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462 · Mar 2014
Blackout Poem
Jessica Leigh Mar 2014
Let you and I retreat to a room
And talk of it
Let it fall upon you
And question you and me.
Women come and go.
I dare to say
In a minute I
Should know you in the way
I have known perfume
That makes me digress
And I shall say that
Lonely men have
Stretched here beside you.
I have wept upon the moment
My greatness would
Have been worth you and me
Would it have been worth while
To have to question all you say?
I mean if the worth should
Mean all I meant -
Almost a fool.
I shall sing till we drown.
I had to do a blackout poem for my English class. The original poem was "The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T. S. Eliot.
458 · Mar 2014
Jessica Leigh Mar 2014
She loves me
She loves me n...
She love me
And there will
Never be a not
To follow
Those words
Because she
Would burn
All the other
Flower petals
Except for the
One in my hand
To make sure
I never doubt
The absence
Of that not.
Jessica Leigh Jun 2014
Oh girlie, girlie!
Oh Meghan, Meghan!
I must confess,
I still believe (still believe),
That I can crash to the ground!
Give me a sign,
To give me the clap Meghan one more time!

Oh girlie, girlie!
Oh Rebecca, Rebecca!
I'm addicted to you.
Don't you know that you're flamboyant!
And I love what you do.
Don't you know that you're flamboyant!

Oh girlie, girlie!
Oh Daniel, Daniel!
I think I did it again,
I made you believe that I can fly,
Oh Daniel!
To pet a cat like that is just so typically me.
Oh girlie, girlie!

****!.. I did it again!
I tried to pet a kitty cat!

Oh girlie, girlie!
Oh Anna, Anna!
I think I made you believe that I can touch the sky.
****!.. You think that I can touch the sky.

Oh girlie, girlie!
I'm not that cynical !
You see my problem is this,
band people,
Wishing I had a rainbow mouth .

Oh girlie, girlie!
Oh Meghan, Meghan!
Oh Rebecca, Rebecca!
Oh Daniel, Daniel!
Oh Anna, Anna!
I must confess,
I still believe (still believe),
That I can crash to the ground!
Give me a sign,
To give me the clap Meghan one more time!
446 · Jan 2014
To Touch Me
Jessica Leigh Jan 2014
No, I've never touched you in the ways of lovers
Or in the ways that awe stricken girls might
Yearn to be pressed against your hands
But if it makes them let you next to me
I will say that your fingers dug into my rib cage
And rolled around my aortas until I was screaming
Softly as if someone had tested the noises
I could make in that moment when my adrenaline
Pulses through my veins and you pinch
My blood until it would clot under your nails.
I will happily say that my legs wrapped
Around your waist and my lips held yours
I will tell them about your hands behind your head
And mine gripping at your wrists.
If it would mean I could have you again,
I would lie and say that my fingers
Grasped at your core until you smiled like
I imagine you would and your eyes would
Close under my soul that you would have
Tugged out by threads found in my folds
Regarding my mind, I mean,
But if they would be okay with that lie
I would not mean the folds of my mind,
Rather the folds of my being.
They said I was lying to someone and that
They hoped it was you, but the lies I say would
Happily be for them if you got to touch me
In a lovers way years from now when
It wouldn't even matter, because you have
Touched my soul in a way a lover never could
And my heart is waiting to be warmed by
Your soft and inviting hands.

J. C.
439 · Jun 2014
Considerably Agreeable
Jessica Leigh Jun 2014
Life is a comedy to those who think, and a tragedy to those who feel.
425 · Sep 2014
Pushing Harder.
Jessica Leigh Sep 2014
It has come to the point
Where it is no longer
The fact that
"It gets better."
But rather I have to
Jessica Leigh Aug 2016
Heartbeats are not meant to be regular.
They're meant to sputter, wet and dark,
Underneath too many layers of skin.
When broken they must be robotic,
Rhythmic, monosyllabic and
When loved, they must pulse against
The lips of your lover at the neck.
Hearts were never meant to be
Unattainable, undesirable,
But rather they exist to be heard
Through your shirt and skin
And commitment issues
And to be felt in moments draped
In fear and strength.
But here we stand, you with your
Steady pulse
And silly me, with the taste of comfort
Once again on my lips and
The smell of you in my messy hair,
My own heart reminded of the past.
413 · Jan 2014
Jessica Leigh Jan 2014
I am shaking.
Not of fear.
Or of pain.
But of something deeper.
Something that has taken root
here inside of me.
Others can barely see it.
But I see it in the mirror.
Behind my eyes it sleeps.
It stays there all the time,
eating at me.
Biting at my worth,
my memories,
my life.
And there is nothing I can do to **** it.
Oh but it gives me ideas.
"Cut just another slit and I'll leave."
"Fast for two more days,
then binge and purge. Then I'll go."
"One more sip of *****,
and I won't come back."
"Down twenty pills,
then you get to leave me."
One day I will learn not to listen.
But for today,
I will let it consume me.
Maybe if I don't learn,
it will swallow me.
Not whole though.
Because at that point,
I will be tiny bite sized pieces.
And when it finishes me off,
it will go for those who mourn.
As I lay in a casket,
it will seep into my loved ones.
And it continues to feed.
Until either it has you,
eating you.

