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 May 2011 Lauren Ashley
The world closes you into its arms and you get freaked out.
You always wanted that feeling of being held... but it isn't worth losing your sight...

Sometimes things are dark.
One wonders, while they watch
another blindly ***** at air,
what one might find if they

Sometimes the air is black,
black like behind your eyesockets,
filling your lungs like the tar you swore to never touch-
so deep it seems to seep from your very pores,
seep..... and harden.
So much for flying, there goes your monstrous visions of
You are the statue, frozen, groping blindly at nothing for eternity
(not that you would have necessarily moved very far)

Still, though, your tears stain the pictures of people you miss. To you the world is boundless, but you seem to see it differently than all of them...

Still, though, MY tears stain your pictures. To me the world is boundless, but I seem to see it differently than all of you...
 May 2011 Lauren Ashley
Pour me into a
Tell me where its

Met a no-one today
Turned out
It was

Laughable lists
Tell each-other
This is

The road remembers
But accepts

Gravel women
With your hair so curled
Can you tell me a riddle
That would stump the world?

Peeling a feeling from the skin of the
Where to feel is to squeal
With a pinkish kinda' zeal

Ground it out
To feel it out
Spell it out
To later tell about

Friends who're foreign
Naked and
Within a whirl of

In the dead of night
We are all
Just Human
 May 2011 Lauren Ashley
Thought is ******.
Freely thinking of anything.
In the safety of the mind,
One can be mad:
                                        A jealous fool,
                                        A lover,
                                        A ******,
                                        A murderer.
Anything he fancies.
The true self
That is hidden,
Often times behind our masks:
                                       A smile,
                                       A blank stare,
                                       A muscle contracting,
                                       A layer of skin.
The mask is so familiar;
It seems like truth,
Yet the knowledge of falsehood
Lie deep inside like:
                                      A root,
                                      An anchor,
                                      A burrow,
                                      A secret.
Deep down in the caverns
Of the body.
Once light shines,
We can see:
                                     A horror,  
                                     A misshaped,
                                     A disgusting,
                                     A vexing sight.
Lies and truths,
Mixed as if one.
The sight is unbearable,
So we keep it locked away:
                                     A convict,
                                     An enemy,
                                     A rat in trap,
                                     A prisoner.
The prison of
Our socially acceptable
Will destroy completely
Our true personality:
                                    A self,
                                    An image,
                                    An x-ray,
                                    A representative.
Tis dangerous, that our identity
Is safe within the confines
Of our mind freely thinking.
Because thought is ******.
 Apr 2011 Lauren Ashley
Help me fall in love with you
Your something I'd
Want to get to know

With those curls that twirl
Like an afternoon in free falling

There was something in the way you said
"I like it this way and I like it like that"
Made me laugh

Was there something else I coulda' done?
Should I have song?
Never turned my back on your sun?

Perhaps I needed the road more than I thought did,
Maybe there was more then nothing
In our love that I knew nothing of

With these questions being batted
There is nothing to do but sit

Take away every memory of our sea of love
For in song there is nothing but the sight of
Flying doves
Time spent waiting for affection
is lost without reward.
Tactics change.
I seek to cure the itch
which haunts us everyday.
A quick burst of passion
will go unspoken.
All your desires satisfied,
yet your chaste remains unbroken.
The most enjoyable of seven sins.
Let this sin consume us in flames.
 Apr 2011 Lauren Ashley
Trying hard to keep my head
On tight so not to float off
I take these nights with nothin' to do
And write things down so not to feel blue

There is a fight in us all
A fight to block out the silence we all rarely talk about
To hear the crack of the crow outside this window
Is the only stinging blow I've grown to know

To be born in this time is to be born in any other
With the flushing meadows wide with green flashing pride
And the cunning river roaring for all to know and carry
With mother nature smiling all the while admiring

Working through the hours, the minutes, the seconds
Knowing that the open road will soon shout to beckon
Sendin' me out to the great dying unknown
No use to imagine the sights, wouldn't be right

