hate
I wondered once what "we" could be
But I feel the ashes in my eyes and I guess that's over now
Fiery dances with no one watching and you weren't listening
Eucalyptus burns like no other, stinging sharp and choking thick
Sap and scalding passions, are your feet as scarred as mine
This is what happens when you dance on coals and kick up flames
You've burnt out while I still feed the fire storm in me
Apr 2012 · 366
Long After I'm Gone
Liz Anne Apr 2012
I'm not beautiful
But neither are you
When mountains are moved
I begin to lose sight
Of all the places I want to go
You never left me lonely
I hope you never fade away
Long after I'm gone
I hope all these mountains
Will remind you to always stay
Roots and sculpted earth remain
Long after slow and steady love
Has left its faded mark on history
Silver peaks and rolling valleys
Become cool, creaking alleys
I'm leaving you bruised and beaten
I'm leaving your mountains unscathed
This is for all the lives you lead
Long after I'm gone
Apr 2012 · 297
The One
Liz Anne Apr 2012
I don't know how to tell you
All the things I wish I could
I keep telling myself
If you were worth it
You would have understood
But I'm the one who's silent
I'm the one who couldn't say
I'll forever be the one
Who ran away
And in the end I think maybe
I'm the one who wasn't worth
What it took for you say
What you needed to say to me
Apr 2012 · 480
You are Earth
Liz Anne Apr 2012
You are earth but I can’t feel the sky closing in

You haven’t seen my face but marked like mine

I’ve seen your hand in my sunglasses

And that’s just enough fight for me

Calling out does no good for petulant screams

I can’t believe you’ve never seen the sea

I know now you’ll never again want me

Ghosts in my hall and monsters in my soul

I couldn’t betray them if I tried

Silence is no sorrow I’ve ever known

Gravel and rock in my path wear and weather

All of my best feet have jaded holes

Lies untouched are never unspoken

Filth and fondness grow clandestinely

Gazing nostalgically and infuriatingly far

Find my ever mutable, lost, and final role

Past is no present I’d imagine living again

You are earth but I’m not closing in
Apr 2012 · 365
Black Skies
Liz Anne Apr 2012
Ain't no love
Ain't no sun
Since my lover's gone
Only black skies remain
Under new blue
They tell me
I'll find a good love
Kind and loyal love
But they don't
Oh no they don't know
Ain't no love
Ain't no sun
Since my baby's gone away

I ain't gonna wait up
No I ain't gonna stay up
'cause he turned all the lights off
When he left that day


And since that day
Only black skies
Cold lifeless black skies
Come my way
I picture a bluesy crooner singing this in a 1920s speak-easy . . .
Apr 2012 · 364
Forgetting Freedom
Liz Anne Apr 2012
There's a feeling I get sometimes when I'm driving alone.
It’s that moment when you almost think you're soaring;
when the car is gone and it’s just you, moving, flying.
That small taste of freedom when all you want
is to go to faraway places;
to befriend strangers;
to try everything.

My greatest fear;
my fate worse than death;
is that one day I will be driving alone,
just a few miles above the speed limit,
and I won't taste freedom.
Apr 2012 · 301
Wish You Wouldn't
Liz Anne Apr 2012
How do you do that?
That thing.
I really wish you wouldn't.
You know, how do you know?
How do you know what I'm thinking?
You always know.
I just wish you wouldn't tell me.
Because it makes me fall in-
I think that's why I might-
There you go.
You're doing it again.
- - -.
Apr 2012 · 408
Madness in Red
Liz Anne Apr 2012
Falsehoods and fantasies                                                  


                                                            ­                 Flirtations with romance and psychology


Never-ending battles with self-inclinations                                                ­                                


                                                        Here­’s hoping you’ll make it


Here’s hoping I’ll survive                                                  


                                                            ­      All your not-so world-weary sighs


Every little thing                                  


                                                      You never thought to bring


And all the little pieces                                                


      ­                                           You’d never leave behind


Will find you, one day lost in your mind                                                             ­           


                                                 ­         Sometimes madness ravages


Carrying and clawing ****** ties                                                             ­   


                                                         ­               But ours is more substance, less wave


Poets and martyrs and murderers and mystics                                                          ­                            


                                                            ­            Dig softly at the veins of your eyes


Following the fortune and favoring the plain                                                            ­                          


                                                            ­           If you ever wanted real catastrophe


You’d never find it without me                                                               ­ 


                                                           ­  I never wanted to free my mind


Those things never change                                                    


  ­                                                                 ­                             After all its only bodies that feel the rust of chains


And so my madness wavers and falls to its knees                                                            ­                                    


                        ­                                                          No man ever married Christened chastity


Without the fleeting hearts of broken wings                                                            ­                        


                                                    Let me cling or let me go


Madness in red is nothing if not me

Mar 2012 · 1.2k
Liz Anne Mar 2012
Few places give me roots                                                                    
Like standing in the torrent
                                                                    Clinging to love like thunder

Seldom do I feel complacency                                                                    
The many ways I do now
                                                                    Running from love in the sun

You are a welcoming glance                                                                    
I never want to grow or lose
                                                                    Uprooted and un-planted

This is the path I painfully chose                                                                    
I am so sorry but I've never
                                                                    Been anybody's red, red rose
Mar 2012 · 997
Try Not to Laugh or Cry
Liz Anne Mar 2012
. .
. . .
Laughing too hard

As I usually do
Leaves me wanting

To cry too hard

For all those times
I was hurting from

Trying too hard
 . . .
. .
Mar 2012 · 1.8k
Liz Anne Mar 2012
I can't help
The things you hate me for
I can't change
What turned our tables of jealousy


I won't relinquish
My dreams to coddle your desires
I won't apologize
For how you've played your hand


As much as
I do
Hate you
I love you
Mar 2012 · 520
No Oxygen
Liz Anne Mar 2012
I can’t say you are here
When you never were before
Candles flicker when the wind blows
It’s finally easy for me to say it was never you
Headstrong horsemen won’t yet bring your apocalypse
Touch, taste, and texture your flesh is wrong
The greedy end, my bitterness befriends
Licking flames need to breathe
I fight my own fierce wind
Mar 2012 · 474
Liz Anne Mar 2012
Objects in mirror . . .

                                        Look like the playthings of my past

                                        As they stand a little smaller than I recall

                                        They're the candles that left their scars

                                        When they branded me their soft memory

                                        They became hastily written notes on hand

                                        And long battered clothes I threw away

                                        That haunted my flourishing faltering ways

                                        Every one a sweet and long forgotten drop

                                        Swallowed in a stubborn summer fade

                                        I waited for the chance to come and go

                                        So I could watch each and every one erase

                                        But now I find my waving good-byes

                                                     ­                                                              . . . Are closer than they appear
Mar 2012 · 358
Never on the Same Page
Liz Anne Mar 2012
I'm only in love when you're not

You're unhappy when I'm content to be apart

Your dreams often ride on my wings

When I choose to fly not nearly that high

My happiness if often shattered

When you choose to let go of my heart

I think perhaps if love can't reconcile

Its best if we both move on

But in that moment perhaps

                             We'd be in love again
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