Or you're dead.
401 · Dec 2014
Crystal Clear
Jessica Leigh Dec 2014
Beauty and bliss
My heart is flying
Clarity and a kiss
What is this?
I'm beating my chest
With all my strength
And I'm giving my best
With all I've been
I'm not sure I can do this.
Hurt and pain
Love and hate
Man I love the hit
That comes with you
And that look in your eyes.
Just a glimmer of peace
And a pinch of rest.
I could get used to
The thumping
In my worn out chest.
395 · Nov 2014
Jessica Leigh Nov 2014
I look at your pictures
And it's all dream like

Your kisses
Your skin
And smiles

They're dreams

I never want to wake up
When I allow myself to remember.
Hi, girlie.
391 · Aug 2014
Dance Steps
Jessica Leigh Aug 2014
You have this line up of steps
And here you are
One two three four
But your toes are out of line
With the calories you shouldn't have eaten
And by the way, everyone noticed,
Everyone judged, when you
Bit your tongue to keep from
Feeling what she does to you.
You messed up your
Seven and your eights
And you are out of step with the beat.
Catch up, girlie,
They're leaving you behind.
388 · Feb 2015
Burnt Out
Jessica Leigh Feb 2015
I have the overwhelming
Desire to scream your name
Down empty hallways
In hopes that your ghost
Will hear me and at least
Take to haunting something
Other than my mind.
380 · Mar 2014
Does This Define Sane?
Jessica Leigh Mar 2014
You keep telling me to start my sentences over.
Words tumble from my lips at lightning speed
Forgive me if I say something in my head that I meant to give you
And if I let you into a corner of my mind currently owned
By my confused demons

They aren't used to this kind of weather

I can't seem to be able to wrap my head around you
Or me, it seems
But they will adjust to this warmth
If you can even call it that
If you can even call me that
Warm, I mean
They like their 40 degree rainy days with the wind beating them

I keep losing every train of thought I've been handed

Has it started to show through my writing?
I can't stop my fingers from going too fast.

You keep telling me to start my sentences over.

I just can't think of what I said
Or why I said it
Or who you are
Or what I'm doing in a bathroom alone with another girl
Or why I want the distance to be closed
I can't make it make sense
Who are all these people?
There was a cockroach on my bed.
I'm going insane.
Is bad poetry a side effect of dying?
There went the John Green allusion.
I'm all out of lines and I keep stopping my fingers
To text a friend back about people I don't even know
But they come back and my mind hurts
Well,  I think it does...


...I can't feel my mind enough to understand if it hurts
Or if the medicine is working

It has to be the medicine.
I can only think of one other thing that could make me like this.
My stomach is scars.
No cuts.
You should be proud, girlie.

You keep telling me to start my sentences over.
379 · Mar 2014
Thumb shaped
Jessica Leigh Mar 2014
I've had this bruise on my hand
For about 4 days
I have thought for
About where it came from.
But I will admit that I have no clue.

I noticed it Monday night
Oh, you must remember that afternoon
It was nothing compared to others
But you held my hands up against the wall
And over my head as we kissed
The black mark on my skin
Looks to be the shape of your thumb
You've never been able to hold a hand
Without your thumb over their own

We never get to hold hands anymore
That would be too complicated
Maybe we held them a little too
Tightly when given the chance.

