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Keifus Dec 2015
As a man you must learn to exist with others while being singular, to walk with contradiction, to be direct without being rude, to talk firmly without being loud - this list goes on and on.  The recognition that ones education never ends.  This life is a balancing act.  One test is to take in suffering while maintaining laughter.  Another is to be able to command without demeaning.
Keifus Dec 2015
I swear to you Human beings are the worst kind of drug.  There is no substance that can make you feel as high as the affection another person may share.  And, there is no hangover as headache inducing as the subsequent fall from their grace. From disappointment to excitement you may only understand the full spectrum of experience when it is shared.  Yes, there are many states of solitude which are necessary and unique but we have never existed singularly and never will.
Keifus Dec 2015
"When a man approaches you he must be consistent with his philosophy or else he'll be impugned by the high courts of his character."

But what if his philosphy is to be? Will they hold him?

"To be?"

Yes, to be.  To exist freely at the calling of his whims.

"Show me a man breathing that is free I will show you delusion at best or at worst deception."

To live in such a time where to err is a folly, how can this be?  How are we to exist if we do not have opportune to fail?  Risk-

"Is merely masked fear. We must learn to embrace the nature of all forms."
Keifus Dec 2015
My dear
I do not believe in what the Devil hath seen
but how do I not believe in what the Devil seen?
Creation? Destruction?
Fear? Hate?  
What hath we sought that we not deserve?
Crucifixations caught through gopros
Electrical diction, photons in slow mo
Billy clubs used to break bones
Bullets know how to stop the beating heart
Blood punctures provide insights on poverty analytics
Flood lectures absistence from the soul
Stress dominants king dr$$SS$Falalalzzzs
Keifus Dec 2015
if she cheats
it would be ok
tomorrow awakens
drinking coffee
with grey skies
near freezing temperatures
wet grass
leaves all because it
is Fall
seasons change
as we rotate
due to change
until the comet returns
Planet X & dinosaurs
Keifus Dec 2015
Trust could trust her
if I do not know
how it begins
In the beginning
It begins
With a thought
Temporal displacement
Displayed existence
Electric highways
Self. Automations.
Neon soul for an old world order
White whips and black paper for the new
Climbing into the buggie
Dont forgot to kick the mud off your shoe
Shoe shoe shoe
Away with the coddle
****** morphing
Crocodile waddles
Two too many
mutating scenarios
There is no free water
Costs to talk
A fee to stare
Quantified by freaks
lazily writing the word for millennia
Auspices of control
The third eye begets the third eye
Keifus Dec 2015
Drip drop
Plitter plop
Theres something about the way white men write poems which irks me
And I would know because I am a white male though not quite a man
I cant tell
If I dislike the ones who deny everything about their existence in favor of a radical blackness
You know the type clamoring to every single pro black stance they can
I could never be this way because a black man taught me to say it loud and proud I'm black and I'm proud.
I knew exaclty what he meant.
B.R.I.C.K baby get with the program
And another said you've got to cherish every single moment when you're young cause one day you'll wake up and you'll have a gut
My father is a proud man who sacrificed too much for my good life, he taught me judgment and action like the Jewish G-d from the Torah with pointed discipline
Or the type where very single line
Woe becometh I
**** have you not had a metacognitized experience yet?
You do not exist alone
Hell there is a tree nearby
That is very much alive
Two friends I lost because of my arrogrance and my desire for security
I guess that makes me a little bit more like the devil
Red skinned and fire eyed
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