In these forms of high art, high living, all expensively feelin' ******
Where promises of a God were said to be lingering here
But all I'm feeling in these lonesome parts of town
Is nothing but the drop of pin that makes no sound

Take me to a place where I wear no face
To live a life that will die at mid tomorrow night
Take these hours from me and I'll fight for the light
With bloodied knuckles clenching flirty nickels

Tonight these walls are lonesome, *****, and stranded
I'm feeling the touch of what it means to be branded
Tucked in a corner with all the rest of the world
With a head held up but a soul hanging low

Father listen hard when I start speaking to you
What are your next steps in life, what are you gonna do?
There ain't much time for making money in this worried world
You always told me to pick up the heels, fake to be real

Trains exhale their gases screaming screeches outlandish
The sides of my head are tilting as my sides are roundish
Feet are swelling to the size of ripping watermelons
And the eyes are rolling back never wanted to achieve millions

But the tears that smell of whiskey rye
And the breath that wreaks of ashy lies
Has always been the love I've been searching for
Slowly leading my life to a quiet rippling lore
 Apr 2011 Lauren Ashley
Staring at the starry sky which hangs above my head
I'm wondering where this body a mine is being lead
Could it be to the great crashing oceans of eternity
Or maybe a wife with her hair a flowing I should marry and be?

These wonders of the world at times seem so great
All the while some days I feel so down and o' so beat
So many enemies that I once saw as my friends
Makes me want to wander right back into my den

Lists upon lists lined with promises that I have made
Some I signed but never had the strong nerve to obey
Oh I apologize for the things I may have said or did
At times this head of mine is hard to keep silent and hid

Tomorrow will be another day with that high sky so blue
All the while my thoughts may wander far
Venture to sights unseen imagined in crystal lighted hue's
Slowly drifting upon the soft image of you

But tonight as the winds outside push and pull fallen sidewalk leaves
I'm drifting away to a place where even nature may not squeeze
Tonight the smashing of stars explode to a sight of binding white
Could it be that in my sleep the angels above promise not to weep?
I need you to set palms together
entangle generosity like raindrops connecting
branch out and cling your roots into the soil
blossom like cherry trees in japan
quiver like the heart of a 10 year old girl
who just witnessed love for the first time

melt, like the man who was raised with
hatred in his heart and has melted for the
first time on top of his wifes grave

scream, the screams of the native americans
upon the burning of their villages and
the rotting of their tribe, the tyranny of their land
my tongue hurts to say
this is my land
I feel it was never ours
it was theirs

laugh, like the children
and remember there are children in remote places
that have a pain in their eyes that we thought can only exsist within elderly
who know not the sound of a tender smile
remember that youth, when your children give out that glorious sound
and do anything to make that melody even louder
let your children laugh for those who dont know how
and raise them to seek them and teach them
even if it is through tears of thanks
that is the most beautiful laughter
the deepest happiness is that which comes with rain
the kind that extracts pain and cleanses the soul
washes the face and kisses the cheeks

dream and have hope like the small child sitting at the window at midnight way past
bedtime with bruised legs
promising themeselves that everything will be okay
with no shoulder to lean on
staring at the stars and having a clear image of the better
days to come, away from abuse and neglect
yes there are children like that
and there are also children
who scream into their pillow at night
remember to cradle the youth
they are the future
you are the future, living through your young

feel every intensity within your body
hold it there for just some time
cradle it
laugh with it
sing with it
dance with it
cry with it
bleed with it
and mourn it when it is not there

remember that, that intensity
is your humanity
 Apr 2011 Lauren Ashley
We finally able to play our song,
To sing out and share our excitement.
But before our first notes,
We go out of tune.
Playing sour chords, blaming each other.
We drag on playing different songs.
In perfect discourse.
Not embarrassed for for our lack of listening,
But distraught of our dissonance.
Disbelief will soon die and we shall see some sort of saving,
But not in each other.
We lay upon our fret boards, modulating often.
Changing key to adjust to the counter,
Yet never making harmony.
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