And maybe, just maybe,
There is a bruise on the back
Of your left hand.
378 · Nov 2014
Come Home
Jessica Leigh Nov 2014
I think I've lost it.
My god
It's been 7 months.
And I'm crying myself
To sleep because
She won't answer me.
She can't.
And I'm praying to god she
Will respond.
That she will come back.
I've lost it.
I can't stop crying.
Anna please come back.
Break a rule.
Don't fall in love with
Some one else.
I miss you and I love you.
Come back.
Jessica Leigh Jun 2014
You and I need to face how broken our relationship is.
All we've done is lie to
Each other
Everyone else
And that will be the death of us
In the end
I don't want to grow up and live
With the lies we planted
As teenagers.
It is not that I do not wish
To grow old with you, my love.
That will be something I want to have; you, I mean.
The lies have drained me, girlie.
You were right
All of those months ago.
All we do is lie to one another.
And I will do my part for that to change
When they let us reunite.
And hopefully you will too.

These lies have drained me, girlie.
That is one thing that I know.
I keep on wondering if
Ashley was real because she
Was a lie once, so why not again?
I just want the truth
And I want to understand
"There is nothing for you to understand."
At least that is what your mom told me.
These lies have drained me, girlie.

I'm distracting myself
From what I am trying to say.

Of course I love you.
I will always love you.
But it's been so long
And my heart is just a little too broken.
So when you come back,
I will be starting over.
Because I was in love with you.
I was, for a long time.
And that was never a lie, my love.
I want to be in love with you again.
I really do.
And I will let you fix my heart
With what ever you have in your
I'm just too tired to fix it myself
And I keep looking for girls to do the fixing
For you.
But no one has and I see no one will.
I haven't let you go, my angel.

I've just decided that

I can't say I'm in love with you

Anymore until we

Fix our immensely, chaotically,
Horribly, undeniably

Broken relationship.
375 · Oct 2014
I'm in pain.
Jessica Leigh Oct 2014
I keep looking over things we wrote
And I feel the flame from when
You burned the heart
I poured out for you.
I feel the paper ignite and the
Collage take place on my
I keep crying over you.
I can't hear you anymore
But I've resorted to shutting off
Your voice and becoming,
As a conquest called me,
A lying ***** with little self respect.
In a week or two,
Your voice will be back
Screaming "I
And I'll yell some more
Through poems you may or may not
And I'll cry some tears
Which soak up the bed we first
Kissed on.
I'll beat something senseless
To drown you out.
Because I don't think,
Even if you could
(For all I know you could),
You would speak to me.
We are just ghosts to the other.

I'm weeping.
I can still feel you.
But only in the dark.
I miss you, Anna.
Sunday will be a year
Since you first told me you loved me.
Will you remember?
Respond. Talk to me.
372 · Nov 2014
I'm sorry.
Jessica Leigh Nov 2014
I could go to our messages and read them over.
But I'm too tired tonight.
I think it's the first time I've just
And said no to myself.
I'm tired.
And I'm not sure of what this time.
It's familiar,
The exhaustion I feel.
But there are no blades
And no more lover's stares.
Just sleepiness and lonliness.
So I won't revisit
You again tonight
But only out of exhaustion,
My dear.
Forgive me.
372 · Nov 2014
Rainy Night
Jessica Leigh Nov 2014
I miss the type of poetry that
Stirred fire and beget rage upon me
And those who happened to stumble
Upon the things I've carelessly
Strolled into when the weather got cold.
Cigarettes who once kept me warm
Now hold stones at my grave
And oh they laugh for it is not me they
Seek and I envy
The next patron over.
That is the type of words I miss.
I'm sick of that little girl
Sneeking her way into my soul
Even when it's bright outside
And I'm hidden in my own sort of
I yearn for her to disappear among
The midnight movie goers and
****** who just need a little extra cash.
If it weren't for the ***** I'd oblige.
Alas. She once spoke of me in tongues
Known only to me. I think.
Pathological lies dont, never have, done well during
December parade marches and streets.
But that was just me.
I miss poetry that doesn't make sense.
I miss it and yearn to retrieve it.
But she has my head thinking
In block formations.
I have to get out of this town.
370 · Feb 2014
My Aversion
Jessica Leigh Feb 2014
In the back of my mind
I hear them chiming ever so softly
They ring with a clarity
That nothing could-

Shut up, you child
That will be the death of you
In the end because puppets
Should not be so
Attracted to their poison
Do you want to shatter?

They are silver and polished
With trumpets sounding
Behind their tones
And there has never been-

This is for the weak at heart
If you do that, nothing will
Change but the fact that
Everything will be stolen
From you again
Do you want to be like your mother?

