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Kathleen L Hicks Feb 2017
(C) Kathleen L. Hicks

Call my name in the morning;
I'll reach out for your touch.
This is all I need to start my day
From you, who I love so much.

Say my name at mid day
When you call just to hear my voice.
With a renewed spark, I will carry on
With you on my mind, of course!

Call my name in the evening,
As you return home again from your work.
With your well-greeted kiss upon my cheek,
I count these among love's great perks!

Whisper my name in the dark night
As our bodies become as one.
With the cares of the day all washed away
Another sweet sleep can come.
Kathleen L Hicks Feb 2017
Have you been to the place where the fairies play?
It's down by the bend of the stream.
I've heard them speak on a quiet day,
And their voices are soft as cream.

They try not to get their fairy wings wet:
They need to be dry to fly.
But as you might guess that on a bet
Some little fairies try.

It is really fun to see them at night
As they play by the light of the moon.
They often join in with a new little sprite
Who is singing his new fairy tune.

They splash and splash as they dart and play.
They make little rainbows too.
Oh, how I wish you could come with me
And visit the fairies too.

They call up any new thing they wish
As they rest beside the shore:
Ice sodas with gumdrops sparkling -
Far better than any store!

I always wish I could join them
And enter their world of joy.
But theirs is a very hallowed place,
Not open to girl or boy.
Kathleen L Hicks Feb 2017
Oh peaceful, quiet snowy day,
Best accolades on you I lay
Upon this place where you, in style,
Allow my soul to rest a while.

Even as the sun does rest,
Soft gray clouds all do their best
To shade me from the daily glare,
And help to soothe and, yes, repair.

The human heart repeats its beat
Even as we rest asleep.
And so with all things put aside,
I welcome now this chance to hide.
How important it is to renew our energy and spirit. The Snowy day provides this.
Kathleen L Hicks Feb 2017
When I  was young I had a dream
Of what I might morph into.
I made great plans of what I'd  do;
I know now they might have come true -
But for the ****.

In those times I could be real strong,
Stand up straight and sing my songs.
But nobody else could see the need.
Could have done it all -
But for the ****!

Sometimes high but mostly low,
Searching for the afterglow,
Traveling  far while losing speed
Might have gone far -  
But for the ****.

Before those days my hair was kept.
Bad went to worse the more I slept.
Times with friends began to slide
Would have kept a proper stride
But for the ****.

If you listen well you can learn from me
**** takes roots and goes to seed  
I let my dreams go up on in smoke
Could have had it all -
But for the ****.
A Reminder for the Young!  Be careful of what you put in your perfect body.
Kathleen L Hicks Feb 2017
Love goes on when the lights go out.
Folks say that's what life's all about.
And then they say at the break of day
We must go out and make some hay.
You must not tarry from the work to be done.
But do your best from sun to sun.
Then once the lights have all gone out,
We'll love again I have no doubt!
Kathleen L Hicks Feb 2017
He came in one night looking right on through me.
I felt his gaze burn my skin.
With hair and eyes born to perfection,
Every girl in the room wanted him.

He sat at my table with friends all around.
He said, "Where would you like to go?"
"You  better no better than mama", I said
"Cause my Mama has told me, NO."

With a great big grin he stroked his hair,
Then settled his gaze on my face.
"My car just sits there waiting' he said,
I can take you any place."

The drum of my heart beat stronger then.
How far could we go?
" You better know better than Mama, I said
cause my Mama has told me, "NO"!

"Come on now", just a quick little ride;
Something for our memory books."
The way he spoke was warm and soft,
And my whole body shook.

He took my hand and we walked slowly out;
I knew that I should resist.
He brushed my cheek with the sweetest kiss,
And whispered, "Life is not to be missed!"

His voice rang louder in my head,
Mama's words just couldn't compare.
Oh, how fine was my time that night
With the boy with golden hair.

From that time on I've remembered,
And this much now I know:
He DID know better than Mama!
Why did my Mama say NO?
Kathleen L Hicks Feb 2017
You will only stay down deep in that hole
If you fail to take steps to get out.
The pain that is pressing down on your heart
Can be lighter as you play your part.
Determine that others can't hurt you
And move to make a new start.
See rainbows, not clouds, and dance in the sun,
And soon you will see you have won!
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