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Jul 2013 · 923
Leonard Green Jul 2013
…suspended spectacles, decorating the heavens with means
when no other seems to care or even listen to the dreams
of minds full of wonder, that see the world as streams
flowing with possibilities, running endless as the leaves
swirling and prancing to the Fall of winds, so colorful as thieves
showcasing their talents, yet silently mesmerizing souls without keys
for in the instance to behold, one would find missing their deeds
like the air surrounding us when reaching out to touch
those pearly white puffs of nature captivating ever so much
the ideas of one’s aspirations to live true and not clutch
to someone else’s perception, choking the life out of what?
…the designs and shapes of intrinsic but delicate clouds.
Dedicated to the dreamers...hold on to those dreams, follow those dreams!
Jul 2013 · 864
Feel Me
Leonard Green Jul 2013
Feel the eyes traverse every curve of the body
as the gaze radiates the toes, calves, thighs with admiration

Feel the voice caress every need of the wants
as the breath vibrates the skin, hairs, ****** with fiery chills

Feel the thoughts quench every fantasy of the mind
as the images soak the sleep, dreams, sheets with heated moisture

Feel the words arouse every aspect of the senses
as the sound soothes the heat, desire, thirst core to the essence

Feel me, as the words become the sublime
Feel me, as the words invade the conscious
Feel me, as the thoughts shatter the stone walls
Feel me, as the thoughts comfort the concerns
Feel me, as the voice devotes the belief
Feel me, as the voice conquers the mistrust
Feel me, as I am more than just a man
Feel me, as I am now one with your soul.
Jul 2013 · 589
Leonard Green Jul 2013
Courage to drive without a license
faster than the knowledge trained
using the mind’s eye, coupled with reason
to reclaim the spots of sight loss
traveling through open but dark roads
that lead to destinations of endless U-turns
with a few exits to leave this preconceived race
and cruise in the company of shooting stars
or tailgate in the awe of supernovas
instead, the limits of signs are posted
to restrict and hinder the speed of motion
required to accelerate and break free
through the curves, the barriers, the potholes
in order to regain control of the steering
and master one’s own destiny without hesitating
to leave behind, instead of engaging reckless drivers
in the view to the rear of the inside mirror.
Sequel to the poem “Full Throttle”
Jul 2013 · 1.5k
Leonard Green Jul 2013
Round 1: New Life
Entered abruptly, this world out of the caretaker’s womb
astonished by the awe of unusual surroundings
so unlike the comfort of the nine month pacifier
images fade in, then out, and in, then out once again
feel this empty sensation, deep inside the belly
initially a murmur, then a monstrous growl
shall this need drive the emerging beast…

Round 2: Survive
Astounded still, by the incentives from the senses
nonetheless, comprehension builds mostly from stumbling
and the consequences of actions may honor or condemn
imitating and discovering, touching and tasting, the wants
hear this curious whisper, deep inside the mind
initially a hum, then a vicarious voice
shall this be the song of a destined course…

Round 3: First Love
Twinkled eyes, with the melody of hypnotizing admiration
wanting so fierce, the heart skips several beats
beauty so pure and deep, the skin becomes totally immaterial
can’t eat, can’t sleep, want to caress this haunting dream
but wait, maybe the feelings lack mutual perception
then to experience the piercing silence of rejection
shall this fear define the character…

Round 4: Nuptials
Exchanged vows, two mates to share eternity as one soul
to nurture one another with the food of selfless care
instead, demons from the spirit’s dark side arose
mistrusting and abusing, suffocating and killing, the love
no room, no place for compassion and understanding
only the refuge for a hollowed indifference
shall this be the start of a fragile heart…

Round 5: Bounce Back**
Continued hope, for the chance to champion a cause
to humbly honor the truth in self and in others
reckless to the tangible constraints weighing on the mind
to decease, to desist, the will to life’s tribulations
the blows come and go, a jab here, a jab there
striking with unforeseen yet uncanny precision
shall this bell ring in the final round…
Jul 2013 · 1.0k
Thousand Voices
Leonard Green Jul 2013
If a thousand voices cried out in the middle of the night
to befriend those who suffer injustice and invented freedom
with a comfort that lasts only for a passing moment
would we hear or even care?

If a thousand voices demanded one single sentence
to bestow on all races a life of confined liberty and equality
for the sake of motives hidden behind a deceptive tongue
would we fear or even dare?

If a thousand voices sang tribute to the glory of One
to give hope and promise to the lost souls
yet mock the saved from other religious convictions
would we fare or just swear?

If a thousand voices drunk from the bottle of pride
staggered blindly in the alley of darkness illuminated by a dim light
in search of a truth shrouded and veiled with human nature
would we abstain or just remain?

If a thousand voices laughed at the sense of truth
so plain, so simple, yet allusive to those living a life
concerned with the social norms or being rebels with a cause
would we die or just survive?

If a thousand voices screamed in agony from torments
so inconceivable to the meek, the humane, the charitable
but devised by the minds, then enacted by the deeds of mankind
would we change course or just feel remorse?