A white dress flows down
The aisle and violins play
The march of the powerful
And we think that-

Get over yourself child
No one will ever want you like that
She's just lying so that
You won't be so afraid of
What you will do to her
Don't you understand that-

I love her.
She loves me.
Stop with your petty games
You killer piece of my head.
It's not today or two years away.
But ******
One day
She will ask
And I won't
Let you get in her way.
368 · May 2014
Short Hair
Jessica Leigh May 2014
People keep asking me
Jessica, why did you cut your hair?
My immidiate response is
I just needed a change and 11 inches
Seemed like a wise one to go about.

Some look at me sideways
Others accept it and move on
A few whisper about my ****** orientation
Behind my back even when I know
That they are right.
Their whispers do not matter
And they never will to me.
But I just keep lying.

I cut my hair because I am sad.
Those 11 inches were lost because
I couldn't let myself lose my life.
It is so short because she has never
Seen it brown or short and I need
To pretend I never knew her.
That is how I'm dealing with her
Not being around anymore.
I cut my hair because I kept feeling
Her hands in it from that Monday.
I cut my hair because I can't let people
Call me Jess when she isn't around.
I cut my hair so not one would recognize me.
So she won't recognize me next time.
And she will make the decision
To leave me when she finds what
Happened when I cut my hair
To get rid of her fingers
Only to replace them with foreign limbs.
I cut my hair for a change, yes.
But that change did not come.
Not the one I was looking for.

My hair is short because I am sad.
And I still can't bear to lose my life.
But I need another impulse
To keep my heart beating at a normal pace.
Too slow if I'm sad.
Too fast if I'm panicked.
Short hair was my middle ground.
My plan didn't work.
367 · Apr 2014
Jessica Leigh Apr 2014
At midnight, I hastily
Tore threw a book
Trying to find the things that
Keep me some kind of
But I couldn't find them
And I wanted to yell
And I fell to the floor
To search for my home
Only to find them on
Page 111 of
My favorite book.
And at 12:10
This morning
It happened the first time.

I stumbled away from
The line I had left
And I picked up
The thing that hold
My tiny life and I escape
To a little box
In the corner and I
Pulled the new one
Off of the page
And it happened for
The second time.

I threw a different
Book my bag and
Walked away again
Only to find myself back
Where I had been half
An hour before
And I locked the door
Then I opened that book
To page 111
Making it happen
For the third time today.

I took my baby with me
With my best friend
By my side
Pulling at my hair
And I went to a room
To put them down
I left both of them there,
Turned back and grabbed the book
Which was in a bag,
Walked past a room
With one of the most
Important people
In my life sitting at a desk,
And walked down the hall.
I locked the door again,
Opened to page 111
And it happened for
The fourth time.

Fifth will be when
I escape from this car.
Sixth will be
Before I shower.
And there won't be a
Not until it
Is the ninth.
At 12:10.
And I start
All over again.
For the idea
Of anonymity,
Call it a bible.
But wait,
I believe in
God now...
Call it a Perk.
366 · Feb 2014
Her Window
Jessica Leigh Feb 2014
"People throw rocks at things that shine."
Her window was anything but transparent
Residue and memories had embedded themselves
Into the glass and scars marked the paneling

Chipped pieces of tape from 12 years before
Grasped onto its surface because it no longer
Had a picture of a childhood best friend
To frame next to the sunshine and clouds

There was still an impression of her nine-year-old
Hand print from when she watched her mother
And father screaming in the yard and later
Silently begged her mother not to leave as
Car tires squealed on the road parallel to the window

Heat still radiated from when that boy took her
Up against the curtains and glass as
Another boy watched from the yard with
A camera and no one told her 13 was too young

Streaks cascaded down in a mixture
Of blues and grays that came from rainy
Afternoons spent weeping over the loss of
Her never failing God who had left her stranded
Far too many times, especially when it came
To the boy who left her when she lost a baby
At the age of 14 without telling her
Until she had already left the clinic

The locks and springs were broken by the time
She was 16 from almost leaving her drunken
Father practically in a comatose state
On the couch they had found on the side of a road

By the time she was 17, the once
Reflective glass was obscured by the firth
From her life lived in a multitude of change

