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Second Chances

How many out there believe
a second chance awaits,
tomorrow will soon be here
what your heart could have changed
you put off today.
How foolish we can be
the future we do not own
if only we could see
a glimpse of our heavenly home.
The message would be quite clear
there's lessons in this life,
second chances fools await
now's the time to make things right.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 03/12/2014
All Rights Reserved
Remember When

Life takes us through many changes like the seasons of each year,
Some so unforgettable we sometimes shed a tear.
I remember when I was a little girl, it seems not long ago,
My mother would shelter me in her arms,
A feeling I thought I'd never outgrow.
Maybe I really haven't because hidden inside of me
There's still that need to hold her,
Though are chances are few and far between.
We live our lives looking back on memories of the past
Ones we often cherish, for time moves along so fast.
I remember my teenage years, rebellious as they were,
Though I'd made many mistakes I could always count on her.
Oh the times I'd hurt her with the hateful things I'd say,
I hope she knows how sorry I am and how much I love her today.
As children we don't realize how words can break a heart,
Leave scars that last a lifetime and tear two lives apart.
Though forgiveness isn't easy we've found it through the years,
My mother and I are closer than ever,
Our love has washed away the tears.
So let me tell you that I love you mom, in this message that I send,
Though time is ever changing, I'll always remember when.

© Kathy J Parenteau
Only Five Letters

There's only five letters in a word
that could change,
fix a hurt and heal the pain.
Tough to say because sometimes
our pride,
keeps them hidden away
buried inside.
Those five special letters
combined in a word
seldom said rarely heard,
can offer some peace
and forgiveness too,
have you guessed the
word I'm referring to you?
It begins with an S and
ends with a Y,
when it comes from the heart
it's message Devine.
Five simple letters spell
sorry it's true ,
who in your life needs to
hear them from you?

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 04/13/2014
All Rights Reserved
Ocean Of Secretes

The heart holds an ocean of secrets
ones of triumph and defeat,
together with the soul
intertwined with every beat.
Defining who we are
and who we may become,
every song is different
but when all is said and done.
To dance, to dream, to live
is worth more than words can say,
The heart holds an ocean of secrets
but what matters is today.

Yesterday's gone
tomorrow's a gift
make the best of today

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 09/14/2014
My Treasure Box

My treasure box may never
precious metals like
silver and gold,

It's contents are simple
worthless to most
but still I'll cherish
until I grow old.

My mother's voice
on an old cassette tape,
I listen as I journey
to work every day.

A butterfly pin made
only of brass,
that once was my Grandmother's
way back in the past.

To the world they're worthless
but for me a treasure,
no price tag attached
mine forever.

My Grampa's poetry every
verse he wrote,
though the lines have faded
I remember them so.

My treasure box may be simple
it's true ,
filled with gifts from the heart
and memories too.

The things that matter most
in this life,
can never be bought
no matter the price.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 06/28/2014
Mirror Mirror

Mirror mirror on the wall
catch me quick before I fall.
Help me see just who I am,
to walk in peace and understand.
Why life has to be so hard,
and we often question who we are.
I stand on tip toes but cannot reach,
things I've hoped for love I seek.
So I close my eyes and hide in my dreams,
cause I'm happy there in make believe.
But dawn always comes and my eyes open wide,
reality awakens there's no place to hide.

Written by Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 2000
A Better Life

In a small Texas town down a
country road,
stood little old shack
my mom called home.
Where dinners were served
by a lantern's light,
and hand made quilts
kept her warm at night.
A place where most
could never fore see
was my mother's home
her history.
Floors made of dirt, yet still
she was proud,
of her humble beginnings
she spoke about.
Sometimes I'd laugh and
couldn't believe,
but as I've grown older
I've come to see.
Through hard work
and devotion
faith and trust,
she created a
better life for us.

Written By Kathy J Parenteau
Copyright © 11/30/2014
This is a true story. My mother came from the most humble beginnings. She created a better life for me through her hard hard and devotion. Her legacy lives on in me because I too worked hard to create an even better life for my children and praise God grand children as well.
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