If a thousand voices asked, or how about just one
to contemplate, to perceive, to discover the meaning
of selves, others, surroundings, without bias
would you question and be better than?
We, individually, can make a difference....
Jul 2013 · 1.3k
Full Throttle
Leonard Green Jul 2013
The speed of thoughts traveling along life’s treacherous curves
trying to contemplate the next course of action
images flashing, to enter then leave the peripheral
only for moment, a second in endless time
no longer complacent in the innocence of bystanders

The conviction of minds set upon a road without a path to return
refusing to yield to the simplest of distractions
focus uncanny, to overcome then master all obstacles
thus bringing to bear a force in self-control
limitless in power, endurance, and perseverance

The energy of souls self-perpetuating the fuel for sustenance
striking the balance of the yin and the yang
never tiring, to thrive on then learn from weaknesses
like running water, able to mold to any environment
adaptable no matter the mitigating circumstances

The reason of words inundating the psychic to ponder
meaning in the comprehension of the poet’s viewpoint
endeavor not, instead seek significance inside
for the gear remains in neutral, waiting on the shift
license not required, just the courage to drive.
Dedicated to those seeking significance within themselves....then comes the appreciation and respect of others.
Jul 2013 · 696
Leonard Green Jul 2013
Complex and intricate lines define the many places
where time and experience share an integrated stasis
slowed by the infinitesimal pathways uncovering a design
to fashion and mold the intricate character as a classic wine
yet many hide behind the cloak of a persona common
in the nature protecting the frailties of bruised egos fallen
to several devices that perpetuate concealing misguided deeds
with the conceit and the deception growing wildly as weeds
only to wonder if the reality of truth is at a mythical end
giving credence to a manifest destiny one can no longer bend
then comes the realization that time has consumed life’s stages
with the arrow of existence captivated in human wages…
From my self-published book of poems entitled.... "One Man's Passage"  Dedicated to our masquerades.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
House Nation
Leonard Green Jul 2013
Can you feel it?
Shaking the ground you pound
Rumbling bass, going super sound
Come on, and roc-da-house
As one nation in-da-house

Can you feel it?
Dancing the body you tone
With the rhythm, house nation owns
Come on, and joc-da-house
As one nation in-da-house

Can you feel it?
Rattle the space you face
With a force, sonic to your taste
Come on, and roc-da-house
As one nation in-da-house

Can you feel it?
Control the mind you own
Hypnotic, as under tones
Come on, and joc-da-house
As one nation in-da-house

Come on, let’s feel-da-noise
As one nation with a single poise
Come on, let’s feel-da-power
As one nation under heaven’s tower
Come on, let’s feel-da-groove
As house music makes you move.
Jul 2013 · 537
Kiss My Lips
Leonard Green Jul 2013
Wasn’t looking, but found you there
wounded bird, trying to take flight
untainted spirit, searching for the one
to squeeze, to tease, to please, to ease
…kiss my lips and taste compassion

Just met, yet want to know more
trance fixed, eyes hold the moment
whisper softly, the melody of words
to infiltrate, to captivate, to motivate, to liberate
…kiss my lips and taste their fashion

Pandora’s hope, that’s what you are
destined fate, to spark even an interest
lingering thoughts, unable to eradicate
feel it, won’t quit, feel you, mind’s bent
…kiss my lips and taste the passion

Woke up, wondering what page of a tale
why me, pain and hurt are like kin
fight this, don’t want to let love creep in
help me, won’t give in, school’s out, still I’m torn
…kiss my lips and taste eruption.
Jul 2013 · 913
When She Comes
Leonard Green Jul 2013
Love the way she smiles innocently
as we reunite after working a hard day

Love the way she holds closely
when we embrace each other in company

Love the way she teases secretly
as we network with the unconscious minds

Love the way she whispers softly
when we utter words resounding heart’s finds

When she comes, daylight sun glows
When she comes, summer wind blows
When she comes, time loses all flows
When she comes, life is just whole

Love the way she acts intensely
as we rendezvous in night’s covers

Love the way she stares passionately
when we  kiss as two intense lovers

Love the way she moans distinctively
As we caress bodies with soulful desire

Love the way she moves uncontrollably
when we reach the epitome of love’s fire

When she comes, moments lose virginity
When she comes, passion sows fertility
When she comes, souls bask in serenity
When she comes, life shows no mortality.
Jul 2013 · 1.2k
Leonard Green Jul 2013
Don’t have the riches of kings or even high priced CEOs
Nor the prestige that comes along with such titles
Just blessed with the wealth of wisdom so vital

Don’t have the physique of Hercules or a chiseled athlete
Nor the pack of six that embodies the adored waist
Just blessed with the muscle of fiber so ace

Don’t have the sleekness of Benz or even a speedy Porsche
Nor the glamor featured in the technology apparent
Just blessed with the motor of drive so inherent

Don’t have the smoothness of tongue or even a gabby gift
Nor the trance of words to influence the willful soul
Just blessed with the arrow of intent so bold

Don’t have the weapons of stars or even enhanced surgeries
Nor the practice that transforms them into *** beings
Just blessed with the device of a mind so keen

Don’t have the face of models or even fabled knights
Nor the ability to rescue the day with super might
Just blessed with the courage to do what’s right.
Jul 2013 · 552
Along the Way
Leonard Green Jul 2013
Somewhere along the way
during the corridor of life
we lost the innocence
bestowed at inception
to walk naked in the face
of sins number by seven

Somewhere along the way
as the sands of glass fall
we lost the humanity
given to the Eves and Adams
to guide the heart and soul
back to the garden of Eden

Somewhere along the way
roaming through life’s journey
we lost the wisdom
passed down from ancestors
to awaken the unconscious mind
with selfless intellect and deeds

Somewhere along the way
as moments age panoramic vision
we lost the reasons
why life is so fragile, but classic
to be constantly vigilant
of simple devices enabling heaven.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Leonard Green Jul 2013
Programmed years in technological mind mission
To control, then dominate one’s thinking vision

Ingrained behavior taught since the inception
To confine movement in the viewed perception

Battled sexes posturing for the top billing
To uphold, then maintain movie star rating  

Perpetuated bigotry in narrow-minded fear
To confuse truth with deceptions we hear

Chained hatred from a past mauled by meetings
To render, then leave one’s will conflicting

Programmed desires to reprogram life simply
To live without love and kindness openly.

— The End —