But every night,
Pebbles hit her bedroom window.
366 · Feb 2014
Newberry Field
Jessica Leigh Feb 2014
Yes, I remember that the rain did pound against our backs.
Perhaps that is what brought us together.
Those concrete stands are still there,
Waiting for us to rejoin them as we sat on a hill.
Maybe we wouldn't be hurting so bad
If those kids hadn't watched us hold hands
As they rolled down a hill like you told me
You had back in April across the field.
And maybe if that cheese hadn't gotten
So much rain in it, it wouldn't have
Tasted so horribly and I would have
Bought you a hot dog instead of our friend.
Maybe if my dad had told me no
And that my shirt showed too much cleavage,
We wouldn't have been scared of
Your dad seeing us from across a stadium.
And maybe, just maybe
We wouldn't be in this mess.
364 · Mar 2015
Nothing is Mine
Jessica Leigh Mar 2015
I have a complex
A condition as it may
To call nothing mine
For what is mine
Tends to want to fly away.
They dream of knives
And perhaps a little blood
Beating senseless
What I call nonsense
Like no one else ever would.
I call them dreams
As simple as it may look
Because they prosecute
And search for all it seems
That I have once took
To the cages and the burrows
They whisper of home and
I hear a little shouting of lies
Falling down and down here
Once more.
Nothing is mine.
Nothing is all of yours.
363 · Apr 2014
I Hate You.
Jessica Leigh Apr 2014
You are a horrible man
And I hate you
I hate what you do to her
You are pathetic
And I feel nothing for you
Other than pure hatred
***** pitying you
You don't deserve my pity
Like you don't deserve the love
She is always going to have
For you in some way.

I don't know who decided
That "daddy issues" were hot
Because I have seen the
Girl of my dreams break down
Before me because of you
And it has me worried

That I will see her the next day
And she will be bruised and beaten
And there will be nothing


Is to be
But like
She will get away from you.
She will make it out.
And she will have control
Over herself.
She won't hurt me or
Her kids
Like you have hurt her.
She's strong.
And you had
To do with that.
361 · May 2014
Jessica Leigh May 2014
I don't care
How many pale
Patches of sunlight
Had groped their way
Through that curtain.
It would still leave
Blood red stains
Of some kind of light
On his newly cleaned
356 · Jul 2016
Strip in the Wood
Jessica Leigh Jul 2016
Hellacious men roam these walls
Even once the barmaid gets them off

Reason with yourself a little, sweetheart.
At it again with your silly paranoia.
Pry open your eyes, darling.
Everything is always alright.
Don't find me guilty until proven so.

"Make me happy," she screamed and
Eventually the glass shattered.
354 · May 2014
I Remembered
Jessica Leigh May 2014
i saw your green eyes and i knew you
there was no doubt in my mind as to who you were
i saw those days at your fathers house
and i hope im the best memory you have of those walls
there were the moments of hands and unfairness
snapshots of us, of you beside me,
raced through my mind like a movie
and i had you and i knew you
i knew the girl who broke on bathroom floors
and gave me hair bands when my stomach couldn't take it
there you were in all of your glory
the one who loves basketball and her clarinet
i heard your voice and knew it would be okay
but not when you were speaking to her
it was only when you spoke to me
that i knew we would make it past this
your green eyes shone
like the day you asked me for my number
and the night you told me you knew about my scars
you couldn't say you loved me
just like i couldn't say it back to you
but i was shaking far too much to return the look
so i called you girlie because that made sense
i knew you.

I knew who you were.
At first glance.
You were the girl who was mine.

I didn't forget you this time.
I think I just forgot my own name.
351 · Oct 2014
Dammed Walls Again
Jessica Leigh Oct 2014
I spent years
Climbing walls that
People built up against me,
Using the rocks I brought down to
Build my own.
Locked inside a cage
I panicked.
So I had to stop climbing.
I had to stop building.
I had to face the fact
That I got thrown off of her wall
Into my own
And mine tumbled to pieces
And she was gone before I could
See the damage I made.
The old me would always
Try and help people
Who were hurting even
When they didn't want help.
But I've made myself sick
With worry about
Which of them won't show
Up at school one day
And I've cut myself
To stop the voices
Saying it's all my fault
They hate themselves.
I'm not good enough.

I can't say that anymore,
Because it isn't true.
I can't save those who don't want to be
Especially when no one
Wanted to save me
And I'm still digging
My way out of my cell.
343 · Mar 2014
I Have This Tendency to Lie
Jessica Leigh Mar 2014
In Spanish class, my teacher told me to answer the question
"When you were a kid, did you tell lies?"
I answered, in Spanish,
"Yes, I lied a lot."
And the class laughed.
The teacher exasperated,
"Ohhhhh, well then."
With a smile embedded on his face.
And I smiled, too.
Because it wasn't a lie.

