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 Oct 2013 Kaitlyn
Michaela B
love came like a storm
love went like a flash flood

love came like the spring flowers
love went like the dead winter trees

love came like an old friend
love went like a new stranger

love came like the latest newspaper issue
love went like the oldest encyclopedia volume

love came fast
love went slow
 Oct 2013 Kaitlyn
Erica Jong
Sometimes the poem
doesn't want to come;
it hides from the poet
like a playful cat
who has run
under the house
& lurks among slugs,
roots, spiders' eyes,
ledge so long out of the sun
that it is dank
with the breath of the Troll King.

Sometimes the poem
darts away
like a coy lover
who is afraid of being possessed,
of feeling too much,
of losing his essential
loneliness-which he calls

Sometimes the poem
can't requite
the poet's passion.

The poem is a dance
between poet & poem,
but sometimes the poem
just won't dance
and lurks on the sidelines
tapping its feet-
iambs, trochees-
out of step with the music
of your mariachi band.

If the poem won't come,
I say: sneak up on it.
Pretend you don't care.
Sit in your chair
reading Shakespeare, Neruda,
immortal Emily
and let yourself flow
into their music.

Go to the kitchen
and start peeling onions
for homemade sugo.

Before you know it,
the poem will be crying
as your ripe tomatoes
bubble away
with inspiration.

When the whole house is filled
with the tender tomato aroma,
start kneading the pasta.

As you rock
over the damp sensuous dough,
making it bend to your will,
as you make love to this manna
of flour and water,
the poem will get hungry
and come
just like a cat
coming home
when you least
expect her.
And if love was warmth,
I felt like I was in the arctic,
wearing very little,
and with very little hope.
Love can be warmth,
but then it can become
the worst kind of cold.

 Sep 2013 Kaitlyn
If you haven’t fallen in love with someone yet,
And haven’t spent countless nights wondering how their voice saves you,
Or how their laugh is such a beautiful melody you cannot put into words,
Then you are lucky.

If you haven’t fallen in love with someone yet,
Then you haven’t felt the first love butterflies,
Or the quiet sound of eyelashes against each other’s cheek,
As you kiss them for the first time.
Then you are lucky.

If you haven’t fallen in love with someone yet,
You don’t understand the feeling when they hold you close,
As if gravity could never keep them down to Earth.
Then you are lucky.

If you haven’t fallen in love with someone yet,
You haven’t felt the exploding emotion of feelings,
And feeling like you heart and soul will combust into dust,
When they say they love you for the first time.
Then you are lucky.

If you haven’t fallen in love with someone yet,
You haven’t felt the red hot anger building in your throat,
And the tears coming down like waves from your eyes,
When the love suddenly goes away.
Then you are lucky.

If you haven’t fallen in love with someone yet,
Then you cannot understand the emotion,
Or the words you wish you could form,
When they say the same words to someone else.
And you feel like an old photograph that was lost in the attic.
Then you are lucky.

If you haven’t fallen in love with someone yet,
You do not know what it feels to watch your heart fall apart,
And crumble like soft rock dissolving in water,
Knowing you could never love someone as much you had loved them.

If you haven’t fallen in love with someone yet,
Then you are lucky.
 Sep 2013 Kaitlyn
Bailey Morse
I spent my whole life treading water,
but the tide never ceased to
rip my feet out from under me
any time I tried to stay grounded.
I remember being pulled down
at the mercy of the waves.
they tossed me around
like a feather-weight.
but it always felt the same:
the sting in my eyes, the fire in my lungs and
the infallible silence that
made you want to stay under
even when you knew that
the world was just as infinite
above the surface.
 Sep 2013 Kaitlyn
Her eye's on

& she can see
no further
 Sep 2013 Kaitlyn
There are times when I can't sleep
that I stare up at the ceiling
and count your breaths
or your heartbeats
or each perfect little finger you have
wrapped around my heart.
And then there are times when
I can't wake up
and I remind myself that
we used to share this bed.
And these sheets turn into monsters
that choke me with memories of you
and I can almost hear you whisper
"You'll never leave me, right?"
directly in my ear.
(I promised you I wouldn't.)
 Sep 2013 Kaitlyn
Daniel Magner
"The way you work
is so messy"
as paints lay all
bits of paper
tacked, taped
in shapes
five shades
of blue
stain my arms
"And your pieces are so...
unclean, undefined"
I laughed a little
and replied
"Just like
Daniel Magner 2013
 Sep 2013 Kaitlyn
Ali Cronin
 Sep 2013 Kaitlyn
Ali Cronin
painted in the bags
under my eyes

thoughts come in waves
roaring as the ocean roars
demanding to be heard

in the silence of the night

my guts wrenches
feelings flood my head
& I begin to drown

— The End —