She told me to stop protecting her from what I do
Because she would always find out
And I guess it would be easier to hear
About it from my lips
Than in a poem or on social media
Because then,
I'm guessing here,
She could hug me.
And I could possibly let her in.
And I want to do that.
When I was a little girl,
I lied a lot.
And now,
I'm not such a little girl
And lies spill from my mouth
And I really don't know why.

She almost had me in tears today
People don't do that to me
I cried when Rebecca found out
I cried in front of White
I cried when I told Kristi, both times
I cried when Ali and I talked back in June about it
I cry at the thought of Jed and Eric finding out
I cried the day after I started because of Savanna
And now she has me crying
And I can't stop and I don't want anything
To break because I can't stop being broken
But what are you supposed to do
When shards of glass keep being
Thrown like knives at what I love
I never think it will be me doing the throwing.

I've got seven years bad luck
And a broken mirror in my art box.
343 · Sep 2014
Jessica Leigh Sep 2014
Girlie, if you are reading this,
On the 14th
(Oh that dreaded number),
A year after we started,
They are going to take a peak
Inside of me.
You can guess what they'll see
You've seen it too.
The black tar building inside,
Overriding my everything until
It is some sort of dust.
The slashslashslash of the scars
And the sticky hatred
And disbelief disguised as
What can only be called walls.
But will they see you there,
Sleeping between my ribs
And breathing in and out of
My heart beat,
Which hasn't been regular for six months?
Are they going to see your
Fingerprints in my throat
From where I keep screaming
Your name a little too loudly in
My best and worst dreams?
Will they see the warning lights
And the color of your bed sheets?
I'm convinced they are only
Venturing into the darkness that is me
To find the light that is you.
342 · Apr 2014
Another Memory
Jessica Leigh Apr 2014
A hand on a young girl's waist
With drops of blood falling to the sheets
And a whimper escaping chapped lips
At the expense of waking an empty house
Full of caring and deaf ears
And for that matter, blind eyes
Drowning in lies, smiles, and bleach.

Flesh falling off adolescent bone
On a public sofa in a warm living room
Crowded with dead loved ones
Or the images of events
Gone by in her life.

Her body curls in on the sofa
Collapsing as it sinks into the corners
So her toes do not linger an inch
From dead bodies and ice and cloth
When she escapes from the cushions
Those dead legs get in her path
A fraction of a second of touching-

Blood on her legs and staining pink sheets
Pain in her stomach and tears streaming
Grunts in her ears and clothes strewn-

She was cold before she left the heat
And her toes curled as she limped
Red splashing the dark floor
And whimpers escaping stapled lips
As she fell into a different type of cold
And the blood froze on the page
Lined with blue tears and sweat.
339 · May 2014
Jessica Leigh May 2014
They're like the sound
Of a monitor toning off
Seconds until a hated loved one dies
But also the sound
Of the clock on her
Walls chiming closer to wishing hour.
And I can't help but wonder why
Her mind is the constant repetition.
Jessica Leigh Mar 2014
It's alright if you fall in love with a girl
Who has a rather grotesque addiction.
But keep in mind that she will want it
When you ask her to give it away
And that she will,
At times,
Choose it over you.

Because it has been around longer than your suitcase
Which she expects to be moved any day now
Like all of the others who have seen
How the disease spreads over her like an ocean
But this one is blood red and there is no
Ridding her skin for there are too many stains
And not enough soap or love in the world
To clear them off of her
But she's just hoping that enough
***** and cigarettes and *** will make them fade.
She will push you away when she craves it
She will not be able to stop and you should know
It is never your fault.
She's just addicted.

Do you remember that girl you fell for in middle school?
How she smiled and laughed and kept your attention?
Do you remember how she left you?
And all you wanted was to have her back?
That is her addiction.
It is so purely sweet and blissful to her.

A warning to the one who shall fall.
It will haunt your dreams.
You'll become addicted to her like she
Is to what keeps her sane.
You will want her to stop.
You will want her to see and find something better.

You won't be the first.
She already has your suitcase packed.
Saving her is like saving...
I'm not sure what it's like...
It's like trying to save someone from drowning,
But they love to swim even if they never learned how...
That's not good enough.
It's like trying to take a blade from a cutter.
It's like stripping her from all she knows.
336 · Mar 2014
Newborn Hatred
Jessica Leigh Mar 2014
I've always liked rain
But maybe,
After tonight,
I hate it.
Blood is the
Same consistency
And it flows off
My skin in the
Same manner.
So maybe I hate
Seeing rain now
Like I've been
Instructed to
Hate seeing my
Own blood.
333 · Dec 2014
Religion and Drugs
Jessica Leigh Dec 2014
I'm not wanting
Or conditions
That make me hang
By a thread
I can't handle
All the scandal
That injects me
With such dread
I'm not ready
For addiction
Or convention
That makes me feel
Like I'm dead
I may be lost
But it's my choice
And if I'm tossed
Or lose my voice
I'll just remember
What I have said

From "Diary of a Teenage Girl: My Name is Chloe" by Melody Carlson
333 · Jul 2014
Jessica Leigh Jul 2014
You were walking on broken eggshells
It wasn't like you were some kind of
God (I made sure to whisper that
So only you could hear me)
You paraded around and it was like
You were deaf to the shattering
Beneath your feet and to my
Pleading to go back into hiding
Could you not see the guns, my darling?
They shot us down and only because
You know how to break hearts
Without picking your
Feet up from your natural
Day to day destruction.
332 · May 2014
Identity Crisis
Jessica Leigh May 2014
Maybe if I
Everything about
They will have a little mercy on me.
331 · Apr 2014
Anytime Now
Jessica Leigh Apr 2014
I don't want to start something again...
Because I may end up losing you...
It's been a blissful few weeks...
Of us just being together...
It felt good and I'm waiting on it to end...
And maybe my demons will be the one...
To do it for us...
Because you are right...
All we do is lie to each other...
And I've run out of ink to tell you why...
Maybe one day I will be over...
This sickness that no one needs...
To know of...
And maybe one day...
He won't hurt you like he does...
Or you won't be there for him to...
And one day...
This will be accepted...
And I won't have to prove...
To you that I am not ashamed...
To kiss you in a crowded hallway...
I live for one days...
I'm scared neither of ours...
Will be coming...
Anytime soon...
330 · Sep 2014
Jessica Leigh Sep 2014
Despite everything I
I still have a tiny bit of
That I will get off this bus
And she will be there waiting
To kiss me in the darkest
Corners of my mind.
Jessica Leigh Sep 2014
I'm out of line again,
1 2 3 4,
the tiny little steps,
But somewhere my feet grew
Two sizes too big
And I'm already in the teens,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The thirties are now behind me.
I'm out of step,
I'm out of line,
And I'm not sure I want to stop.
But I have to,
Because that 1 2 3 4,
Is what will keep me alive.
323 · Sep 2014
Jessica Leigh Sep 2014
Here we come to the final steps
"Your middle child is crying
In the kitchen, darling."
1 2 3 4
My heart is pounding.
Fear sleeps with me now
Because I'm afraid you never will
And it keeps me up
"She may be gone tomorrow.
She will be gone tomorrow."
Part of me wants to be a badbadgirl
And scream the town awake with
The thought.
But the truth is,

The love of my life could disappear
And she would have forgotten
The feel of my head on her shoulder
Or how we looked in that bathroom
Mirror together.
She would forget all the
Badgirldonewrong looks
She would give me when they found
Us out to be what we are.
Just kissinggirlswithhandstooburnt
To stay away from each other's skin.
But she could be gone tomorrow.

And there is nothing
I can do about it
Even if I did learn to stay in step
With the 1 2 3 4
I'd always skip to 14 in the next
Heart beat.
5 6 7 8.
"Your child is weeping in the kitchen,
Just throw her dancing shoes
At her head.
She has until tomorrow at 8 pm.
Then I strike.
I don't want my middle child to be
A badbadgirlkissingothergirlswithburnt offhands.
322 · Mar 2014
Jessica Leigh Mar 2014
She had to be somebody's definition of
There was always a part of her that
Held onto what she had to let go
And there seemed to be no way to
Stop the demons from flooding her mind.

She had to be somebody's definition of
Her head liked to play games
With the way her hair fell in
Front of her eyes especially if
Someone was attempting to read her.

She had to be somebody's definition of
What was so wrong with playing with
Matches if she was okay enough
And had steady hands that
Seemed to always write in pen?

She had to be somebody's definition of
Someone had once told her that hellos
Were just as useless as sorrys
But they never brought up the word
That she had a tendency to give away.

She had to be somebody's definition of
Compared to what she had become
Monsters didn't live in the back of closets
And there was nothing under her bed
But crumpled up poems and tissues.

She had to be somebody's definition of
The closest anyone has seen her to crying
In the past 5 years was that
Moment she ran away because
She didn't want to tell anyone.

She had to be somebody's definition of
All she had wanted was to get better
All they seemed to be able to do was yell
So she closed up again with her lies
And puts the right dose in her every morning.

She had to be somebody's definition of
Otherwise she didn't matter
But maybe she didn't, not to all of us
Perhaps she didn't matter because
She wouldn't let herself.
Jessica Leigh Nov 2014
My past is etched into me
With a needle and thread too thin
To escape the gaps between
My bones and skins.
She still has a grip on my throat
With a laugh and bruise
Hidden behind
Makeup and purple sheets.
She's in my sleep.
She's my ghost
Weeping inside my soul
But what am I to do?
"High school love isn't supposed to happen."
"But it does sometimes. And sometimes you have to let it go."
318 · Mar 2014
He's Only Seven
Jessica Leigh Mar 2014
I don't like how his eyes
Glaze over
When he stares at the tv
Because I know he's not really seeing
He is just looking
His mind barely processing
Monotony and a lobotomy
It kills me to watch him
Watch nothing

Because I'm scared
One day he will look
At a woman like that
With pure interest
That has been configured
And distorted by so many hours
Of waiting for a blank screen
To lighten up with
Pixilated images and fake stories
And he will see her like
He saw those images

He will see the image
Not the actor
He will see the screen
Not the wires
He will see the carcass
Not the soul

I want more for him
Than that
Than wide eyes
Drooling mouths
Empty ears
And ignoring his grandmother
When she tells him goodnight

I want more for him.
316 · May 2014
I'm Done.
Jessica Leigh May 2014
I'm done.
She said it when I was a girl
And didn't listen to all of his orders
He would beat me as she said it
With words like stupid and worthless
And brat
But those were only the nicest
And she would tell that to me
She was done.
I guess with me.

Later in life,
After that man was out of our house
She still told me that
At night when I'd comfort her crying
And she didn't want me to
In between sobs the words slipped out
She was done.
I guess with life this time and I couldn't
Stop her then.

When the crying stopped,
A new man entered our house
And I started carving
My self hatred on my skin
I remember the second time they found out.
I told her what I was doing
To my body
She forced me to show her my stomach
When I did
All she had to say was
I'm done.
So I was right.
She was done with me.
I wasn't worth the fight anymore.

I'm done.
I'm done.

Like a tired teenage girl who had heard those words uttered too many times.
316 · Sep 2014
Why, oh Why
Jessica Leigh Sep 2014
Oh dear god,
Why must you be you?
It shouldn't even be a question.
Why, oh my dear god,
must you be you.
You could have been a girl
With straight teeth,
And an upper lip that curved
In the middle.
You could have had good hand writing
That didn't rip me to the core
When I looked at your name
On a sheet of paper
I shouldn't have noticed.
But your name, all 8 letters,
They stand out to me.
And each line you write,
It's a slap in the face
A kiss on my cheek
And it reminds me of you.
You could have left me alone.
You could have decided you
Hated clarinet when you were
In middle school,
And you wouldn't have been
At Scott Lang
And you wouldn't have fallen
In love with the way I was,
the way I just had to be me.
You wouldn't have made me love you.
You wouldn't have made me fall in love
With you again today.

Even after almost five months,
You have my heart,
Just by a look.
Why must you be you.
It shouldn't even be a question.
315 · May 2014
Jessica Leigh May 2014
I'm not giving up.
I promise.
I am still yours.
I'm just a little bit lost.
Don't hate me, girlie.
I love you.
I really do.
I'm just lost.
One day you will read this.
And you will hate me for what I'm doing.
But what do you expect?
I'm shutting down.
I'm breaking.
The term from the inside out makes sense.
My heart shattered.
Now my entire life is.
You made me happy.
I'm just trying to substitute it.

because you are betraying the girl you love

And let the tears fall.
312 · Feb 2014
Guess What It Is Called
Jessica Leigh Feb 2014
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I'm sorry for the shortness, Anna.
And I'm also partly sad
That there is a word between you and I
But, if there had to be a word,
I'm immensely glad it is love.
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